Temp12k: Detailed changes from version 1_0_2 to 1_1_0
Wed May 18 14:29:22 2022
A summary of changes made to the project is listed here
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:49 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RL0SCEeYVWU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RVwo44cKoew): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:49 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub2_author: ‘c(“Jimenez-Amat, Patricia”, “Zahn, Rainer”)’ has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Jimenez-Amat, Patricia”), list(name = “Zahn, Rainer”))’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R56JsH0b7h7): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (Rl3oDldpRFu_SST_from_planktic0x2EMgCa): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RscxCqgnTot): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:50 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub2_author: ‘c(“Herbert, T.D.”, “Schuffert, J.D.”)’ has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Herbert, T.D.”), list(name = “Schuffert, J.D.”))’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R7iVi9SqggU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RYfbsh7Nj6W_SST_from_Uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:50 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT93BAHDDE): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYTBK1NM7UX): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYTBK1NM7UX): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTGVVDEA4T): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘PMS’ has been replaced by ‘PMS, AAC’
temperature (PYTGVVDEA4T): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
salinity (PYTK94D1X7I): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
salinity (PYTK94D1X7I): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_months (PYTMC1PJUGV): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
Sea_Ice_months (PYTMC1PJUGV): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
A (PYTXHBYD399): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
A (PYTXHBYD399): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Defer to temperature’
productivity (PYTZMVDIZTV): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
productivity (PYTZMVDIZTV): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Defer to temperature’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTGVVDEA4T): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
salinity (PYTK94D1X7I): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
salinity (PYTK94D1X7I): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘SSS’ has been replaced by ‘sea@surface’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:50 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_pages: ‘55 66’ has been replaced by ‘55-66’
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Atlantic Ocean>North Atlantic Ocean>Davis Strait’ has been replaced by ‘North America>Greenland’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L7yquhwzuP): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘TB’ has been replaced by ‘TB, AAC’
temperature (M2L7yquhwzuP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Ldrsn6en4P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Ldrsn6en4P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Ldrsn6en4P): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘JM’ has been replaced by ‘JM, AAC’
precipitation (M2Ldrsn6en4P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Ldrsn6en4P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lmk4ecjirP): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘TB’ has been replaced by ‘TB, AAC’
temperature (M2Lmk4ecjirP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lv2lo9btoP): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘TB’ has been replaced by ‘TB, AAC’
temperature (M2Lv2lo9btoP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Ldrsn6en4P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Ldrsn6en4P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Ldrsn6en4P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:50 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Pellatt, Marlow G.; Smith, Michael J.; Mathewes, Rolf W.; Walker, Ian R.; Palmer, Samantha L.’ has been replaced by ‘Pellatt, Marlow G.’
pub1_page: ‘497-512’ has been replaced by ‘73-83’
pub1_title: ‘Holocene treeline and climate change in the subalpine zone near Stoyoma Mountain, Cascade Mountains, southwestern British Columbia, Canada’ has been replaced by ‘Holocene Treeline and Climate Change in the Subalpine Zone near Stoyoma Mountain, Cascade Mountains, Southwestern British Columbia, Canada’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (Rlf3YywN7Sz): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
PaleoData values:
temperature (Rlf3YywN7Sz): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:50 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
d18O (PYTR4UFZM3W): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘VSMOW’
d18O (PYTR4UFZM3W): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Commentregardingreliability1 (R2wO1Gt2Fix): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘SEN’ has been replaced by ‘SEN, AAC’
temperature (R5opojsGcHY): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
d18O (PYTR4UFZM3W): interpretation1_variable: ‘T’ has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O (PYTR4UFZM3W): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘air@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
d18O (PYTR4UFZM3W): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘Temperature’ has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O (PYTR4UFZM3W): interpretation1_variableGroupDirection: ‘negative’ has been replaced by NULL
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:51 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
radiocarbonDatesAD0x2FBC (LPD02c025e9dp): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
d18O (LPD05340dbbdp): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (LPD05340dbbdp_SST_from_d18O): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (LPD05340dbbdp_SST_from_d18O): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
varveCountedAgeAD0x2FBC (LPD0779737ddp): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
d18O (LPD1028d531dp): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
d18O (LPD28794972dp): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (LPD28794972dp_SST_from_d18O2): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (LPD28794972dp_SST_from_d18O2): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
interval (LPD292174f8dp): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
hole (LPD5769e44e): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
varveCountedAgeKa (LPD7e8e8eaadp): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
d18O (LPDcb260002dp): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
section (LPDe51c2779dp): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (LPDf4934b2cdp): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
year (WEB10f223b2): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
age (WEB4215db65): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
age (WEB5da1fb6e): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
year (WEB9d68afed): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
PaleoData values:
temperature (LPD05340dbbdp_SST_from_d18O): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (LPD28794972dp_SST_from_d18O2): The paleoData_values have changed
Chron Column metadata:
reservoirAgeError (ms2aR2PtWgfB8PD): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
age (ms2aRE8o1dDpVCV): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageError (ms2aRFBn24z5aex): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
measurmentMaterial (ms2aRnb4aOYF14z): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depthMid (ms2aRpC8m1wXzUo): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
age_type (ms2aRUItcCihZX5): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
labID (ms2aRwKDPoYeEGv): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
reservoirAge (ms2aRYH9fRNy4Ab): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:51 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_A7_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_A7_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:51 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Cole, Kenneth L.; Liu, Geng-Wu’ has been replaced by ‘Cole, Kenneth L.’
pub1_page: ‘707-710’ has been replaced by ‘326-335’
pub1_publisher: ‘Canadian Science Publishing’ has been replaced by ‘Cambridge University Press (CUP)’
pub1_title: ‘Holocene paleoecology of an estuary on Santa Rosa Island, California’ has been replaced by ‘Holocene Paleoecology of an Estuary on Santa Rosa Island, California’
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2Leedqkm0xP): paleoData_notes: ‘unpublished precip’ has been replaced by NULL
precipitation (M2Leedqkm0xP): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘cannot verify seasonality’
precipitation (M2Leedqkm0xP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Leedqkm0xP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lhfelk1bfP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lupm3c8kbP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Luu75cnkxP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Leedqkm0xP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Leedqkm0xP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (R7POq91zEfa): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (R7POq91zEfa): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR9f3nn5jjfwkPdipa’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR9HcqOn6gYLuMEvpk’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRGuLb3HzGtvU9UQY6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRgZQrKxAEwUhXaJLc’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRlbFa0cju3ntTlVeu’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cROowerHQ1E7E2RHkP’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRqsXRc5OK3mcvbonG’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘AgeroedsMosse.Nilsson.1964-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘AgeroedsMosse.Nilsson.1964-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘AgeroedsMosse.Nilsson.1964-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘AgeroedsMosse.Nilsson.1964-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘AgeroedsMosse.Nilsson.1964-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘AgeroedsMosse.Nilsson.1964-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘AgeroedsMosse.Nilsson.1964-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
age_type (cR9f3nn5jjfwkPdipa): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cR9f3nn5jjfwkPdipa): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cR9f3nn5jjfwkPdipa): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cR9f3nn5jjfwkPdipa): chronData_TSid: ‘AgeroedsMosse.Nilsson.1964-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR9f3nn5jjfwkPdipa’
ageHi (cR9HcqOn6gYLuMEvpk): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cR9HcqOn6gYLuMEvpk): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cR9HcqOn6gYLuMEvpk): chronData_TSid: ‘AgeroedsMosse.Nilsson.1964-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR9HcqOn6gYLuMEvpk’
ageLow (cRGuLb3HzGtvU9UQY6): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cRGuLb3HzGtvU9UQY6): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRGuLb3HzGtvU9UQY6): chronData_TSid: ‘AgeroedsMosse.Nilsson.1964-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRGuLb3HzGtvU9UQY6’
depth (cRgZQrKxAEwUhXaJLc): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRgZQrKxAEwUhXaJLc): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRgZQrKxAEwUhXaJLc): chronData_TSid: ‘AgeroedsMosse.Nilsson.1964-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRgZQrKxAEwUhXaJLc’
thickness (cRlbFa0cju3ntTlVeu): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRlbFa0cju3ntTlVeu): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRlbFa0cju3ntTlVeu): chronData_TSid: ‘AgeroedsMosse.Nilsson.1964-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRlbFa0cju3ntTlVeu’
labID (cROowerHQ1E7E2RHkP): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cROowerHQ1E7E2RHkP): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cROowerHQ1E7E2RHkP): chronData_TSid: ‘AgeroedsMosse.Nilsson.1964-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cROowerHQ1E7E2RHkP’
age (cRqsXRc5OK3mcvbonG): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRqsXRc5OK3mcvbonG): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRqsXRc5OK3mcvbonG): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
age (cRqsXRc5OK3mcvbonG): chronData_TSid: ‘AgeroedsMosse.Nilsson.1964-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRqsXRc5OK3mcvbonG’
ChronData values:
age_type (cR9f3nn5jjfwkPdipa): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cR9HcqOn6gYLuMEvpk): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRGuLb3HzGtvU9UQY6): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRgZQrKxAEwUhXaJLc): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRlbFa0cju3ntTlVeu): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cROowerHQ1E7E2RHkP): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRqsXRc5OK3mcvbonG): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:52 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R6lPfjM3opf): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:52 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
nonReliabletemperature (R2HkffJ85JD): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (Ry0uq7BMis9): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (Ry0uq7BMis9): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:52 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
accumulation (GH129d82be): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
accumulation (GH129d82be): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘“coring in the central region of a large, broad ice cap with sufficiently rapid snow accumulation, as in central Greenland, avoids significant contributions from any of these. “Noise” from snow drifts or other spatial heterogeneity in accumulation affects yearto-year accumulation, but snowdrift anomalies cannot be sustained for multiple years. Hence, accurate reconstructions of accumulation rate are straightforward over tens of thousands of years in central Greenland". (Alley et al., 2000)’
accumulation (GH129d82be): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘ice accumulation’
accumulation (GH129d82be): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘GlacierIce’
accumulation (GH129d82be): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘other ice’
accumulation (GH129d82be): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘ice accumulation’
accumulation (GH129d82be): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
accumulation (GH129d82be): paleoData_proxyOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Ice Accumulation’
temperature (GH34755740): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘AJO’ has been replaced by ‘AJO, AAC’
temperature (GH34755740): paleoData_QCnotes: ‘NOAA lists Alley 2000 as the primary publication, but Cuffey and Clow 1997 is the primary publication, as Alley 2000 only deals with the younger dryas.’ has been replaced by ‘Defer to Kobashi temperatures; NOAA lists Alley 2000 as the primary publication, but Cuffey and Clow 1997 is the primary publication, as Alley 2000 only deals with the younger dryas.’
temperature (GH34755740): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
accumulation (GH129d82be): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
accumulation (GH129d82be): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
accumulation (GH129d82be): interpretation1_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual’
accumulation (GH129d82be): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual’
accumulation (GH129d82be): interpretation1_variable: NULL has been replaced by ‘P’
accumulation (GH129d82be): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
accumulation (GH129d82be): interpretation1_variableGroup: NULL has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
accumulation (GH129d82be): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘uncalibrated’
accumulation (GH129d82be): calibration_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘uncalibrated’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:53 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R5NnLNvLdVc): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RFUJxBek9zN): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RlNHgm3xGb0): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RlNHgm3xGb0): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RlNHgm3xGb0): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RlNHgm3xGb0): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperatureComposite (Rx3TR4XADtS): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RlNHgm3xGb0): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RlNHgm3xGb0): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RlNHgm3xGb0): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RQJpKjOmV00): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RQJpKjOmV00): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR5zorkMu9oiJhQPVl’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRAzskuCwo1wEKAqCR’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cReA4Qxzsluub4lvtk’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRiByJtKnILi8px5uv’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRlYOXHsTpeBSTNw6C’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRRXC2rrmJn825W6Od’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRSUgIqBKeGw9zbRp4’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Altenweiher.DeValk.1981-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Altenweiher.DeValk.1981-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Altenweiher.DeValk.1981-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Altenweiher.DeValk.1981-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Altenweiher.DeValk.1981-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Altenweiher.DeValk.1981-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Altenweiher.DeValk.1981-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
thickness (cR5zorkMu9oiJhQPVl): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cR5zorkMu9oiJhQPVl): chronData_TSid: ‘Altenweiher.DeValk.1981-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR5zorkMu9oiJhQPVl’
labID (cRAzskuCwo1wEKAqCR): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRAzskuCwo1wEKAqCR): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRAzskuCwo1wEKAqCR): chronData_TSid: ‘Altenweiher.DeValk.1981-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRAzskuCwo1wEKAqCR’
age_type (cReA4Qxzsluub4lvtk): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cReA4Qxzsluub4lvtk): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cReA4Qxzsluub4lvtk): chronData_TSid: ‘Altenweiher.DeValk.1981-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cReA4Qxzsluub4lvtk’
depth (cRiByJtKnILi8px5uv): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRiByJtKnILi8px5uv): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRiByJtKnILi8px5uv): chronData_TSid: ‘Altenweiher.DeValk.1981-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRiByJtKnILi8px5uv’
ageLow (cRlYOXHsTpeBSTNw6C): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRlYOXHsTpeBSTNw6C): chronData_TSid: ‘Altenweiher.DeValk.1981-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRlYOXHsTpeBSTNw6C’
ageHi (cRRXC2rrmJn825W6Od): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRRXC2rrmJn825W6Od): chronData_TSid: ‘Altenweiher.DeValk.1981-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRRXC2rrmJn825W6Od’
age (cRSUgIqBKeGw9zbRp4): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRSUgIqBKeGw9zbRp4): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRSUgIqBKeGw9zbRp4): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
age (cRSUgIqBKeGw9zbRp4): chronData_TSid: ‘Altenweiher.DeValk.1981-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRSUgIqBKeGw9zbRp4’
ChronData values:
thickness (cR5zorkMu9oiJhQPVl): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRAzskuCwo1wEKAqCR): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cReA4Qxzsluub4lvtk): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRiByJtKnILi8px5uv): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRlYOXHsTpeBSTNw6C): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRRXC2rrmJn825W6Od): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRSUgIqBKeGw9zbRp4): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:54 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Europe>Western Europe>Austria’ has been replaced by ‘Europe>Western Europe>Germany’
Paleo Column metadata:
d18O (LS96VOAM01): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:54 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
Uk37 (LPD7bedf5be): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘alkenone’
Uk37 (LPD7bedf5be): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘Group I haptophyte’
Uk37 (LPD7bedf5be): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘alkenone’
Uk37 (LPD7bedf5be): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘alkenone’
Uk37 (LPD7bedf5be): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
Uk37 (LPD7bedf5be): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘This is the same site as Hakluytvatnet, updated record in van der Bilt 2018.’
temperature (LPDd2a984fe): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘EKT’ has been replaced by ‘EKT, AAC’
temperature (LPDd2a984fe): paleoData_QCnotes: ‘hiatus at 106.5 cm from 7700 and 5000 cal yr BP; temp anomaly calculated relative to mean of entire core’ has been replaced by ‘Duplicate; hiatus at 106.5 cm from 7700 and 5000 cal yr BP; temp anomaly calculated relative to mean of entire core’
temperature (LPDd2a984fe): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (LPDdd0e97b8): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘alkenone’ has been replaced by ‘UK37’
temperature (LPDdd0e97b8): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘alkenone’
temperature (LPDdd0e97b8): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘EKT’ has been replaced by ‘EKT, AAC’
temperature (LPDdd0e97b8): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
Uk37 (LPD7bedf5be): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
Uk37 (LPD7bedf5be): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘lake@surface’
temperature (LPDd2a984fe): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6,7,8’ has been replaced by ‘JJA’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:54 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Szeicz, Julian M.; MacDonald, Glen M.; Duk-Rodkin, Alejandra’ has been replaced by ‘Szeicz, Julian M.’
pub1_issue: ‘4-Feb’ has been replaced by ‘2-4’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Sundqvist, H. S.”), list(name = “Kaufman, D. S.”), list(name = “McKay, N. P.”), list(name = “Balascio, N. L.”), list(name = “Briner, J. P.”), list(name = “Cwynar, L. C.”), list(name = “Sejrup, H. P.”), list(name = “Seppä, H.”), list(name = “Subetto, D. A.”), list(name = “Andrews, J. T.”), list(name = “Axford, Y.”), list(name = “Bakke, J.”), list(name = “Birks, H. J. B.”), list(name = “Brooks, S. J.”), list(name = “de Vernal, A.”), list(name = “Jennings, A. E.”), list(name = “Ljungqvist, F. C.”), list(name = “Rühland, K. M.”), list(name = “Saenger, C.”), list(name = “Smol, J. P.”), list(name = “Viau, A. E.”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘DZH2UWER’
pub2_firstAuthor: NULL has been replaced by ‘Szeicz’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1605-1631’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘351 371’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Copernicus GmbH’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘10’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTCLN8P1CL): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Panom (PYTCPIAO06Y): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
Panom (PYTCPIAO06Y): paleoData_variableName: ‘precipitation’ has been replaced by ‘Panom’
Panom (PYTCPIAO06Y): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTMLFNC0A7): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RSvtIc0N66Y): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RSvtIc0N66Y): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.1
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:54 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTXFMZ1EQU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:55 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L1r9snju2P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L68fmqq0lP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L8ciiy861P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L8ciiy861P): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘fails age control, but just slightly’
precipitation (M2L8ciiy861P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lr58abc8kP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L8ciiy861P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L8ciiy861P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L8ciiy861P): interpretation1_seasonalityOriginal: ‘1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L8ciiy861P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘amount@surface’
Version: 1.0.1
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:55 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTLCCXN62R): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:55 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
tempErrorPlus (WEB2a9c6342): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (WEB7e132cbf): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:55 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_B997_321_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:55 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_B997_324_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:56 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_B997_327_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:56 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R5udN7jdMr6): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RBT6awPb1VO): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (Reuxqn1aPrN): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RsaErN699U5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (Rxc7EY1fcRg): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (Rxc7EY1fcRg): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (Rxc7EY1fcRg): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (Rxc7EY1fcRg): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (Rxc7EY1fcRg): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (Rxc7EY1fcRg): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (Rxc7EY1fcRg): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (R3JbRXiEdQX): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (R3JbRXiEdQX): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR4ijKash0TQbeWG6j’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cREd6Y9s9rNLmdZrZ1’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRIPCqpiune84OoKLT’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRk0Nz25ZdoW572ka5’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRKkNU2B9yOKretv5K’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRnugFZn6ud7MtbIzI’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRQTXzdOtFFlrdgjoS’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘BebrukasLake.Shulija.1967-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BebrukasLake.Shulija.1967-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BebrukasLake.Shulija.1967-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BebrukasLake.Shulija.1967-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BebrukasLake.Shulija.1967-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BebrukasLake.Shulija.1967-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BebrukasLake.Shulija.1967-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
age_type (cR4ijKash0TQbeWG6j): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cR4ijKash0TQbeWG6j): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cR4ijKash0TQbeWG6j): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cR4ijKash0TQbeWG6j): chronData_TSid: ‘BebrukasLake.Shulija.1967-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR4ijKash0TQbeWG6j’
thickness (cREd6Y9s9rNLmdZrZ1): chronData_TSid: ‘BebrukasLake.Shulija.1967-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cREd6Y9s9rNLmdZrZ1’
ageHi (cRIPCqpiune84OoKLT): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRIPCqpiune84OoKLT): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRIPCqpiune84OoKLT): chronData_TSid: ‘BebrukasLake.Shulija.1967-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRIPCqpiune84OoKLT’
depth (cRk0Nz25ZdoW572ka5): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRk0Nz25ZdoW572ka5): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRk0Nz25ZdoW572ka5): chronData_TSid: ‘BebrukasLake.Shulija.1967-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRk0Nz25ZdoW572ka5’
ageLow (cRKkNU2B9yOKretv5K): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRKkNU2B9yOKretv5K): chronData_TSid: ‘BebrukasLake.Shulija.1967-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRKkNU2B9yOKretv5K’
age (cRnugFZn6ud7MtbIzI): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRnugFZn6ud7MtbIzI): chronData_TSid: ‘BebrukasLake.Shulija.1967-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRnugFZn6ud7MtbIzI’
labID (cRQTXzdOtFFlrdgjoS): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRQTXzdOtFFlrdgjoS): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
labID (cRQTXzdOtFFlrdgjoS): chronData_TSid: ‘BebrukasLake.Shulija.1967-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRQTXzdOtFFlrdgjoS’
ChronData values:
age_type (cR4ijKash0TQbeWG6j): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRIPCqpiune84OoKLT): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRk0Nz25ZdoW572ka5): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRKkNU2B9yOKretv5K): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRnugFZn6ud7MtbIzI): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRQTXzdOtFFlrdgjoS): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:58 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub2_edition: ‘Contribution Series 16’ has been replaced by NULL
pub2_pages: ‘92-96’ has been replaced by ‘47 62’
pub2_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: ‘Springer Nature’ has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
pub1_citation: NULL has been replaced by ‘Petersen, K. L. (1985). Palynology in Montezuma County, Southwestern Colorado: the local history of pinyon pine (Pinus edulis). Late Quaternary Palynology of the American Southwest, ASSP Contribution Series, 16, 47-62.’
pub2_citation: NULL has been replaced by ‘Petersen, K. L. (1985). Palynology in Montezuma County, Southwestern Colorado: the local history of pinyon pine (Pinus edulis). Late Quaternary Palynology of the American Southwest, ASSP Contribution Series, 16, 47-62.’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘N48Q7Q7G’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘92-96’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2Lgb6c2jm2P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Ljtr1o5yoP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Ljtr1o5yoP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Loyk9yzdgP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lrb7axgd8P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Ljtr1o5yoP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Ljtr1o5yoP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
temperature (PYTNNSXZFMF): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTV4OH8PKH): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (PYTVNS0ID3T): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RAP1dzJLThI): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (PYTVNS0ID3T): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘amount@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
PaleoData values:
temperatureComposite (RAP1dzJLThI): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:59 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RmGezmouka1): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:59 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L6hk7di03P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Ln0s9p104P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lsemj4z4fP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lvqkxb3lsP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lvqkxb3lsP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lvqkxb3lsP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lvqkxb3lsP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lvqkxb3lsP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lvqkxb3lsP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lvqkxb3lsP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lvqkxb3lsP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lvqkxb3lsP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:59 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L8ta6nvc9P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2La2ua5w4kP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Ll9trg0t0P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lvt4uk4l6P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lvt4uk4l6P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lvt4uk4l6P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lvt4uk4l6P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lvt4uk4l6P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lvt4uk4l6P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lvt4uk4l6P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lvt4uk4l6P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lvt4uk4l6P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:59 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Atlantic Ocean>North Atlantic Ocean>North Sea’ has been replaced by ‘Europe>Northern Europe>British Isles>United Kingdom’
Paleo Column metadata:
reliable (RjOdH1MOUQD): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (RtcHGLf9lJV): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR55QS78mVGXBjI01q’, with variable name ‘IncludeYN’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRBG3L7RaGrhwpxu3r’, with variable name ‘uncertainty_old’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRcgBK9VeTAKkGFI0h’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cREAbKKxUI70HVjSCt’, with variable name ‘AdditionalNotes’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRLOgDx2TPFjHvC3ju’, with variable name ‘depth_bottom’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRMgfe0sCp1ZcdW7AL’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRXzrLPo5nsUDpl3ZC’, with variable name ‘depth_top’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRzHr6hCWiJJYokVRm’, with variable name ‘uncertainty_old’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘BiglandTarn.Barber.2013-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth_top’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BiglandTarn.Barber.2013-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘depth_bottom’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BiglandTarn.Barber.2013-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BiglandTarn.Barber.2013-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BiglandTarn.Barber.2013-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘uncertainty_old’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BiglandTarn.Barber.2013-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘uncertainty_old’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BiglandTarn.Barber.2013-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘IncludeYN’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BiglandTarn.Barber.2013-chron-NA8’, with variable name ‘AdditionalNotes’, was removed from the dataset
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:26:59 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2L8i4guqk4P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L8i4guqk4P): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘fails age control, gap >3000 years (largest gap is 3780 yrs); 6 dates iin Holocene’
precipitation (M2L8i4guqk4P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lmj0qhtsrP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lqditl4qyP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lsn8ueflfP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L8i4guqk4P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L8i4guqk4P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L8i4guqk4P): interpretation1_seasonalityOriginal: ‘1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L8i4guqk4P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘amount@surface’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:00 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperatureComposite (R7DxiAHp0lf): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RCAtswPHMSw): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RoO1DPJKvcS): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RQ1Xw14yrkR): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RQ1Xw14yrkR): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RQ1Xw14yrkR): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RQ1Xw14yrkR): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RRKxz11hFqw): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RQ1Xw14yrkR): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RQ1Xw14yrkR): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RQ1Xw14yrkR): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RQ1Xw14yrkR): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RQ1Xw14yrkR): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR3BrrKLfzsdT3ADb2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR4Do2YhjBK7A39nEr’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR5DiWBwhKfrqRoJry’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRN1okMaPuXpIyNJ8J’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRsd07Q0s98bMsDxng’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRTt2EhFLGMof4H4aQ’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRzjs51VOSzu9z2QSq’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘BiskupinskieLake.Noryskiewicz.1995-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BiskupinskieLake.Noryskiewicz.1995-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BiskupinskieLake.Noryskiewicz.1995-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BiskupinskieLake.Noryskiewicz.1995-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BiskupinskieLake.Noryskiewicz.1995-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BiskupinskieLake.Noryskiewicz.1995-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BiskupinskieLake.Noryskiewicz.1995-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
thickness (cR3BrrKLfzsdT3ADb2): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cR3BrrKLfzsdT3ADb2): chronData_TSid: ‘BiskupinskieLake.Noryskiewicz.1995-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR3BrrKLfzsdT3ADb2’
ageLow (cR4Do2YhjBK7A39nEr): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cR4Do2YhjBK7A39nEr): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cR4Do2YhjBK7A39nEr): chronData_TSid: ‘BiskupinskieLake.Noryskiewicz.1995-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR4Do2YhjBK7A39nEr’
age (cR5DiWBwhKfrqRoJry): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cR5DiWBwhKfrqRoJry): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cR5DiWBwhKfrqRoJry): chronData_TSid: ‘BiskupinskieLake.Noryskiewicz.1995-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cR5DiWBwhKfrqRoJry’
labID (cRN1okMaPuXpIyNJ8J): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRN1okMaPuXpIyNJ8J): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRN1okMaPuXpIyNJ8J): chronData_TSid: ‘BiskupinskieLake.Noryskiewicz.1995-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRN1okMaPuXpIyNJ8J’
ageHi (cRsd07Q0s98bMsDxng): chronData_TSid: ‘BiskupinskieLake.Noryskiewicz.1995-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRsd07Q0s98bMsDxng’
age_type (cRTt2EhFLGMof4H4aQ): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRTt2EhFLGMof4H4aQ): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRTt2EhFLGMof4H4aQ): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRTt2EhFLGMof4H4aQ): chronData_TSid: ‘BiskupinskieLake.Noryskiewicz.1995-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRTt2EhFLGMof4H4aQ’
depth (cRzjs51VOSzu9z2QSq): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRzjs51VOSzu9z2QSq): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRzjs51VOSzu9z2QSq): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
depth (cRzjs51VOSzu9z2QSq): chronData_TSid: ‘BiskupinskieLake.Noryskiewicz.1995-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRzjs51VOSzu9z2QSq’
ChronData values:
thickness (cR3BrrKLfzsdT3ADb2): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cR4Do2YhjBK7A39nEr): The chronData_values have changed
age (cR5DiWBwhKfrqRoJry): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRN1okMaPuXpIyNJ8J): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRTt2EhFLGMof4H4aQ): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRzjs51VOSzu9z2QSq): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:00 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_BJ8_03_10GGC_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:00 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_BJ8_03_13GGC_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_BJ8_03_13GGC_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:01 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_BJ8_03_70GGC_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_BJ8_03_70GGC_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:01 UTC
All chronData have been removed from this dataset
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RcHJOeUBfxw): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
nonReliabletemperature (RtB93Zh1uCl): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:01 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperatureComposite (R2yzkU2ca31): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RqsDm6bDZwv): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘no chron data older than 1500 yr’
temperature (RqsDm6bDZwv): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RY3BFo7yFd7): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘no chron data older than 1500 yr’
temperature (RY3BFo7yFd7): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RZ8jZ1s175T): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RZ8jZ1s175T): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘no chron data older than 1500 yr’
precipitation (RZ8jZ1s175T): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RZ8jZ1s175T): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RZ8jZ1s175T): interpretation1_seasonalityOriginal: ‘1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RZ8jZ1s175T): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RZ8jZ1s175T): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘precip@surface’ has been replaced by ‘amount@surface’
precipitation (RZ8jZ1s175T): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRDR6UwuezkrWSF6iV’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cREE1oQqAbgF5cIG8l’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRHqmI1u55gS6LPbar’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRKkDlo1pFd4bRf5Xb’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRnMKSykgkrUj7SiSQ’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRqxmN8mGCO3eJ9fT8’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRxdTlZv4uvio3JXj1’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘BledowoLake.Binka.1988-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BledowoLake.Binka.1988-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BledowoLake.Binka.1988-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BledowoLake.Binka.1988-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BledowoLake.Binka.1988-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BledowoLake.Binka.1988-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BledowoLake.Binka.1988-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
ageLow (cRDR6UwuezkrWSF6iV): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cRDR6UwuezkrWSF6iV): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRDR6UwuezkrWSF6iV): chronData_TSid: ‘BledowoLake.Binka.1988-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cRDR6UwuezkrWSF6iV’
ageHi (cREE1oQqAbgF5cIG8l): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cREE1oQqAbgF5cIG8l): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cREE1oQqAbgF5cIG8l): chronData_TSid: ‘BledowoLake.Binka.1988-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cREE1oQqAbgF5cIG8l’
age (cRHqmI1u55gS6LPbar): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRHqmI1u55gS6LPbar): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRHqmI1u55gS6LPbar): chronData_TSid: ‘BledowoLake.Binka.1988-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRHqmI1u55gS6LPbar’
depth (cRKkDlo1pFd4bRf5Xb): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRKkDlo1pFd4bRf5Xb): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRKkDlo1pFd4bRf5Xb): chronData_TSid: ‘BledowoLake.Binka.1988-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRKkDlo1pFd4bRf5Xb’
age_type (cRnMKSykgkrUj7SiSQ): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRnMKSykgkrUj7SiSQ): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRnMKSykgkrUj7SiSQ): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRnMKSykgkrUj7SiSQ): chronData_TSid: ‘BledowoLake.Binka.1988-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRnMKSykgkrUj7SiSQ’
thickness (cRqxmN8mGCO3eJ9fT8): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRqxmN8mGCO3eJ9fT8): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRqxmN8mGCO3eJ9fT8): chronData_TSid: ‘BledowoLake.Binka.1988-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRqxmN8mGCO3eJ9fT8’
labID (cRxdTlZv4uvio3JXj1): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRxdTlZv4uvio3JXj1): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
labID (cRxdTlZv4uvio3JXj1): chronData_TSid: ‘BledowoLake.Binka.1988-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRxdTlZv4uvio3JXj1’
ChronData values:
ageLow (cRDR6UwuezkrWSF6iV): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cREE1oQqAbgF5cIG8l): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRHqmI1u55gS6LPbar): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRKkDlo1pFd4bRf5Xb): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRnMKSykgkrUj7SiSQ): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRqxmN8mGCO3eJ9fT8): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRxdTlZv4uvio3JXj1): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:01 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
interpolatedTemperature (LPD779b21dc): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
precipitation (WEB0ca75d4f): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (WEB0ca75d4f): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (WEB0ca75d4f): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
precipitation (WEB0ca75d4f): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘“Based on the existing chronologies, the pollen data were linearly interpolated to 100-year time steps to facilitate inter-site comparison of the pollen-inferred paleoclimate reconstructions.” (Marsicek et al., 2013)’
precipitation (WEB0ca75d4f): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (WEB0ca75d4f): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBa7012dcb): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBccdb4e35): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBf9c0d6bd): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (WEB0ca75d4f): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (WEB0ca75d4f): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (WEB0ca75d4f): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (WEB0ca75d4f): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (WEB0ca75d4f): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:01 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L31m0leecP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L3m70t46oP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L4hu4h69oP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L9abfmnz7P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L9abfmnz7P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L9abfmnz7P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L9abfmnz7P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L9abfmnz7P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L9abfmnz7P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L9abfmnz7P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L9abfmnz7P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L9abfmnz7P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:02 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperatureComposite (R4NdhyHXypE): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (R5JXEGyzqm2): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (R8v7DcuyImX): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RcrTDwF9b0L): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RcrTDwF9b0L): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RcrTDwF9b0L): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RcrTDwF9b0L): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RwXhHQgpW2u): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RcrTDwF9b0L): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RcrTDwF9b0L): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RcrTDwF9b0L): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
temperature (M2L85y6l8ijP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lg2vk1lieP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lg2vk1lieP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lg2vk1lieP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lg2vk1lieP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lmp6pxlgjP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lzz22ieh1P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lg2vk1lieP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lg2vk1lieP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lg2vk1lieP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lg2vk1lieP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lg2vk1lieP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:02 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2L44z68861P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L44z68861P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L44z68861P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L44z68861P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L4wwg6oi5P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L89zd8ncqP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lg3t60401P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L44z68861P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L44z68861P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L44z68861P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L44z68861P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L44z68861P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:03 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_siteName: ‘BrayaSo.vonGunten.2012’ has been replaced by ‘BrayaSoe’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB0c142d5f): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘EKT’ has been replaced by ‘EKT, AAC’
temperature (WEB0c142d5f): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
uncertainty.temperature (WEB4cfe66d8): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
uncertainty.temperature (WEB4e2024d5): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB0c142d5f): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
temperature (WEB0c142d5f): interpretation1_basis: NULL has been replaced by ‘“Autochthonous productivity in arctic lakes is positively correlated with summer temperature through the impact of temperature on 1) the duration of the ice-free period (i.e., the productive season) and, potentially, 2) the nutrient flux to lakes from the watershed. It follows that the chlorin content in Braya Soe sediments (quantified with RABD660;670) would be closely related to summer temperature.”’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
temperature (WEB0c142d5f): calibration_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘mid-June to mid-July’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRBQDJMhYdrAyNXtsn’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘BrayaSo.vonGunten.2012-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:03 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R5TK1pF5QBE): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (R9HguzMzOAE): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (R9HguzMzOAE): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (R9HguzMzOAE): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (R9HguzMzOAE): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RARcblFICzL): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RBcRoisjDj1): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RQHbe4cH6UU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (R9HguzMzOAE): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (R9HguzMzOAE): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (R9HguzMzOAE): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RHdepztBsyM): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RHdepztBsyM): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRdluwAqO3XayAFVKn’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRiUTVi8oT14JPyS9c’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRjfY0y6ShJq46CPe2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRjL8sq1MTQM5LuvZB’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRkGi6H7QglR1JQtnN’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRR8AGGq6toojzrlNc’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRzoTdrd7hpdEXnOkL’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘BuntesMoor.Weirich.1980-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BuntesMoor.Weirich.1980-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BuntesMoor.Weirich.1980-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BuntesMoor.Weirich.1980-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BuntesMoor.Weirich.1980-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BuntesMoor.Weirich.1980-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘BuntesMoor.Weirich.1980-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
labID (cRdluwAqO3XayAFVKn): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRdluwAqO3XayAFVKn): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRdluwAqO3XayAFVKn): chronData_TSid: ‘BuntesMoor.Weirich.1980-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cRdluwAqO3XayAFVKn’
age_type (cRiUTVi8oT14JPyS9c): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRiUTVi8oT14JPyS9c): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRiUTVi8oT14JPyS9c): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRiUTVi8oT14JPyS9c): chronData_TSid: ‘BuntesMoor.Weirich.1980-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRiUTVi8oT14JPyS9c’
thickness (cRjfY0y6ShJq46CPe2): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRjfY0y6ShJq46CPe2): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRjfY0y6ShJq46CPe2): chronData_TSid: ‘BuntesMoor.Weirich.1980-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRjfY0y6ShJq46CPe2’
age (cRjL8sq1MTQM5LuvZB): chronData_TSid: ‘BuntesMoor.Weirich.1980-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRjL8sq1MTQM5LuvZB’
ageHi (cRkGi6H7QglR1JQtnN): chronData_TSid: ‘BuntesMoor.Weirich.1980-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRkGi6H7QglR1JQtnN’
ageLow (cRR8AGGq6toojzrlNc): chronData_TSid: ‘BuntesMoor.Weirich.1980-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRR8AGGq6toojzrlNc’
depth (cRzoTdrd7hpdEXnOkL): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRzoTdrd7hpdEXnOkL): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRzoTdrd7hpdEXnOkL): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
depth (cRzoTdrd7hpdEXnOkL): chronData_TSid: ‘BuntesMoor.Weirich.1980-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRzoTdrd7hpdEXnOkL’
ChronData values:
labID (cRdluwAqO3XayAFVKn): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRiUTVi8oT14JPyS9c): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRjfY0y6ShJq46CPe2): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRzoTdrd7hpdEXnOkL): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:04 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPDdb9440cb): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:04 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L215porczP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L7q0kqi5iP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Le6f1uo55P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Ltrcg8wszP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Ltrcg8wszP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Ltrcg8wszP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Ltrcg8wszP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Ltrcg8wszP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Ltrcg8wszP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Ltrcg8wszP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Ltrcg8wszP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Ltrcg8wszP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:04 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Cwynar, Les C.; Spear, Ray W.’ has been replaced by ‘Cwynar, Les C.’
