HeshangCave.Wang.2018 - v1.0.5

Dataset Id: YAWRaOaFYvuFKrqqxo1P

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archiveType: Speleothem

originalDataUrl: 10.25921/4RY2-G808

lipdVersion: 1.3


author: list(list(name = "Wang, Canfa; Bendle, James A.; Zhang, Hongbin; Yang, Yi; Liu, Deng; Huang, Junhua; Cui, Jingwei; Xie, Shucheng"))

citeKey: J8SJYP4N

journal: Quaternary Science Reviews

volume: 192

pages: 97 105

title: Holocene temperature and hydrological changes reconstructed by bacterial 3-hydroxy fatty acids in a stalagmite from central China

doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.05.030


latitude: 30.45

longitude: 110.4167

elevation: 294

siteName: Heshang Cave

PaleoData columns
age (BP)

TSid: WEB5967da4c

variableName: age

units: BP

RAN15 (unitless)

TSid: WEB7baf4af4

variableName: RAN15

units: unitless

description: "These consistent lines of evidence demonstrate RIAN could be used as qualitative hydrological proxy in stalagmites."

useInGlobalTemperatureAnalysis: FALSE


scope: climate

direction: negative

seasonality: annual

variable: P-E

variableDetail: @surface

seasonalityGeneral: annual

temperature (degC)

TSid: WEB4f8fa23d

variableName: temperature

units: degC

useInGlobalTemperatureAnalysis: TRUE


direction: positive

scope: climate

variable: T

isAnnual: TRUE

variableOriginal: TRUE

seasonalityGeneral: annual

variableGroup: Temperature

variableGroupOriginal: T

seasonalityOriginal: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

variableDetail: air@surface

variableGroupDirection: negative

sampleID (unitless)

TSid: WEBd28360dd

variableName: sampleID

units: unitless

useInGlobalTemperatureAnalysis: FALSE

ChronData columns
depth (cm)

TSid: WEBbae766cc

variableName: depth

units: cm

238Uconc (unitless)

TSid: WEB9793a220

variableName: 238Uconc

units: unitless

238Uconc_error (unitless)

TSid: WEBccf1309b

variableName: 238Uconc_error

units: unitless

232Thconc (unitless)

TSid: WEB8a456381

variableName: 232Thconc

units: unitless

232Thconc_error (unitless)

TSid: WEB12a56bfc

variableName: 232Thconc_error

units: unitless

d234Ua (unitless)

TSid: WEB7777c230

variableName: d234Ua

units: unitless

d234Ua_error (unitless)

TSid: WEB33d7101d

variableName: d234Ua_error

units: unitless

230Th/232Th b (unitless)

TSid: WEB0db3f7f0

variableName: 230Th/232Th b

units: unitless

230Th/232Th b_error (unitless)

TSid: WEB5fb9cffd

variableName: 230Th/232Th b_error

units: unitless

230Th/238Th b (unitless)

TSid: WEB6ee44518

variableName: 230Th/238Th b

units: unitless

230Th/238Th b_error (unitless)

TSid: WEB7f58c492

variableName: 230Th/238Th b_error

units: unitless

Age raw c (yr bp)

TSid: WEBbb21c8e4

variableName: Age raw c

units: yr bp

Age raw c_error (yr)

TSid: WEBd88943c0

variableName: Age raw c_error

units: yr

age (yr)

TSid: WEB32bc03b9

variableName: age

units: yr

Age error (yr)

TSid: WEB98c7f47f

variableName: Age error

units: yr

age_type (unitless)


variableName: age_type

units: unitless