Version history for Z20Fapc0MjBcAjyDph5o - Okoboji.Dodd.1968

Version: 1.1.8

Version: 1.1.7

  • lastVersion: 1.1.6
  • curator: nicholas
  • timestamp: 2023-07-05 00:53:01 UTC
  • changes:
    • Publication metadata:
      • pub1_doi: ‘Street-Perrott, F.A., D.S. Marchand, N. Roberts, and S.P Harisson, 1989. Global Lake-Level Variations from 18,000 to 0 Years Ago: A Paleoclimatic Analysis. U.S. Department of Energy Technical Report 46, Washington, D.C. 20545. Distributed by National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161.’ has been replaced by ‘10.1016/0033-5894(79)90034-6’
      • pub2_doi: NULL has been replaced by ‘10.2172/5609291’
    • Paleo Interpretation metadata:
      • lakeLevel (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): interpretation1_variable: ‘P-E’ has been replaced by ‘effectivePrecipitation’
      • uncertaintyLow (OLS_RZhqe07tlHE): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
      • uncertaintyHigh (OLS_RwWN02Az4c1): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’

Version: 1.1.6

  • lastVersion: 1.1.5
  • curator: nicholas
  • timestamp: 2023-02-09 16:07:35 UTC
  • notes: Updated lipdverse database entry with a changed file.
  • changes:
    • Base metadata:
      • archiveType: ‘LakeDeposits’ has been replaced by ‘Shoreline’
    • Geographic metadata:
      • geo_elevation: NULL has been replaced by ‘425’
    • Paleo Column metadata:
      • lakeLevel (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): paleoData_proxy: ‘lakeLevel’ has been replaced by ‘lake level’
      • lakeLevel (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): paleoData_units: ‘unitless index’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
      • lakeLevel (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): paleoData_variableName: ‘lakeStatus’ has been replaced by ‘lakeLevel’
      • age (OLS_R9zjjmpVxQ7): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘1950’
      • age (OLS_R9zjjmpVxQ7): paleoData_notes: ‘These data are estimated from what were 1000 14C year intervals, calibrated using OxCal v4.4.2 and IntCal20’ has been replaced by ‘These data are estimated from what were 1000 14C year intervals, calibrated using OxCal v4.4.2 and IntCal20; paleoData_isPrimary has been standardized; paleoData_datum has been standardized’
      • age (OLS_R9zjjmpVxQ7): paleoData_units: ‘BP’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
      • age (OLS_R9zjjmpVxQ7): paleoData_isPrimary: NULL has been replaced by ‘TRUE’
      • lakeTrend (OLS_RKh4Wujcb7a): paleoData_units: ‘unitless index’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
      • uncertaintyHigh (OLS_RwWN02Az4c1): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘1950’
      • uncertaintyHigh (OLS_RwWN02Az4c1): paleoData_notes: ‘These data are estimated from what were 1000 14C year intervals, calibrated using OxCal v4.4.2 and IntCal20’ has been replaced by ‘These data are estimated from what were 1000 14C year intervals, calibrated using OxCal v4.4.2 and IntCal20; paleoData_inferredMaterial has been standardized; paleoData_isPrimary has been standardized; paleoData_datum has been standardized’
      • uncertaintyHigh (OLS_RwWN02Az4c1): paleoData_units: ‘BP’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
      • uncertaintyHigh (OLS_RwWN02Az4c1): paleoData_variableName: ‘ageOld’ has been replaced by ‘uncertaintyHigh’
      • uncertaintyHigh (OLS_RwWN02Az4c1): paleoData_inferredMaterial: NULL has been replaced by ‘age’
      • uncertaintyHigh (OLS_RwWN02Az4c1): paleoData_isPrimary: NULL has been replaced by ‘FALSE’
      • uncertaintyLow (OLS_RZhqe07tlHE): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘1950’
      • uncertaintyLow (OLS_RZhqe07tlHE): paleoData_notes: ‘These data are estimated from what were 1000 14C year intervals, calibrated using OxCal v4.4.2 and IntCal20’ has been replaced by ‘These data are estimated from what were 1000 14C year intervals, calibrated using OxCal v4.4.2 and IntCal20; paleoData_inferredMaterial has been standardized; paleoData_isPrimary has been standardized; paleoData_datum has been standardized’
      • uncertaintyLow (OLS_RZhqe07tlHE): paleoData_units: ‘BP’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
      • uncertaintyLow (OLS_RZhqe07tlHE): paleoData_variableName: ‘ageMin’ has been replaced by ‘uncertaintyLow’
      • uncertaintyLow (OLS_RZhqe07tlHE): paleoData_inferredMaterial: NULL has been replaced by ‘age’
      • uncertaintyLow (OLS_RZhqe07tlHE): paleoData_isPrimary: NULL has been replaced by ‘FALSE’
    • Paleo Interpretation metadata:
      • lakeLevel (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’

Version: 1.1.5

  • lastVersion: 1.1.4
  • curator: nicholas
  • timestamp: 2022-07-28 17:38:54 UTC
  • changes:
    • Geographic metadata:
      • geo_elevation: ‘425’ has been replaced by NULL
    • Paleo Interpretation metadata:
    • Paleo Column metadata:
      • lakeStatus (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
      • lakeStatus (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘>=10 Holocene dates and >= 2 data change points)’