pub1_journal: ‘G̩ographie physique et Quaternaire’ has been replaced by ‘Geographie physique et Quaternaire’
pub1_page: ‘29’ has been replaced by ‘29-35’
pub1_title: ‘Paleovegetation and paleoclimatic changes in the Yukon at 6 ka BP’ has been replaced by ‘Paleovegetation and Paleoclimatic Changes in the Yukon at 6 ka BP’
pub1_year: ‘1995’ has been replaced by ‘2007’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Sundqvist, H. S.”), list(name = “Kaufman, D. S.”), list(name = “McKay, N. P.”), list(name = “Balascio, N. L.”), list(name = “Briner, J. P.”), list(name = “Cwynar, L. C.”), list(name = “Sejrup, H. P.”), list(name = “Seppä, H.”), list(name = “Subetto, D. A.”), list(name = “Andrews, J. T.”), list(name = “Axford, Y.”), list(name = “Bakke, J.”), list(name = “Birks, H. J. B.”), list(name = “Brooks, S. J.”), list(name = “de Vernal, A.”), list(name = “Jennings, A. E.”), list(name = “Ljungqvist, F. C.”), list(name = “Rühland, K. M.”), list(name = “Saenger, C.”), list(name = “Smol, J. P.”), list(name = “Viau, A. E.”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘QBY9GMHS’
pub2_firstAuthor: NULL has been replaced by ‘Cwynar’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1605-1631’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘29’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Copernicus GmbH’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘10’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT17LJ7OZ8): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Panom (PYTDXV7NZNU): paleoData_datum: ‘abs’ has been replaced by ‘anom’
Panom (PYTDXV7NZNU): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
Panom (PYTDXV7NZNU): paleoData_variableName: ‘precipitation’ has been replaced by ‘Panom’
Panom (PYTDXV7NZNU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RAll4J7F1rY): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBbc9e627b): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RAll4J7F1rY): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:05 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_title: ‘Late Quaternary paleotemperatures derived from a speleothem from Cango Caves, Cape Province, South Africa’ has been replaced by ‘Late Quaternary paleotemperatures derived from a Speleothem from Cango Caves, Cape Province, South Africa’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RrLXMslDM70): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.1
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:05 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (GH14bc173e): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (GHe0dcf3e9): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:05 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L4201jbr2P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L6jup654qP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L6jup654qP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L6jup654qP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L6jup654qP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2LsnconpyrP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lzvyuika0P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L6jup654qP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L6jup654qP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L6jup654qP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L6jup654qP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L6jup654qP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:05 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L1tucsgyxP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lajk8ddlnP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lajk8ddlnP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lajk8ddlnP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lajk8ddlnP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lgu9mli8uP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lmxwfo4uxP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lajk8ddlnP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lajk8ddlnP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lajk8ddlnP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lajk8ddlnP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lajk8ddlnP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:05 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Upiter, Lindsay M.; Vermaire, Jesse C.; Patterson, R. Timothy; Crann, Carley A.; Galloway, Jennifer M.; Macumber, Andrew L.; Neville, Lisa A.; Swindles, Graeme T.; Falck, Hendrik; Roe, Helen M.; Pisaric, Michael F. J.’ has been replaced by ‘Upiter, Lindsay M.’
pub1_issue: ‘2-Jan’ has been replaced by ‘1-2’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperatureComposite (RclKPHfeaEb): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (Rkmjxk9vPEY): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (RYVUHRVm0es): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (RYVUHRVm0es): paleoData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘degC’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:06 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2Lpkk1erutP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lseyl59f9P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lslc7g79tP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lslc7g79tP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lyvstpj8pP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lslc7g79tP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lslc7g79tP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
pub1_title: ‘Pollen analyses of surface materials from the southern San Juan Mountains, Colorado’ has been replaced by ‘Pollen Analyses of Surface Materials from the Southern San Juan Mountains, Colorado’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1485’
pub1_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub1_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Geological Society of America’
pub1_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2L7bd99tq6P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L7bd99tq6P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lfgw3jhx9P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lgnn5959oP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lvhsqfd0bP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L7bd99tq6P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L7bd99tq6P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RA5sx3Q2K6l): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RA5sx3Q2K6l): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRCkdbgv0n07GCJ08D’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cREqyFXsEMxJfSnMfV’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRfliHCqJoZX5ki6vr’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRK8hNvpYmeEljBKyK’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRKIDvliXxvKxNZIYJ’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRPfMB6VA6g9Acf5PY’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRXXcf70u040SOuYBR’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Clapeyret.deBeaulieu.1977-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Clapeyret.deBeaulieu.1977-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Clapeyret.deBeaulieu.1977-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Clapeyret.deBeaulieu.1977-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Clapeyret.deBeaulieu.1977-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Clapeyret.deBeaulieu.1977-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Clapeyret.deBeaulieu.1977-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
age_type (cRCkdbgv0n07GCJ08D): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRCkdbgv0n07GCJ08D): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRCkdbgv0n07GCJ08D): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRCkdbgv0n07GCJ08D): chronData_TSid: ‘Clapeyret.deBeaulieu.1977-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cRCkdbgv0n07GCJ08D’
labID (cREqyFXsEMxJfSnMfV): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cREqyFXsEMxJfSnMfV): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cREqyFXsEMxJfSnMfV): chronData_TSid: ‘Clapeyret.deBeaulieu.1977-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cREqyFXsEMxJfSnMfV’
age (cRfliHCqJoZX5ki6vr): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRfliHCqJoZX5ki6vr): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRfliHCqJoZX5ki6vr): chronData_TSid: ‘Clapeyret.deBeaulieu.1977-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRfliHCqJoZX5ki6vr’
ageLow (cRK8hNvpYmeEljBKyK): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRK8hNvpYmeEljBKyK): chronData_TSid: ‘Clapeyret.deBeaulieu.1977-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRK8hNvpYmeEljBKyK’
thickness (cRKIDvliXxvKxNZIYJ): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRKIDvliXxvKxNZIYJ): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRKIDvliXxvKxNZIYJ): chronData_TSid: ‘Clapeyret.deBeaulieu.1977-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRKIDvliXxvKxNZIYJ’
depth (cRPfMB6VA6g9Acf5PY): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRPfMB6VA6g9Acf5PY): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRPfMB6VA6g9Acf5PY): chronData_TSid: ‘Clapeyret.deBeaulieu.1977-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRPfMB6VA6g9Acf5PY’
ageHi (cRXXcf70u040SOuYBR): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRXXcf70u040SOuYBR): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRXXcf70u040SOuYBR): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
ageHi (cRXXcf70u040SOuYBR): chronData_TSid: ‘Clapeyret.deBeaulieu.1977-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRXXcf70u040SOuYBR’
ChronData values:
age_type (cRCkdbgv0n07GCJ08D): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRfliHCqJoZX5ki6vr): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRK8hNvpYmeEljBKyK): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRKIDvliXxvKxNZIYJ): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRPfMB6VA6g9Acf5PY): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRXXcf70u040SOuYBR): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:08 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RM0SQ5BKOUx): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:08 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L8muhrctrP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lb2njsab0P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lfxc0zvwqP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lfxc0zvwqP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lfxc0zvwqP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lfxc0zvwqP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lsckwzmv1P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lfxc0zvwqP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lfxc0zvwqP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lfxc0zvwqP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lfxc0zvwqP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lfxc0zvwqP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:09 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2La3lgwa79P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lb1fvsd9xP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lb1fvsd9xP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lb1fvsd9xP): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘fails age control, gap >3000 years (largest gap is 4200 yrs); five well-spaced ages in Holocene’
precipitation (M2Lb1fvsd9xP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lb1fvsd9xP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lr1vurcfcP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lypiizu4hP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lb1fvsd9xP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lb1fvsd9xP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lb1fvsd9xP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lb1fvsd9xP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lb1fvsd9xP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:09 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L1mbkfqyoP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L70fguskmP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lbtzi9joeP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lk84d2fvqP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lk84d2fvqP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lk84d2fvqP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lk84d2fvqP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lk84d2fvqP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lk84d2fvqP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lk84d2fvqP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lk84d2fvqP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lk84d2fvqP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.1
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:09 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEBfc1570c4): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:09 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘America>Canada>Newfoundland’ has been replaced by ‘North America>Canada>Newfoundland And Labrador’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L511e6mjbP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Ls8oc7swkP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lz8zzjys7P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lzg8ijmgxP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lzg8ijmgxP): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘yougest age is 3.4 ka, but three dates over 6.2 ka’
precipitation (M2Lzg8ijmgxP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lzg8ijmgxP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lzg8ijmgxP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lzg8ijmgxP): interpretation1_seasonalityOriginal: ‘1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lzg8ijmgxP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘amount@surface’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:09 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L3k86dnu3P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lakkznb6iP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lfqrx9sloP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lxjv45cs6P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lxjv45cs6P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lxjv45cs6P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lxjv45cs6P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lxjv45cs6P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lxjv45cs6P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lxjv45cs6P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lxjv45cs6P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lxjv45cs6P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:10 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L4attyxxdP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2LombwlfxeP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2LombwlfxeP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lv02p3n8eP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lz7ewxd8jP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2LombwlfxeP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2LombwlfxeP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
temperature (M2L57gunhnaP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L5r7a7pxcP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L5r7a7pxcP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L5r7a7pxcP): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘fails age control, gap >3000 years (largest gap is 4120 yrs), but six ages within Holocene’
temperature (M2LfavpryfiP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lo0iw64l3P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L5r7a7pxcP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L5r7a7pxcP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘amount@surface’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:10 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTUQPUNFJT): paleoData_units: ‘relativeT’ has been replaced by ‘degC’
temperature (PYTUQPUNFJT): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
d2H C29 (PYTZYIC0QP8): paleoData_notes: ‘d2H’ has been replaced by NULL
d2H C29 (PYTZYIC0QP8): paleoData_proxy: ‘dD’ has been replaced by ‘leafWax’
d2H C29 (PYTZYIC0QP8): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘leaf wax’ has been replaced by ‘n-alkane’
d2H C29 (PYTZYIC0QP8): paleoData_proxyLumps: ‘isotope’ has been replaced by ‘leafWax’
d2H C29 (PYTZYIC0QP8): paleoData_variableName: ‘d2H’ has been replaced by ‘d2H C29’
d2H C29 (PYTZYIC0QP8): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:10 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2L3p3e0659P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L3p3e0659P): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘one age gap = 3500 years; untenable minimum age’
precipitation (M2L3p3e0659P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Ldae73dbnP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lhri5d4vvP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lwg7wsrd5P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L3p3e0659P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L3p3e0659P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L3p3e0659P): interpretation1_seasonalityOriginal: ‘1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L3p3e0659P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘amount@surface’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:10 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2L41n12cadP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L41n12cadP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L8nwh67cmP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lse70i8puP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lyc9a2r23P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L41n12cadP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L41n12cadP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (ReFEWQNk5Mc): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (ReFEWQNk5Mc): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR9oPXBhHyEqT1jUwM’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRE6dapr2gsOYUNa6t’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRes7dhR2UPAKYGbXl’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRjs7xn6ykdJPbIoch’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRJwz8mwYGdmGP36yE’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRL73ij6x7iYMnZ1Xv’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRn9FOT3XLobbv4y24’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘DarzlubieForest.Polska-JasiewiczOwa.1996-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘DarzlubieForest.Polska-JasiewiczOwa.1996-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘DarzlubieForest.Polska-JasiewiczOwa.1996-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘DarzlubieForest.Polska-JasiewiczOwa.1996-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘DarzlubieForest.Polska-JasiewiczOwa.1996-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘DarzlubieForest.Polska-JasiewiczOwa.1996-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘DarzlubieForest.Polska-JasiewiczOwa.1996-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
depth (cR9oPXBhHyEqT1jUwM): chronData_TSid: ‘DarzlubieForest.Polska-JasiewiczOwa.1996-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR9oPXBhHyEqT1jUwM’
ageHi (cRE6dapr2gsOYUNa6t): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRE6dapr2gsOYUNa6t): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRE6dapr2gsOYUNa6t): chronData_TSid: ‘DarzlubieForest.Polska-JasiewiczOwa.1996-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRE6dapr2gsOYUNa6t’
labID (cRes7dhR2UPAKYGbXl): chronData_TSid: ‘DarzlubieForest.Polska-JasiewiczOwa.1996-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRes7dhR2UPAKYGbXl’
age_type (cRjs7xn6ykdJPbIoch): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRjs7xn6ykdJPbIoch): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRjs7xn6ykdJPbIoch): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRjs7xn6ykdJPbIoch): chronData_TSid: ‘DarzlubieForest.Polska-JasiewiczOwa.1996-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRjs7xn6ykdJPbIoch’
ageLow (cRJwz8mwYGdmGP36yE): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRJwz8mwYGdmGP36yE): chronData_TSid: ‘DarzlubieForest.Polska-JasiewiczOwa.1996-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRJwz8mwYGdmGP36yE’
thickness (cRL73ij6x7iYMnZ1Xv): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRL73ij6x7iYMnZ1Xv): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRL73ij6x7iYMnZ1Xv): chronData_TSid: ‘DarzlubieForest.Polska-JasiewiczOwa.1996-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRL73ij6x7iYMnZ1Xv’
age (cRn9FOT3XLobbv4y24): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRn9FOT3XLobbv4y24): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRn9FOT3XLobbv4y24): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
age (cRn9FOT3XLobbv4y24): chronData_TSid: ‘DarzlubieForest.Polska-JasiewiczOwa.1996-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRn9FOT3XLobbv4y24’
ChronData values:
ageHi (cRE6dapr2gsOYUNa6t): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRjs7xn6ykdJPbIoch): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRJwz8mwYGdmGP36yE): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRL73ij6x7iYMnZ1Xv): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRn9FOT3XLobbv4y24): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:12 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2Lb65zci5bP): paleoData_QCnotes: ‘fails age control, gap >3000 years (largest gap is 6340 yrs); excellent chronology over the upper 7.5 ka’ has been replaced by ‘fails age control, gap >3000 years (largest gap is 6340 yrs); excellent chronology over the upper 7.5 ka; repeating data’
temperature (M2Lb65zci5bP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lnwn70cm8P): paleoData_QCnotes: ‘fails age control, gap >3000 years (largest gap is 6340 yrs); excellent chronology over the upper 7.5 ka’ has been replaced by ‘fails age control, gap >3000 years (largest gap is 6340 yrs); excellent chronology over the upper 7.5 ka; repeating data’
temperature (M2Lnwn70cm8P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lqsgb2az4P): paleoData_QCnotes: ‘fails age control, gap >3000 years (largest gap is 6340 yrs); excellent chronology over the upper 7.5 ka’ has been replaced by ‘fails age control, gap >3000 years (largest gap is 6340 yrs); excellent chronology over the upper 7.5 ka; repeating data’
temperature (M2Lqsgb2az4P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lzqv4z2e5P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lzqv4z2e5P): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘fails age control, gap >3000 years (largest gap is 6340 yrs); excellent chronology over the upper 7.5 ka; repeating data’
precipitation (M2Lzqv4z2e5P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lzqv4z2e5P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lzqv4z2e5P): interpretation1_seasonalityOriginal: ‘1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lzqv4z2e5P): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (M2Lzqv4z2e5P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘preip@surface’ has been replaced by ‘amount@surface’
precipitation (M2Lzqv4z2e5P): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:12 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2Lagkzn1giP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lhd1b9ejrP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Llk3o07vaP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Llk3o07vaP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Llk3o07vaP): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘age gap = 3.7 ka; however, five ages on terrestrial macrofossils’
precipitation (M2Llk3o07vaP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Llk3o07vaP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lqdc73rb2P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Llk3o07vaP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Llk3o07vaP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Llk3o07vaP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Llk3o07vaP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Llk3o07vaP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:13 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2Larzon6irP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lfauth4q5P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2LfdkrvgyhP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lnavcl7qqP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lnavcl7qqP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lnavcl7qqP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lnavcl7qqP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lnavcl7qqP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lnavcl7qqP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lnavcl7qqP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lnavcl7qqP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lnavcl7qqP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:13 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L1rw0lmbhP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L8d6q9w3tP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Ldgzz39jxP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Ldgzz39jxP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Ldgzz39jxP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Ldgzz39jxP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2LqxikmeduP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Ldgzz39jxP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Ldgzz39jxP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Ldgzz39jxP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Ldgzz39jxP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Ldgzz39jxP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:13 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
ReliabIeYN1 (Rm4KttKepmM): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
temperature (RmE2SJeGukx): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘MTO, YLA’ has been replaced by ‘MTO, YLA, AAC’
temperature (RmE2SJeGukx): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
ReliabIeYN2 (RnIJ9EbKHJu): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
Commentregardingreliability2 (RvXwRdZ76bu): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
temperature (RvZFkpE8BK4): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘MTO, YLA’ has been replaced by ‘MTO, YLA, AAC’
temperature (RvZFkpE8BK4): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RmE2SJeGukx): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
temperature (RmE2SJeGukx): calibration_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by ‘July’
temperature (RvZFkpE8BK4): calibration_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by ‘July’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:13 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L3l1fqhcvP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L4lk0oe4cP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L4lk0oe4cP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L4lk0oe4cP): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘fails age control, gap >3000 years (largest gap is 3715 yrs); five well-spaced ages in Holocene’
precipitation (M2L4lk0oe4cP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L4lk0oe4cP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Ldwjqir4jP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lvlvf54mwP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L4lk0oe4cP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L4lk0oe4cP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L4lk0oe4cP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L4lk0oe4cP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L4lk0oe4cP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:14 UTC
Base metadata:
archiveType: ‘Ice-other’ has been replaced by ‘GroundIce’
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Porter, Trevor J.; Schoenemann, Spruce W.; Davies, Lauren J.; Steig, Eric J.; Bandara, Sasiri; Froese, Duane G.’ has been replaced by ‘Porter, Trevor J.’
pub1_publisher: ‘Springer Nature’ has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
Paleo Column metadata:
dD_swcorr (WEB10668658): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘d2H’
dD_swcorr (WEB10668658): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘IceWedge’
dD_swcorr (WEB10668658): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘isotope’
dD_swcorr (WEB10668658): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘d2H’
dD_swcorr (WEB10668658): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
dD_swcorr (WEB10668658): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘defer to non-sw corrected values’
d-excess (WEB53aebb8d): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘VSMOW’
d-excess (WEB53aebb8d): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘dx’
d-excess (WEB53aebb8d): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘IceWedge’
d-excess (WEB53aebb8d): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘isotope’
d-excess (WEB53aebb8d): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘dx’
d2H (WEB73fbe78c): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘VSMOW’
d2H (WEB73fbe78c): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘d2H’
d2H (WEB73fbe78c): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘IceWedge’
d2H (WEB73fbe78c): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘isotope’
d2H (WEB73fbe78c): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘d2H’
d-excess_swcorr (WEBa617473b): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘dx’
d-excess_swcorr (WEBa617473b): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘IceWedge’
d-excess_swcorr (WEBa617473b): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘isotope’
d-excess_swcorr (WEBa617473b): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘dx’
d-excess_swcorr (WEBa617473b): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
d-excess_swcorr (WEBa617473b): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘defer to non-sw corrected values’
d18O_swcorr (WEBa755355a): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘IceWedge’
d18O_swcorr (WEBa755355a): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
d18O_swcorr (WEBa755355a): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘defer to non-sw corrected values’
d18O (WEBf7bafce3): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘VSMOW’
d18O (WEBf7bafce3): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘d18O’
d18O (WEBf7bafce3): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘IceWedge’
d18O (WEBf7bafce3): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘isotope’
d18O (WEBf7bafce3): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘isotope’
d18O (WEBf7bafce3): paleoData_proxyLumpsOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘d18O’
temperature (WEBfb6b61e3): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘pore ice’ has been replaced by ‘IceWedge’
temperature (WEBfb6b61e3): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘DSK’ has been replaced by ‘DSK, AAC’
temperature (WEBfb6b61e3): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBfb6b61e3): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘defer to raw isotope record’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
dD_swcorr (WEB10668658): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
dD_swcorr (WEB10668658): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
dD_swcorr (WEB10668658): interpretation1_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘summer’
dD_swcorr (WEB10668658): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘summerOnly’
dD_swcorr (WEB10668658): interpretation1_variable: NULL has been replaced by ‘Piso’
dD_swcorr (WEB10668658): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
dD_swcorr (WEB10668658): interpretation1_variableGroup: NULL has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d-excess (WEB53aebb8d): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
d-excess (WEB53aebb8d): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
d-excess (WEB53aebb8d): interpretation1_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘summer’
d-excess (WEB53aebb8d): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘summerOnly’
d-excess (WEB53aebb8d): interpretation1_variable: NULL has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d-excess (WEB53aebb8d): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
d-excess (WEB53aebb8d): interpretation1_variableGroup: NULL has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d2H (WEB73fbe78c): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
d2H (WEB73fbe78c): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
d2H (WEB73fbe78c): interpretation1_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘summer’
d2H (WEB73fbe78c): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘summerOnly’
d2H (WEB73fbe78c): interpretation1_variable: NULL has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d2H (WEB73fbe78c): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
d2H (WEB73fbe78c): interpretation1_variableGroup: NULL has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d-excess_swcorr (WEBa617473b): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
d-excess_swcorr (WEBa617473b): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
d-excess_swcorr (WEBa617473b): interpretation1_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘summer’
d-excess_swcorr (WEBa617473b): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘summerOnly’
d-excess_swcorr (WEBa617473b): interpretation1_variable: NULL has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d-excess_swcorr (WEBa617473b): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
d-excess_swcorr (WEBa617473b): interpretation1_variableGroup: NULL has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O_swcorr (WEBa755355a): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
d18O_swcorr (WEBa755355a): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
d18O_swcorr (WEBa755355a): interpretation1_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘summer’
d18O_swcorr (WEBa755355a): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘summerOnly’
d18O_swcorr (WEBa755355a): interpretation1_variable: NULL has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O_swcorr (WEBa755355a): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
d18O_swcorr (WEBa755355a): interpretation1_variableGroup: NULL has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O (WEBf7bafce3): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
d18O (WEBf7bafce3): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
d18O (WEBf7bafce3): interpretation1_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘summer’
d18O (WEBf7bafce3): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘summerOnly’
d18O (WEBf7bafce3): interpretation1_variable: NULL has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O (WEBf7bafce3): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
d18O (WEBf7bafce3): interpretation1_variableGroup: NULL has been replaced by ‘Piso’
temperature (WEBfb6b61e3): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘air@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
d-excess (WEB53aebb8d): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘uncalibrated’
d-excess (WEB53aebb8d): calibration_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘uncalibrated’
d2H (WEB73fbe78c): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘uncalibrated’
d2H (WEB73fbe78c): calibration_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘uncalibrated’
d18O (WEBf7bafce3): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘uncalibrated’
d18O (WEBf7bafce3): calibration_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘uncalibrated’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:14 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2Lgulwr3fmP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lmcalxjr0P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2LrgccxouoP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2LrgccxouoP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2LrgccxouoP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2LrgccxouoP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lycyl84kiP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2LrgccxouoP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2LrgccxouoP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2LrgccxouoP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2LrgccxouoP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2LrgccxouoP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:14 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
d18O (PYT8NX1Q5ZA): paleoData_datum: ‘SMOW’ has been replaced by ‘VSMOW’
d18O (PYT8NX1Q5ZA): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘glacier ice’ has been replaced by ‘GlacierIce’
d18O (PYT8NX1Q5ZA): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
d18O (PYT8NX1Q5ZA): interpretation1_variable: ‘T’ has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O (PYT8NX1Q5ZA): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘Temperature’ has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O (PYT8NX1Q5ZA): interpretation1_variableGroupDirection: ‘negative’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Calibration metadata:
d18O (PYT8NX1Q5ZA): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘uncalibrated’
d18O (PYT8NX1Q5ZA): calibration_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘uncalibrated’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:14 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2L92hd3tfiP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L92hd3tfiP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L92hd3tfiP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L92hd3tfiP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Leb83o3ngP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Ln0os2orwP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lp7ovi4zuP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L92hd3tfiP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L92hd3tfiP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L92hd3tfiP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.9
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:14 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (PYTISXSSSBC): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (PYTISXSSSBC): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (PYTISXSSSBC): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (PYTISXSSSBC): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
d18O (PYTNDP0RV0M): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘VSMOW’
d18O (PYTNDP0RV0M): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘“The varying d18Olw offsets from d18OP values provide a measure of changing evaporative en-richment in the three lakes, which is a primary function ofchanging local hydrologic balance in response to shifting mois-ture regimes”’
d18O (PYTNDP0RV0M): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘pore ice’
d18O (PYTNDP0RV0M): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
d18O (PYTNDP0RV0M): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTQGF9UT2H): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (PYTISXSSSBC): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (PYTISXSSSBC): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
d18O (PYTNDP0RV0M): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘negative’
d18O (PYTNDP0RV0M): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P-E’
d18O (PYTNDP0RV0M): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘eff’ has been replaced by ‘lake@surface’
d18O (PYTNDP0RV0M): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P-E’
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:15 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (Rdf2KmRVOb2): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEB13e37e8c): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
accumulation (WEBc6552302): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
accumulation (WEBc6552302): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘ice accumulation’
accumulation (WEBc6552302): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘Accumulation’
accumulation (WEBc6552302): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘bio?physical’
accumulation (WEBc6552302): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘ice accumulation’
accumulation (WEBc6552302): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
accumulation (WEBc6552302): paleoData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
accumulation (WEBc6552302): paleoData_variableName: ‘acc’ has been replaced by ‘accumulation’
accumulation (WEBc6552302): paleoData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Accumulation’
accumulation (WEBc6552302): paleoData_proxyOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Ice Accumulation’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
accumulation (WEBc6552302): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
accumulation (WEBc6552302): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
accumulation (WEBc6552302): interpretation1_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
accumulation (WEBc6552302): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
accumulation (WEBc6552302): interpretation1_variable: NULL has been replaced by ‘P’
accumulation (WEBc6552302): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
accumulation (WEBc6552302): interpretation1_variableGroup: NULL has been replaced by ‘P’
Version: 1.1.3
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:15 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (REFJO9vQCfa): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RFnXAgxg0hG): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RmflVpezVsg): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RT9UYffF0r0): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RtYUoclBTNp): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RtYUoclBTNp): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RtYUoclBTNp): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RtYUoclBTNp): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RtYUoclBTNp): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual’
precipitation (RtYUoclBTNp): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RtYUoclBTNp): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RtYUoclBTNp): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR0qEKNLi41z7H1XiA’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR1i5e4AXPSnvPDRTC’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR38tJxUDxIOEo172r’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cReR99a3Ovq3xSgESL’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRR53TWMFFdjaRxYzt’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRTDYG8L1SaEWJPZ9p’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRXEuxwiGTSlM84ENn’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Donvold.Nilssen.1983-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Donvold.Nilssen.1983-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Donvold.Nilssen.1983-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Donvold.Nilssen.1983-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Donvold.Nilssen.1983-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Donvold.Nilssen.1983-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Donvold.Nilssen.1983-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
thickness (cR0qEKNLi41z7H1XiA): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cR0qEKNLi41z7H1XiA): chronData_TSid: ‘Donvold.Nilssen.1983-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR0qEKNLi41z7H1XiA’
labID (cR1i5e4AXPSnvPDRTC): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cR1i5e4AXPSnvPDRTC): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cR1i5e4AXPSnvPDRTC): chronData_TSid: ‘Donvold.Nilssen.1983-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR1i5e4AXPSnvPDRTC’
age_type (cR38tJxUDxIOEo172r): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cR38tJxUDxIOEo172r): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cR38tJxUDxIOEo172r): chronData_TSid: ‘Donvold.Nilssen.1983-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cR38tJxUDxIOEo172r’
age (cReR99a3Ovq3xSgESL): chronData_TSid: ‘Donvold.Nilssen.1983-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cReR99a3Ovq3xSgESL’
ageLow (cRR53TWMFFdjaRxYzt): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRR53TWMFFdjaRxYzt): chronData_TSid: ‘Donvold.Nilssen.1983-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRR53TWMFFdjaRxYzt’
depth (cRTDYG8L1SaEWJPZ9p): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRTDYG8L1SaEWJPZ9p): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRTDYG8L1SaEWJPZ9p): chronData_TSid: ‘Donvold.Nilssen.1983-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRTDYG8L1SaEWJPZ9p’
ageHi (cRXEuxwiGTSlM84ENn): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRXEuxwiGTSlM84ENn): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRXEuxwiGTSlM84ENn): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
ageHi (cRXEuxwiGTSlM84ENn): chronData_TSid: ‘Donvold.Nilssen.1983-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRXEuxwiGTSlM84ENn’
ChronData values:
thickness (cR0qEKNLi41z7H1XiA): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cR1i5e4AXPSnvPDRTC): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cR38tJxUDxIOEo172r): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRR53TWMFFdjaRxYzt): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRTDYG8L1SaEWJPZ9p): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRXEuxwiGTSlM84ENn): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:15 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L9b0h67c3P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lhauzlyt3P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lhh6f9sm9P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Ljx8n1nydP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Ljx8n1nydP): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘fails age control, gap >3000 years (largest gap is 3370 yrs), but 7 ages’
precipitation (M2Ljx8n1nydP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Ljx8n1nydP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Ljx8n1nydP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Ljx8n1nydP): interpretation1_seasonalityOriginal: ‘1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Ljx8n1nydP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘amount@surface’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:15 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
GDD5 (RdUukXSDXTi): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RfEoNTrvsy9): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RmWAcZM7Ri5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (Rn7kW51cjVy): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (Rn7kW51cjVy): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (Rn7kW51cjVy): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (Rn7kW51cjVy): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RPm77pxTowD): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (Rn7kW51cjVy): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (Rn7kW51cjVy): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (Rn7kW51cjVy): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
pub1_author: ‘Gavin, Daniel G.; Henderson, Andrew C.G.; Westover, Karlyn S.; Fritz, Sherilyn C.; Walker, Ian R.; Leng, Melanie J.; Hu, Feng Sheng’ has been replaced by ‘Gavin, Daniel G.’
