L <- lipdR::readLipd("https://lipdverse.org/data/zQfB4WvuUpj1io4FNZWv/1_0_14/Chenghai.Xu.2020.lpd")
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In compilations: (only most recent versions are shown)
archiveType: LakeSediment
originalDataUrl: https://doi.org/10.25921/nvht-db13
lipdVersion: 1.3
author: list(list(name = "Xu, Hai"))
journal: Geophysical Research Letters
volume: 47
title: Juxtaposition of Western Pacific Subtropical High on Asian Summer Monsoon Shapes Subtropical East Asian Precipitation
doi: 10.1029/2019GL084705
latitude: 26.5
longitude: 100.66
elevation: 1500
siteName: Chenghai
TSid: WEBd78a60a1
variableName: age
units: yr BP
description: calendar years before present
TSid: WEB2b92ddec
variableName: lakeLevel
units: m
variable: effectivePrecipitation
direction: positive
scope: climate
variableDetail: LakeLevel@surface
seasonality: Annual
basis: "We present a 15,000‐year record of southern China precipitation based on well‐dated (n=130 radiometric ages) lake level variations of a closed basin lake. "
seasonalityGeneral: Annual
variableGroup: P-E
PaleoData columns
age (yr BP)
lakeLevel (m)