Version history for PD6d6c9ed2bea7b69e57dd618ce777e0ce -
Version: 1.0.8
- lastVersion: 1.0.7
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2023-08-10 22:42:34 UTC
- changes:
- Base metadata:
- Publication metadata:
- pub1_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2011’
- pub1_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘J. Schmieder and S.C. Fritz
and J.B. Swinehart and A.L.C. Shinneman and A.P. Wolfe and G. Miller and
N. Daniels and K.C. Jacobs and E.C. Grimm’
- pub1_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Quaternary Science
- pub1_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘1797–1812’
- pub1_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘A regional-scale climate
reconstruction of the last 4000 years from lakes in the Nebraska Sand
Hills, {USA}’
Version: 1.0.7
- lastVersion: 1.0.6
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2023-07-05 00:33:39 UTC
- changes:
- Base metadata:
- Publication metadata:
- pub1_doi: ‘Schmieder et al. (2011; 2013)’ has been replaced by
- pub2_doi: ‘10.1029/2019GL086412’ has been replaced by
Version: 1.0.6
- lastVersion: 1.0.5
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2023-05-25 17:38:54 UTC
- notes: Updated lipdverse database entry with a changed
- changes:
- Geographic metadata:
- geo_elevation: NULL has been replaced by ‘910’
Version: 1.0.5
- lastVersion: 1.0.4
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2023-03-29 19:41:41 UTC
- changes:
- Paleo Interpretation metadata:
- lakeLevel (pdRMMxRg4ypwnub7vhk): interpretation1_variable: ‘P-E’ has
been replaced by ‘effectivePrecipitation’
Version: 1.0.4
- lastVersion: 1.0.3
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2023-02-13 23:37:42 UTC
- changes:
- Paleo Interpretation metadata:
- uncertaintyHigh (pdR2OaKNu1JLSfLW1R0): interpretation1_scope: NULL
has been replaced by ‘climate’
- uncertaintyLow (pdRuiuKfOLqIDkZwwaG): interpretation1_scope: NULL
has been replaced by ‘climate’
- Paleo Column metadata:
- lakeLevel (pdRMMxRg4ypwnub7vhk): paleoData_notes: NULL has been
replaced by ‘null’
Version: 1.0.3
- lastVersion: 1.0.2
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2023-02-09 15:29:59 UTC
- notes: Updated lipdverse database entry with a changed
- changes:
- Paleo Column metadata:
- uncertaintyHigh (pdR2OaKNu1JLSfLW1R0): paleoData_datum: NULL has
been replaced by ‘1950’
- uncertaintyHigh (pdR2OaKNu1JLSfLW1R0): paleoData_variableName:
‘ageOld’ has been replaced by ‘uncertaintyHigh’
- uncertaintyHigh (pdR2OaKNu1JLSfLW1R0): paleoData_inferredMaterial:
NULL has been replaced by ‘age’
- uncertaintyHigh (pdR2OaKNu1JLSfLW1R0): paleoData_isPrimary: NULL has
been replaced by ‘FALSE’
- uncertaintyHigh (pdR2OaKNu1JLSfLW1R0): paleoData_notes: NULL has
been replaced by ‘NA; paleoData_inferredMaterial has been standardized;
paleoData_isPrimary has been standardized; paleoData_datum has been
- age (pdRdkZxVEQBigYk0xQQ): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced
by ‘1950’
- age (pdRdkZxVEQBigYk0xQQ): paleoData_isPrimary: NULL has been
replaced by ‘TRUE’
- age (pdRdkZxVEQBigYk0xQQ): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced
by ‘NA; paleoData_isPrimary has been standardized; paleoData_datum has
been standardized’
- lakeLevel (pdRMMxRg4ypwnub7vhk): paleoData_proxy: ‘lakeLevel’ has
been replaced by ‘lake level’
- lakeLevel (pdRMMxRg4ypwnub7vhk): paleoData_variableName:
‘lakeLevelRelative’ has been replaced by ‘lakeLevel’
- uncertaintyLow (pdRuiuKfOLqIDkZwwaG): paleoData_datum: NULL has been
replaced by ‘1950’
- uncertaintyLow (pdRuiuKfOLqIDkZwwaG): paleoData_variableName:
‘ageYoung’ has been replaced by ‘uncertaintyLow’
- uncertaintyLow (pdRuiuKfOLqIDkZwwaG): paleoData_inferredMaterial:
NULL has been replaced by ‘age’
- uncertaintyLow (pdRuiuKfOLqIDkZwwaG): paleoData_notes: NULL has been
replaced by ‘NA; paleoData_inferredMaterial has been standardized;
paleoData_datum has been standardized’
- Paleo Interpretation metadata:
- lakeLevel (pdRMMxRg4ypwnub7vhk): interpretation1_seasonality:
‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
Version: 1.0.2
- lastVersion: 1.0.1
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2022-09-09 02:02:44 UTC
- changes:
- Paleo Interpretation metadata:
- lakeLevelRelative (pdRMMxRg4ypwnub7vhk):
interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Annual’ has been replaced by
Version: 1.0.1
- lastVersion: 1.0.0
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2022-07-28 17:27:41 UTC
- changes:
- Base metadata:
- Geographic metadata:
- geo_elevation: ‘910’ has been replaced by NULL
- geo_gcmdLocation: NULL has been replaced by ‘North America>United
States Of America>Nebraska’
- Publication metadata:
- pub1_doi: NULL has been replaced by ‘Schmieder et al. (2011;
- pub2_doi: NULL has been replaced by ‘10.1029/2019GL086412’
- Paleo Interpretation metadata:
- lakeLevelRelative (pdRMMxRg4ypwnub7vhk): interpretation1_variable:
‘effectiveMoisture’ has been replaced by ‘P-E’
- lakeLevelRelative (pdRMMxRg4ypwnub7vhk):
interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘lake@surface’ has been replaced by ‘LakeLevel@surface’
- lakeLevelRelative (pdRMMxRg4ypwnub7vhk): interpretation1_direction:
NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
- lakeLevelRelative (pdRMMxRg4ypwnub7vhk):
interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by
- Paleo Column metadata:
- lakeLevelRelative (pdRMMxRg4ypwnub7vhk): paleoData_datum: NULL has
been replaced by ‘anom’
- lakeLevelRelative (pdRMMxRg4ypwnub7vhk): paleoData_proxy: NULL has
been replaced by ‘lakeLevel’
- lakeLevelRelative (pdRMMxRg4ypwnub7vhk): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL
has been replaced by ‘LakeDeposits’
- lakeLevelRelative (pdRMMxRg4ypwnub7vhk): paleoData_proxyGeneral:
NULL has been replaced by ‘lakeLevel’
- lakeLevelRelative (pdRMMxRg4ypwnub7vhk): paleoData_QCCertification:
NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
- lakeLevelRelative (pdRMMxRg4ypwnub7vhk): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has
been replaced by ‘Marked by Liefert/Shuman compilation as primary
timeseries and meets data standards (for lake levels)’
Version: 1.0.0
- curator: nicholas
- timestamp: 2022-06-01 17:57:19 UTC
- notes: Starting the changelog