
LiPDverse controlled vocabularies

LiPDverse uses controlled vocabularies for several of the most important variables. These pages show the accepted terms, their definitions, synonyms and how they're linked with NOAA's PaST Thesaurus. This is an evolving process, and not every appropriate option is available. If you think we're missing a term, the process for adding entries to the controlled vocabulary is explained here.


The physical medium in which the response of a proxy sensor to environmental forcing is recorded and upon which the proxy measurements were made.


The part of the year that proxy is sensitive to environmental or climatic conditions


The phenomenon that drove variability in this measured or inferred variable at the column level


Physical, chemical, and/or biological systems or components that react to environmental or climatic conditions, and imprint onto the archive.


A generalized grouping of paleoData_proxy


The units of a measured or inferred variable at the column level.


The name of a measured or inferred variable at the column level.