pub1_issue: ‘10-Sep’ has been replaced by ‘9-10’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB9a26a54b): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:18 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Atlantic Ocean>North Atlantic Ocean>Iceland’ has been replaced by ‘Europe>Northern Europe>Iceland’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (Rc9cuWIUbO5): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (Rc9cuWIUbO5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:18 UTC
Base metadata:
archiveType: ‘Ice-other’ has been replaced by ‘GroundIce’
Paleo Column metadata:
d18O (WEB65af657c): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘pore ice’ has been replaced by ‘PoreIce’
d18O (WEB65af657c): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘VSMOW’
d18O (WEB65af657c): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
d18O (WEB65af657c): interpretation1_variable: ‘T’ has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O (WEB65af657c): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘air@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
d18O (WEB65af657c): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘Temperature’ has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O (WEB65af657c): interpretation1_variableGroupDirection: ‘negative’ has been replaced by NULL
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:18 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Flower, Benjamin P.; Hastings, David W.; Hill, Heather W.; Quinn, Terrence M.’ has been replaced by ‘Flower, Benjamin P.’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘597’
pub1_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub1_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Geological Society of America’
pub1_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
Paleo Column metadata:
age (T2L_EN32_PC6_age_median): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
age (T2L_EN32_PC6_age_median): paleoData_notes: ‘For Temp12k, the original age model was used - these data are the same as ageOriginal;’ has been replaced by ‘For Temp12k, the original age model was used - these data are the same as ageOriginal;’
ageMedianBacon (T2L_EN32_PC6_age_medianMedianBacon): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageOriginal (T2L_EN32_PC6_age_original): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
d18o_ruber (T2L_EN32_PC6_d18o_ruber): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_EN32_PC6_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_EN32_PC6_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
depth (T2L_EN32_PC6_depth): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
mgca_ruber (T2L_EN32_PC6_mgca_ruber): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_EN32_PC6_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_EN32_PC6_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
PaleoData values:
temperature (T2L_EN32_PC6_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (T2L_EN32_PC6_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): The paleoData_values have changed
Chron Column metadata:
age_type (R7XRhnpdpBF): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
age (RpVVDQSEARR): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
c14_1s_err (T2L_EN32_PC6_c14_1s_err): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
c14_date (T2L_EN32_PC6_c14_date): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r (T2L_EN32_PC6_delta_r): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_1s_error (T2L_EN32_PC6_delta_r_1s_error): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_1s_error_original (T2L_EN32_PC6_delta_r_1s_error_original): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_original (T2L_EN32_PC6_delta_r_original): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth_bottom (T2L_EN32_PC6_depth_bottom): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth_top (T2L_EN32_PC6_depth_top): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
labcode (T2L_EN32_PC6_labcode): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
mat_dated (T2L_EN32_PC6_mat_dated): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_1s_err (T2L_EN32_PC6_other_1s_err): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_date (T2L_EN32_PC6_other_date): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_type (T2L_EN32_PC6_other_type): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:18 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L9nfmow8zP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lpm21frclP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Panom (M2LyqvhaodqP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘anom’
Panom (M2LyqvhaodqP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
Panom (M2LyqvhaodqP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
Panom (M2LyqvhaodqP): paleoData_variableName: ‘precipitation’ has been replaced by ‘Panom’
Panom (M2LyqvhaodqP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lzhv3nfyiP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
Panom (M2LyqvhaodqP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
Panom (M2LyqvhaodqP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:19 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L3lackd3rP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L846r0l61P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Li8t1s270P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Li8t1s270P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Li8t1s270P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Li8t1s270P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lttreppu1P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Li8t1s270P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Li8t1s270P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Li8t1s270P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:19 UTC
PaleoData table:
Column ‘WEB230b719d’, with variable name ‘bag’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB37696da5’, with variable name ‘thin-mid’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB689383ae’, with variable name ‘temperature’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBa8eced58’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBc70f1f2b’, with variable name ‘logdepthtop’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBdb3dc48a’, with variable name ‘accumulation’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBee71124b’, with variable name ‘logdepthtop-EDC99’, was added to the dataset
Publication metadata:
pub3_abstract: NULL has been replaced by ‘Abstract. The EPICA (European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica) Dome C drilling in East Antarctica has now been completed to a depth of 3260 m, at only a few meters above bedrock. Here we present the new EDC3 chronology, which is based on the use of 1) a snow accumulation and mechanical flow model, and 2) a set of independent age markers along the core. These are obtained by pattern matching of recorded parameters to either absolutely dated paleoclimatic records, or to insolation variations. We show that this new time scale is in excellent agreement with the Dome Fuji and Vostok ice core time scales back to 100 kyr within 1 kyr. Discrepancies larger than 3 kyr arise during MIS 5.4, 5.5 and 6, which points to anomalies in either snow accumulation or mechanical flow during these time periods. We estimate that EDC3 gives accurate event durations within 20% (2σ) back to MIS11 and accurate absolute ages with a maximum uncertainty of 6 kyr back to 800 kyr. ’
pub3_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub3_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘485-497’
pub3_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Copernicus GmbH’
pub3_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘The EDC3 chronology for the EPICA Dome C ice core’
pub3_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub3_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘3’
pub3_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2007’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEBd30870fb): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:19 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_ERDC_092BX_d18o_sacculifer_SST_from_d18o_sacculifer): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_ERDC_092BX_mgca_sacculifer_SST_from_mgca_sacculifer): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_ERDC_092BX_d18o_sacculifer_SST_from_d18o_sacculifer): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_ERDC_092BX_mgca_sacculifer_SST_from_mgca_sacculifer): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:19 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R9q1L6RBaPd): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R9q1L6RBaPd): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R9q1L6RBaPd): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:20 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
GDD5 (RaIDYW3buuY): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RfxpILGWRtp): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RfxpILGWRtp): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RfxpILGWRtp): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RfxpILGWRtp): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RGzc1K1TEcO): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RiyWXIIlfUl): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RTl0Xb3NzUT): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RfxpILGWRtp): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RfxpILGWRtp): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RfxpILGWRtp): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RfxpILGWRtp): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RfxpILGWRtp): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR0SobLKc3eIsJvEtH’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR1AUT5yxNiwDMlLOF’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR44HAxCp0l1za53rx’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRevtBFZlBf3hqFQEs’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRfoItfWhti8IG0EAp’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRNDvPQql9WuYR9QaG’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRNgJNqb2pEWD27TZn’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Etangd’yCorMontana.Welten.1982-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Etangd’yCorMontana.Welten.1982-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Etangd’yCorMontana.Welten.1982-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Etangd’yCorMontana.Welten.1982-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Etangd’yCorMontana.Welten.1982-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Etangd’yCorMontana.Welten.1982-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Etangd’yCorMontana.Welten.1982-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
age (cR0SobLKc3eIsJvEtH): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cR0SobLKc3eIsJvEtH): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cR0SobLKc3eIsJvEtH): chronData_TSid: ‘Etangd’yCorMontana.Welten.1982-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR0SobLKc3eIsJvEtH’
age_type (cR1AUT5yxNiwDMlLOF): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cR1AUT5yxNiwDMlLOF): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cR1AUT5yxNiwDMlLOF): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cR1AUT5yxNiwDMlLOF): chronData_TSid: ‘Etangd’yCorMontana.Welten.1982-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR1AUT5yxNiwDMlLOF’
ageLow (cR44HAxCp0l1za53rx): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cR44HAxCp0l1za53rx): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cR44HAxCp0l1za53rx): chronData_TSid: ‘Etangd’yCorMontana.Welten.1982-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cR44HAxCp0l1za53rx’
thickness (cRevtBFZlBf3hqFQEs): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRevtBFZlBf3hqFQEs): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRevtBFZlBf3hqFQEs): chronData_TSid: ‘Etangd’yCorMontana.Welten.1982-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRevtBFZlBf3hqFQEs’
depth (cRfoItfWhti8IG0EAp): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRfoItfWhti8IG0EAp): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRfoItfWhti8IG0EAp): chronData_TSid: ‘Etangd’yCorMontana.Welten.1982-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRfoItfWhti8IG0EAp’
ageHi (cRNDvPQql9WuYR9QaG): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRNDvPQql9WuYR9QaG): chronData_TSid: ‘Etangd’yCorMontana.Welten.1982-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRNDvPQql9WuYR9QaG’
labID (cRNgJNqb2pEWD27TZn): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRNgJNqb2pEWD27TZn): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
labID (cRNgJNqb2pEWD27TZn): chronData_TSid: ‘Etangd’yCorMontana.Welten.1982-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRNgJNqb2pEWD27TZn’
ChronData values:
age (cR0SobLKc3eIsJvEtH): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cR1AUT5yxNiwDMlLOF): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cR44HAxCp0l1za53rx): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRevtBFZlBf3hqFQEs): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRfoItfWhti8IG0EAp): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRNDvPQql9WuYR9QaG): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRNgJNqb2pEWD27TZn): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:20 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Praetorius, S. K.; Mix, A. C.; Walczak, M. H.; Wolhowe, M. D.; Addison, J. A.; Prahl, F. G.’ has been replaced by ‘Praetorius, S. K.’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘362-366’
pub1_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub1_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
pub1_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘((( null ))) Pacific Ocean>North Pacific Ocean /// Pacific Ocean>North Pacific Ocean>Gulf Of Alaska’ has been replaced by ‘Pacific Ocean>North Pacific Ocean’
Paleo Column metadata:
age (T2L_EW0408_66JC_age_median): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
age (T2L_EW0408_66JC_age_median): paleoData_notes: ‘For Temp12k, the original age model was used - these data are the same as ageOriginal;’ has been replaced by ‘For Temp12k, the original age model was used - these data are the same as ageOriginal;’
ageMedianBacon (T2L_EW0408_66JC_age_medianMedianBacon): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageOriginal (T2L_EW0408_66JC_age_original): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
d18o_pachyderma (T2L_EW0408_66JC_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_EW0408_66JC_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_EW0408_66JC_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
depth (T2L_EW0408_66JC_depth): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
Uk37 (T2L_EW0408_66JC_uk37): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_EW0408_66JC_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_EW0408_66JC_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_EW0408_66JC_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_EW0408_66JC_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6 7 8’ has been replaced by ‘((( 6 7 2008 ))) null /// 6 7 8’
temperature (T2L_EW0408_66JC_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘6 7 2008’
PaleoData values:
temperature (T2L_EW0408_66JC_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (T2L_EW0408_66JC_uk37_SST_from_uk37): The paleoData_values have changed
Chron Column metadata:
age (Rj3nAC3l8nP): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
age_type (RVXIJCTFKiU): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
c14_1s_err (T2L_EW0408_66JC_c14_1s_err): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
c14_date (T2L_EW0408_66JC_c14_date): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r (T2L_EW0408_66JC_delta_r): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_1s_error (T2L_EW0408_66JC_delta_r_1s_error): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_1s_error_original (T2L_EW0408_66JC_delta_r_1s_error_original): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_original (T2L_EW0408_66JC_delta_r_original): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth_bottom (T2L_EW0408_66JC_depth_bottom): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth_top (T2L_EW0408_66JC_depth_top): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
labcode (T2L_EW0408_66JC_labcode): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
mat_dated (T2L_EW0408_66JC_mat_dated): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_1s_err (T2L_EW0408_66JC_other_1s_err): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_date (T2L_EW0408_66JC_other_date): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_type (T2L_EW0408_66JC_other_type): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:20 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
age (T2L_EW0408_85JC_age_median): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
age (T2L_EW0408_85JC_age_median): paleoData_notes: ‘For Temp12k, the original age model was used - these data are the same as ageOriginal;’ has been replaced by ‘For Temp12k, the original age model was used - these data are the same as ageOriginal;’
ageMedianBacon (T2L_EW0408_85JC_age_medianMedianBacon): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageOriginal (T2L_EW0408_85JC_age_original): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
d18o_bulloides (T2L_EW0408_85JC_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_EW0408_85JC_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_EW0408_85JC_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
d18o_pachyderma (T2L_EW0408_85JC_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_EW0408_85JC_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_EW0408_85JC_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
depth (T2L_EW0408_85JC_depth): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
Uk37 (T2L_EW0408_85JC_uk37): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_EW0408_85JC_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_EW0408_85JC_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_EW0408_85JC_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_EW0408_85JC_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_EW0408_85JC_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6 7 8’ has been replaced by ‘JJA’
temperature (T2L_EW0408_85JC_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
PaleoData values:
temperature (T2L_EW0408_85JC_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (T2L_EW0408_85JC_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (T2L_EW0408_85JC_uk37_SST_from_uk37): The paleoData_values have changed
Chron Column metadata:
age_type (R59PCXNa5uu): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
age (RmCz7wm73hJ): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
c14_1s_err (T2L_EW0408_85JC_c14_1s_err): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
c14_date (T2L_EW0408_85JC_c14_date): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r (T2L_EW0408_85JC_delta_r): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_1s_error (T2L_EW0408_85JC_delta_r_1s_error): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_1s_error_original (T2L_EW0408_85JC_delta_r_1s_error_original): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_original (T2L_EW0408_85JC_delta_r_original): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth_bottom (T2L_EW0408_85JC_depth_bottom): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth_top (T2L_EW0408_85JC_depth_top): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
labcode (T2L_EW0408_85JC_labcode): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
mat_dated (T2L_EW0408_85JC_mat_dated): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_1s_err (T2L_EW0408_85JC_other_1s_err): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_date (T2L_EW0408_85JC_other_date): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_type (T2L_EW0408_85JC_other_type): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:20 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB6df77dbb): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘mean summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB6df77dbb): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘mean summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB6df77dbb): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:21 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTUWT2GQ7F): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTUWT2GQ7F): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTUWT2GQ7F): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:21 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
d18O (PYT0UICY9DO): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
d18O (PYT0UICY9DO): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘VSMOW’
d18O (PYT0UICY9DO): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:21 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub2_pages: ‘92-96’ has been replaced by NULL
pub2_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub1_citation: NULL has been replaced by ‘Albert, L.E., and D.G. Wyckoff, editors. 1981. Ferndale Bog and Natural Lake: five thousand years of environmental change in southeastern Oklahoma. Studies in Oklahoma’s Past 7. Oklahoma Archaeological Survey, Norman, Oklahoma, USA.’
pub2_citation: NULL has been replaced by ‘Albert, L.E., and D.G. Wyckoff, editors. 1981. Ferndale Bog and Natural Lake: five thousand years of environmental change in southeastern Oklahoma. Studies in Oklahoma’s Past 7. Oklahoma Archaeological Survey, Norman, Oklahoma, USA.’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘EUFCEU9W’
pub2_edition: NULL has been replaced by ‘1’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘92-96’
pub2_report: NULL has been replaced by ‘Norman: Oklahoma Archaeological Survey’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2Lasjuwzq8P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lfivgg76xP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2LjiqhzlxgP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2LjiqhzlxgP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Luyrjjlf0P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2LjiqhzlxgP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2LjiqhzlxgP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RUctejGkQtc): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RUctejGkQtc): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRcqLluq5uUa5VYBc5’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRJOQRHxLz7L70t3Ni’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRMolXUqGXDnKh477X’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRQmqGYNOw3cdzAhx9’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRT9SDqnMiP9t585Gp’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRxnnDxgsS4N0ssBgP’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRXPQE2cVdBieESCOY’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘FontaineHenry.Lespez.2008-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘FontaineHenry.Lespez.2008-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘FontaineHenry.Lespez.2008-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘FontaineHenry.Lespez.2008-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘FontaineHenry.Lespez.2008-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘FontaineHenry.Lespez.2008-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘FontaineHenry.Lespez.2008-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
thickness (cRcqLluq5uUa5VYBc5): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRcqLluq5uUa5VYBc5): chronData_TSid: ‘FontaineHenry.Lespez.2008-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cRcqLluq5uUa5VYBc5’
ageLow (cRJOQRHxLz7L70t3Ni): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cRJOQRHxLz7L70t3Ni): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRJOQRHxLz7L70t3Ni): chronData_TSid: ‘FontaineHenry.Lespez.2008-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRJOQRHxLz7L70t3Ni’
ageHi (cRMolXUqGXDnKh477X): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRMolXUqGXDnKh477X): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRMolXUqGXDnKh477X): chronData_TSid: ‘FontaineHenry.Lespez.2008-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRMolXUqGXDnKh477X’
depth (cRQmqGYNOw3cdzAhx9): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRQmqGYNOw3cdzAhx9): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRQmqGYNOw3cdzAhx9): chronData_TSid: ‘FontaineHenry.Lespez.2008-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRQmqGYNOw3cdzAhx9’
age_type (cRT9SDqnMiP9t585Gp): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRT9SDqnMiP9t585Gp): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRT9SDqnMiP9t585Gp): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRT9SDqnMiP9t585Gp): chronData_TSid: ‘FontaineHenry.Lespez.2008-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRT9SDqnMiP9t585Gp’
labID (cRxnnDxgsS4N0ssBgP): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRxnnDxgsS4N0ssBgP): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRxnnDxgsS4N0ssBgP): chronData_TSid: ‘FontaineHenry.Lespez.2008-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRxnnDxgsS4N0ssBgP’
age (cRXPQE2cVdBieESCOY): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRXPQE2cVdBieESCOY): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRXPQE2cVdBieESCOY): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
age (cRXPQE2cVdBieESCOY): chronData_TSid: ‘FontaineHenry.Lespez.2008-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRXPQE2cVdBieESCOY’
ChronData values:
thickness (cRcqLluq5uUa5VYBc5): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRJOQRHxLz7L70t3Ni): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRMolXUqGXDnKh477X): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRQmqGYNOw3cdzAhx9): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRT9SDqnMiP9t585Gp): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRxnnDxgsS4N0ssBgP): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRXPQE2cVdBieESCOY): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:22 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Rosenberg, Sandra M.; Walker, Ian R.; Mathewes, Rolf W.; Hallett, Douglas J.’ has been replaced by ‘Rosenberg, Sandra M.’
pub1_title: ‘Midge-inferred Holocene climate history of two subalpine lakes in southern British Columbia, Canada’ has been replaced by ‘Midge-inferred Holocene climate history of two subalpine lakes in southern British Columbia, Canada’
pub2_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Gavin, Daniel G.”), list(name = “Brubaker, Linda B.”), list(name = “Greenwald, D. Noah”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘7MKPYBK3’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Ecological Monographs’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘471-489’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘258 271’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Wiley’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Postglacial climate and fire-mediated vegetation change on the western Olympic Peninsula, Washington (USA)’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘83’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2013’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEBd6c4bf1f): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEBd6c4bf1f): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEBd6c4bf1f): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:22 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT6ATFLR1S): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT6ATFLR1S): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT6ATFLR1S): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:23 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2L3uoh070eP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L3uoh070eP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L3uoh070eP): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘fails age control, gap >3000 years (largest gap is 3465 yrs); six well-spaced ages in Holocene’
precipitation (M2L3uoh070eP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L3uoh070eP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lgupr25mjP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lobppgc8iP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lreiy4zuwP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L3uoh070eP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L3uoh070eP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L3uoh070eP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L3uoh070eP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L3uoh070eP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:23 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L5sczvonsP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L782p0ctmP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lcv0b40cmP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lcv0b40cmP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lcv0b40cmP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lcv0b40cmP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lf6mllgzvP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lcv0b40cmP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lcv0b40cmP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lcv0b40cmP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lcv0b40cmP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lcv0b40cmP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:23 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L8i5tdwifP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Ljlk4916zP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Ljlk4916zP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Ljlk4916zP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Ljlk4916zP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lr2u9z69jP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lse4fodl9P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Ljlk4916zP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Ljlk4916zP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Ljlk4916zP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Ljlk4916zP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Ljlk4916zP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:23 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RrR5q3ibRjl): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RrR5q3ibRjl): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RrR5q3ibRjl): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:23 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RGIi8rzDMmj): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RL64xxOUoVT_SST_from_planktic0x2EMgCa): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RGIi8rzDMmj): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
temperature (RL64xxOUoVT_SST_from_planktic0x2EMgCa): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:24 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R3VPL7rxXyk_SST_from_planktic0x2EMgCa): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R3VPL7rxXyk_SST_from_planktic0x2EMgCa): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12’
temperature (REFHcFMUP7Z): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R3VPL7rxXyk_SST_from_planktic0x2EMgCa): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (REFHcFMUP7Z): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:24 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB10053_7_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB10053_7_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB10053_7_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB10053_7_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:24 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB10069_3_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB10069_3_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB10069_3_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB10069_3_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:24 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB1023_5_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB1023_5_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB1023_5_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB1023_5_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:25 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RvgMFNdDqju_SST_from_planktic0x2EMgCa): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RWaSw2Is14j): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RvgMFNdDqju_SST_from_planktic0x2EMgCa): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RWaSw2Is14j): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:25 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB12615_4_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB12615_4_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB12615_4_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB12615_4_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:25 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB1711_4_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB1711_4_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:25 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB17419_1_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB17419_1_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:26 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB3104_1_d18o_ruber_pink_SST_from_d18o_ruber_pink): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB3104_1_d18o_sacculifer_SST_from_d18o_sacculifer): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB3104_1_d18o_ruber_pink_SST_from_d18o_ruber_pink): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB3104_1_d18o_sacculifer_SST_from_d18o_sacculifer): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:26 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB3129_1_d18o_ruber_pink_SST_from_d18o_ruber_pink): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB3129_1_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB3129_1_d18o_sacculifer_SST_from_d18o_sacculifer): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB3129_1_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB3129_1_d18o_ruber_pink_SST_from_d18o_ruber_pink): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB3129_1_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB3129_1_d18o_sacculifer_SST_from_d18o_sacculifer): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB3129_1_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:26 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (GH6edd69de): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB33131_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB33131_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (GH6edd69de): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB33131_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB33131_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:26 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB3910_2_d18o_sacculifer_SST_from_d18o_sacculifer): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB3910_2_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB3910_2_d18o_sacculifer_SST_from_d18o_sacculifer): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB3910_2_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:27 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB4905_4_d18o_ruber_pink_SST_from_d18o_ruber_pink): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB4905_4_mgca_ruber_pink_SST_from_mgca_ruber_pink): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB4905_4_d18o_ruber_pink_SST_from_d18o_ruber_pink): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB4905_4_mgca_ruber_pink_SST_from_mgca_ruber_pink): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:27 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB5844_2_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB5844_2_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB5844_2_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB5844_2_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:27 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB5901_2_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB5901_2_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:27 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB6518_1_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB6518_1_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB6518_1_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB6518_1_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:28 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (GHd6662417): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (GHd6662417): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:28 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB7702_3_tex86_SST_from_tex86): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB7702_3_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘11 12 1 2 3 4 5’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB7702_3_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winterOnly’ has been replaced by ‘11 12 1 2 3 4 5’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB7702_3_tex86_SST_from_tex86): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB7702_3_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:28 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB7926_2_tex86_SST_from_tex86): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB7926_2_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB7926_2_tex86_SST_from_tex86): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB7926_2_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:28 UTC
PaleoData table:
Column ‘WEB061f1c05’, with variable name ‘MAAT’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB22019904’, with variable name ‘CBT’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB4cca0c7b’, with variable name ‘C29 δ13C’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB4d7ad059’, with variable name ‘C29 δD’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB59a9dcfe’, with variable name ‘C31 δD Std Dev’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB6a9c4c6b’, with variable name ‘C33 δ13C’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB7bb49e78’, with variable name ‘C33 δ13C Std Dev’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB93ed5ede’, with variable name ‘temperature’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBa3c43e95’, with variable name ‘BIT’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBa680f829’, with variable name ‘A odd (25-35)’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBab3fd871’, with variable name ‘C29 δ13C Std Dev’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBbcda3352’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBc9d84ef8’, with variable name ‘C31 δ13C Std Dev’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBcca16a74’, with variable name ‘C33 δD Std Dev’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBcf115b2c’, with variable name ‘MBT’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBd903c055’, with variable name ‘pHsoil’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBda0fbb31’, with variable name ‘C33 δD’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBea8de476’, with variable name ‘C31 δ13C’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBed76e699’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBf23684ea’, with variable name ‘C31 δD’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBf7e7563a’, with variable name ‘TEX86’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBfb50c904’, with variable name ‘C29 δD Std Dev’, was added to the dataset
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Schefuß, Enno”), list(name = “Kuhlmann, Hoger”), list(name = “Mollenhauer, Gesine”), list(name = “Prange, Matthias”), list(name = “Pätzold, Jürgen”))’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Nature’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘509-512’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Forcing of wet phases in southeast Africa over the past 17,000 years’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘480’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2011’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB9307_3_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB9307_3_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB9307_3_tex86_SST_from_tex86): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Chron Column metadata:
delta_r (T2L_GeoB9307_3_delta_r): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
delta_r_1s_error (T2L_GeoB9307_3_delta_r_1s_error): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
delta_r_1s_error_original (T2L_GeoB9307_3_delta_r_1s_error_original): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
delta_r_original (T2L_GeoB9307_3_delta_r_original): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labcode (T2L_GeoB9307_3_labcode): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
mat_dated (T2L_GeoB9307_3_mat_dated): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
other_1s_err (T2L_GeoB9307_3_other_1s_err): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
other_date (T2L_GeoB9307_3_other_date): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
other_type (T2L_GeoB9307_3_other_type): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:29 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB9310_4_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GeoB9310_4_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GeoB9310_4_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GeoB9310_4_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:29 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (LPD52d54dc4): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (LPD736982dd_SST_from_Mg0x2FCa): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPD52d54dc4): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
temperature (LPD736982dd_SST_from_Mg0x2FCa): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:29 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Farmer, Jesse R.; Cronin, Thomas M.; de Vernal, Anne; Dwyer, Gary S.; Keigwin, Lloyd D.; Thunell, Robert C.’ has been replaced by ‘Farmer, Jesse R.’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Sundqvist, H. S.”), list(name = “Kaufman, D. S.”), list(name = “McKay, N. P.”), list(name = “Balascio, N. L.”), list(name = “Briner, J. P.”), list(name = “Cwynar, L. C.”), list(name = “Sejrup, H. P.”), list(name = “Seppä, H.”), list(name = “Subetto, D. A.”), list(name = “Andrews, J. T.”), list(name = “Axford, Y.”), list(name = “Bakke, J.”), list(name = “Birks, H. J. B.”), list(name = “Brooks, S. J.”), list(name = “de Vernal, A.”), list(name = “Jennings, A. E.”), list(name = “Ljungqvist, F. C.”), list(name = “Rühland, K. M.”), list(name = “Saenger, C.”), list(name = “Smol, J. P.”), list(name = “Viau, A. E.”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘85LV4BCB’
pub2_firstAuthor: NULL has been replaced by ‘Farmer’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1605-1631’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Copernicus GmbH’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘10’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT0ZB7WHKL): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
seaIce (PYT4DJUFWUA): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT6D3JR7SB): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest + coldest’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT6D3JR7SB): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘warmest + coldest’
temperature (PYTLU4EW21I): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTLU4EW21I): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
salinity (PYTWP0AC2XZ): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
salinity (PYTWP0AC2XZ): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYTX7JOGE9T): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
SBT (PYTX9J4H9KP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
Sea_Ice_months (PYT25EF3AP3): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
seaIce (PYT4DJUFWUA): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYT6D3JR7SB): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTLU4EW21I): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
salinity (PYTWP0AC2XZ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYTX7JOGE9T): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:30 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperatureComposite (Rd6Oiv4cg6q): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RMr3bTfSrKG): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (Ro3B6DNs1ql): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RpYd7okuDNC): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RpYd7okuDNC): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RpYd7okuDNC): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RpYd7okuDNC): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RWkXLQSmRHW): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RpYd7okuDNC): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RpYd7okuDNC): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RpYd7okuDNC): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RoQBLzSQYHp): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RoQBLzSQYHp): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR5StZZbBbrxZHkBVb’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR76Hmfcdg4KQBZ2xb’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRdOPgEPInZZrVPug5’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cREbXKN17VsvpxidHb’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRSThmQ7iHRGB6UT2L’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRX7FFwAGDnd83kyAn’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRyPDqwNiCx72tVTOr’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Giering.Bortenschlager.1976-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Giering.Bortenschlager.1976-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Giering.Bortenschlager.1976-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Giering.Bortenschlager.1976-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Giering.Bortenschlager.1976-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Giering.Bortenschlager.1976-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Giering.Bortenschlager.1976-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
age_type (cR5StZZbBbrxZHkBVb): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cR5StZZbBbrxZHkBVb): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cR5StZZbBbrxZHkBVb): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cR5StZZbBbrxZHkBVb): chronData_TSid: ‘Giering.Bortenschlager.1976-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR5StZZbBbrxZHkBVb’
labID (cR76Hmfcdg4KQBZ2xb): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cR76Hmfcdg4KQBZ2xb): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cR76Hmfcdg4KQBZ2xb): chronData_TSid: ‘Giering.Bortenschlager.1976-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR76Hmfcdg4KQBZ2xb’
age (cRdOPgEPInZZrVPug5): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRdOPgEPInZZrVPug5): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRdOPgEPInZZrVPug5): chronData_TSid: ‘Giering.Bortenschlager.1976-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRdOPgEPInZZrVPug5’
ageHi (cREbXKN17VsvpxidHb): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cREbXKN17VsvpxidHb): chronData_TSid: ‘Giering.Bortenschlager.1976-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cREbXKN17VsvpxidHb’
ageLow (cRSThmQ7iHRGB6UT2L): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRSThmQ7iHRGB6UT2L): chronData_TSid: ‘Giering.Bortenschlager.1976-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRSThmQ7iHRGB6UT2L’
depth (cRX7FFwAGDnd83kyAn): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRX7FFwAGDnd83kyAn): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRX7FFwAGDnd83kyAn): chronData_TSid: ‘Giering.Bortenschlager.1976-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRX7FFwAGDnd83kyAn’
thickness (cRyPDqwNiCx72tVTOr): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRyPDqwNiCx72tVTOr): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRyPDqwNiCx72tVTOr): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
thickness (cRyPDqwNiCx72tVTOr): chronData_TSid: ‘Giering.Bortenschlager.1976-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRyPDqwNiCx72tVTOr’
ChronData values:
age_type (cR5StZZbBbrxZHkBVb): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cR76Hmfcdg4KQBZ2xb): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRdOPgEPInZZrVPug5): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cREbXKN17VsvpxidHb): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRSThmQ7iHRGB6UT2L): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRX7FFwAGDnd83kyAn): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRyPDqwNiCx72tVTOr): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:30 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GIK17049_6_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GIK17049_6_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GIK17049_6_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GIK17049_6_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:30 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GIK17051_3_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GIK17051_3_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GIK17051_3_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GIK17051_3_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:30 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT917S9C8J): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTQY9TKRS3_SST_from_Uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT917S9C8J): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
temperature (PYTQY9TKRS3_SST_from_Uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:31 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GIK17940_2_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GIK17940_2_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GIK17940_2_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GIK17940_2_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:31 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GIK18287_3_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GIK18287_3_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GIK18287_3_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GIK18287_3_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:31 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R6WsAc5ruph): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R7fm0TgPac4_SST_from_planktic0x2EMgCa): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R7fm0TgPac4_SST_from_planktic0x2EMgCa): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R6WsAc5ruph): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
temperature (R7fm0TgPac4_SST_from_planktic0x2EMgCa): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:31 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_GIK23258_2_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_GIK23258_2_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_GIK23258_2_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_GIK23258_2_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:32 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTDSG9BNO2): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTDSG9BNO2): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
temperature (PYTRS33LNIK): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTRS33LNIK): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘winter’
temperature (WEB3c877daf): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB6b4bb5c0): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB6b4bb5c0): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘winter’
temperature (WEB892a8505): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB892a8505): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTDSG9BNO2): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
temperature (PYTRS33LNIK): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (WEB3c877daf): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEB6b4bb5c0): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEB892a8505): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:32 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT6LCMKNSQ): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTRNLIY93N): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTRNLIY93N): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT6LCMKNSQ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTRNLIY93N): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:32 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPD315357f3): paleoData_proxy: ‘gas’ has been replaced by ‘15N/40Ar fractionation’
temperature (LPD315357f3): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘15N/40Ar’ has been replaced by ‘GlacierIce’
temperature (LPD315357f3): paleoData_proxyLumps: ‘other ice’ has been replaced by ‘15N/40Ar fractionation’
temperature (LPD315357f3): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘AJO’ has been replaced by ‘AJO, AAC’
temperature (LPD315357f3): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:32 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
GDD5 (R4xM9iGPTuc): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (R7dZDOFallY): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RCdkGYUfpeV): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (REjj8NMSM7V): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (REjj8NMSM7V): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (REjj8NMSM7V): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (REjj8NMSM7V): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RGSf66iUGGX): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (REjj8NMSM7V): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (REjj8NMSM7V): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (REjj8NMSM7V): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RIBzGLM5ejn): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RIBzGLM5ejn): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR2HXaYAt1peBKBkvv’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cReibQ499eY31tUjgi’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRhA8oFZpxJG5QR6d4’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRKMOjXHtuUoehKPnw’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRLqBGWB5rdP7OFJZs’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRy7TQFb3ukvxBxncz’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRZhGWSKYhvpN4UHIL’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘GrandeBriere.Visset.1979-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘GrandeBriere.Visset.1979-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘GrandeBriere.Visset.1979-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘GrandeBriere.Visset.1979-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘GrandeBriere.Visset.1979-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘GrandeBriere.Visset.1979-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘GrandeBriere.Visset.1979-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
age_type (cR2HXaYAt1peBKBkvv): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cR2HXaYAt1peBKBkvv): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cR2HXaYAt1peBKBkvv): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cR2HXaYAt1peBKBkvv): chronData_TSid: ‘GrandeBriere.Visset.1979-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR2HXaYAt1peBKBkvv’
labID (cReibQ499eY31tUjgi): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cReibQ499eY31tUjgi): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cReibQ499eY31tUjgi): chronData_TSid: ‘GrandeBriere.Visset.1979-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cReibQ499eY31tUjgi’
depth (cRhA8oFZpxJG5QR6d4): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRhA8oFZpxJG5QR6d4): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRhA8oFZpxJG5QR6d4): chronData_TSid: ‘GrandeBriere.Visset.1979-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRhA8oFZpxJG5QR6d4’
ageLow (cRKMOjXHtuUoehKPnw): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRKMOjXHtuUoehKPnw): chronData_TSid: ‘GrandeBriere.Visset.1979-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRKMOjXHtuUoehKPnw’
ageHi (cRLqBGWB5rdP7OFJZs): chronData_TSid: ‘GrandeBriere.Visset.1979-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRLqBGWB5rdP7OFJZs’
thickness (cRy7TQFb3ukvxBxncz): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRy7TQFb3ukvxBxncz): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRy7TQFb3ukvxBxncz): chronData_TSid: ‘GrandeBriere.Visset.1979-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRy7TQFb3ukvxBxncz’
age (cRZhGWSKYhvpN4UHIL): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRZhGWSKYhvpN4UHIL): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRZhGWSKYhvpN4UHIL): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
age (cRZhGWSKYhvpN4UHIL): chronData_TSid: ‘GrandeBriere.Visset.1979-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRZhGWSKYhvpN4UHIL’
ChronData values:
age_type (cR2HXaYAt1peBKBkvv): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cReibQ499eY31tUjgi): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRhA8oFZpxJG5QR6d4): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRKMOjXHtuUoehKPnw): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRy7TQFb3ukvxBxncz): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRZhGWSKYhvpN4UHIL): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:34 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L6kibcpjzP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L7yts2zmyP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lf95apbthP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lshgmsvh4P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lshgmsvh4P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lshgmsvh4P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lshgmsvh4P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lshgmsvh4P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lshgmsvh4P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lshgmsvh4P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lshgmsvh4P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lshgmsvh4P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:35 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Salzer, Matthew W.; Bunn, Andrew G.; Graham, Nicholas E.; Hughes, Malcolm K.’ has been replaced by ‘Salzer, Matthew W.’
pub1_issue: ‘6-May’ has been replaced by ‘5-6’
pub1_publisher: ‘Springer Nature’ has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
pub1_year: ‘2014’ has been replaced by ‘2013’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (LPD8d84bf64): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7 8 9’ has been replaced by ‘((( 7 8 2009 ))) null /// 7 8 9’
temperature (LPD8d84bf64): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘7 8 2009’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPD8d84bf64): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:35 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L56xlqdy9P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L8tu5bymcP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lo47ecl22P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lo47ecl22P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lo47ecl22P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lo47ecl22P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lybj31kyvP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lo47ecl22P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lo47ecl22P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lo47ecl22P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lo47ecl22P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lo47ecl22P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:35 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L2jfcsqvbP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L8a4z7ntyP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Ljqtti73vP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Ljqtti73vP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Ljqtti73vP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Ljqtti73vP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Llyg55yq9P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Ljqtti73vP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Ljqtti73vP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Ljqtti73vP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Ljqtti73vP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Ljqtti73vP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:35 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
d18O (PYTZPNPWL0E): paleoData_datum: ‘SMOW’ has been replaced by ‘VSMOW’
d18O (PYTZPNPWL0E): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘glacier ice’ has been replaced by ‘GlacierIce’
d18O (PYTZPNPWL0E): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
d18O (PYTZPNPWL0E): interpretation1_variable: ‘T’ has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O (PYTZPNPWL0E): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘air@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
d18O (PYTZPNPWL0E): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘Temperature’ has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O (PYTZPNPWL0E): interpretation1_variableGroupDirection: ‘negative’ has been replaced by NULL
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:35 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTXLQJX3FB): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTXLQJX3FB): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTXLQJX3FB): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:36 UTC
PaleoData table:
Column ‘WEB09437cc2’, with variable name ‘precipitation’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB617151d5’, with variable name ‘Annual Precipitation Error’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB6ccc7770’, with variable name ‘Winter Precipitation error’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBf55e2a4d’, with variable name ‘precipitation’, was added to the dataset
Publication metadata:
pub2_abstract: NULL has been replaced by ‘Abstract. We present a systematic compilation of previously published Holocene proxy climate records from the Arctic. We identified 170 sites from north of 58° N latitude where proxy time series extend back at least to 6 cal ka (all ages in this article are in calendar years before present – BP), are resolved at submillennial scale (at least one value every 400 ± 200 years) and have age models constrained by at least one age every 3000 years. In addition to conventional metadata for each proxy record (location, proxy type, reference), we include two novel parameters that add functionality to the database. First, “climate interpretation” is a series of fields that logically describe the specific climate variable(s) represented by the proxy record. It encodes the proxy–climate relation reported by authors of the original studies into a structured format to facilitate comparison with climate model outputs. Second, “geochronology accuracy score” (chron score) is a numerical rating that reflects the overall accuracy of 14C-based age models from lake and marine sediments. Chron scores were calculated using the original author-reported 14C ages, which are included in this database. The database contains 320 records (some sites include multiple records) from six regions covering the circumpolar Arctic: Fennoscandia is the most densely sampled region (31% of the records), whereas only five records from the Russian Arctic met the criteria for inclusion. The database contains proxy records from lake sediment (60%), marine sediment (32%), glacier ice (5%), and other sources. Most (61%) reflect temperature (mainly summer warmth) and are primarily based on pollen, chironomid, or diatom assemblages. Many (15%) reflect some aspect of hydroclimate as inferred from changes in stable isotopes, pollen and diatom assemblages, humification index in peat, and changes in equilibrium-line altitude of glaciers. This comprehensive database can be used in future studies to investigate the spatio-temporal pattern of Arctic Holocene climate changes and their causes. The Arctic Holocene data set is available from NOAA Paleoclimatology. ’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Sundqvist, H. S.”), list(name = “Kaufman, D. S.”), list(name = “McKay, N. P.”), list(name = “Balascio, N. L.”), list(name = “Briner, J. P.”), list(name = “Cwynar, L. C.”), list(name = “Sejrup, H. P.”), list(name = “Seppä, H.”), list(name = “Subetto, D. A.”), list(name = “Andrews, J. T.”), list(name = “Axford, Y.”), list(name = “Bakke, J.”), list(name = “Birks, H. J. B.”), list(name = “Brooks, S. J.”), list(name = “de Vernal, A.”), list(name = “Jennings, A. E.”), list(name = “Ljungqvist, F. C.”), list(name = “Rühland, K. M.”), list(name = “Saenger, C.”), list(name = “Smol, J. P.”), list(name = “Viau, A. E.”))’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘1605-1631’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Copernicus GmbH’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘10’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Paleo Column metadata:
AET/PET (PYT69UB9SYQ): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘assemblage DA’ has been replaced by ‘ratio’
AET/PET (PYT69UB9SYQ): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘SHA’ has been replaced by ‘SHA, AAC’
AET/PET (PYT69UB9SYQ): paleoData_QCnotes: ‘Added proxyGeneral’ has been replaced by ‘defer to calibrated’
AET/PET (PYT69UB9SYQ): paleoData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
AET/PET (PYT69UB9SYQ): paleoData_unitsOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘ratio’
AET/PET (PYT69UB9SYQ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (PYT7QTLPRRU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTE08I3BN3): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTHEC2VIP4): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
sampleID (PYTLZ4AEUT4): paleoData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
Summer Precipitation Error (PYTP0NRWRTW): paleoData_units: ‘1s’ has been replaced by ‘mm’
Summer Precipitation Error (PYTP0NRWRTW): paleoData_variableName: ‘error’ has been replaced by ‘Summer Precipitation Error’
Summer Precipitation Error (PYTP0NRWRTW): paleoData_description: NULL has been replaced by ‘One standard deviation’
Summer precipitation (PYTU06V9X6E): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
Summer precipitation (PYTU06V9X6E): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘assemblage DA’ has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
Summer precipitation (PYTU06V9X6E): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘SHA’ has been replaced by ‘SHA, CH’
Summer precipitation (PYTU06V9X6E): paleoData_QCnotes: ‘Added proxyGeneral’ has been replaced by NULL
Summer precipitation (PYTU06V9X6E): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/season’
Summer precipitation (PYTU06V9X6E): paleoData_variableName: ‘precipitation’ has been replaced by ‘Summer precipitation’
Summer precipitation (PYTU06V9X6E): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RCP5UgOcOkR): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
AET/PET (PYT69UB9SYQ): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
AET/PET (PYT69UB9SYQ): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
AET/PET (PYT69UB9SYQ): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
AET/PET (PYT69UB9SYQ): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P-E’
AET/PET (PYT69UB9SYQ): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘precip@surface’ has been replaced by ‘@surface’
AET/PET (PYT69UB9SYQ): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P-E’
GDD5 (PYT7QTLPRRU): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘air@surface’
Summer Precipitation Error (PYTP0NRWRTW): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
Summer Precipitation Error (PYTP0NRWRTW): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
Summer precipitation (PYTU06V9X6E): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
Summer precipitation (PYTU06V9X6E): interpretation1_interpDirection: ‘1’ has been replaced by ‘positive’
Summer precipitation (PYTU06V9X6E): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by ‘4,5,6,7,8,9’
Summer precipitation (PYTU06V9X6E): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘summer+’
Summer precipitation (PYTU06V9X6E): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Summer precipitation (PYTU06V9X6E): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
AET/PET (PYT69UB9SYQ): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘AET/PET’
Summer precipitation (PYTU06V9X6E): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘DA’
PaleoData values:
Summer Precipitation Error (PYTP0NRWRTW): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:36 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RznCZXhHXPN): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RznCZXhHXPN): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RznCZXhHXPN): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:36 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R8fvn9tLhUo): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R8fvn9tLhUo): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
temperature (Rccbq6oFLDp): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (Rccbq6oFLDp): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘winter’
temperatureComposite (RypmpVeFWPB): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter + summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureComposite (RypmpVeFWPB): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘winter + summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R8fvn9tLhUo): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (Rccbq6oFLDp): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperatureComposite (RypmpVeFWPB): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:36 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (R6YaXazdGxd): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (R6YaXazdGxd): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (R6YaXazdGxd): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (R6YaXazdGxd): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RiC8o7pLcFf): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RnZjOuuIWhT): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RxI8ygbw7QX): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RzyRCrnQ01a): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (R6YaXazdGxd): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (R6YaXazdGxd): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (R6YaXazdGxd): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (R6YaXazdGxd): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (R6YaXazdGxd): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR0y5m4b8DAKtTyVa7’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR3HZE8gjYHcvaL7XY’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRE5PVZ2w8jQLaH25L’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRicGCzWG3t5lUyX4u’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRJC0XIP5RGEdUwenS’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRm9eeCO9185yN0SGv’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRnj5SiBZyyMb8PYQh’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Haengstli.Heeb.1972-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Haengstli.Heeb.1972-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Haengstli.Heeb.1972-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Haengstli.Heeb.1972-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Haengstli.Heeb.1972-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Haengstli.Heeb.1972-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Haengstli.Heeb.1972-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
depth (cR0y5m4b8DAKtTyVa7): chronData_TSid: ‘Haengstli.Heeb.1972-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR0y5m4b8DAKtTyVa7’
ageHi (cR3HZE8gjYHcvaL7XY): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cR3HZE8gjYHcvaL7XY): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cR3HZE8gjYHcvaL7XY): chronData_TSid: ‘Haengstli.Heeb.1972-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR3HZE8gjYHcvaL7XY’
ageLow (cRE5PVZ2w8jQLaH25L): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cRE5PVZ2w8jQLaH25L): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRE5PVZ2w8jQLaH25L): chronData_TSid: ‘Haengstli.Heeb.1972-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRE5PVZ2w8jQLaH25L’
labID (cRicGCzWG3t5lUyX4u): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRicGCzWG3t5lUyX4u): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRicGCzWG3t5lUyX4u): chronData_TSid: ‘Haengstli.Heeb.1972-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRicGCzWG3t5lUyX4u’
age (cRJC0XIP5RGEdUwenS): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRJC0XIP5RGEdUwenS): chronData_TSid: ‘Haengstli.Heeb.1972-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRJC0XIP5RGEdUwenS’
thickness (cRm9eeCO9185yN0SGv): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRm9eeCO9185yN0SGv): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRm9eeCO9185yN0SGv): chronData_TSid: ‘Haengstli.Heeb.1972-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRm9eeCO9185yN0SGv’
age_type (cRnj5SiBZyyMb8PYQh): chronData_TSid: ‘Haengstli.Heeb.1972-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRnj5SiBZyyMb8PYQh’
ChronData values:
ageHi (cR3HZE8gjYHcvaL7XY): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRE5PVZ2w8jQLaH25L): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRicGCzWG3t5lUyX4u): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRJC0XIP5RGEdUwenS): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRm9eeCO9185yN0SGv): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:36 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Cwynar, Les C.; Spear, Ray W.’ has been replaced by ‘Cwynar, Les C.’
pub1_journal: ‘G̩ographie physique et Quaternaire’ has been replaced by ‘Geographie physique et Quaternaire’
pub1_page: ‘29’ has been replaced by ‘29-35’
pub1_title: ‘Paleovegetation and paleoclimatic changes in the Yukon at 6 ka BP’ has been replaced by ‘Paleovegetation and Paleoclimatic Changes in the Yukon at 6 ka BP’
pub1_year: ‘1995’ has been replaced by ‘2007’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Sundqvist, H. S.”), list(name = “Kaufman, D. S.”), list(name = “McKay, N. P.”), list(name = “Balascio, N. L.”), list(name = “Briner, J. P.”), list(name = “Cwynar, L. C.”), list(name = “Sejrup, H. P.”), list(name = “Seppä, H.”), list(name = “Subetto, D. A.”), list(name = “Andrews, J. T.”), list(name = “Axford, Y.”), list(name = “Bakke, J.”), list(name = “Birks, H. J. B.”), list(name = “Brooks, S. J.”), list(name = “de Vernal, A.”), list(name = “Jennings, A. E.”), list(name = “Ljungqvist, F. C.”), list(name = “Rühland, K. M.”), list(name = “Saenger, C.”), list(name = “Smol, J. P.”), list(name = “Viau, A. E.”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘QBY9GMHS’
pub2_firstAuthor: NULL has been replaced by ‘Cwynar’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1605-1631’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘29’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Copernicus GmbH’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘10’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT1URDUH1H): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Panom (PYTV2PX0LWU): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
Panom (PYTV2PX0LWU): paleoData_variableName: ‘precipitation’ has been replaced by ‘Panom’
Panom (PYTV2PX0LWU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTW12WS22J): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Panom (PYTV2PX0LWU): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘MAT’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:37 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘McKay, Nicholas P.; Kaufman, Darrell S.’ has been replaced by ‘McKay, Nicholas P.’
pub1_year: ‘2009’ has been replaced by ‘2008’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Sundqvist, H. S.”), list(name = “Kaufman, D. S.”), list(name = “McKay, N. P.”), list(name = “Balascio, N. L.”), list(name = “Briner, J. P.”), list(name = “Cwynar, L. C.”), list(name = “Sejrup, H. P.”), list(name = “Seppä, H.”), list(name = “Subetto, D. A.”), list(name = “Andrews, J. T.”), list(name = “Axford, Y.”), list(name = “Bakke, J.”), list(name = “Birks, H. J. B.”), list(name = “Brooks, S. J.”), list(name = “de Vernal, A.”), list(name = “Jennings, A. E.”), list(name = “Ljungqvist, F. C.”), list(name = “Rühland, K. M.”), list(name = “Saenger, C.”), list(name = “Smol, J. P.”), list(name = “Viau, A. E.”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘ZSXLAE3M’
pub2_firstAuthor: NULL has been replaced by ‘McKay’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1605-1631’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘143 159’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Copernicus GmbH’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘10’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Paleo Column metadata:
BSi (PYT0Z2ISPZM): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘bulk sediment’
BSi (PYT0Z2ISPZM): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘biophysical’
organic (PYT2O41G134): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
BSi (PYTOM636TOK): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘BSi’
BSi (PYTOM636TOK): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘bulk sediment’
BSi (PYTOM636TOK): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘biophysical’
BSi (PYTOM636TOK): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘biophysical’
BSi (PYTOM636TOK): paleoData_proxyLumpsOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘BSi’
BSi (PYTQ1C0DAFD): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘BSi’
BSi (PYTQ1C0DAFD): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘bulk sediment’
BSi (PYTQ1C0DAFD): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘biophysical’
BSi (PYTQ1C0DAFD): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘biophysical’
BSi (PYTQ1C0DAFD): paleoData_proxyLumpsOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘BSi’
BSi (PYTQ80LZ9WG): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
BSi (PYT0Z2ISPZM): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
BSi (PYT0Z2ISPZM): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Summer’
organic (PYT2O41G134): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
BSi (PYTQ1C0DAFD): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
BSi (PYTQ1C0DAFD): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Summer’
BSi (PYTQ80LZ9WG): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
BSi (PYTQ80LZ9WG): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:37 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L7thzxje2P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L8sc7gn3mP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lqo8054tzP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lqo8054tzP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lqo8054tzP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lqo8054tzP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lx32u25tbP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lqo8054tzP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lqo8054tzP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lqo8054tzP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lqo8054tzP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lqo8054tzP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:37 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Europe>Northern Europe>Scandinavia>Sweden’ has been replaced by ‘Arctic Ocean’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R7nzsIEPl8l): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R7nzsIEPl8l): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R7nzsIEPl8l): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR6lDh54BRvwSdOb5T’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR7gyXOwxXH0JulRcV’, with variable name ‘depth_top’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRKuFeHhZsyB2FsldT’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRqmUBQnTLXzlKtaYq’, with variable name ‘IncludeYN’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRreBgxRD0N9FxIID3’, with variable name ‘uncertainty_old’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRtxN0atvOp5YKUEmk’, with variable name ‘depth_bottom’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRXmZdjqydaTl9Yq9l’, with variable name ‘uncertainty_young’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRyxeHSw8w9otnYnaU’, with variable name ‘AdditionalNotes’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Hamundarstadhahals.Caseldine.2006-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth_top’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Hamundarstadhahals.Caseldine.2006-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘depth_bottom’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Hamundarstadhahals.Caseldine.2006-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Hamundarstadhahals.Caseldine.2006-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Hamundarstadhahals.Caseldine.2006-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘uncertainty_old’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Hamundarstadhahals.Caseldine.2006-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘uncertainty_young’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Hamundarstadhahals.Caseldine.2006-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘IncludeYN’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Hamundarstadhahals.Caseldine.2006-chron-NA8’, with variable name ‘AdditionalNotes’, was removed from the dataset
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:37 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub2_pages: ‘92-96’ has been replaced by ‘1 24’
pub2_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘73QRWQWE’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘92-96’
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2L5hwettv0P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L5hwettv0P): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘age gap 4.8 ka; include because ages are all veg macrofossils and because proxies include both pollen and chrionomids’
precipitation (M2L5hwettv0P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L6h0g3irsP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L9ewaug0vP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lx11tsy4kP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L5hwettv0P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L5hwettv0P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
temperature (M2L6h0g3irsP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2L6h0g3irsP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘warmest month’
temperature (M2L9ewaug0vP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2Lx11tsy4kP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘coldest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2Lx11tsy4kP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘coldest month’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:38 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB1fa182ff): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB1fa182ff): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:38 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPD35442a44): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
temperature (LPD35442a44): paleoData_QCnotes: ‘((( Temp anomaly calculated relative to mean of entire core; Depth of PSV chronology data control points estimated from Fig. 5 of van der Bilt et al., 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.09.003, because not provided in any tables. ))) Chron data missing from LiPD file. Temp anomaly calculated relative to mean of entire core; Depth of PSV chronology data control points estimated from Fig. 5 of van der Bilt et al., 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.09.003, because not provided in any tables. /// null’ has been replaced by ‘Duplicate; ((( Temp anomaly calculated relative to mean of entire core; Depth of PSV chronology data control points estimated from Fig. 5 of van der Bilt et al., 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.09.003, because not provided in any tables. ))) Chron data missing from LiPD file. Temp anomaly calculated relative to mean of entire core; Depth of PSV chronology data control points estimated from Fig. 5 of van der Bilt et al., 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.09.003, because not provided in any tables. /// null’
temperature (LPD35442a44): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Uk37 (LPD5794dee7): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
Uk37 (LPD5794dee7): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘This is the same site as Hajeren; updated record in 2019 paper.’
temperature (LPD5c89a1b5): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘EKT’ has been replaced by ‘EKT, AAC’
temperature (LPD5c89a1b5): paleoData_QCnotes: ‘temp anomaly calculated relative to mean of entire core; depth of PSV chronology data control points estimated from Fig. 5 of van der Bilt et al., 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.09.003, because not provided in any tables.’ has been replaced by ‘Duplicate; temp anomaly calculated relative to mean of entire core; depth of PSV chronology data control points estimated from Fig. 5 of van der Bilt et al., 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.09.003, because not provided in any tables.’
