Version history for YAWRaOaFYvuFKrqqxo1P - HeshangCave.Wang.2018
Version: 1.0.5
- lastVersion: 1.0.4
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2022-07-12 17:11:00 UTC
- notes: Updated lipdverse database entry with a changed file.
- changes:
- Publication metadata:
- pub2_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by NULL
- Paleo Column metadata:
- temperature (WEB4f8fa23d): paleoData_inferredVariableType: NULL has been replaced by ‘temperature’
- age (WEB5967da4c): paleoData_inferredVariableType: NULL has been replaced by ‘age’
- RAN15 (WEB7baf4af4): paleoData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
- RAN15 (WEB7baf4af4): paleoData_description: NULL has been replaced by ‘“These consistent lines of evidence demonstrate RIAN could be used as qualitative hydrological proxy in stalagmites.”’
- RAN15 (WEB7baf4af4): paleoData_proxyObservationType: NULL has been replaced by ‘RAN15’
- sampleID (WEBd28360dd): paleoData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
- Paleo Interpretation metadata:
- RAN15 (WEB7baf4af4): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘negative’
- RAN15 (WEB7baf4af4): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
- RAN15 (WEB7baf4af4): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual’
- RAN15 (WEB7baf4af4): interpretation1_variable: NULL has been replaced by ‘P-E’
- RAN15 (WEB7baf4af4): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘@surface’
- RAN15 (WEB7baf4af4): interpretation1_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual’
- sampleID (WEBd28360dd): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
- Chron Column metadata:
- age_type (RoXzETjKyTV): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
- age_type (RoXzETjKyTV): chronData_proxyObservationType: NULL has been replaced by ‘age_type’
- depth (WEBbae766cc): chronData_proxyObservationType: NULL has been replaced by ‘depth’
Version: 1.0.4
- lastVersion: 1.0.3
- curator: nick
- timestamp: 2021-04-13 02:32:53 UTC
- changes:
- Paleo Interpretation metadata:
- temperature (WEB4f8fa23d): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Version: 1.0.3
- lastVersion: 1.0.2
- curator: nick
- timestamp: 2021-03-17 01:53:53 UTC
- changes:
- Paleo Interpretation metadata:
- RAN15 (WEB7baf4af4): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
- sampleID (WEBd28360dd): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
Version: 1.0.2
- lastVersion: 1.0.1
- curator: nick
- timestamp: 2021-01-18 21:38:33 UTC
- changes:
- Paleo Interpretation metadata:
- RAN15 (WEB7baf4af4): interpretation1_scope: ‘climate’ has been replaced by NULL
- sampleID (WEBd28360dd): interpretation1_scope: ‘climate’ has been replaced by NULL
Version: 1.0.1
- lastVersion: 1.0.0
- curator: nick
- timestamp: 2021-01-15 18:48:13 UTC
- changes:
- Paleo Interpretation metadata:
- RAN15 (WEB7baf4af4): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
- sampleID (WEBd28360dd): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
Version: 1.0.0
- curator: nick
- timestamp: 2020-08-21 15:34:38 UTC
- notes: This marks the creation of the changelog, and marks the status of this dataset as of Temp12k version 1.0.1
- changes: