L <- lipdR::readLipd("https://lipdverse.org/data/lApchQrcXufI4BBV9Tla/1_1_8/Wabamun.Holloway.1981.lpd")
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In compilations: (only most recent versions are shown)
archiveType: Shoreline
originalDataUrl: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/paleolimnology/lakelevels/oxford/
lipdVersion: 1.3
author: list(list(name = "Fritz, P. and H.R. Krouse"))
title: .Wabamun Lake past and present, an isotopic studyof the water budget. In : "Proceedings of theSymposium on the Lakes of Western Canada." (E.R.Reinelt, A.H. Laycock and W.M. Schultz, Eds.),pp.
doi: Street-Perrott, F.A., D.S. Marchand, N. Roberts, and S.P Harisson, 1989. Global Lake-Level Variations from 18,000 to 0 Years Ago: A Paleoclimatic Analysis. U.S. Department of Energy Technical Report 46, Washington, D.C. 20545. Distributed by National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161.
latitude: 53.5
longitude: -114.25
elevation: 732
siteName: Wabamun
variableName: age
units: yr BP
description: estimated calibrated bin mid-point age
TSid: OLS_RLzLvP3qtB1
variableName: uncertaintyHigh
units: yr BP
description: estimated calibrated bin old age
scope: climate
TSid: OLS_RsmpIBXplC1
variableName: uncertaintyLow
units: yr BP
description: estimated calibrated bin young age
scope: climate
TSid: OLS_RblGnR4xJrB
variableName: lakeLevel
units: unitless
description: This is a millennial-scale estimate of lake status in relative units. 3 corresponds to LOW: 0-15% of the total altitudinal range of fluctuation, including dry lakes, 2 corresponds to INTERMEDIATE, or 15-70% of the total range, and 1 corresponds to HIGH: 70-100% of the total range of fluctuation, including overflowing lakes. In the original dataset, 0s were labeled uncodable. Here, they have been changed to NA.
variable: effectivePrecipitation
variableDetail: LakeLevel@surface
scope: climate
direction: negative
seasonality: Annual
seasonalityGeneral: Annual
variableGroup: P-E
TSid: OLS_RK0sry4qvGK
variableName: lakeTrend
units: unitless
description: This is a millennial-scale estimate of lake trend in relative units. 3 corresponds to falling, 2 corresponds to stable, and 1 corresponds to rising. In the original dataset, 0s were labeled uncodable. Here, they have been changed to NA.
scope: climate
PaleoData columns
age (yr BP)
uncertaintyHigh (yr BP)
uncertaintyLow (yr BP)
lakeLevel (unitless)
lakeTrend (unitless)