temperature (LPD5c89a1b5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (LPD35442a44): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6 7 8’ has been replaced by ‘JJA’
temperature (LPD35442a44): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘6 7 2008’
temperature (LPD5c89a1b5): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6,7,8’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (LPD5c89a1b5): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘6,7,8’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:38 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2L54vbu2i5P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L54vbu2i5P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L54vbu2i5P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L54vbu2i5P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L9mcrwzntP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Leb1v0p9eP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Luuo6xgosP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L54vbu2i5P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L54vbu2i5P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L54vbu2i5P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L54vbu2i5P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L54vbu2i5P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:38 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTA1GJPYJV): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTA1GJPYJV): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTA1GJPYJV): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:38 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
hybrid (PYTHKXK8JQ3): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
hybrid (PYTHKXK8JQ3): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
hybrid (PYTHKXK8JQ3): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
BSi (PYTHNRVE4OY): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘BSi’
BSi (PYTHNRVE4OY): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘bulk sediment’
BSi (PYTHNRVE4OY): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘biophysical’
BSi (PYTHNRVE4OY): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘biophysical’
BSi (PYTHNRVE4OY): paleoData_proxyLumpsOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘BSi’
C/N (PYTPN59WXQT): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
C/N (PYTPN59WXQT): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:39 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperatureComposite (R42P7vN8SSD): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (R8W6jDGV91W): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (R8W6jDGV91W): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (R8W6jDGV91W): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘chronology based on stat correlations’
precipitation (R8W6jDGV91W): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (R8W6jDGV91W): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (ROGtLduWxIY): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RRd7wZqXlrl): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RrOpDnA7N9p): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (R8W6jDGV91W): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (R8W6jDGV91W): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (R8W6jDGV91W): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (R8W6jDGV91W): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (R8W6jDGV91W): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR1Grk7hMCMvl5gia6’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRaoYBUP0wMTbraHTD’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRJCCTh5Rr6vwhf4h0’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRjpeXxBFa3uHXyIHU’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRk9zd2fNsXqVr0D3x’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRLQujfnKlGU0ojiam’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRmpaod2OV6C5NHpz4’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘HavredeCrabec.Coutard.2006-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘HavredeCrabec.Coutard.2006-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘HavredeCrabec.Coutard.2006-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘HavredeCrabec.Coutard.2006-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘HavredeCrabec.Coutard.2006-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘HavredeCrabec.Coutard.2006-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘HavredeCrabec.Coutard.2006-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
depth (cR1Grk7hMCMvl5gia6): chronData_TSid: ‘HavredeCrabec.Coutard.2006-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR1Grk7hMCMvl5gia6’
age (cRaoYBUP0wMTbraHTD): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRaoYBUP0wMTbraHTD): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRaoYBUP0wMTbraHTD): chronData_TSid: ‘HavredeCrabec.Coutard.2006-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRaoYBUP0wMTbraHTD’
labID (cRJCCTh5Rr6vwhf4h0): chronData_TSid: ‘HavredeCrabec.Coutard.2006-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRJCCTh5Rr6vwhf4h0’
ageLow (cRjpeXxBFa3uHXyIHU): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRjpeXxBFa3uHXyIHU): chronData_TSid: ‘HavredeCrabec.Coutard.2006-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRjpeXxBFa3uHXyIHU’
thickness (cRk9zd2fNsXqVr0D3x): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRk9zd2fNsXqVr0D3x): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRk9zd2fNsXqVr0D3x): chronData_TSid: ‘HavredeCrabec.Coutard.2006-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRk9zd2fNsXqVr0D3x’
age_type (cRLQujfnKlGU0ojiam): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRLQujfnKlGU0ojiam): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRLQujfnKlGU0ojiam): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRLQujfnKlGU0ojiam): chronData_TSid: ‘HavredeCrabec.Coutard.2006-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRLQujfnKlGU0ojiam’
ageHi (cRmpaod2OV6C5NHpz4): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRmpaod2OV6C5NHpz4): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRmpaod2OV6C5NHpz4): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
ageHi (cRmpaod2OV6C5NHpz4): chronData_TSid: ‘HavredeCrabec.Coutard.2006-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRmpaod2OV6C5NHpz4’
ChronData values:
age (cRaoYBUP0wMTbraHTD): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRjpeXxBFa3uHXyIHU): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRk9zd2fNsXqVr0D3x): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRLQujfnKlGU0ojiam): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRmpaod2OV6C5NHpz4): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:39 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2Li113vmomP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Li113vmomP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Li113vmomP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Li113vmomP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Loqs53j91P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2LtawdjhcuP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lum6m09hnP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Li113vmomP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Li113vmomP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Li113vmomP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Li113vmomP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Li113vmomP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:39 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RiGB29gyPkL): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RiGB29gyPkL): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RiGB29gyPkL): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:39 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB4f8fa23d): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB4f8fa23d): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:39 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_page: ‘1861-1879’ has been replaced by ‘356-363’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RIRxCH0hUy2): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RIRxCH0hUy2): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RIRxCH0hUy2): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:40 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L2ud8w3tmP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lh5wgkh8bP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lrt4mnt25P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lydw4f4fbP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lydw4f4fbP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lydw4f4fbP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lydw4f4fbP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lydw4f4fbP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lydw4f4fbP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lydw4f4fbP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lydw4f4fbP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lydw4f4fbP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:40 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RD1FZyd0zs4): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RD1FZyd0zs4): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
nonReliabletemperature (RVvxchpKsq6): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
nonReliabletemperature (RVvxchpKsq6): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RD1FZyd0zs4): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
nonReliabletemperature (RVvxchpKsq6): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:40 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
GDD5 (R0Jnkfyf3GK): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (Rf9C1DGdIz2): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RMfVr02uVbM): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RMfVr02uVbM): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RMfVr02uVbM): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RMfVr02uVbM): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RNxrM3ZyTMg): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RwrQPSdvMms): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RMfVr02uVbM): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RMfVr02uVbM): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RMfVr02uVbM): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RMfVr02uVbM): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
precipitation (RMfVr02uVbM): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RMfVr02uVbM): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR1XE37SMyDPAUqZ2I’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR6CDiuV08QqF8fO9c’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRbDM8EizPOMLfh8cu’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRf08ic3peW1w1lb8L’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRgYHKb5WpITYNWEg2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRUfofsvkgPBCUAMos’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRzqNuHj7BrECb55m6’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Hinterburgseeli.EPD-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Hinterburgseeli.EPD-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Hinterburgseeli.EPD-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Hinterburgseeli.EPD-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Hinterburgseeli.EPD-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Hinterburgseeli.EPD-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Hinterburgseeli.EPD-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
age (cR1XE37SMyDPAUqZ2I): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cR1XE37SMyDPAUqZ2I): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cR1XE37SMyDPAUqZ2I): chronData_TSid: ‘Hinterburgseeli.EPD-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR1XE37SMyDPAUqZ2I’
ageLow (cR6CDiuV08QqF8fO9c): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cR6CDiuV08QqF8fO9c): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cR6CDiuV08QqF8fO9c): chronData_TSid: ‘Hinterburgseeli.EPD-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR6CDiuV08QqF8fO9c’
ageHi (cRbDM8EizPOMLfh8cu): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRbDM8EizPOMLfh8cu): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRbDM8EizPOMLfh8cu): chronData_TSid: ‘Hinterburgseeli.EPD-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRbDM8EizPOMLfh8cu’
age_type (cRf08ic3peW1w1lb8L): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRf08ic3peW1w1lb8L): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRf08ic3peW1w1lb8L): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRf08ic3peW1w1lb8L): chronData_TSid: ‘Hinterburgseeli.EPD-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRf08ic3peW1w1lb8L’
thickness (cRgYHKb5WpITYNWEg2): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRgYHKb5WpITYNWEg2): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRgYHKb5WpITYNWEg2): chronData_TSid: ‘Hinterburgseeli.EPD-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRgYHKb5WpITYNWEg2’
labID (cRUfofsvkgPBCUAMos): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRUfofsvkgPBCUAMos): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRUfofsvkgPBCUAMos): chronData_TSid: ‘Hinterburgseeli.EPD-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRUfofsvkgPBCUAMos’
depth (cRzqNuHj7BrECb55m6): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRzqNuHj7BrECb55m6): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRzqNuHj7BrECb55m6): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
depth (cRzqNuHj7BrECb55m6): chronData_TSid: ‘Hinterburgseeli.EPD-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRzqNuHj7BrECb55m6’
ChronData values:
age (cR1XE37SMyDPAUqZ2I): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cR6CDiuV08QqF8fO9c): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRbDM8EizPOMLfh8cu): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRf08ic3peW1w1lb8L): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRgYHKb5WpITYNWEg2): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRUfofsvkgPBCUAMos): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRzqNuHj7BrECb55m6): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:40 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RbSONPxSQmW): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RbSONPxSQmW): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RbSONPxSQmW): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:41 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
CCA1 (PYT88A4DF9B): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
CCA1 (PYT88A4DF9B): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
CCA1 (PYT88A4DF9B): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:41 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
C/N (WEB043172b2): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
C/N (WEB043172b2): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
D50 (WEB6caee137): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
D50 (WEB6caee137): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
D50 (WEB6caee137): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:41 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_HLY03_05GC_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_HLY03_05GC_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:41 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Sundqvist, H. S.”), list(name = “Kaufman, D. S.”), list(name = “McKay, N. P.”), list(name = “Balascio, N. L.”), list(name = “Briner, J. P.”), list(name = “Cwynar, L. C.”), list(name = “Sejrup, H. P.”), list(name = “Seppä, H.”), list(name = “Subetto, D. A.”), list(name = “Andrews, J. T.”), list(name = “Axford, Y.”), list(name = “Bakke, J.”), list(name = “Birks, H. J. B.”), list(name = “Brooks, S. J.”), list(name = “de Vernal, A.”), list(name = “Jennings, A. E.”), list(name = “Ljungqvist, F. C.”), list(name = “Rühland, K. M.”), list(name = “Saenger, C.”), list(name = “Smol, J. P.”), list(name = “Viau, A. E.”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘EQCAKHUI’
pub2_firstAuthor: NULL has been replaced by ‘deVernal’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1605-1631’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘111 121’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Copernicus GmbH’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘10’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT9Y0BB33N): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer + winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT9Y0BB33N): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘summer + winter’
temperature (PYTKI3J0T5T): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTKI3J0T5T): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
salinity (PYTMYS4WX23): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
salinity (PYTMYS4WX23): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Sea_Ice_months (PYTONH3O7X5): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Sea_Ice_conc (PYTSBGW0VN6): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT9Y0BB33N): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTKI3J0T5T): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
salinity (PYTMYS4WX23): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_months (PYTONH3O7X5): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
Sea_Ice_months (PYTONH3O7X5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYTSBGW0VN6): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
C (PYTZWC15AHZ): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
C (PYTZWC15AHZ): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:41 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R4leNyaMf2O): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R4leNyaMf2O): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘winter’
temperature (R9MShz9HNQ2): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R9MShz9HNQ2): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
temperatureComposite (RGBciJa69Zj): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer + winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureComposite (RGBciJa69Zj): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘summer + winter’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R4leNyaMf2O): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (R9MShz9HNQ2): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RGBciJa69Zj): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:42 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT38GE0NJ3): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT38GE0NJ3): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
temperature (PYT7BRB3XHJ): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT7BRB3XHJ): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
temperature (PYTQ5AK802P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTQ5AK802P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT38GE0NJ3): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYT7BRB3XHJ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTQ5AK802P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:42 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R4t5kuYK7RC): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘GDD5’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R4t5kuYK7RC): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘GDD5’
temperature (RAertBwRhYB): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘1’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RAertBwRhYB): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winterOnly’ has been replaced by ‘1’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R4t5kuYK7RC): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RAertBwRhYB): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:42 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RBFjUCSs1ez): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘1’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RBFjUCSs1ez): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘1’
temperature (RiOf362hfE8): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RiOf362hfE8): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘7’
temperatureComposite (RiqkBNqHL3T): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘1,8’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureComposite (RiqkBNqHL3T): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,8’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RBFjUCSs1ez): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RiOf362hfE8): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RiqkBNqHL3T): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:42 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (GH194ddf83): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘1 (summer)’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (GH194ddf83): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘1 (summer)’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (GH194ddf83): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:43 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Cwynar, Les C.; Spear, Ray W.’ has been replaced by ‘Cwynar, Les C.’
pub1_title: ‘Reversion of forest to tundra in the central Yukon’ has been replaced by ‘Reversion of Forest to Tundra in the Central Yukon’
pub2_abstract: ‘Abstract. We present a systematic compilation of previously published Holocene proxy climate records from the Arctic. We identified 170 sites from north of 58° N latitude where proxy time series extend back at least to 6 cal ka (all ages in this article are in calendar years before present – BP), are resolved at submillennial scale (at least one value every 400 ± 200 years) and have age models constrained by at least one age every 3000 years. In addition to conventional metadata for each proxy record (location, proxy type, reference), we include two novel parameters that add functionality to the database. First, “climate interpretation” is a series of fields that logically describe the specific climate variable(s) represented by the proxy record. It encodes the proxy–climate relation reported by authors of the original studies into a structured format to facilitate comparison with climate model outputs. Second, “geochronology accuracy score” (chron score) is a numerical rating that reflects the overall accuracy of 14C-based age models from lake and marine sediments. Chron scores were calculated using the original author-reported 14C ages, which are included in this database. The database contains 320 records (some sites include multiple records) from six regions covering the circumpolar Arctic: Fennoscandia is the most densely sampled region (31% of the records), whereas only five records from the Russian Arctic met the criteria for inclusion. The database contains proxy records from lake sediment (60%), marine sediment (32%), glacier ice (5%), and other sources. Most (61%) reflect temperature (mainly summer warmth) and are primarily based on pollen, chironomid, or diatom assemblages. Many (15%) reflect some aspect of hydroclimate as inferred from changes in stable isotopes, pollen and diatom assemblages, humification index in peat, and changes in equilibrium-line altitude of glaciers. This comprehensive database can be used in future studies to investigate the spatio-temporal pattern of Arctic Holocene climate changes and their causes. The Arctic Holocene data set is available from NOAA Paleoclimatology. ’ has been replaced by NULL
pub2_pages: ‘1605-1631’ has been replaced by ‘202 212’
pub2_title: ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’ has been replaced by ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘5KHKKQEG’
pub2_firstAuthor: NULL has been replaced by ‘Cwynar’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1605-1631’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTN6TJY4W2): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Panom (PYTTN37MLUC): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
Panom (PYTTN37MLUC): paleoData_variableName: ‘precipitation’ has been replaced by ‘Panom’
Panom (PYTTN37MLUC): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RIlNg5PrONi): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEB19eac4d9): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Panom (PYTTN37MLUC): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘MAT’
PaleoData values:
temperature (PYTN6TJY4W2): The paleoData_values have changed
temperatureComposite (RIlNg5PrONi): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:43 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L2qyuy30kP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L8rmkdbgxP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lqo9jdhqrP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lxlcip96qP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lxlcip96qP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lxlcip96qP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lxlcip96qP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lxlcip96qP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lxlcip96qP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lxlcip96qP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lxlcip96qP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lxlcip96qP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:43 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_HU73_031_7_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_HU73_031_7_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_HU73_031_7_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_HU73_031_7_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:43 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
Sea_Ice_months (PYT4N3LKU0B): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
salinity (PYTCXVB1G0W): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
salinity (PYTCXVB1G0W): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYTEQGFAHNH): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTHNY32G95): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer + winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTHNY32G95): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘summer + winter’
temperature (PYTT4U7T413): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTT4U7T413): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
Sea_Ice_months (PYT4N3LKU0B): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
salinity (PYTCXVB1G0W): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYTEQGFAHNH): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTHNY32G95): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
C (PYTK0OF9YQ5): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
C (PYTK0OF9YQ5): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
temperature (PYTT4U7T413): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:43 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_HU87033_87017PC_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_HU87033_87017PC_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:44 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_HU87033_87018PC_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_HU87033_87018PC_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:44 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_HU90_013_013_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_HU90_013_013_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:44 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT67GRFWKV): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer + winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT67GRFWKV): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘summer + winter’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYT80ELRHHX): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTCN1ME3Q4): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTCN1ME3Q4): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
salinity (PYTIEA1VAI0): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
salinity (PYTIEA1VAI0): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Sea_Ice_months (PYTV7RQ4QM8): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT67GRFWKV): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYT80ELRHHX): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTCN1ME3Q4): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
salinity (PYTIEA1VAI0): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_months (PYTV7RQ4QM8): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:44 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT4E9JNK09): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT4E9JNK09): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
salinity (PYT88LYTO1V): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
salinity (PYT88LYTO1V): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Sea_Ice_months (PYTAIW6PX92): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTBX6EGUAD): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer + winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTBX6EGUAD): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘summer + winter’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYTPR79CA49): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT4E9JNK09): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
salinity (PYT88LYTO1V): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_months (PYTAIW6PX92): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTBX6EGUAD): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYTPR79CA49): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:45 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Clegg, B. F.; Kelly, R.; Clarke, G. H.; Walker, I. R.; Hu, F. S.’ has been replaced by ‘Clegg, B. F.’
pub1_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘19299-19304’
pub1_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences’
pub1_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Sundqvist, H. S.”), list(name = “Kaufman, D. S.”), list(name = “McKay, N. P.”), list(name = “Balascio, N. L.”), list(name = “Briner, J. P.”), list(name = “Cwynar, L. C.”), list(name = “Sejrup, H. P.”), list(name = “Seppä, H.”), list(name = “Subetto, D. A.”), list(name = “Andrews, J. T.”), list(name = “Axford, Y.”), list(name = “Bakke, J.”), list(name = “Birks, H. J. B.”), list(name = “Brooks, S. J.”), list(name = “de Vernal, A.”), list(name = “Jennings, A. E.”), list(name = “Ljungqvist, F. C.”), list(name = “Rühland, K. M.”), list(name = “Saenger, C.”), list(name = “Smol, J. P.”), list(name = “Viau, A. E.”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘JB8422JH’
pub2_firstAuthor: NULL has been replaced by ‘Clegg’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1605-1631’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘19299 19304’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Copernicus GmbH’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘10’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTI3HL2Q73): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTI3HL2Q73): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTI3HL2Q73): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:45 UTC
Base metadata:
originalDataUrl: ‘10.25921/4RY2-G808’ has been replaced by ‘this compilation’
Publication metadata:
pub2_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPD25ffc1d5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (LPD50ce7982): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (LPD7d6219d0): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (LPDc4757948): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (LPDc4757948): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (LPDc4757948): paleoData_variableName: ‘Pann’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation’
precipitation (LPDc4757948): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (LPDc4757948): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (LPDc4757948): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (LPDc4757948): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (LPDc4757948): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
precipitation (LPDc4757948): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:45 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L1araoamkP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L9li5gg0hP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L9li5gg0hP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L9li5gg0hP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L9li5gg0hP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lxkkb370mP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lz9tfayjwP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L9li5gg0hP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L9li5gg0hP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L9li5gg0hP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L9li5gg0hP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L9li5gg0hP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:45 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2Lbkd197eqP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lk4xoowpzP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lnjb6hznwP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lnjb6hznwP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lnjb6hznwP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lnjb6hznwP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2LrtejenybP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lnjb6hznwP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lnjb6hznwP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lnjb6hznwP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lnjb6hznwP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lnjb6hznwP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:45 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB857d0da0): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB857d0da0): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB857d0da0): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:46 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
C (PYT46POC234): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
C (PYT46POC234): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
C (PYT46POC234): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
bulk density (PYT9CFIUHMY): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
bulk density (PYT9CFIUHMY): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
PC1 (PYTIFNEXCAM): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
BSi (PYTK4IN4ZNI): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘BSi’
BSi (PYTK4IN4ZNI): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘bulk sediment’
BSi (PYTK4IN4ZNI): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘biophysical’
BSi (PYTK4IN4ZNI): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘biophysical’
BSi (PYTK4IN4ZNI): paleoData_proxyLumpsOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘BSi’
C/N (PYTL1TATULS): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
C/N (PYTL1TATULS): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
C (PYT46POC234): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
C (PYT46POC234): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Summer’
PC1 (PYTIFNEXCAM): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
PC1 (PYTIFNEXCAM): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:46 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RMZxFXZy3Ew): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RMZxFXZy3Ew): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RMZxFXZy3Ew): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:46 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
pollen_count (PYT03KZQAVB): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
pollen_count (PYT03KZQAVB): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
pollen_count (PYT03KZQAVB): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:46 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L3288iu79P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L3khz4mxcP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Ljdf1685dP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lzgqi66opP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lzgqi66opP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lzgqi66opP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lzgqi66opP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lzgqi66opP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lzgqi66opP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:46 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L73grsf22P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L821j07cwP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Ldizl0tj2P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Ldizl0tj2P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Ldizl0tj2P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Ldizl0tj2P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lywebu2etP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Ldizl0tj2P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Ldizl0tj2P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Ldizl0tj2P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Ldizl0tj2P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Ldizl0tj2P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:47 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_IOW225514_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_IOW225514_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:47 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_IOW225517_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_IOW225517_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:47 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L7vpov9ueP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L94hlbgm5P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lmbsvr891P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lmbsvr891P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lmbsvr891P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lmbsvr891P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Ltylc7shoP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lmbsvr891P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lmbsvr891P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lmbsvr891P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lmbsvr891P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lmbsvr891P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:47 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTV6QSJN0Y): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTV6QSJN0Y): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTV6QSJN0Y): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.3
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:47 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R6bcAqybDA7): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RF3IFPogbcL): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RF3IFPogbcL): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RF3IFPogbcL): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RF3IFPogbcL): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (Rgei1mhJ3vF): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RiKlOP798kB): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RXzd4kwZ1XC): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RF3IFPogbcL): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual’
precipitation (RF3IFPogbcL): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RF3IFPogbcL): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RF3IFPogbcL): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRAIfXkltyIrIHdSUy’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRCcpXe3HoirtCaA6E’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRCumTGzS77uDszwB5’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRFBpUbwZBtFobpS15’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRkIrYPlQ9ae3iekIV’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRSjLESBrXsvUVVhGZ’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRvjX0BJ3LVNiBSUDR’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Isokaerret.Asplund.1989-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Isokaerret.Asplund.1989-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Isokaerret.Asplund.1989-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Isokaerret.Asplund.1989-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Isokaerret.Asplund.1989-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Isokaerret.Asplund.1989-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Isokaerret.Asplund.1989-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
labID (cRAIfXkltyIrIHdSUy): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRAIfXkltyIrIHdSUy): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRAIfXkltyIrIHdSUy): chronData_TSid: ‘Isokaerret.Asplund.1989-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cRAIfXkltyIrIHdSUy’
age (cRCcpXe3HoirtCaA6E): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRCcpXe3HoirtCaA6E): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRCcpXe3HoirtCaA6E): chronData_TSid: ‘Isokaerret.Asplund.1989-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRCcpXe3HoirtCaA6E’
age_type (cRCumTGzS77uDszwB5): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRCumTGzS77uDszwB5): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRCumTGzS77uDszwB5): chronData_TSid: ‘Isokaerret.Asplund.1989-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRCumTGzS77uDszwB5’
thickness (cRFBpUbwZBtFobpS15): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRFBpUbwZBtFobpS15): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRFBpUbwZBtFobpS15): chronData_TSid: ‘Isokaerret.Asplund.1989-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRFBpUbwZBtFobpS15’
ageHi (cRkIrYPlQ9ae3iekIV): chronData_TSid: ‘Isokaerret.Asplund.1989-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRkIrYPlQ9ae3iekIV’
depth (cRSjLESBrXsvUVVhGZ): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRSjLESBrXsvUVVhGZ): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRSjLESBrXsvUVVhGZ): chronData_TSid: ‘Isokaerret.Asplund.1989-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRSjLESBrXsvUVVhGZ’
ageLow (cRvjX0BJ3LVNiBSUDR): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cRvjX0BJ3LVNiBSUDR): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRvjX0BJ3LVNiBSUDR): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
ageLow (cRvjX0BJ3LVNiBSUDR): chronData_TSid: ‘Isokaerret.Asplund.1989-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRvjX0BJ3LVNiBSUDR’
ChronData values:
labID (cRAIfXkltyIrIHdSUy): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRCcpXe3HoirtCaA6E): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRCumTGzS77uDszwB5): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRFBpUbwZBtFobpS15): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRSjLESBrXsvUVVhGZ): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRvjX0BJ3LVNiBSUDR): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:48 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT8O5BE482): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT8O5BE482): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT8O5BE482): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYT8O5BE482): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘fails age control, gap >3000 years (largest gap is 4040 yrs)’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:48 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB03081f2f): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB3c95e135): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB03081f2f): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (WEB3c95e135): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:48 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB222fb2bd): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘5 6 7 8 9 10’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB222fb2bd): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘5 6 7 8 9 10’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB222fb2bd): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:48 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTFYIETUXB): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTFYIETUXB): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTFYIETUXB): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:48 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT43820D4M): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT43820D4M): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYT5F155LRB): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Sea_Ice_months (PYTBH0FCZ00): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTGAQBO3C8): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer + winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTGAQBO3C8): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘summer + winter’
salinity (PYTOLB2EXTT): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
salinity (PYTOLB2EXTT): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT43820D4M): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYT5F155LRB): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_months (PYTBH0FCZ00): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTGAQBO3C8): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
salinity (PYTOLB2EXTT): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:49 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB387ae876): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB387ae876): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB387ae876): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:49 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB32a51a83): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB32a51a83): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:49 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT6CZBVE1E): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT6CZBVE1E): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT6CZBVE1E): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:49 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RhF20RCQseU): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RhF20RCQseU): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RhF20RCQseU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:49 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_JR244_GC528_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_JR244_GC528_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:50 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_JR51GC_35_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘8,9,10’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_JR51GC_35_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winterOnly’ has been replaced by ‘8,9,10’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_JR51GC_35_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:50 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT0P81RJWL): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT0P81RJWL): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT0P81RJWL): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:50 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
GDD5 (RFC1LfCMXlY): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RHlStweE7Z4): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RqS5ulSHXB6): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RyLPf9ScmVz): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RYqwbzRe3AB): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RYqwbzRe3AB): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RYqwbzRe3AB): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RYqwbzRe3AB): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RYqwbzRe3AB): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual’
precipitation (RYqwbzRe3AB): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RYqwbzRe3AB): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RYqwbzRe3AB): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRAmsOpr8g7Uazi6H8’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRByfSLsdaOgRg93ml’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRgenBqddlrpBZVQ9S’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRgeqo7OKexq6ZyEfl’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRgyNfvc6Bi9ILCdkr’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRHyEj23RCwiZW0IRX’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRlwV2IgY6sSFlHvPK’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Kaartlamminsuo.Rankama.1988-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Kaartlamminsuo.Rankama.1988-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Kaartlamminsuo.Rankama.1988-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Kaartlamminsuo.Rankama.1988-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Kaartlamminsuo.Rankama.1988-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Kaartlamminsuo.Rankama.1988-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Kaartlamminsuo.Rankama.1988-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
depth (cRAmsOpr8g7Uazi6H8): chronData_TSid: ‘Kaartlamminsuo.Rankama.1988-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cRAmsOpr8g7Uazi6H8’
ageLow (cRByfSLsdaOgRg93ml): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cRByfSLsdaOgRg93ml): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRByfSLsdaOgRg93ml): chronData_TSid: ‘Kaartlamminsuo.Rankama.1988-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRByfSLsdaOgRg93ml’
thickness (cRgenBqddlrpBZVQ9S): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRgenBqddlrpBZVQ9S): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRgenBqddlrpBZVQ9S): chronData_TSid: ‘Kaartlamminsuo.Rankama.1988-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRgenBqddlrpBZVQ9S’
ageHi (cRgeqo7OKexq6ZyEfl): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRgeqo7OKexq6ZyEfl): chronData_TSid: ‘Kaartlamminsuo.Rankama.1988-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRgeqo7OKexq6ZyEfl’
labID (cRgyNfvc6Bi9ILCdkr): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRgyNfvc6Bi9ILCdkr): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRgyNfvc6Bi9ILCdkr): chronData_TSid: ‘Kaartlamminsuo.Rankama.1988-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRgyNfvc6Bi9ILCdkr’
age (cRHyEj23RCwiZW0IRX): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRHyEj23RCwiZW0IRX): chronData_TSid: ‘Kaartlamminsuo.Rankama.1988-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRHyEj23RCwiZW0IRX’
age_type (cRlwV2IgY6sSFlHvPK): chronData_TSid: ‘Kaartlamminsuo.Rankama.1988-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRlwV2IgY6sSFlHvPK’
ChronData values:
ageLow (cRByfSLsdaOgRg93ml): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRgenBqddlrpBZVQ9S): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRgeqo7OKexq6ZyEfl): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRgyNfvc6Bi9ILCdkr): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRHyEj23RCwiZW0IRX): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:50 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_title: ‘Land surface temperature changes in northern Iberia since 4000 yrBP, based on 13C of speleothems’ has been replaced by ‘Land surface temperature changes in northern Iberia since 4000 yrBP, based on 13C of Speleothems’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (LPDb676e71d): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPDb676e71d): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:51 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R8B6XMR2wGH): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RhYWxgLYxJd): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RiDrOxktqUd): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RiDrOxktqUd): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RiDrOxktqUd): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RiDrOxktqUd): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (RQ4WWK5V6cO): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RwoxLw4fCEO): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RiDrOxktqUd): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RiDrOxktqUd): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RiDrOxktqUd): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RcgXhFYBgsC): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RcgXhFYBgsC): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRaPkPWXMOp5HSUsAg’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRk5okXKMf7O7rozsB’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRn6V9r7TVbUJpBh2w’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRrFXPaWhtHqimeaKU’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRyIJflBZoXnKhkq8Q’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRYSuK4zrex2jSzfVB’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRyVURpYXfNOSV9hf0’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘KardashinskiSwamp.Kremenetski.1995-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘KardashinskiSwamp.Kremenetski.1995-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘KardashinskiSwamp.Kremenetski.1995-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘KardashinskiSwamp.Kremenetski.1995-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘KardashinskiSwamp.Kremenetski.1995-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘KardashinskiSwamp.Kremenetski.1995-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘KardashinskiSwamp.Kremenetski.1995-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
depth (cRaPkPWXMOp5HSUsAg): chronData_TSid: ‘KardashinskiSwamp.Kremenetski.1995-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cRaPkPWXMOp5HSUsAg’
ageHi (cRk5okXKMf7O7rozsB): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRk5okXKMf7O7rozsB): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRk5okXKMf7O7rozsB): chronData_TSid: ‘KardashinskiSwamp.Kremenetski.1995-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRk5okXKMf7O7rozsB’
thickness (cRn6V9r7TVbUJpBh2w): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRn6V9r7TVbUJpBh2w): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRn6V9r7TVbUJpBh2w): chronData_TSid: ‘KardashinskiSwamp.Kremenetski.1995-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRn6V9r7TVbUJpBh2w’
ageLow (cRrFXPaWhtHqimeaKU): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRrFXPaWhtHqimeaKU): chronData_TSid: ‘KardashinskiSwamp.Kremenetski.1995-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRrFXPaWhtHqimeaKU’
age (cRyIJflBZoXnKhkq8Q): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRyIJflBZoXnKhkq8Q): chronData_TSid: ‘KardashinskiSwamp.Kremenetski.1995-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRyIJflBZoXnKhkq8Q’
age_type (cRYSuK4zrex2jSzfVB): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRYSuK4zrex2jSzfVB): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRYSuK4zrex2jSzfVB): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRYSuK4zrex2jSzfVB): chronData_TSid: ‘KardashinskiSwamp.Kremenetski.1995-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRYSuK4zrex2jSzfVB’
labID (cRyVURpYXfNOSV9hf0): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRyVURpYXfNOSV9hf0): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
labID (cRyVURpYXfNOSV9hf0): chronData_TSid: ‘KardashinskiSwamp.Kremenetski.1995-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRyVURpYXfNOSV9hf0’
ChronData values:
ageHi (cRk5okXKMf7O7rozsB): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRn6V9r7TVbUJpBh2w): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRrFXPaWhtHqimeaKU): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRyIJflBZoXnKhkq8Q): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRYSuK4zrex2jSzfVB): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRyVURpYXfNOSV9hf0): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.1.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:51 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R6leKSiRv4J): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RDGYulsMSkK): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RKBX4bUUNXi): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RqN5zaQkF2A): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RqN5zaQkF2A): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RqN5zaQkF2A): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RqN5zaQkF2A): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
GDD5 (RWuxIAmoYYF): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RqN5zaQkF2A): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual’
precipitation (RqN5zaQkF2A): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RqN5zaQkF2A): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RqN5zaQkF2A): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR2brPEYzFJxmdADjx’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR4js6m1jh6yorZIbw’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR898ogCxjv4w1Pe0F’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRBOnwTAeqZXBnWRhT’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cReVtrHCN1wwUejCNU’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRFNYLBDZwFE2JIY0i’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRPaF23W11LTvDJldG’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Karujarv.EPD-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Karujarv.EPD-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Karujarv.EPD-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Karujarv.EPD-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Karujarv.EPD-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Karujarv.EPD-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Karujarv.EPD-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
ageHi (cR2brPEYzFJxmdADjx): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cR2brPEYzFJxmdADjx): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cR2brPEYzFJxmdADjx): chronData_TSid: ‘Karujarv.EPD-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR2brPEYzFJxmdADjx’
age_type (cR4js6m1jh6yorZIbw): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cR4js6m1jh6yorZIbw): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cR4js6m1jh6yorZIbw): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cR4js6m1jh6yorZIbw): chronData_TSid: ‘Karujarv.EPD-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR4js6m1jh6yorZIbw’
age (cR898ogCxjv4w1Pe0F): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cR898ogCxjv4w1Pe0F): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cR898ogCxjv4w1Pe0F): chronData_TSid: ‘Karujarv.EPD-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cR898ogCxjv4w1Pe0F’
depth (cRBOnwTAeqZXBnWRhT): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRBOnwTAeqZXBnWRhT): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRBOnwTAeqZXBnWRhT): chronData_TSid: ‘Karujarv.EPD-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRBOnwTAeqZXBnWRhT’
thickness (cReVtrHCN1wwUejCNU): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cReVtrHCN1wwUejCNU): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cReVtrHCN1wwUejCNU): chronData_TSid: ‘Karujarv.EPD-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cReVtrHCN1wwUejCNU’
ageLow (cRFNYLBDZwFE2JIY0i): chronData_TSid: ‘Karujarv.EPD-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRFNYLBDZwFE2JIY0i’
labID (cRPaF23W11LTvDJldG): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRPaF23W11LTvDJldG): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
labID (cRPaF23W11LTvDJldG): chronData_TSid: ‘Karujarv.EPD-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRPaF23W11LTvDJldG’
ChronData values:
ageHi (cR2brPEYzFJxmdADjx): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cR4js6m1jh6yorZIbw): The chronData_values have changed
age (cR898ogCxjv4w1Pe0F): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRBOnwTAeqZXBnWRhT): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cReVtrHCN1wwUejCNU): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRPaF23W11LTvDJldG): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:51 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Szeicz, Julian M.; MacDonald, Glen M.; Duk-Rodkin, Alejandra’ has been replaced by ‘Szeicz, Julian M.’