Version: 1.1.4

  • lastVersion: 1.1.3
  • curator: nicholas
  • timestamp: 2022-07-15 23:08:05 UTC
  • changes:
    • Publication metadata:
      • pub1_doi: NULL has been replaced by ‘Street-Perrott, F.A., D.S. Marchand, N. Roberts, and S.P Harisson, 1989. Global Lake-Level Variations from 18,000 to 0 Years Ago: A Paleoclimatic Analysis. U.S. Department of Energy Technical Report 46, Washington, D.C. 20545. Distributed by National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161.’
    • Paleo Interpretation metadata:
      • lakeTrend (OLS_RKh4Wujcb7a): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’

Version: 1.1.3

  • lastVersion: 1.1.2
  • curator: nicholas
  • timestamp: 2022-05-18 00:28:54 UTC
  • changes:
    • Paleo Column metadata:
      • lakeStatus (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘lakeLevel’
      • ageMin (OLS_RZhqe07tlHE): paleoData_variableName: ‘ageYoung’ has been replaced by ‘ageMin’
      • ageMin (OLS_RZhqe07tlHE): paleoData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘ageYoung’
    • Paleo Interpretation metadata:
      • lakeStatus (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): interpretation1_variableGroup: NULL has been replaced by ‘P-E’
      • lakeTrend (OLS_RKh4Wujcb7a): interpretation1_scope: ‘climate’ has been replaced by NULL

Version: 1.1.2

  • lastVersion: 1.1.1
  • curator: nicholas
  • timestamp: 2021-11-17 02:09:17 UTC
  • changes:
    • Publication metadata:
      • pub1_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘1968’
      • pub1_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘Collins, G.B.,’
      • pub1_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Implications of Diatom Succession in Post-Glacial Sediments from Two Sites in Northern Iowa. Ph.D. thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, 197pp.’
    • Geographic metadata:
      • geo_elevation: NULL has been replaced by ‘425’

Version: 1.1.1

  • lastVersion: 1.1.0
  • curator: nicholas
  • timestamp: 2021-10-05 21:42:03 UTC
  • changes:
    • Geographic metadata:
      • geo_gcmdLocation: NULL has been replaced by ‘North America>United States Of America>Iowa’
    • Paleo Column metadata:
      • lakeStatus (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘anom’

Version: 1.1.0

  • lastVersion: 1.0.2
  • curator: nick
  • timestamp: 2021-06-08 02:49:34 UTC
  • notes: Updated lipdverse database entry with a changed file.
  • changes:
    • Paleo Column metadata:
      • lakeStatus (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): paleoData_description: ‘This is a millennial-scale estimate of lake status in relative units. 3 corresponds to LOW: 0-15% of the total altitudinal range of fluctuation, including dry lakes, 2 corresponds to INTERMEDIATE, or 15-70% of the total range, and 1 corresponds to HIGH: 70-100% of the total range of fluctuation, including overflowing lakes. 0 is uncodable.’ has been replaced by ‘This is a millennial-scale estimate of lake status in relative units. 3 corresponds to LOW: 0-15% of the total altitudinal range of fluctuation, including dry lakes, 2 corresponds to INTERMEDIATE, or 15-70% of the total range, and 1 corresponds to HIGH: 70-100% of the total range of fluctuation, including overflowing lakes. In the original dataset, 0s were labeled uncodable. Here, they have been changed to NA.’
      • lakeTrend (OLS_RKh4Wujcb7a): paleoData_description: ‘This is a millennial-scale estimate of lake trend in relative units. 3 corresponds to falling, 2 corresponds to stable, and 1 corresponds to rising. 0 is uncodable.’ has been replaced by ‘This is a millennial-scale estimate of lake trend in relative units. 3 corresponds to falling, 2 corresponds to stable, and 1 corresponds to rising. In the original dataset, 0s were labeled uncodable. Here, they have been changed to NA.’
    • PaleoData values:
      • lakeStatus (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): The paleoData_values have changed
      • lakeTrend (OLS_RKh4Wujcb7a): The paleoData_values have changed

Version: 1.0.2

  • lastVersion: 1.0.1
  • curator: nick
  • timestamp: 2021-04-13 02:35:34 UTC
  • changes:
    • Paleo Interpretation metadata:
      • lakeStatus (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,515’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’

Version: 1.0.1

  • lastVersion: 1.0.0
  • curator: nick
  • timestamp: 2021-03-17 01:56:35 UTC
  • changes:
    • Base metadata:
    • Paleo Column metadata:
      • lakeStatus (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘1 = LOW (0-15% of the total altitudinal range of fluctuation, including dry lakes); 2 INTERMEDIATE (15-70%); 3 = HIGH (70-100%, including overflowing lakes)’
      • lakeStatus (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘lakeLevel’
      • lakeStatus (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘LakeDeposits’
      • lakeStatus (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘lakeLevel’
    • Paleo Interpretation metadata:
      • lakeStatus (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): interpretation1_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,515’
      • lakeStatus (OLS_R4a8rMDILX2): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
      • lakeTrend (OLS_RKh4Wujcb7a): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’

Version: 1.0.0

  • curator: nick
  • timestamp: 2021-02-27 00:49:48 UTC
  • notes: Created from the Oxford Lake Status Database. See