Version history for PDc6680f06f15a6fd092d981c551e9b417 -
Version: 1.0.8
- lastVersion: 1.0.7
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2023-08-10 23:03:58 UTC
- changes:
- Base metadata:
- Publication metadata:
- pub1_doi: ‘Pribyl and Shuman (2014)’ has been replaced by
- pub1_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
- pub1_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘Paul Pribyl and Bryan N.
- pub1_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Quaternary Research’
- pub1_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘249–259’
- pub1_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘A computational approach to
Quaternary lake-level reconstruction applied in the central Rocky
Mountains, Wyoming, {USA}’
Version: 1.0.7
- lastVersion: 1.0.6
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2023-05-25 17:48:57 UTC
- notes: Updated lipdverse database entry with a changed
- changes:
- Geographic metadata:
- geo_elevation: NULL has been replaced by ‘3000’
Version: 1.0.6
- lastVersion: 1.0.5
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2023-03-29 19:55:20 UTC
- changes:
- Paleo Interpretation metadata:
- lakeLevel (pdRkoO11xxFGVWJeL62): interpretation1_variable: ‘P-E’ has
been replaced by ‘effectivePrecipitation’
Version: 1.0.5
- lastVersion: 1.0.4
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2023-02-13 23:49:59 UTC
- changes:
- Paleo Interpretation metadata:
- uncertaintyHigh (pdR5tuUGMqm92iv9oCJ): interpretation1_scope: NULL
has been replaced by ‘climate’
- uncertaintyLow (pdRNl4pF1pXOTOkZUoJ): interpretation1_scope: NULL
has been replaced by ‘climate’
- Paleo Column metadata:
- lakeLevel (pdRkoO11xxFGVWJeL62): paleoData_notes: NULL has been
replaced by ‘null’
Version: 1.0.4
- lastVersion: 1.0.3
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2023-02-09 15:56:55 UTC
- notes: Updated lipdverse database entry with a changed
- changes:
- Paleo Column metadata:
- uncertaintyHigh (pdR2wnpNRyYc6ITCS7a): paleoData_proxy: ‘lakeLevel’
has been replaced by ‘lake level’
- uncertaintyHigh (pdR2wnpNRyYc6ITCS7a): paleoData_variableName:
‘lakeLevelMax’ has been replaced by ‘uncertaintyHigh’
- uncertaintyHigh (pdR2wnpNRyYc6ITCS7a): paleoData_inferredMaterial:
NULL has been replaced by ‘lakeLevel’
- uncertaintyHigh (pdR2wnpNRyYc6ITCS7a): paleoData_notes: NULL has
been replaced by ‘NA; paleoData_inferredMaterial has been
- uncertaintyHigh (pdR5tuUGMqm92iv9oCJ): paleoData_datum: NULL has
been replaced by ‘1950’
- uncertaintyHigh (pdR5tuUGMqm92iv9oCJ): paleoData_variableName:
‘ageOld’ has been replaced by ‘uncertaintyHigh’
- uncertaintyHigh (pdR5tuUGMqm92iv9oCJ): paleoData_inferredMaterial:
NULL has been replaced by ‘age’
- uncertaintyHigh (pdR5tuUGMqm92iv9oCJ): paleoData_isPrimary: NULL has
been replaced by ‘FALSE’
- uncertaintyHigh (pdR5tuUGMqm92iv9oCJ): paleoData_notes: NULL has
been replaced by ‘NA; paleoData_inferredMaterial has been standardized;
paleoData_isPrimary has been standardized; paleoData_datum has been
- uncertaintyLow (pdRbxF2PjOEAYslsIAu): paleoData_proxy: ‘lakeLevel’
has been replaced by ‘lake level’
- uncertaintyLow (pdRbxF2PjOEAYslsIAu): paleoData_variableName:
‘lakeLevelMin’ has been replaced by ‘uncertaintyLow’
- uncertaintyLow (pdRbxF2PjOEAYslsIAu): paleoData_inferredMaterial:
NULL has been replaced by ‘lakeLevel’
- uncertaintyLow (pdRbxF2PjOEAYslsIAu): paleoData_notes: NULL has been
replaced by ‘NA; paleoData_inferredMaterial has been standardized’
- age (pdRHyllkgDHysuLJmZo): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced
by ‘1950’
- age (pdRHyllkgDHysuLJmZo): paleoData_isPrimary: NULL has been
replaced by ‘TRUE’
- age (pdRHyllkgDHysuLJmZo): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced
by ‘NA; paleoData_isPrimary has been standardized; paleoData_datum has
been standardized’
- lakeLevel (pdRkoO11xxFGVWJeL62): paleoData_proxy: ‘lakeLevel’ has
been replaced by ‘lake level’
- uncertaintyLow (pdRNl4pF1pXOTOkZUoJ): paleoData_datum: NULL has been