pub1_issue: ‘4-Feb’ has been replaced by ‘2-4’
pub1_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘351-371’
pub1_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Elsevier BV’
pub1_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Marsicek, Jeremiah”), list(name = “Shuman, Bryan N.”), list(name = “Bartlein, Patrick J.”), list(name = “Shafer, Sarah L.”), list(name = “Brewer, Simon”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘DZH2UWER’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘7690’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Nature’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘92-96’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘351 371’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Reconciling divergent trends and millennial variations in Holocene temperatures’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘554’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2018’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L0bknlm1hP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L0bknlm1hP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2Lhapfah89P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lhapfah89P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lqujf1ttdP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lqujf1ttdP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lqujf1ttdP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2Lut2rpqe2P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lut2rpqe2P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lqujf1ttdP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘amount@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
PaleoData values:
temperature (M2L0bknlm1hP): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (M2Lhapfah89P): The paleoData_values have changed
age (M2Lq21c0t8xP): The paleoData_values have changed
precipitation (M2Lqujf1ttdP): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (M2Lut2rpqe2P): The paleoData_values have changed
depth (M2Lyxpp2nznP): The paleoData_values have changed
Chron Column metadata:
age (M2Lrpot24ipC): chronData_units: ‘yr’ has been replaced by ‘BP’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:51 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L0pm7wjobP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Leq6uupjdP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Leq6uupjdP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Leq6uupjdP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Leq6uupjdP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2Lers6pgmkP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lzfhpb40oP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Leq6uupjdP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Leq6uupjdP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Leq6uupjdP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Leq6uupjdP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Leq6uupjdP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:52 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub2_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub1_citation: NULL has been replaced by ‘Fall, P.L. 1985. Holocene dynamics of the subalpine forest in central colorado. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Contribution Series No. 16:31-46.’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Marsicek, Jeremiah”), list(name = “Shuman, Bryan N.”), list(name = “Bartlein, Patrick J.”), list(name = “Shafer, Sarah L.”), list(name = “Brewer, Simon”))’
pub2_citation: NULL has been replaced by ‘Fall, P.L. 1985. Holocene dynamics of the subalpine forest in central colorado. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Contribution Series No. 16:31-46.’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘6Z48EPP3’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘7690’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Nature’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘92-96’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Reconciling divergent trends and millennial variations in Holocene temperatures’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘554’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2018’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L54ah2uwsP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L54ah2uwsP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2L8o4qa5uuP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L8o4qa5uuP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lfvmhi20qP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lfvmhi20qP): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘age gap of 3.2 ka, but five ages all on veg macrofossils’
precipitation (M2Lfvmhi20qP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lfvmhi20qP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lfvmhi20qP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2Lynyi720vP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lynyi720vP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lfvmhi20qP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lfvmhi20qP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lfvmhi20qP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lfvmhi20qP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lfvmhi20qP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:52 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R3kXLCnhtdi): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R3kXLCnhtdi): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R3kXLCnhtdi): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:52 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RchrJSmu2H9): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RchrJSmu2H9): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RchrJSmu2H9): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:52 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
d18O (WEB6f612252): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
d18O (WEB6f612252): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winterOnly’ has been replaced by ‘winter’
Paleo Column metadata:
d18O (WEB6f612252): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:53 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTT5VJ1IP1): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTT5VJ1IP1): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTT5VJ1IP1): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:53 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R8jRGF3A5Va): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘GDD5’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R8jRGF3A5Va): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘GDD5’
temperature (RHTI56Pxs41): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘1’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RHTI56Pxs41): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winterOnly’ has been replaced by ‘1’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R8jRGF3A5Va): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RHTI56Pxs41): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:53 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT4160KEY4): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT4160KEY4): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:53 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_KNR159_5_36GGC_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_KNR159_5_36GGC_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘12 1 2 3 4 5’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_KNR159_5_36GGC_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘12 1 2 3 4 5’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_KNR159_5_36GGC_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_KNR159_5_36GGC_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:53 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Antonarakou, A.; Kontakiotis, G.; Mortyn, P.G.; Drinia, H.; Sprovieri, M.; Besiou, E.; Tripsanas, E.’ has been replaced by ‘Antonarakou, A.’
pub1_title: ‘Biotic and geochemical ( 18 O, 13 C, Mg/Ca, Ba/Ca) responses of Globigerinoides ruber morphotypes to upper water column variations during the last deglaciation, Gulf of Mexico’ has been replaced by ‘Biotic and geochemical (δ 18 O, δ 13 C, Mg/Ca, Ba/Ca) responses of Globigerinoides ruber morphotypes to upper water column variations during the last deglaciation, Gulf of Mexico’
pub2_citation: ‘Efthymios K. Tripsanas, Aristomenis P. Karageorgis, Ioannis P. Panagiotopoulos, Eleni Koutsopoulou, Theodore D. Kanellopoulos, William R. Bryant, and Niall C. Slowey (2013): Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic implications of enhanced Holocene discharge from the Mississippi River based on the sedimentology and the geochemistry of a deep core (JPC-26)from the Gulf of Mexico. PALAIOS, 28, 623-636, doi:10.2110/palo.2012.p12-060r’ has been replaced by ‘A. Antonarakou, G. Kontakiotis, P.G. Mortyn, H. Drinia, M. Sprovieri, E. Besiou, E. Tripsanas (2015): Biotic and geochemical (d18O, d13C, Mg/Ca, Ba/Ca) responses of Globigerinoides ruber morphotypes to upper water column variations during the last glaciation, Gulf of Mexico. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 170, 69-93, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.08.003’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘69-93’
pub1_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub1_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Elsevier BV’
pub1_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “TRIPSANAS, E. K.”), list(name = “KARAGEORGIS, A. P.”), list(name = “PANAGIOTOPOULOS, I. P.”), list(name = “KOUTSOPOULOU, E.”), list(name = “KANELLOPOULOS, T. D.”), list(name = “BRYANT, W. R.”), list(name = “SLOWEY, N. C.”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘USCEF5A7’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘9’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘PALAIOS’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘623-636’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘69 93’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Society for Sedimentary Geology’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘28’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Paleo Column metadata:
age (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_age): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageDuplicate (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_age_median): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageDuplicate (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_age_median): paleoData_notes: ‘For Temp12k, the original age model was used - these data are the same as ageOriginal;’ has been replaced by ‘For Temp12k, the original age model was used - these data are the same as ageOriginal;’
ageMedianBacon (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_age_medianMedianBacon): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageOriginal (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_age_original): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
d18o_ruber_lato (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_d18o_ruber_lato): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_d18o_ruber_lato_SST_from_d18o_ruber_lato): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_d18o_ruber_lato_SST_from_d18o_ruber_lato): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_d18o_ruber_lato_SST_from_d18o_ruber_lato): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘bulk sediment’
d18o_ruber_stricto (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_d18o_ruber_stricto): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_d18o_ruber_stricto_SST_from_d18o_ruber_stricto): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_d18o_ruber_stricto_SST_from_d18o_ruber_stricto): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_d18o_ruber_stricto_SST_from_d18o_ruber_stricto): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘bulk sediment’
depth (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_depth): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
mgca_ruber_lato (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_mgca_ruber_lato): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_mgca_ruber_lato_SST_from_mgca_ruber_lato): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_mgca_ruber_lato_SST_from_mgca_ruber_lato): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_mgca_ruber_lato_SST_from_mgca_ruber_lato): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘bulk sediment’
mgca_ruber_stricto (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_mgca_ruber_stricto): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_mgca_ruber_stricto_SST_from_mgca_ruber_stricto): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_mgca_ruber_stricto_SST_from_mgca_ruber_stricto): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_mgca_ruber_stricto_SST_from_mgca_ruber_stricto): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘bulk sediment’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_d18o_ruber_lato_SST_from_d18o_ruber_lato): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_d18o_ruber_stricto_SST_from_d18o_ruber_stricto): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_mgca_ruber_lato_SST_from_mgca_ruber_lato): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_mgca_ruber_lato_SST_from_mgca_ruber_lato): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12’
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_mgca_ruber_stricto_SST_from_mgca_ruber_stricto): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_mgca_ruber_stricto_SST_from_mgca_ruber_stricto): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12’
PaleoData values:
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_d18o_ruber_lato_SST_from_d18o_ruber_lato): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_d18o_ruber_stricto_SST_from_d18o_ruber_stricto): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_mgca_ruber_lato_SST_from_mgca_ruber_lato): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_mgca_ruber_stricto_SST_from_mgca_ruber_stricto): The paleoData_values have changed
Chron Column metadata:
age (REXDkO3vmdy): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
age_type (RxNLHqBS1ca): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
c14_1s_err (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_c14_1s_err): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
c14_date (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_c14_date): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_delta_r): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_1s_error (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_delta_r_1s_error): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_1s_error_original (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_delta_r_1s_error_original): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_original (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_delta_r_original): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth_bottom (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_depth_bottom): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth_top (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_depth_top): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
labcode (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_labcode): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
mat_dated (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_mat_dated): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_1s_err (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_other_1s_err): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_date (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_other_date): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_type (T2L_KNR159_JPC26_other_type): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:54 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_KNR166_14_11JPC_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_KNR166_14_11JPC_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_KNR166_14_11JPC_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_KNR166_14_11JPC_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:54 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_KNR166_JPC26_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_KNR166_JPC26_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_KNR166_JPC26_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_KNR166_JPC26_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:54 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_KNR166_JPC51_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_KNR166_JPC51_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_KNR166_JPC51_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_KNR166_JPC51_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:54 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_KNR195_5_CDH23_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_KNR195_5_CDH23_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:55 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_KNR195_5_CDH26_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_KNR195_5_CDH26_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:55 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperatureComposite (RCzaVnPuDWU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RKIaXBAVgUE): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RL0y7oNHYEx): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (Rqcmhkc84zk): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (Rqcmhkc84zk): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (Rqcmhkc84zk): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (Rqcmhkc84zk): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
GDD5 (RTYqiGOR0Az): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (Rqcmhkc84zk): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (Rqcmhkc84zk): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (Rqcmhkc84zk): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (Rqcmhkc84zk): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (Rqcmhkc84zk): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRa2RQulMj7efZj7Lk’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRCx8ChdJyHXnHwvP5’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRHRQP17ebr5VlkxZp’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRMvt8UkWjdS6NuGtO’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRNcD8IbRuQs2hDsyp’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cROmFIUEWkJ0qxhEeV’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRyOVcI4Y1y7Mkf3zh’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘KoeycegizGoelue.EPD-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘KoeycegizGoelue.EPD-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘KoeycegizGoelue.EPD-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘KoeycegizGoelue.EPD-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘KoeycegizGoelue.EPD-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘KoeycegizGoelue.EPD-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘KoeycegizGoelue.EPD-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
labID (cRa2RQulMj7efZj7Lk): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRa2RQulMj7efZj7Lk): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRa2RQulMj7efZj7Lk): chronData_TSid: ‘KoeycegizGoelue.EPD-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cRa2RQulMj7efZj7Lk’
depth (cRCx8ChdJyHXnHwvP5): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRCx8ChdJyHXnHwvP5): chronData_TSid: ‘KoeycegizGoelue.EPD-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRCx8ChdJyHXnHwvP5’
ageHi (cRHRQP17ebr5VlkxZp): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRHRQP17ebr5VlkxZp): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRHRQP17ebr5VlkxZp): chronData_TSid: ‘KoeycegizGoelue.EPD-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRHRQP17ebr5VlkxZp’
thickness (cRMvt8UkWjdS6NuGtO): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRMvt8UkWjdS6NuGtO): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRMvt8UkWjdS6NuGtO): chronData_TSid: ‘KoeycegizGoelue.EPD-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRMvt8UkWjdS6NuGtO’
ageLow (cRNcD8IbRuQs2hDsyp): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRNcD8IbRuQs2hDsyp): chronData_TSid: ‘KoeycegizGoelue.EPD-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRNcD8IbRuQs2hDsyp’
age_type (cROmFIUEWkJ0qxhEeV): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cROmFIUEWkJ0qxhEeV): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cROmFIUEWkJ0qxhEeV): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cROmFIUEWkJ0qxhEeV): chronData_TSid: ‘KoeycegizGoelue.EPD-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cROmFIUEWkJ0qxhEeV’
age (cRyOVcI4Y1y7Mkf3zh): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRyOVcI4Y1y7Mkf3zh): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRyOVcI4Y1y7Mkf3zh): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
age (cRyOVcI4Y1y7Mkf3zh): chronData_TSid: ‘KoeycegizGoelue.EPD-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRyOVcI4Y1y7Mkf3zh’
ChronData values:
labID (cRa2RQulMj7efZj7Lk): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRCx8ChdJyHXnHwvP5): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRHRQP17ebr5VlkxZp): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRMvt8UkWjdS6NuGtO): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRNcD8IbRuQs2hDsyp): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cROmFIUEWkJ0qxhEeV): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRyOVcI4Y1y7Mkf3zh): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:55 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB3b80ddb0): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB3b80ddb0): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:55 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RyQ74Z7GxTJ): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RyQ74Z7GxTJ): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RyQ74Z7GxTJ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:55 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTRUXBRWZ0): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTRUXBRWZ0): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTRUXBRWZ0): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:55 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RGx72to7BAg): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RGx72to7BAg): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
temperature (RXGw2dCgVOx): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RXGw2dCgVOx): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RGx72to7BAg): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RXGw2dCgVOx): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:56 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R1jYCQVBlaV): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R1jYCQVBlaV): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R1jYCQVBlaV): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:56 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RWShShxDbGs_SST_from_Uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RWShShxDbGs_SST_from_Uk37): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
temperature (RWUoA3NZNjx): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘((( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ))) summer /// annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RWUoA3NZNjx): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘((( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ))) summer /// annual’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RWShShxDbGs_SST_from_Uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RWUoA3NZNjx): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:56 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Boldt, Brandon R; Kaufman, Darrell S; McKay, Nicholas P; Briner, Jason P’ has been replaced by ‘Boldt, Brandon R’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (NAm2kHydro240): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6 7 8 9’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (NAm2kHydro240): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘6 7 8 9’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (NAm2kHydro240): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (NAm2kHydro240): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘bulk sediment’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:56 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Chakraborty, Krish; Finkelstein, Sarah A.; Desloges, Joseph R.; Chow, Nicole A.’ has been replaced by ‘Chakraborty, Krish’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Sundqvist, H. S.”), list(name = “Kaufman, D. S.”), list(name = “McKay, N. P.”), list(name = “Balascio, N. L.”), list(name = “Briner, J. P.”), list(name = “Cwynar, L. C.”), list(name = “Sejrup, H. P.”), list(name = “Seppä, H.”), list(name = “Subetto, D. A.”), list(name = “Andrews, J. T.”), list(name = “Axford, Y.”), list(name = “Bakke, J.”), list(name = “Birks, H. J. B.”), list(name = “Brooks, S. J.”), list(name = “de Vernal, A.”), list(name = “Jennings, A. E.”), list(name = “Ljungqvist, F. C.”), list(name = “Rühland, K. M.”), list(name = “Saenger, C.”), list(name = “Smol, J. P.”), list(name = “Viau, A. E.”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘6QRKVWBF’
pub2_firstAuthor: NULL has been replaced by ‘Chakraborty’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1605-1631’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘15 22’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Copernicus GmbH’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘10’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
BSi (PYT8QV5B55C): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
BSi (PYT8QV5B55C): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
BSi (PYT8QV5B55C): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
BSi (PYT8QV5B55C): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘bulk sediment’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:57 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_KY07_04_PC1_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6 7 8 9 10 11’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_KY07_04_PC1_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘6 7 8 9 10 11’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_KY07_04_PC1_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:57 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RvoC7ZDCwNh): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RvoC7ZDCwNh): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RvoC7ZDCwNh): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:57 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RYyDb1URhtN): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RYyDb1URhtN): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:57 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RiOWDR3HWB7): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RiOWDR3HWB7): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RiOWDR3HWB7): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:57 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L1vo2cyx4P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lcv4kjg1oP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Li82rc0jwP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lypxi0bc4P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lypxi0bc4P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lypxi0bc4P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lypxi0bc4P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lypxi0bc4P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lypxi0bc4P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lypxi0bc4P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lypxi0bc4P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lypxi0bc4P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:57 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘North America > Canada > Quebec’ has been replaced by ‘North America>Canada>Quebec’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RaVpoBekUwg): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RaVpoBekUwg): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RaVpoBekUwg): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:58 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2La71kexf0P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lkadbwg06P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lkadbwg06P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lkadbwg06P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lkadbwg06P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2Lunmw92slP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Ly0wxhoe3P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lkadbwg06P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lkadbwg06P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lkadbwg06P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:58 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L0jqncy8xP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L0pqh2gexP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L0pqh2gexP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L0pqh2gexP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L0pqh2gexP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2Lpztrlwi8P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Luaqav9ebP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L0pqh2gexP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L0pqh2gexP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L0pqh2gexP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L0pqh2gexP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L0pqh2gexP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:58 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L58bvkgafP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L5xf0iis6P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L5xf0iis6P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L5xf0iis6P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L5xf0iis6P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2L9cizxjmnP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lixgup1qxP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L5xf0iis6P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L5xf0iis6P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L5xf0iis6P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L5xf0iis6P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L5xf0iis6P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:58 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2L06pliv5jP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L06pliv5jP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L06pliv5jP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L06pliv5jP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2L49huske3P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L5ds3b810P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L7wjxj9y7P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L06pliv5jP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L06pliv5jP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L06pliv5jP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L06pliv5jP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L06pliv5jP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:27:58 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub1_title: ‘Postglacial vegetation history of the Mackenzie River Basin’ has been replaced by ‘Postglacial Vegetation History of the Mackenzie River Basin’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘245-262’
pub1_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Cambridge University Press (CUP)’
pub1_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Marsicek, Jeremiah”), list(name = “Shuman, Bryan N.”), list(name = “Bartlein, Patrick J.”), list(name = “Shafer, Sarah L.”), list(name = “Brewer, Simon”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘SXQIPVEC’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘7690’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Nature’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘92-96’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘245 262’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Reconciling divergent trends and millennial variations in Holocene temperatures’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘554’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2018’
Paleo Column metadata:
Panom (M2L0p5755rpP): paleoData_datum: ‘abs’ has been replaced by ‘anom’
Panom (M2L0p5755rpP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
Panom (M2L0p5755rpP): paleoData_variableName: ‘precipitation’ has been replaced by ‘Panom’
Panom (M2L0p5755rpP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Panom (M2L0p5755rpP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2L5mytb4knP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L5mytb4knP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2L8o5wvg1qP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L8o5wvg1qP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2Lzztaq4rxP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lzztaq4rxP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RW53C7v5an2): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RW53C7v5an2): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR3l5Z5VvdTs92m5Hr’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRjiP07YZkELifhYbD’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRJoK9JHecTjcPIUna’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRNA1eIG3dYtgo8dhD’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRNAHcsKOBF6BoghUS’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRnt8iMKRe7YCQ5eS4’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRsvklWGBVDkEtgMWW’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘LagunaSaladaChiprana.EPD-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LagunaSaladaChiprana.EPD-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LagunaSaladaChiprana.EPD-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LagunaSaladaChiprana.EPD-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LagunaSaladaChiprana.EPD-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LagunaSaladaChiprana.EPD-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LagunaSaladaChiprana.EPD-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
thickness (cR3l5Z5VvdTs92m5Hr): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cR3l5Z5VvdTs92m5Hr): chronData_TSid: ‘LagunaSaladaChiprana.EPD-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR3l5Z5VvdTs92m5Hr’
ageLow (cRjiP07YZkELifhYbD): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cRjiP07YZkELifhYbD): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRjiP07YZkELifhYbD): chronData_TSid: ‘LagunaSaladaChiprana.EPD-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRjiP07YZkELifhYbD’
age_type (cRJoK9JHecTjcPIUna): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRJoK9JHecTjcPIUna): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRJoK9JHecTjcPIUna): chronData_TSid: ‘LagunaSaladaChiprana.EPD-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRJoK9JHecTjcPIUna’
depth (cRNA1eIG3dYtgo8dhD): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRNA1eIG3dYtgo8dhD): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRNA1eIG3dYtgo8dhD): chronData_TSid: ‘LagunaSaladaChiprana.EPD-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRNA1eIG3dYtgo8dhD’
age (cRNAHcsKOBF6BoghUS): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRNAHcsKOBF6BoghUS): chronData_TSid: ‘LagunaSaladaChiprana.EPD-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRNAHcsKOBF6BoghUS’
ageHi (cRnt8iMKRe7YCQ5eS4): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRnt8iMKRe7YCQ5eS4): chronData_TSid: ‘LagunaSaladaChiprana.EPD-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRnt8iMKRe7YCQ5eS4’
labID (cRsvklWGBVDkEtgMWW): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRsvklWGBVDkEtgMWW): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
labID (cRsvklWGBVDkEtgMWW): chronData_TSid: ‘LagunaSaladaChiprana.EPD-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRsvklWGBVDkEtgMWW’
ChronData values:
thickness (cR3l5Z5VvdTs92m5Hr): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRjiP07YZkELifhYbD): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRJoK9JHecTjcPIUna): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRNA1eIG3dYtgo8dhD): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRNAHcsKOBF6BoghUS): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRnt8iMKRe7YCQ5eS4): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRsvklWGBVDkEtgMWW): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:01 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperatureComposite (RI7udHdNCkA): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘1; GDD5’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureComposite (RI7udHdNCkA): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1; GDD5’
temperature (RkcSPEYOXLj): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘GDD5’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RkcSPEYOXLj): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘GDD5’
temperature (RoXFsXAQiB2): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘1’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RoXFsXAQiB2): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘1’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperatureComposite (RI7udHdNCkA): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RkcSPEYOXLj): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RoXFsXAQiB2): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:01 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTEE34B0H5): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTEE34B0H5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:01 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RV7ogSkZbOS): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RV7ogSkZbOS): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RV7ogSkZbOS): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRuw1xkHmkCBWEqUvC’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘LakeLyadhej-To.Andreev.2005-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:01 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Palmer, Samantha; Walker, Ian; Heinrichs, Markus; Hebda, Richard; Scudder, Geoffrey’ has been replaced by ‘Palmer, Samantha’
pub1_publisher: ‘Springer Nature’ has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
pub1_title: ‘Postglacial midge community change and Holocene palaeotemperature reconstructions near treeline, southern British Columbia (Canada)’ has been replaced by NULL
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Gavin, Daniel G.”), list(name = “Brubaker, Linda B.”), list(name = “Greenwald, D. Noah”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘RSZDYUH9’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Ecological Monographs’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘471-489’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘469 490’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Wiley’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Postglacial climate and fire-mediated vegetation change on the western Olympic Peninsula, Washington (USA)’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘83’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2013’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R05eeEJNPBo): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘51 lakes from British Columbia (Palmer et al. 2002)’
temperature (R05eeEJNPBo): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘51 lakes from British Columbia (Palmer et al. 2002)’ has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (R05eeEJNPBo): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R05eeEJNPBo): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R05eeEJNPBo): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
PaleoData values:
temperature (R05eeEJNPBo): The paleoData_values have changed
depth (Re7zgtFh96C): The paleoData_values have changed
age (WEB13cd2db3): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:01 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Lemmen, J.; Lacourse, T.’ has been replaced by ‘Lemmen, J.’
pub1_publisher: ‘Springer Nature’ has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
pub1_title: ‘Fossil chironomid assemblages and inferred summer temperatures for the past 14,000 years from a low-elevation lake in Pacific Canada’ has been replaced by ‘Fossil chironomid assemblages and inferred summer temperatures for the past 14,000 years from a low-elevation lake in Pacific Canada’
pub1_year: ‘2018’ has been replaced by ‘2017’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R6miF3Chdmb): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Fortin et al. 2015 training set (FOR15), Barley et al. 2006’
temperature (R6miF3Chdmb): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘Fortin et al. 2015 training set (FOR15), Barley et al. 2006’ has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (R6miF3Chdmb): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R6miF3Chdmb): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R6miF3Chdmb): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
temperature (RF91knm2Idi): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RF91knm2Idi): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘7’
temperature (RREhQ4nwCNf): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RREhQ4nwCNf): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘7’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:02 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R3CvZBuTHNk): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R3CvZBuTHNk): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:02 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTNG9UXJDL): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTNG9UXJDL): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTNG9UXJDL): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:02 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (LPD7abab671): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPD7abab671): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:02 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L5rhw5bdkP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L6ghuwiloP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Ly6fk2hmxP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lydj1m74xP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lydj1m74xP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lydj1m74xP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lydj1m74xP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lydj1m74xP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lydj1m74xP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lydj1m74xP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lydj1m74xP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lydj1m74xP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:02 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R6856UmenVm): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RF4G8wwNMQV): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RMYKjBcihTx): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RMYKjBcihTx): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RMYKjBcihTx): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RMYKjBcihTx): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
GDD5 (Rpvnb5awBgJ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RUDCXsWTNc9): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RMYKjBcihTx): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RMYKjBcihTx): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RMYKjBcihTx): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RNNwOGu1zNQ): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RNNwOGu1zNQ): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR0wWSsrtNhpEWHALx’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR8EAYErG8B4PFmPTi’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRbQoJL8hdaGxKGkiQ’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRdrund1OXr9GznMHQ’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRjl7mdvjUUyke9HR8’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRnhcePdknIhgnbSm0’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRP14SsKSOAUP6PI1o’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘LeGrandLemps.Clerc.1988-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LeGrandLemps.Clerc.1988-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LeGrandLemps.Clerc.1988-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LeGrandLemps.Clerc.1988-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LeGrandLemps.Clerc.1988-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LeGrandLemps.Clerc.1988-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LeGrandLemps.Clerc.1988-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
age (cR0wWSsrtNhpEWHALx): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cR0wWSsrtNhpEWHALx): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cR0wWSsrtNhpEWHALx): chronData_TSid: ‘LeGrandLemps.Clerc.1988-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR0wWSsrtNhpEWHALx’
ageLow (cR8EAYErG8B4PFmPTi): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cR8EAYErG8B4PFmPTi): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cR8EAYErG8B4PFmPTi): chronData_TSid: ‘LeGrandLemps.Clerc.1988-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR8EAYErG8B4PFmPTi’
labID (cRbQoJL8hdaGxKGkiQ): chronData_TSid: ‘LeGrandLemps.Clerc.1988-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRbQoJL8hdaGxKGkiQ’
thickness (cRdrund1OXr9GznMHQ): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRdrund1OXr9GznMHQ): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRdrund1OXr9GznMHQ): chronData_TSid: ‘LeGrandLemps.Clerc.1988-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRdrund1OXr9GznMHQ’
ageHi (cRjl7mdvjUUyke9HR8): chronData_TSid: ‘LeGrandLemps.Clerc.1988-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRjl7mdvjUUyke9HR8’
depth (cRnhcePdknIhgnbSm0): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRnhcePdknIhgnbSm0): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRnhcePdknIhgnbSm0): chronData_TSid: ‘LeGrandLemps.Clerc.1988-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRnhcePdknIhgnbSm0’
age_type (cRP14SsKSOAUP6PI1o): chronData_TSid: ‘LeGrandLemps.Clerc.1988-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRP14SsKSOAUP6PI1o’
ChronData values:
age (cR0wWSsrtNhpEWHALx): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cR8EAYErG8B4PFmPTi): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRdrund1OXr9GznMHQ): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRnhcePdknIhgnbSm0): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:03 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Lachniet, Matthew S.; Denniston, Rhawn F.; Asmerom, Yemane; Polyak, Victor J.’ has been replaced by ‘Lachniet, Matthew S.’
