Bosumtwi.Shanahan.2006 - v1.0.4

Dataset Id: vluZmq7FbqkIqYmBHhFx

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archiveType: Shoreline

lipdVersion: 1.3


author: list(list(name = "Shanahan, Timothy M."))

journal: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

volume: 242

pages: 287-302

title: Paleoclimatic variations in West Africa from a record of late Pleistocene and Holocene lake level stands of Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana


latitude: 6.5

longitude: 1.4167

elevation: 76

siteName: Bosumptwi

PaleoData columns
age (yr BP)

TSid: WEBa92d5c59

variableName: age

units: yr BP

elevation (m)

TSid: WEB25059875

variableName: elevation

units: m


variable: effectivePrecipitation

variableDetail: LakeLevel

direction: positive

scope: climate

seasonality: Annual

ChronData columns
age14C (yr BP)

TSid: WEB995ce38f

variableName: age14C

units: yr BP

error (yr)

TSid: WEB3ea6a6a5

variableName: error

units: yr

elevation (m)

TSid: WEB34dab26d

variableName: elevation

units: m