replaced by ‘1950’
- uncertaintyLow (pdRNl4pF1pXOTOkZUoJ): paleoData_variableName:
‘ageYoung’ has been replaced by ‘uncertaintyLow’
- uncertaintyLow (pdRNl4pF1pXOTOkZUoJ): paleoData_inferredMaterial:
NULL has been replaced by ‘age’
- uncertaintyLow (pdRNl4pF1pXOTOkZUoJ): paleoData_notes: NULL has been
replaced by ‘NA; paleoData_inferredMaterial has been standardized;
paleoData_datum has been standardized’
- Paleo Interpretation metadata:
- lakeLevel (pdRkoO11xxFGVWJeL62): interpretation1_seasonality:
‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
Version: 1.0.3
- lastVersion: 1.0.2
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2022-09-09 02:10:33 UTC
- changes:
- Paleo Interpretation metadata:
- lakeLevel (pdRkoO11xxFGVWJeL62): interpretation1_seasonality:
‘Annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
Version: 1.0.2
- lastVersion: 1.0.1
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2022-07-28 17:36:12 UTC
- changes:
- Base metadata:
- Geographic metadata:
- geo_elevation: ‘3000’ has been replaced by NULL
- geo_gcmdLocation: NULL has been replaced by ‘North America>United
States Of America>Wyoming’
- Publication metadata:
- pub1_doi: NULL has been replaced by ‘Pribyl and Shuman (2014)’
- pub2_doi: NULL has been replaced by ‘10.1029/2019GL086412’
- Paleo Column metadata:
- lakeLevelMax (pdR2wnpNRyYc6ITCS7a): paleoData_datum: NULL has been
replaced by ‘anom’
- lakeLevelMax (pdR2wnpNRyYc6ITCS7a): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been
replaced by ‘lakeLevel’
- lakeLevelMax (pdR2wnpNRyYc6ITCS7a): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has
been replaced by ‘LakeDeposits’
- lakeLevelMax (pdR2wnpNRyYc6ITCS7a): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has
been replaced by ‘lakeLevel’
- lakeLevelMin (pdRbxF2PjOEAYslsIAu): paleoData_datum: NULL has been
replaced by ‘anom’
- lakeLevelMin (pdRbxF2PjOEAYslsIAu): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been
replaced by ‘lakeLevel’
- lakeLevelMin (pdRbxF2PjOEAYslsIAu): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has
been replaced by ‘LakeDeposits’
- lakeLevelMin (pdRbxF2PjOEAYslsIAu): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has
been replaced by ‘lakeLevel’
- lakeLevel (pdRkoO11xxFGVWJeL62): paleoData_datum: NULL has been
replaced by ‘anom’
- lakeLevel (pdRkoO11xxFGVWJeL62): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been
replaced by ‘lakeLevel’
- lakeLevel (pdRkoO11xxFGVWJeL62): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has
been replaced by ‘LakeDeposits’
- lakeLevel (pdRkoO11xxFGVWJeL62): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has
been replaced by ‘lakeLevel’
- lakeLevel (pdRkoO11xxFGVWJeL62): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has
been replaced by ‘CH’
- lakeLevel (pdRkoO11xxFGVWJeL62): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been
replaced by ‘Marked by Liefert/Shuman compilation as primary timeseries
and meets data standards (for lake levels)’
- Paleo Interpretation metadata:
- lakeLevel (pdRkoO11xxFGVWJeL62): interpretation1_variable:
‘effectiveMoisture’ has been replaced by ‘P-E’
- lakeLevel (pdRkoO11xxFGVWJeL62): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘lake@surface’ has been
replaced by ‘LakeLevel@surface’
- lakeLevel (pdRkoO11xxFGVWJeL62): interpretation1_direction: NULL has
been replaced by ‘positive’
- lakeLevel (pdRkoO11xxFGVWJeL62): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral:
NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
Version: 1.0.1
- lastVersion: 1.0.0
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2022-07-15 23:05:37 UTC
- changes:
- Paleo Interpretation metadata:
- lakeLevelMax (pdR2wnpNRyYc6ITCS7a): interpretation1_scope: NULL has
been replaced by ‘climate’
- lakeLevelMin (pdRbxF2PjOEAYslsIAu): interpretation1_scope: NULL has
been replaced by ‘climate’
Version: 1.0.0
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2022-06-01 17:57:18 UTC
- notes: Starting the changelog