Paleo Column metadata:
d18O (LPD94e74028cc): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘bulk sediment’
d18O (LPD94e74028cc): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
d13C (LPDa57620f7bb): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘soil moisture amount’
d13C (LPDa57620f7bb): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘soil moisture amount’ has been replaced by ‘bulk sediment’
d13C (LPDa57620f7bb): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘in SISAL’
d13C (LPDa57620f7bb): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
d18O (LPD94e74028cc): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
d13C (LPDa57620f7bb): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
d18O (LPDe1fb72db): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
ChronData values:
error230Th_238UActivityRatio (LPD248cb8ef): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:03 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R8dqe2udYAi): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R8dqe2udYAi): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R8dqe2udYAi): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:04 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RAnvzUrwEM2): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (Rb55CRDFnYw): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (Rk85JTjaeFR): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (Rk85JTjaeFR): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (Rk85JTjaeFR): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (Rk85JTjaeFR): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
GDD5 (RUS5VwToJhE): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (Rv7Rb7TWtL1): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (Rk85JTjaeFR): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual’
precipitation (Rk85JTjaeFR): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (Rk85JTjaeFR): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (Rk85JTjaeFR): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR12xPrnTkAoOdLcUq’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR9w7uhuZHcxf7QZ1C’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRGZnjs7prGWpyYJna’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRsgbpyOG3V6UjK0CJ’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRVZdGXo9YtHs3x6HT’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRx7Zy14gjUmQiIuwE’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRY7Da4ga6sP7nWkGP’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘LiivjarveBog.Koff.1989-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LiivjarveBog.Koff.1989-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LiivjarveBog.Koff.1989-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LiivjarveBog.Koff.1989-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LiivjarveBog.Koff.1989-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LiivjarveBog.Koff.1989-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LiivjarveBog.Koff.1989-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
age (cR12xPrnTkAoOdLcUq): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cR12xPrnTkAoOdLcUq): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cR12xPrnTkAoOdLcUq): chronData_TSid: ‘LiivjarveBog.Koff.1989-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR12xPrnTkAoOdLcUq’
labID (cR9w7uhuZHcxf7QZ1C): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cR9w7uhuZHcxf7QZ1C): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cR9w7uhuZHcxf7QZ1C): chronData_TSid: ‘LiivjarveBog.Koff.1989-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR9w7uhuZHcxf7QZ1C’
depth (cRGZnjs7prGWpyYJna): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRGZnjs7prGWpyYJna): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRGZnjs7prGWpyYJna): chronData_TSid: ‘LiivjarveBog.Koff.1989-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRGZnjs7prGWpyYJna’
ageLow (cRsgbpyOG3V6UjK0CJ): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRsgbpyOG3V6UjK0CJ): chronData_TSid: ‘LiivjarveBog.Koff.1989-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRsgbpyOG3V6UjK0CJ’
thickness (cRVZdGXo9YtHs3x6HT): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRVZdGXo9YtHs3x6HT): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRVZdGXo9YtHs3x6HT): chronData_TSid: ‘LiivjarveBog.Koff.1989-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRVZdGXo9YtHs3x6HT’
age_type (cRx7Zy14gjUmQiIuwE): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRx7Zy14gjUmQiIuwE): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRx7Zy14gjUmQiIuwE): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRx7Zy14gjUmQiIuwE): chronData_TSid: ‘LiivjarveBog.Koff.1989-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRx7Zy14gjUmQiIuwE’
ageHi (cRY7Da4ga6sP7nWkGP): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRY7Da4ga6sP7nWkGP): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRY7Da4ga6sP7nWkGP): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
ageHi (cRY7Da4ga6sP7nWkGP): chronData_TSid: ‘LiivjarveBog.Koff.1989-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRY7Da4ga6sP7nWkGP’
ChronData values:
age (cR12xPrnTkAoOdLcUq): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cR9w7uhuZHcxf7QZ1C): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRGZnjs7prGWpyYJna): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRsgbpyOG3V6UjK0CJ): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRVZdGXo9YtHs3x6HT): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRx7Zy14gjUmQiIuwE): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRY7Da4ga6sP7nWkGP): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:04 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT4RL17XGB): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT4RL17XGB): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT4RL17XGB): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:04 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Sundqvist, H. S.”), list(name = “Kaufman, D. S.”), list(name = “McKay, N. P.”), list(name = “Balascio, N. L.”), list(name = “Briner, J. P.”), list(name = “Cwynar, L. C.”), list(name = “Sejrup, H. P.”), list(name = “Seppä, H.”), list(name = “Subetto, D. A.”), list(name = “Andrews, J. T.”), list(name = “Axford, Y.”), list(name = “Bakke, J.”), list(name = “Birks, H. J. B.”), list(name = “Brooks, S. J.”), list(name = “de Vernal, A.”), list(name = “Jennings, A. E.”), list(name = “Ljungqvist, F. C.”), list(name = “Rühland, K. M.”), list(name = “Saenger, C.”), list(name = “Smol, J. P.”), list(name = “Viau, A. E.”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘ZNR8F7VV’
pub2_firstAuthor: NULL has been replaced by ‘Cwynar’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1605-1631’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘1106 1112’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Copernicus GmbH’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘10’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Paleo Column metadata:
Panom (PYTS71USULB): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
Panom (PYTS71USULB): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
Panom (PYTS71USULB): paleoData_variableName: ‘precipitation’ has been replaced by ‘Panom’
Panom (PYTS71USULB): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTZAK3QLN0): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘Temperatures are an average of the best 3 estimates and the anomalies are relative to 1961-1990 baseline period.’ has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (PYTZAK3QLN0): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTZAK3QLN0): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temperatures are an average of the best 3 estimates and the anomalies are relative to 1961-1990 baseline period.’
temperatureComposite (R9f2mFSr7nU): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘Temperatures are an average of the best 3 estimates and the anomalies are relative to 1961-1990 baseline period.’ has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperatureComposite (R9f2mFSr7nU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (R9f2mFSr7nU): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temperatures are an average of the best 3 estimates and the anomalies are relative to 1961-1990 baseline period.’
temperature (WEB39251bbc): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (WEB39251bbc): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L5npp4dw6P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L71dcvhjbP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L71dcvhjbP): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘JM’ has been replaced by ‘JM,DSK’
precipitation (M2L71dcvhjbP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L71dcvhjbP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L71dcvhjbP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L71dcvhjbP): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘age gap of 4.0 ka, but older part of core is well dated’
temperature (M2Lry7p3qglP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lx02nyks5P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L71dcvhjbP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L71dcvhjbP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L71dcvhjbP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L71dcvhjbP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L71dcvhjbP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.1.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:05 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Europe>Northern Europe>British Isles>United Kingdom’ has been replaced by ‘Atlantic Ocean>North Atlantic Ocean’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R6flsIy8fhS): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RmFXFMHxVmB): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (Rs47zWqnTxZ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RUzoX2cQs5B): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RWiaiYI7DXC): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RWiaiYI7DXC): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘BSAD’
precipitation (RWiaiYI7DXC): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘age gap of 3.5 ka, but otherwise solid chronology’
precipitation (RWiaiYI7DXC): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RWiaiYI7DXC): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RWiaiYI7DXC): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RWiaiYI7DXC): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual’
precipitation (RWiaiYI7DXC): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RWiaiYI7DXC): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RWiaiYI7DXC): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR3eXLTt0FoKB9SxG3’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR4CIqMEjneVmVg2Ru’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRffiBzlTsZhYDpkB7’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRhDxHEjEey2MIEQnP’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRjhfEBO2bnuoIkltO’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cROiBFQ03Qo6ScpgqN’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRXrgIy4XtskyQwV4y’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘LittleLochRoag.Birks.1979-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LittleLochRoag.Birks.1979-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LittleLochRoag.Birks.1979-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LittleLochRoag.Birks.1979-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LittleLochRoag.Birks.1979-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LittleLochRoag.Birks.1979-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘LittleLochRoag.Birks.1979-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
ageHi (cR3eXLTt0FoKB9SxG3): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cR3eXLTt0FoKB9SxG3): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cR3eXLTt0FoKB9SxG3): chronData_TSid: ‘LittleLochRoag.Birks.1979-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR3eXLTt0FoKB9SxG3’
labID (cR4CIqMEjneVmVg2Ru): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cR4CIqMEjneVmVg2Ru): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cR4CIqMEjneVmVg2Ru): chronData_TSid: ‘LittleLochRoag.Birks.1979-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR4CIqMEjneVmVg2Ru’
depth (cRffiBzlTsZhYDpkB7): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRffiBzlTsZhYDpkB7): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRffiBzlTsZhYDpkB7): chronData_TSid: ‘LittleLochRoag.Birks.1979-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRffiBzlTsZhYDpkB7’
ageLow (cRhDxHEjEey2MIEQnP): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRhDxHEjEey2MIEQnP): chronData_TSid: ‘LittleLochRoag.Birks.1979-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRhDxHEjEey2MIEQnP’
age (cRjhfEBO2bnuoIkltO): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRjhfEBO2bnuoIkltO): chronData_TSid: ‘LittleLochRoag.Birks.1979-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRjhfEBO2bnuoIkltO’
thickness (cROiBFQ03Qo6ScpgqN): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cROiBFQ03Qo6ScpgqN): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cROiBFQ03Qo6ScpgqN): chronData_TSid: ‘LittleLochRoag.Birks.1979-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cROiBFQ03Qo6ScpgqN’
age_type (cRXrgIy4XtskyQwV4y): chronData_TSid: ‘LittleLochRoag.Birks.1979-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRXrgIy4XtskyQwV4y’
ChronData values:
ageHi (cR3eXLTt0FoKB9SxG3): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cR4CIqMEjneVmVg2Ru): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRffiBzlTsZhYDpkB7): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRhDxHEjEey2MIEQnP): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRjhfEBO2bnuoIkltO): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cROiBFQ03Qo6ScpgqN): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:05 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPD74bc6584): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (WEB4be1aff2): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (WEB663bb1d8): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (WEB663bb1d8): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (WEB663bb1d8): paleoData_QCnotes: ‘Added proxyGeneral’ has been replaced by ‘“Based on the existing chronologies, the pollen data were linearly interpolated to 100-year time steps to facilitate inter-site comparison of the pollen-inferred paleoclimate reconstructions.” (Marsicek et al., 2013)’
precipitation (WEB663bb1d8): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (WEB663bb1d8): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBb9192769): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBd03dcf34): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (WEB663bb1d8): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (WEB663bb1d8): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (WEB663bb1d8): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (WEB663bb1d8): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (WEB663bb1d8): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘MAT’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:05 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (Rz1sYNeOKel): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (Rz1sYNeOKel): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (Rz1sYNeOKel): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:06 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTP8LM4UJJ): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘8’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTP8LM4UJJ): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘8’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTP8LM4UJJ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:06 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperatureComposite (R5MwieDquqJ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RpHOpWJr2mw): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RXBhHyr0eCR): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RXBhHyr0eCR): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RXBhHyr0eCR): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RXBhHyr0eCR): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RxsM20XsGKX): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RzuL2Y5RNzX): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RXBhHyr0eCR): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RXBhHyr0eCR): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RXBhHyr0eCR): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RXBhHyr0eCR): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RXBhHyr0eCR): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR7gNEwJBQTYSywT7i’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cReuMCJyDOSiCZjSeq’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRHxV3JB4v53cDCFJT’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRovQhTwB0FRwAJi1Q’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRPUUpxLBBp9detDKT’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRRdLf0KB2fmnEwM5r’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRU0yBeEs1ok5ooB5m’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Lobsigensee.Ammann.1985-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Lobsigensee.Ammann.1985-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Lobsigensee.Ammann.1985-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Lobsigensee.Ammann.1985-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Lobsigensee.Ammann.1985-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Lobsigensee.Ammann.1985-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Lobsigensee.Ammann.1985-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
age_type (cR7gNEwJBQTYSywT7i): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cR7gNEwJBQTYSywT7i): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cR7gNEwJBQTYSywT7i): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cR7gNEwJBQTYSywT7i): chronData_TSid: ‘Lobsigensee.Ammann.1985-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR7gNEwJBQTYSywT7i’
thickness (cReuMCJyDOSiCZjSeq): chronData_TSid: ‘Lobsigensee.Ammann.1985-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cReuMCJyDOSiCZjSeq’
ageHi (cRHxV3JB4v53cDCFJT): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRHxV3JB4v53cDCFJT): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRHxV3JB4v53cDCFJT): chronData_TSid: ‘Lobsigensee.Ammann.1985-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRHxV3JB4v53cDCFJT’
depth (cRovQhTwB0FRwAJi1Q): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRovQhTwB0FRwAJi1Q): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRovQhTwB0FRwAJi1Q): chronData_TSid: ‘Lobsigensee.Ammann.1985-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRovQhTwB0FRwAJi1Q’
age (cRPUUpxLBBp9detDKT): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRPUUpxLBBp9detDKT): chronData_TSid: ‘Lobsigensee.Ammann.1985-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRPUUpxLBBp9detDKT’
ageLow (cRRdLf0KB2fmnEwM5r): chronData_TSid: ‘Lobsigensee.Ammann.1985-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRRdLf0KB2fmnEwM5r’
labID (cRU0yBeEs1ok5ooB5m): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRU0yBeEs1ok5ooB5m): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
labID (cRU0yBeEs1ok5ooB5m): chronData_TSid: ‘Lobsigensee.Ammann.1985-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRU0yBeEs1ok5ooB5m’
ChronData values:
age_type (cR7gNEwJBQTYSywT7i): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRHxV3JB4v53cDCFJT): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRovQhTwB0FRwAJi1Q): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRPUUpxLBBp9detDKT): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRU0yBeEs1ok5ooB5m): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:06 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Europe>Northern Europe>British Isles>Scotland’ has been replaced by ‘Europe>Northern Europe>British Isles>United Kingdom’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R4ANboj7Oxa): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R4ANboj7Oxa): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
temperature (R7q4fzGNoZ6): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R7q4fzGNoZ6): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R4ANboj7Oxa): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
temperature (R7q4fzGNoZ6): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:06 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘MacDonald, Glen M.; Cwynar, Les C.’ has been replaced by ‘MacDonald, Glen M.’
pub1_title: ‘A fossil pollen based reconstruction of the late Quaternary history of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta ssp. latifolia) in the western interior of Canada’ has been replaced by ‘A fossil pollen based reconstruction of the late Quaternary history of lodgepole pine (Pinuscontorta ssp. latifolia) in the western interior of Canada’
pub2_pages: ‘1039-1044’ has been replaced by ‘1039 1044’
pub2_publisher: ‘Springer Nature’ has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
pub2_year: ‘1985’ has been replaced by ‘2018’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘VJ9P5TS6’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L6qbln98nP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lg25dpklhP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lpv8aaeszP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lpv8aaeszP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lvvf8aywtP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lpv8aaeszP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lpv8aaeszP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
pub1_author: ‘Kaufman, Darrell S.; Axford, Yarrow; Anderson, R. Scott; Lamoureux, Scott F.; Schindler, Daniel E.; Walker, Ian R.; Werner, Al’ has been replaced by ‘Kaufman, Darrell S.’
pub1_title: ‘A multi-proxy record of the Last Glacial Maximum and last 14,500 years of paleoenvironmental change at Lone Spruce Pond, southwestern Alaska’ has been replaced by ‘A multi-proxy record of the Last Glacial Maximum and last 14,500 years of paleoenvironmental change at Lone Spruce Pond, southwestern Alaska’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Sundqvist, H. S.”), list(name = “Kaufman, D. S.”), list(name = “McKay, N. P.”), list(name = “Balascio, N. L.”), list(name = “Briner, J. P.”), list(name = “Cwynar, L. C.”), list(name = “Sejrup, H. P.”), list(name = “Seppä, H.”), list(name = “Subetto, D. A.”), list(name = “Andrews, J. T.”), list(name = “Axford, Y.”), list(name = “Bakke, J.”), list(name = “Birks, H. J. B.”), list(name = “Brooks, S. J.”), list(name = “de Vernal, A.”), list(name = “Jennings, A. E.”), list(name = “Ljungqvist, F. C.”), list(name = “Rühland, K. M.”), list(name = “Saenger, C.”), list(name = “Smol, J. P.”), list(name = “Viau, A. E.”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘CHDR3MZ3’
pub2_firstAuthor: NULL has been replaced by ‘Kaufman’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1605-1631’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘9 26’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Copernicus GmbH’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘10’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
BSi (PYTKYQ4C1WD): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘growing’ has been replaced by NULL
BSi (PYTKYQ4C1WD): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘growing’
Paleo Column metadata:
BSi (PYTKYQ4C1WD): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:07 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RZT20l77VUd): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RZT20l77VUd): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:07 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L2wsvlds8P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lf430lmdyP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lf430lmdyP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lf430lmdyP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lf430lmdyP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lf9bpim6mP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2LlenyshucP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lf430lmdyP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lf430lmdyP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lf430lmdyP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lf430lmdyP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lf430lmdyP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:07 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2L60idp3u2P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L60idp3u2P): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘gap of 4560 yr bewteen oldest two ages = 7385 and 11947’
precipitation (M2L60idp3u2P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L64f6irzrP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lh2rwmljaP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lqr52aoj9P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L60idp3u2P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L60idp3u2P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
precipitation (M2L60idp3u2P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L60idp3u2P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘amount@surface’
temperature (M2L64f6irzrP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2Lh2rwmljaP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2Lh2rwmljaP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘warmest month’
temperature (M2Lqr52aoj9P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘coldest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2Lqr52aoj9P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘coldest month’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:07 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RWleajAEFwY): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RWleajAEFwY): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RWleajAEFwY): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:07 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Pellatt, Marlow G.; Mathewes, Rolf W.’ has been replaced by ‘Pellatt, Marlow G.’
pub1_journal: ‘coscience’ has been replaced by ‘Ecoscience’
pub2_pages: ‘71-81’ has been replaced by ‘71 81’
pub2_publisher: ‘Springer Nature’ has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
pub2_year: ‘1994’ has been replaced by ‘2018’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘TAEP344H’
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2L8oedfsdzP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L8oedfsdzP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lb8uhg25jP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Ll12txmw7P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lx8d4iupqP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L8oedfsdzP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L8oedfsdzP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (R0bkFgrHBE6): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (R0bkFgrHBE6): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR40XijUtBRrznvPJV’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR5kX2jWuqzTRKiFuj’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRbNKzgWzGiiAfXixn’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRDZlDYgYmvVgUUp8m’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRG91Osz0kCtCniyxe’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRrnrKU3Cpbl6ae1BD’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRuiJoe83l1RRY7PR9’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Luganskoe.Kvavadze.1994-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Luganskoe.Kvavadze.1994-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Luganskoe.Kvavadze.1994-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Luganskoe.Kvavadze.1994-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Luganskoe.Kvavadze.1994-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Luganskoe.Kvavadze.1994-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Luganskoe.Kvavadze.1994-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
labID (cR40XijUtBRrznvPJV): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cR40XijUtBRrznvPJV): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cR40XijUtBRrznvPJV): chronData_TSid: ‘Luganskoe.Kvavadze.1994-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR40XijUtBRrznvPJV’
ageLow (cR5kX2jWuqzTRKiFuj): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cR5kX2jWuqzTRKiFuj): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cR5kX2jWuqzTRKiFuj): chronData_TSid: ‘Luganskoe.Kvavadze.1994-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR5kX2jWuqzTRKiFuj’
thickness (cRbNKzgWzGiiAfXixn): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRbNKzgWzGiiAfXixn): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRbNKzgWzGiiAfXixn): chronData_TSid: ‘Luganskoe.Kvavadze.1994-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRbNKzgWzGiiAfXixn’
age_type (cRDZlDYgYmvVgUUp8m): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRDZlDYgYmvVgUUp8m): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRDZlDYgYmvVgUUp8m): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRDZlDYgYmvVgUUp8m): chronData_TSid: ‘Luganskoe.Kvavadze.1994-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRDZlDYgYmvVgUUp8m’
ageHi (cRG91Osz0kCtCniyxe): chronData_TSid: ‘Luganskoe.Kvavadze.1994-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRG91Osz0kCtCniyxe’
age (cRrnrKU3Cpbl6ae1BD): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRrnrKU3Cpbl6ae1BD): chronData_TSid: ‘Luganskoe.Kvavadze.1994-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRrnrKU3Cpbl6ae1BD’
depth (cRuiJoe83l1RRY7PR9): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRuiJoe83l1RRY7PR9): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRuiJoe83l1RRY7PR9): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
depth (cRuiJoe83l1RRY7PR9): chronData_TSid: ‘Luganskoe.Kvavadze.1994-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRuiJoe83l1RRY7PR9’
ChronData values:
labID (cR40XijUtBRrznvPJV): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cR5kX2jWuqzTRKiFuj): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRbNKzgWzGiiAfXixn): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRDZlDYgYmvVgUUp8m): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRrnrKU3Cpbl6ae1BD): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRuiJoe83l1RRY7PR9): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:09 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_LV29_114_3_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_LV29_114_3_mgca_pachyderma_SST_from_mgca_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_LV29_114_3_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6,7,8’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_LV29_114_3_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘6,7,8’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_LV29_114_3_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_LV29_114_3_mgca_pachyderma_SST_from_mgca_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_LV29_114_3_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:09 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTS7QT9329): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTS7QT9329): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTS7QT9329): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:09 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L4h603qtyP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L8fvxct35P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lckizgk8rP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lckizgk8rP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lckizgk8rP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lckizgk8rP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lwm503978P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lckizgk8rP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lckizgk8rP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lckizgk8rP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lckizgk8rP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lckizgk8rP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:09 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_M135_004_3_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_M135_004_3_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:09 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_M135_005_3_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_M135_005_3_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:10 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Atlantic; Caribbean Sea’ has been replaced by ‘Atlantic Ocean>North Atlantic Ocean>Caribbean Sea’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R5wdyxkjJyr): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (RI2vCrHM2fw): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (RMD9Cw1t1oU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (RtKEt5VqIb4): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RuZd3euHEp0): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_M35003_4_d18o_ruber_pink_SST_from_d18o_ruber_pink): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_M35003_4_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEB4565226e): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RI2vCrHM2fw): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RtKEt5VqIb4): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RtKEt5VqIb4): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
temperature (RuZd3euHEp0): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RuZd3euHEp0): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘winter’
temperature (T2L_M35003_4_d18o_ruber_pink_SST_from_d18o_ruber_pink): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_M35003_4_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB4565226e): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:10 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_M39008_3_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_M39008_3_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_M39008_3_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_M39008_3_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:10 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (GBG100dogCow): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (GBG100dogCow): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:10 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R1p4PfiUdp8): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R1p4PfiUdp8): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winterOnly’ has been replaced by ‘winter’
temperature (RULOqqCg75A): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RULOqqCg75A): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R1p4PfiUdp8): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RULOqqCg75A): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:11 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_M77_2_003_2_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_M77_2_003_2_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:11 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_M77_2_024_5_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_M77_2_024_5_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:11 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_M77_2_029_3_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_M77_2_029_3_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:11 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub2_author: ‘c(“Mollier-Vogel, Elfi”, “Leduc, Guillaume”, “Boeschen, Tebke”, “Martinez, Philippe”, “Schneider, Ralph R.”)’ has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Mollier-Vogel, Elfi”), list(name = “Leduc, Guillaume”), list(name = “Boeschen, Tebke”), list(name = “Martinez, Philippe”), list(name = “Schneider, Ralph R.”))’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
SST_from_planktic0x2EMgCa (RsGueF5Ezuc_SST_from_planktic0x2EMgCa): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RWjDY49jUxg): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RWjDY49jUxg): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winterOnly’ has been replaced by ‘winter’
SST_from_planktic0x2Ed18O (RwsnEN3SLKp_SST_from_planktic0x2Ed18O): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
SST_from_planktic0x2EMgCa (RsGueF5Ezuc_SST_from_planktic0x2EMgCa): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RvhBzegpmNO): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (RWjDY49jUxg): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
SST_from_planktic0x2Ed18O (RwsnEN3SLKp_SST_from_planktic0x2Ed18O): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:12 UTC
PaleoData table:
Column ‘WEB7a423cf1’, with variable name ‘Ti peak area’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB8c583cb8’, with variable name ‘log(Ti/Ca)’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB9d720932’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBbc8d5478’, with variable name ‘Ca peak area’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBcb822ed0’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBf28acf59’, with variable name ‘Fe peak area’, was added to the dataset
Publication metadata:
pub2_author: ‘c(“Mollier-Vogel, Elfi”, “Leduc, Guillaume”, “Boeschen, Tebke”, “Martinez, Philippe”, “Schneider, Ralph R.”)’ has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Mollier-Vogel, Elfi”), list(name = “Leduc, Guillaume”), list(name = “Boeschen, Tebke”), list(name = “Martinez, Philippe”), list(name = “Schneider, Ralph R.”))’
Geographic metadata:
geo_latitude: ‘-3.9502’ has been replaced by ‘-3.9504’
geo_longitude: ‘-81.3205’ has been replaced by ‘-81.32’
Paleo Column metadata:
C37.concentration (R3KKLxIn4mR): paleoData_proxyObservationType: NULL has been replaced by ‘C37.concentration’
planktic.MgCa (R3TadP7WNjA): paleoData_proxyObservationType: NULL has been replaced by ‘planktic.MgCa’
planktic.d18O (R9NFVS4Uv9F): paleoData_proxyObservationType: NULL has been replaced by ‘planktic.d18O’
d18O (RafBRfnToPz): paleoData_proxyObservationType: NULL has been replaced by ‘d18O’
Uk37 (RbIuRfn9Vxz): paleoData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
Uk37 (RbIuRfn9Vxz): paleoData_proxyObservationType: NULL has been replaced by ‘Uk37’
temperature (RbIuRfn9Vxz_SST_from_Uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RcA6vLnL9kR): paleoData_inferredVariableType: NULL has been replaced by ‘temperature’
temperature (RcA6vLnL9kR): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
planktic.d13C (ReU0qGJOKSo): paleoData_proxyObservationType: NULL has been replaced by ‘planktic.d13C’
d13C (Rf00AhLTRUz): paleoData_proxyObservationType: NULL has been replaced by ‘d13C’
CaCO3 (RFu4R6d0Z2N): paleoData_proxyObservationType: NULL has been replaced by ‘CaCO3’
planktic.d18O (RHFF24r2oUR): paleoData_proxyObservationType: NULL has been replaced by ‘planktic.d18O’
temperature (RIgJVtRWivz): paleoData_inferredVariableType: NULL has been replaced by ‘temperature’
temperature (RIgJVtRWivz): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
planktic.MgCa (RmbRnFep4Ix): paleoData_proxyObservationType: NULL has been replaced by ‘planktic.MgCa’
age (RslGo9dXchG): paleoData_description: ‘Age_ka_BP’ has been replaced by ‘Age_yr_BP’
temperature (Ry7Sq4X11wb): paleoData_inferredVariableType: NULL has been replaced by ‘temperature’
temperature (Ry7Sq4X11wb): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
planktic.d13C (RzhpliO9GGx): paleoData_proxyObservationType: NULL has been replaced by ‘planktic.d13C’
PaleoData values:
temperature (RbIuRfn9Vxz_SST_from_Uk37): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:12 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB3ca1b65e): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB3ca1b65e): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:12 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Africa>Eastern Africa>Lake Malawi’ has been replaced by ‘Africa>Eastern Africa>Malawi’
Paleo Column metadata:
smoothedTemp (WEB1a0aec2f): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (WEB91c558e3): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB91c558e3): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:12 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R0jtRdNLrpx): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RHBa9EoJKyU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RToKsaJznWU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RueOmveirpN): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RXSKAcyy1l1): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RXSKAcyy1l1): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RXSKAcyy1l1): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RXSKAcyy1l1): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RXSKAcyy1l1): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RXSKAcyy1l1): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RXSKAcyy1l1): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RXSKAcyy1l1): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RXSKAcyy1l1): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRboOiFouiIk38capQ’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cReh4StuSSwCqahq1F’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRG00EJjFgIw2AHTUY’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRi73Op8VqADLPXqFU’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRkmNXtR3Bqyd6a6Sc’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRkNYBhcH3wbeK8WMc’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRnwgNBkKjvS2InBm4’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘MaleshevskaBog.Tonkov.1992-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MaleshevskaBog.Tonkov.1992-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MaleshevskaBog.Tonkov.1992-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MaleshevskaBog.Tonkov.1992-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MaleshevskaBog.Tonkov.1992-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MaleshevskaBog.Tonkov.1992-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MaleshevskaBog.Tonkov.1992-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
age_type (cRboOiFouiIk38capQ): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRboOiFouiIk38capQ): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRboOiFouiIk38capQ): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRboOiFouiIk38capQ): chronData_TSid: ‘MaleshevskaBog.Tonkov.1992-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cRboOiFouiIk38capQ’
depth (cReh4StuSSwCqahq1F): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cReh4StuSSwCqahq1F): chronData_TSid: ‘MaleshevskaBog.Tonkov.1992-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cReh4StuSSwCqahq1F’
ageHi (cRG00EJjFgIw2AHTUY): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRG00EJjFgIw2AHTUY): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRG00EJjFgIw2AHTUY): chronData_TSid: ‘MaleshevskaBog.Tonkov.1992-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRG00EJjFgIw2AHTUY’
age (cRi73Op8VqADLPXqFU): chronData_TSid: ‘MaleshevskaBog.Tonkov.1992-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRi73Op8VqADLPXqFU’
ageLow (cRkmNXtR3Bqyd6a6Sc): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRkmNXtR3Bqyd6a6Sc): chronData_TSid: ‘MaleshevskaBog.Tonkov.1992-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRkmNXtR3Bqyd6a6Sc’
thickness (cRkNYBhcH3wbeK8WMc): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRkNYBhcH3wbeK8WMc): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRkNYBhcH3wbeK8WMc): chronData_TSid: ‘MaleshevskaBog.Tonkov.1992-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRkNYBhcH3wbeK8WMc’
labID (cRnwgNBkKjvS2InBm4): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRnwgNBkKjvS2InBm4): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
labID (cRnwgNBkKjvS2InBm4): chronData_TSid: ‘MaleshevskaBog.Tonkov.1992-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRnwgNBkKjvS2InBm4’
ChronData values:
age_type (cRboOiFouiIk38capQ): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cReh4StuSSwCqahq1F): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRG00EJjFgIw2AHTUY): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRkmNXtR3Bqyd6a6Sc): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRkNYBhcH3wbeK8WMc): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRnwgNBkKjvS2InBm4): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:12 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB7014bceb): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB7014bceb): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘warmest month’
temperature (WEBa58bb1ff): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEBf671079c): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘coldest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEBf671079c): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘coldest month’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB7014bceb): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBa58bb1ff): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBf671079c): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:13 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L506qhzmzP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L8ki38i50P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L8ki38i50P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L8ki38i50P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L8ki38i50P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lbzvd8czcP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lzxvu2c01P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L8ki38i50P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L8ki38i50P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L8ki38i50P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L8ki38i50P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L8ki38i50P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:13 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD01_2378_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD01_2378_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD01_2378_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD01_2378_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:13 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD01_2390_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD01_2390_mgca_ruber_lato_SST_from_mgca_ruber_lato): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD01_2390_mgca_ruber_stricto_SST_from_mgca_ruber_stricto): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD01_2390_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD01_2390_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD01_2390_mgca_ruber_lato_SST_from_mgca_ruber_lato): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD01_2390_mgca_ruber_stricto_SST_from_mgca_ruber_stricto): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD01_2390_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:13 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD01_2412_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD01_2412_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:14 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD01_2421_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD01_2421_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD01_2421_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD01_2421_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:14 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (LPD2d83141e): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (LPD2d83141e): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
temperature (LPD5c8693b4): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (LPD5c8693b4): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPD2d83141e): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
temperature (LPD5c8693b4): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:14 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (GH8784f3d0): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (GH8784f3d0): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:14 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (LPD801dea7f): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (LPD801dea7f): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPD801dea7f): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:14 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Hill, T.M.; Kennett, J.P.; Pak, D.K.; Behl, R.J.; Robert, C.; Beaufort, L.’ has been replaced by ‘Hill, T.M.’
