
Loading LiPD data in Python

Python is a powerful tool for paleoclimate science, and we often get asked how to load large libraries of LiPD files into python for subsequent analysis. The “lipd” package, available on pip, handles LiPD input and output in python, however, it can be difficult to use. We’re working on creating a new, powerful and modern package (pylipd), but in the meantime, here’s a practical tutorial by Michael Erb.

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Welcome the LiPDverse

Welcome to the LiPDverse! The LiPDverse has been around for awhile now, but we’ve redesigned the website, added articles, and did a bit more, so if even if you’re a regular, this looks a bit new. So now that you’re here, what should you do? 1. Explore LiPD datasets We created the LiPDverse exists to be a simple and convenient way of accessing and exploring LiPD-formatted datasets. The primary way of doing this is by exploring the compilation projects hosted here.

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