pub1_title: ‘Pre-B lling warming in Santa Barbara Basin, California: Surface and intermediate water records of early deglacial warmth’ has been replaced by ‘Pre-Boelling warming in Santa Barbara Basin, California: surface and intermediate water records of early deglacial warmth’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘2835-2845’
pub1_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub1_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Elsevier BV’
pub1_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
Paleo Column metadata:
age (T2L_MD02_2503_age): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageDuplicate (T2L_MD02_2503_age_median): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageDuplicate (T2L_MD02_2503_age_median): paleoData_notes: ‘For Temp12k, the original age model was used - these data are the same as ageOriginal;’ has been replaced by ‘For Temp12k, the original age model was used - these data are the same as ageOriginal;’
ageMedianBacon (T2L_MD02_2503_age_medianMedianBacon): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageOriginal (T2L_MD02_2503_age_original): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
d18o_bulloides (T2L_MD02_2503_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_MD02_2503_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_MD02_2503_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
depth (T2L_MD02_2503_depth): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD02_2503_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
PaleoData values:
temperature (T2L_MD02_2503_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): The paleoData_values have changed
Chron Column metadata:
age (RcB9dXZXFSt): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
age_type (Rdu24y6ThHk): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
c14_1s_err (T2L_MD02_2503_c14_1s_err): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
c14_date (T2L_MD02_2503_c14_date): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r (T2L_MD02_2503_delta_r): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_1s_error (T2L_MD02_2503_delta_r_1s_error): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_1s_error_original (T2L_MD02_2503_delta_r_1s_error_original): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_original (T2L_MD02_2503_delta_r_original): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth_bottom (T2L_MD02_2503_depth_bottom): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth_top (T2L_MD02_2503_depth_top): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
labcode (T2L_MD02_2503_labcode): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
mat_dated (T2L_MD02_2503_mat_dated): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_1s_err (T2L_MD02_2503_other_1s_err): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_date (T2L_MD02_2503_other_date): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_type (T2L_MD02_2503_other_type): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:15 UTC
PaleoData table:
Column ‘T2L_MD02_2515_age_median’, with variable name ‘ageDuplicate’, was removed from the dataset
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘McClymont, Erin L.; Ganeshram, Raja S.; Pichevin, Laetitia E.; Talbot, Helen M.; van Dongen, Bart E.; Thunell, Robert C.; Haywood, Alan M.; Singarayer, Joy S.; Valdes, Paul J.’ has been replaced by ‘McClymont, Erin L.’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘n/a-n/a’
pub1_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub1_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘American Geophysical Union (AGU)’
pub1_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
Paleo Column metadata:
age (T2L_MD02_2515_age): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageMedianBacon (T2L_MD02_2515_age_medianMedianBacon): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageOriginal (T2L_MD02_2515_age_original): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth (T2L_MD02_2515_depth): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
TEX86 (T2L_MD02_2515_tex86): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_MD02_2515_tex86_SST_from_tex86): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_MD02_2515_tex86_SST_from_tex86): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Uk37 (T2L_MD02_2515_uk37): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_MD02_2515_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_MD02_2515_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD02_2515_tex86_SST_from_tex86): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD02_2515_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
PaleoData values:
age (T2L_MD02_2515_age): The paleoData_values have changed
ageMedianBacon (T2L_MD02_2515_age_medianMedianBacon): The paleoData_values have changed
ageOriginal (T2L_MD02_2515_age_original): The paleoData_values have changed
depth (T2L_MD02_2515_depth): The paleoData_values have changed
TEX86 (T2L_MD02_2515_tex86): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (T2L_MD02_2515_tex86_SST_from_tex86): The paleoData_values have changed
Uk37 (T2L_MD02_2515_uk37): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (T2L_MD02_2515_uk37_SST_from_uk37): The paleoData_values have changed
ChronData table:
Column ‘T2L_MD02_2515_depth_bottom’, with variable name ‘depth_bottom’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘T2L_MD02_2515_labcode’, with variable name ‘labcode’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
age (REC5E5x1GY5): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
age_type (RY0fW4nvNY6): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
c14_1s_err (T2L_MD02_2515_c14_1s_err): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
c14_date (T2L_MD02_2515_c14_date): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r (T2L_MD02_2515_delta_r): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r (T2L_MD02_2515_delta_r): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
delta_r_1s_error (T2L_MD02_2515_delta_r_1s_error): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_1s_error (T2L_MD02_2515_delta_r_1s_error): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
delta_r_1s_error_original (T2L_MD02_2515_delta_r_1s_error_original): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_1s_error_original (T2L_MD02_2515_delta_r_1s_error_original): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
delta_r_original (T2L_MD02_2515_delta_r_original): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_original (T2L_MD02_2515_delta_r_original): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
depth (T2L_MD02_2515_depth_top): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth (T2L_MD02_2515_depth_top): chronData_variableName: ‘depth_top’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
material (T2L_MD02_2515_mat_dated): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
material (T2L_MD02_2515_mat_dated): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
material (T2L_MD02_2515_mat_dated): chronData_variableName: ‘mat_dated’ has been replaced by ‘material’
other_1s_err (T2L_MD02_2515_other_1s_err): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_1s_err (T2L_MD02_2515_other_1s_err): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
other_date (T2L_MD02_2515_other_date): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_date (T2L_MD02_2515_other_date): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
other_type (T2L_MD02_2515_other_type): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_type (T2L_MD02_2515_other_type): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:15 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD02_2575_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD02_2575_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘5 6 7 8 9 10 11’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD02_2575_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘5 6 7 8 9 10 11’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD02_2575_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD02_2575_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:15 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD02_2594_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD02_2594_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘12,1,2’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD02_2594_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘12,1,2’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD02_2594_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD02_2594_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:15 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Indian; Great Australian Bight’ has been replaced by ‘Indian Ocean’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RbLKw0ooED9): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RDNkU451xZP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RJ64ej30dlD): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RxsPWmbc8Uw): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RbLKw0ooED9): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RDNkU451xZP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RJ64ej30dlD): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (RxsPWmbc8Uw): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:16 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD03_2607_tex86_SST_from_tex86): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD03_2607_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD03_2607_tex86_SST_from_tex86): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD03_2607_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:16 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD03_2611_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD03_2611_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD03_2611_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD03_2611_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:16 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD03_2699_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD03_2699_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:16 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD03_2707_d18o_ruber_pink_SST_from_d18o_ruber_pink): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD03_2707_mgca_ruber_pink_SST_from_mgca_ruber_pink): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD03_2707_d18o_ruber_pink_SST_from_d18o_ruber_pink): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD03_2707_mgca_ruber_pink_SST_from_mgca_ruber_pink): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:17 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTQF21HJNC): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTQF21HJNC): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:17 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
abundance (GH0a861633): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
abundance (GH0a861633): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
abundance (GH0a861633): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
F_curta_gp_ (GHc606c2e5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:17 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R89VJHY12Yf_SST_from_planktic0x2EMgCa): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RKz0xLW2LFh): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RyTmrAjXXbI): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R89VJHY12Yf_SST_from_planktic0x2EMgCa): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RKz0xLW2LFh): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
temperature (RyTmrAjXXbI): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:17 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD06_3075_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD06_3075_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD06_3075_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD06_3075_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:17 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD07_3076Q_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD07_3076Q_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD07_3076Q_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD07_3076Q_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:18 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RaDWbqDlqLI): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6 7 8’ has been replaced by ‘((( 6 7 2008 ))) null /// 6 7 8’
temperature (RaDWbqDlqLI): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘6 7 2008’
temperature (RGsuv8QafL5): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6,7,8’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RGsuv8QafL5): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winterOnly’ has been replaced by ‘6,7,8’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RaDWbqDlqLI): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (RGsuv8QafL5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:18 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R8CuAZC0LEY): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6,7,8’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R8CuAZC0LEY): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winterOnly’ has been replaced by ‘6,7,8’
temperature (RF0w8uU3asy): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6 7 8’ has been replaced by ‘((( 6 7 2008 ))) null /// 6 7 8’
temperature (RF0w8uU3asy): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘6 7 2008’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R8CuAZC0LEY): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RF0w8uU3asy): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:18 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEBc2989cec): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEBc2989cec): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEBc2989cec): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:18 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD79_257_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD79_257_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:18 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (GH06e59526): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (GH4f526bba): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘cold season’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (GH4f526bba): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘cold season’
temperature (GHc377da65): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warm season’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (GHc377da65): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘warm season’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (GH06e59526): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (GH4f526bba): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (GHc377da65): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:19 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD84_527_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD84_527_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD84_527_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD84_527_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:19 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Indian; Indian Ocean’ has been replaced by ‘Indian Ocean’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (Ri4npkyUs4u): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (Ri4npkyUs4u): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (Ri4npkyUs4u): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:19 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD94_103_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD94_103_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD94_103_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD94_103_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (T2L_MD94_103_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (T2L_MD94_103_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:19 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RffUhzhAxgw): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RffUhzhAxgw): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
temperature (RikalEe9ykS): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RyGcEO9mj5G): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RyGcEO9mj5G): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘winter’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RffUhzhAxgw): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RikalEe9ykS): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RyGcEO9mj5G): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:20 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD95_2011_d18o_pachyderma_d_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma_d): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD95_2011_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD95_2011_d18o_pachyderma_d_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma_d): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD95_2011_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:20 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Atlantic; Norwegian Sea’ has been replaced by ‘Atlantic Ocean>North Atlantic Ocean>Norwegian Sea’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R4z8Co5Aghx): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R4z8Co5Aghx): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
temperature (RdgDaxcVAS6): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (Rp8WBdVm37h): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘8’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (Rp8WBdVm37h): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
temperature (RRd6osZyB8H): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RRGNAojoZVh): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer (6,7,8)’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RRGNAojoZVh): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer (6,7,8)’
temperature (RuRKWcsiFXJ): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Winter and summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RuRKWcsiFXJ): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Winter and summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R4z8Co5Aghx): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RdgDaxcVAS6): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (Rp8WBdVm37h): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (RRd6osZyB8H): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RRGNAojoZVh): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RuRKWcsiFXJ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:20 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD95_2015_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘8,9,10’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD95_2015_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winterOnly’ has been replaced by ‘8,9,10’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD95_2015_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:21 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD95_2043_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD95_2043_mgca_bulloides_SST_from_mgca_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD95_2043_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘11 12 1 2 3 4 5’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD95_2043_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winterOnly’ has been replaced by ‘11 12 1 2 3 4 5’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD95_2043_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD95_2043_mgca_bulloides_SST_from_mgca_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD95_2043_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:21 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
planktic.MgCa (R8Xqa23GLjP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
planktic.MgCa (R8Xqa23GLjP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘Annual’ has been replaced by ‘annual’
temperature (R9MpbDt6ifY): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R9MpbDt6ifY): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
temperature (RRMhDsIGgt1): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RRMhDsIGgt1): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘Annual’ has been replaced by ‘annual’
temperature (T2L_MD97_2120_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD97_2120_mgca_bulloides_SST_from_mgca_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD97_2120_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R9MpbDt6ifY): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RRMhDsIGgt1): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (T2L_MD97_2120_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD97_2120_mgca_bulloides_SST_from_mgca_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD97_2120_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:21 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD97_2121_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD97_2121_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:21 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD97_2141_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD97_2141_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD97_2141_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD97_2141_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:21 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD97_2146_tex86_SST_from_tex86): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD97_2146_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD97_2146_tex86_SST_from_tex86): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD97_2146_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:22 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD97_2151_tex86_SST_from_tex86): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD97_2151_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD97_2151_tex86_SST_from_tex86): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD97_2151_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:22 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD98_2161_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD98_2161_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD98_2161_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD98_2161_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:22 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD98_2165_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD98_2165_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:22 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Indian Ocean’ has been replaced by ‘Pacific Ocean>Western Pacific Ocean>South China And Eastern Archipelagic Seas’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD98_2176_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD98_2176_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD98_2176_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD98_2176_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:23 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD98_2178_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD98_2178_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD98_2178_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD98_2178_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:23 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD98_2181_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD98_2181_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD98_2181_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD98_2181_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:23 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RcqRo8jDUCp): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (RVW8LmOBhyk): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RVW8LmOBhyk): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RVW8LmOBhyk): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:23 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD98_2195_tex86_SST_from_tex86): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD98_2195_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD98_2195_tex86_SST_from_tex86): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD98_2195_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:24 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD99_2251_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD99_2251_mgca_bulloides_SST_from_mgca_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD99_2251_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
temperature (T2L_MD99_2251_mgca_bulloides_SST_from_mgca_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:24 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD99_2269_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD99_2269_mgca_pachyderma_SST_from_mgca_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD99_2269_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘8,9,10’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD99_2269_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winterOnly’ has been replaced by ‘8,9,10’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD99_2269_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD99_2269_mgca_pachyderma_SST_from_mgca_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD99_2269_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:24 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD99_2339_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD99_2339_d18o_pachyderma_d_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma_d): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MD99_2339_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD99_2339_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MD99_2339_d18o_pachyderma_d_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma_d): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (T2L_MD99_2339_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:24 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD99_2341_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MD99_2341_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:25 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT0WZDHWV1): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT0WZDHWV1): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYTF4VJUPYW): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTOD9Z2SMD): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer + winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTOD9Z2SMD): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘summer + winter’
Sea_Ice_months (PYTQI94RFC2): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
salinity (PYTZK3WM6DI): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
salinity (PYTZK3WM6DI): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT0WZDHWV1): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYTF4VJUPYW): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTOD9Z2SMD): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_months (PYTQI94RFC2): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
salinity (PYTZK3WM6DI): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:25 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (LPD6e872195): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (LPD6e872195): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘annual’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPD6e872195): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:25 UTC
PaleoData table:
Column ‘WEB11e36a24’, with variable name ‘ACL25-35’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBbe8b843b’, with variable name ‘d2H’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBeac28b13’, with variable name ‘pHsoil’, was added to the dataset
Publication metadata:
pub2_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by NULL
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Arctic Ocean’ has been replaced by ‘Atlantic Ocean>North Atlantic Ocean’
geo_location: NULL has been replaced by ‘Isafjardardjup Fjord, Denmark Strait, Iceland’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPD8d94d24a): paleoData_missingValue: ‘nan’ has been replaced by ‘NaN’
temperature (LPD8d94d24a): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘0.44 deg C; values were converted to SSTs using the calibration equation published by Conte et al. (2006),N’ has been replaced by ‘UK37’
temperature (LPD8d94d24a): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (LPD8d94d24a): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘0.44 deg C; values were converted to SSTs using the calibration equation published by Conte et al. (2006),N’
age (R13wJAepPyZ): paleoData_missingValue: ‘nan’ has been replaced by ‘NaN’
year (RJkHw84vbOF): paleoData_missingValue: ‘nan’ has been replaced by ‘NaN’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (LPD8d94d24a): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Chron Column metadata:
age (ms2aR3swTO323D9): chronData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
age_type (ms2aR4fhawTrcJ3): chronData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
measurmentMaterial (ms2aR6rHw3RI0nB): chronData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
labID (ms2aR7UOiPCe4sC): chronData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageError (ms2aRfRdKkWtBiT): chronData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
note (ms2aRO9yO7hjYCB): chronData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth_top (ms2aRQCl3vnPIRw): chronData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
depthMid (ms2aRUxT6my3NKC): chronData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
reservoirAge (ms2aRvuz69SuE8O): chronData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth_bottom (ms2aRXwWaRMZNmw): chronData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
ChronData values:
note (ms2aRO9yO7hjYCB): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:25 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTRM8XIQ8J): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘8’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTRM8XIQ8J): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘8’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTRM8XIQ8J): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:25 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTE06JD9X4): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTE06JD9X4): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:26 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTMDYO5TUV): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTMDYO5TUV): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTMDYO5TUV): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
d18O (PYTQSL3KBPX): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:26 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_ME0005A_43JC_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_ME0005A_43JC_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_ME0005A_43JC_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_ME0005A_43JC_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_ME0005A_43JC_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_ME0005A_43JC_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:26 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R7YTiLNN0tn): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R7YTiLNN0tn): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
nonReliableTemperature (WEB663b1513): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
nonReliableTemperature (WEB663b1513): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R7YTiLNN0tn): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
nonReliableTemperature (WEB663b1513): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:26 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperatureComposite (Rfe0do1gMXq): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘1,9’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureComposite (Rfe0do1gMXq): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,9’
temperature (RLlDtgL9a38): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘1’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RLlDtgL9a38): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘1’
temperature (Rp1oVLUaXiR): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (Rp1oVLUaXiR): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperatureComposite (Rfe0do1gMXq): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RLlDtgL9a38): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (Rp1oVLUaXiR): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:26 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L4yie76w8P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lgco71n3sP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lh6gv77keP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lh6gv77keP): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘oldest two ages = 12970, 8610’
precipitation (M2Lh6gv77keP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lh6gv77keP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lh6gv77keP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2Lx0vmbprjP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lh6gv77keP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lh6gv77keP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lh6gv77keP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lh6gv77keP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lh6gv77keP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:27 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R11ObTSN9ck): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (R83f1LHfRjQ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RBDMiZdeF59): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RnKEaWsBwfI): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RPqesdhKH1b): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RPqesdhKH1b): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RPqesdhKH1b): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RPqesdhKH1b): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RPqesdhKH1b): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RPqesdhKH1b): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RPqesdhKH1b): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RPqesdhKH1b): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RPqesdhKH1b): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRlCIZ7XS9RVuWECzH’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRLFgiztGElc9vbr9v’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cROnrW3wVDADqGNa8k’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRSpXt4rRigmAtQbps’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRtfFl69a8H6uRbYJn’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRubsJKx5wJpP675dJ’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRveJ3PyuTDtUDLQOV’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Menez-Cam.VanZeist.1964-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Menez-Cam.VanZeist.1964-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Menez-Cam.VanZeist.1964-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Menez-Cam.VanZeist.1964-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Menez-Cam.VanZeist.1964-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Menez-Cam.VanZeist.1964-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Menez-Cam.VanZeist.1964-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
thickness (cRlCIZ7XS9RVuWECzH): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRlCIZ7XS9RVuWECzH): chronData_TSid: ‘Menez-Cam.VanZeist.1964-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cRlCIZ7XS9RVuWECzH’
depth (cRLFgiztGElc9vbr9v): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRLFgiztGElc9vbr9v): chronData_TSid: ‘Menez-Cam.VanZeist.1964-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRLFgiztGElc9vbr9v’
ageLow (cROnrW3wVDADqGNa8k): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cROnrW3wVDADqGNa8k): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cROnrW3wVDADqGNa8k): chronData_TSid: ‘Menez-Cam.VanZeist.1964-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cROnrW3wVDADqGNa8k’
labID (cRSpXt4rRigmAtQbps): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRSpXt4rRigmAtQbps): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRSpXt4rRigmAtQbps): chronData_TSid: ‘Menez-Cam.VanZeist.1964-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRSpXt4rRigmAtQbps’
age (cRtfFl69a8H6uRbYJn): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRtfFl69a8H6uRbYJn): chronData_TSid: ‘Menez-Cam.VanZeist.1964-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRtfFl69a8H6uRbYJn’
age_type (cRubsJKx5wJpP675dJ): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRubsJKx5wJpP675dJ): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRubsJKx5wJpP675dJ): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRubsJKx5wJpP675dJ): chronData_TSid: ‘Menez-Cam.VanZeist.1964-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRubsJKx5wJpP675dJ’
ageHi (cRveJ3PyuTDtUDLQOV): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRveJ3PyuTDtUDLQOV): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRveJ3PyuTDtUDLQOV): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
ageHi (cRveJ3PyuTDtUDLQOV): chronData_TSid: ‘Menez-Cam.VanZeist.1964-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRveJ3PyuTDtUDLQOV’
ChronData values:
thickness (cRlCIZ7XS9RVuWECzH): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRLFgiztGElc9vbr9v): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cROnrW3wVDADqGNa8k): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRSpXt4rRigmAtQbps): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRtfFl69a8H6uRbYJn): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRubsJKx5wJpP675dJ): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRveJ3PyuTDtUDLQOV): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:27 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Harbert, Robert S.; Nixon, Kevin C.’ has been replaced by ‘Harbert, Robert S.’
pub1_title: ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary climate reconstruction from plant macrofossil communities in western North America’ has been replaced by ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary Climate Reconstruction from Plant Macrofossil Communities in Western North America’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub1_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘5C5QIDXK’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
Paleo Column metadata:
latitude sample (WEB132596a41): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
waterBalance (WEB25ae3120): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
waterBalance (WEB25ae3120): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
waterBalance (WEB25ae3120): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
waterBalance (WEB25ae3120): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
plotName (WEB38d3d661): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
precipitation (WEB613ee041): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
precipitation (WEB613ee041): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (WEB613ee041): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (WEB613ee041): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (WEBa31332021): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (WEBa31332021): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBa31332021): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
age (WEBc76ee06b1): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
longitude sample (WEBd98cf2501): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
elevation sample (WEBe2583d1f1): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
waterBalance (WEB25ae3120): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
waterBalance (WEB25ae3120): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (WEB613ee041): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (WEB613ee041): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
waterBalance (WEB25ae3120): The paleoData_values have changed
precipitation (WEB613ee041): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (WEBa31332021): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:27 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Harbert, Robert S.; Nixon, Kevin C.’ has been replaced by ‘Harbert, Robert S.’
pub1_title: ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary climate reconstruction from plant macrofossil communities in western North America’ has been replaced by ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary Climate Reconstruction from Plant Macrofossil Communities in Western North America’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub1_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘5C5QIDXK’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
Paleo Column metadata:
latitude sample (WEB17b6eb432): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
elevation sample (WEB294348af2): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
plotName (WEB2c700ee3): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
precipitation (WEB85c563b9): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
precipitation (WEB85c563b9): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (WEB85c563b9): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBa31332022): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (WEBa31332022): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (WEBa31332022): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
age (WEBc76ee06b2): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
waterBalance (WEBc9823492): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
waterBalance (WEBc9823492): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
waterBalance (WEBc9823492): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
longitude sample (WEBfa1a1dfc2): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (WEB85c563b9): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (WEB85c563b9): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
waterBalance (WEBc9823492): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
waterBalance (WEBc9823492): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
PaleoData values:
precipitation (WEB85c563b9): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (WEBa31332022): The paleoData_values have changed
waterBalance (WEBc9823492): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:27 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Harbert, Robert S.; Nixon, Kevin C.’ has been replaced by ‘Harbert, Robert S.’
pub1_title: ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary climate reconstruction from plant macrofossil communities in western North America’ has been replaced by ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary Climate Reconstruction from Plant Macrofossil Communities in Western North America’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub1_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘5C5QIDXK’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
Paleo Column metadata:
plotName (WEB4c450070): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
waterBalance (WEB7f9af5c1): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
waterBalance (WEB7f9af5c1): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
waterBalance (WEB7f9af5c1): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBa31332023): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (WEBa31332023): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (WEBa31332023): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (WEBb09859f3): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
precipitation (WEBb09859f3): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (WEBb09859f3): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
age (WEBc76ee06b3): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
latitude sample (WEBee365cf33): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
elevation sample (WEBf03210593): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
longitude sample (WEBf717905c3): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
waterBalance (WEB7f9af5c1): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
waterBalance (WEB7f9af5c1): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (WEBb09859f3): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (WEBb09859f3): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
waterBalance (WEB7f9af5c1): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (WEBa31332023): The paleoData_values have changed
precipitation (WEBb09859f3): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:27 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Harbert, Robert S.; Nixon, Kevin C.’ has been replaced by ‘Harbert, Robert S.’
pub1_title: ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary climate reconstruction from plant macrofossil communities in western North America’ has been replaced by ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary Climate Reconstruction from Plant Macrofossil Communities in Western North America’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub1_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘5C5QIDXK’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
Paleo Column metadata:
longitude sample (WEB04980cd44): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
precipitation (WEB05240426): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
precipitation (WEB05240426): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (WEB05240426): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
plotName (WEB458bbeb1): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
waterBalance (WEB7a49dd55): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
waterBalance (WEB7a49dd55): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
waterBalance (WEB7a49dd55): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBa31332024): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (WEBa31332024): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (WEBa31332024): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
latitude sample (WEBbd43db314): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
age (WEBc76ee06b4): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
elevation sample (WEBe514d1124): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (WEB05240426): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (WEB05240426): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
waterBalance (WEB7a49dd55): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
waterBalance (WEB7a49dd55): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
PaleoData values:
precipitation (WEB05240426): The paleoData_values have changed
waterBalance (WEB7a49dd55): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (WEBa31332024): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:27 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Harbert, Robert S.; Nixon, Kevin C.’ has been replaced by ‘Harbert, Robert S.’
pub1_title: ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary climate reconstruction from plant macrofossil communities in western North America’ has been replaced by ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary Climate Reconstruction from Plant Macrofossil Communities in Western North America’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub1_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘5C5QIDXK’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
Paleo Column metadata:
elevation sample (WEB68bd240f5): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
precipitation (WEB773f70f5): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
precipitation (WEB773f70f5): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (WEB773f70f5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBa31332025): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (WEBa31332025): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (WEBa31332025): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
plotName (WEBafef64e8): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
longitude sample (WEBb4d01ad65): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
age (WEBc76ee06b5): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
latitude sample (WEBeda5d1445): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
waterBalance (WEBf0c97cde): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
waterBalance (WEBf0c97cde): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
waterBalance (WEBf0c97cde): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (WEB773f70f5): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (WEB773f70f5): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
waterBalance (WEBf0c97cde): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
waterBalance (WEBf0c97cde): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
PaleoData values:
precipitation (WEB773f70f5): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (WEBa31332025): The paleoData_values have changed
waterBalance (WEBf0c97cde): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:28 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Harbert, Robert S.; Nixon, Kevin C.’ has been replaced by ‘Harbert, Robert S.’
pub1_title: ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary climate reconstruction from plant macrofossil communities in western North America’ has been replaced by ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary Climate Reconstruction from Plant Macrofossil Communities in Western North America’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub1_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘5C5QIDXK’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
Paleo Column metadata:
elevation sample (WEB1471566f6): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
longitude sample (WEB55c8fe9b6): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
plotName (WEB762f01a7): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (WEBa31332026): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (WEBa31332026): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (WEBa31332026): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
age (WEBc76ee06b6): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
waterBalance (WEBc7c1ae1d): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
waterBalance (WEBc7c1ae1d): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
waterBalance (WEBc7c1ae1d): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
latitude sample (WEBdbc993946): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
precipitation (WEBf3bcbd67): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
precipitation (WEBf3bcbd67): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (WEBf3bcbd67): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
waterBalance (WEBc7c1ae1d): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
waterBalance (WEBc7c1ae1d): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (WEBf3bcbd67): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (WEBf3bcbd67): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
temperature (WEBa31332026): The paleoData_values have changed
waterBalance (WEBc7c1ae1d): The paleoData_values have changed
precipitation (WEBf3bcbd67): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:28 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Harbert, Robert S.; Nixon, Kevin C.’ has been replaced by ‘Harbert, Robert S.’
pub1_title: ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary climate reconstruction from plant macrofossil communities in western North America’ has been replaced by ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary Climate Reconstruction from Plant Macrofossil Communities in Western North America’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub1_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘5C5QIDXK’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (WEB05a4e59f): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
precipitation (WEB05a4e59f): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (WEB05a4e59f): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
longitude sample (WEB185f2ee67): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
latitude sample (WEB7aee36bc7): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
elevation sample (WEB9ddc33ed7): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (WEBa31332027): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (WEBa31332027): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (WEBa31332027): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
waterBalance (WEBc20aba9d): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
waterBalance (WEBc20aba9d): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
waterBalance (WEBc20aba9d): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
plotName (WEBc354de0e): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
age (WEBc76ee06b7): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (WEB05a4e59f): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (WEB05a4e59f): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
waterBalance (WEBc20aba9d): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
waterBalance (WEBc20aba9d): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
PaleoData values:
precipitation (WEB05a4e59f): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (WEBa31332027): The paleoData_values have changed
waterBalance (WEBc20aba9d): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:28 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Harbert, Robert S.; Nixon, Kevin C.’ has been replaced by ‘Harbert, Robert S.’
pub1_title: ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary climate reconstruction from plant macrofossil communities in western North America’ has been replaced by ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary Climate Reconstruction from Plant Macrofossil Communities in Western North America’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub1_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘5C5QIDXK’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
Paleo Column metadata:
elevation sample (WEB48ec3b148): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
precipitation (WEB8163f7a4): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
precipitation (WEB8163f7a4): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (WEB8163f7a4): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
plotName (WEB92189f37): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (WEBa31332028): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (WEBa31332028): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (WEBa31332028): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
latitude sample (WEBbbb69cf38): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
age (WEBc76ee06b8): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
longitude sample (WEBdb5bec388): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
waterBalance (WEBf52f4207): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
waterBalance (WEBf52f4207): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
waterBalance (WEBf52f4207): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (WEB8163f7a4): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (WEB8163f7a4): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
waterBalance (WEBf52f4207): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
waterBalance (WEBf52f4207): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
PaleoData values:
precipitation (WEB8163f7a4): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (WEBa31332028): The paleoData_values have changed
waterBalance (WEBf52f4207): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:28 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Harbert, Robert S.; Nixon, Kevin C.’ has been replaced by ‘Harbert, Robert S.’
pub1_title: ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary climate reconstruction from plant macrofossil communities in western North America’ has been replaced by ‘Quantitative Late Quaternary Climate Reconstruction from Plant Macrofossil Communities in Western North America’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub1_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘5C5QIDXK’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (WEB00c20586): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
precipitation (WEB00c20586): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (WEB00c20586): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
latitude sample (WEB0292cb449): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
longitude sample (WEB12f682829): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
plotName (WEB9d6800b8): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (WEBa31332029): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (WEBa31332029): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (WEBa31332029): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
waterBalance (WEBbae8d58a): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
waterBalance (WEBbae8d58a): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
waterBalance (WEBbae8d58a): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
age (WEBc76ee06b9): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
elevation sample (WEBe85bf21d9): paleoData_missingValue: NULL has been replaced by ‘nan’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (WEB00c20586): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (WEB00c20586): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
waterBalance (WEBbae8d58a): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
waterBalance (WEBbae8d58a): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
PaleoData values:
precipitation (WEB00c20586): The paleoData_values have changed
temperature (WEBa31332029): The paleoData_values have changed
waterBalance (WEBbae8d58a): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:28 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_title: ‘Central Europe temperature constrained by speleothem fluid inclusion water isotopes over the past 14,000 years’ has been replaced by ‘Central Europe temperature constrained by Speleothem fluid inclusion water isotopes over the past 14,000 years’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RTdDwazy1bI): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RTdDwazy1bI): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.4
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:28 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
GDD5 (RAhrMVSdbiG): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warm season’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
GDD5 (RAhrMVSdbiG): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureComposite (Rjo3neVs3tA): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest + coldest months’ has been replaced by ‘annual’
temperatureComposite (Rjo3neVs3tA): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (Rl7stqgkRL4): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘coldest month’ has been replaced by ‘winter+’
temperature (Rl7stqgkRL4): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RNpncVOKBxa): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest month’ has been replaced by ‘summer+’
temperature (RNpncVOKBxa): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by NULL
precipitation (RvWQ2bFFTRO): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual’
precipitation (RvWQ2bFFTRO): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (R9IyRnOeNEu): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
temperature (ReTuVryIGiI): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest month’ has been replaced by ‘summer+’
temperature (ReTuVryIGiI): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by NULL
GDD5 (RLlAR8gwb33): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warm season’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
GDD5 (RLlAR8gwb33): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RwO7RKqNFpE): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘coldest month’ has been replaced by ‘winter+’
temperature (RwO7RKqNFpE): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperatureComposite (R4ZD9cQexvE): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (R9IyRnOeNEu): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (R9IyRnOeNEu): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (R9IyRnOeNEu): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (R9IyRnOeNEu): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (ReTuVryIGiI): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RLlAR8gwb33): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RwO7RKqNFpE): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (R9IyRnOeNEu): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR69XXV0c98OipYqsG’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR6m5walRGPFPtwjFb’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR6NanYjlkASbBq4Ig’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR9ECN8dZVIC0IJLY4’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR9mPNIw3ZaVAJo1P2’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRazIFgGqR0HvHEGGa’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRPvL7przJD2JUe3Op’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘MittlereHellelen.Welten.1982-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MittlereHellelen.Welten.1982-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MittlereHellelen.Welten.1982-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MittlereHellelen.Welten.1982-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MittlereHellelen.Welten.1982-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MittlereHellelen.Welten.1982-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MittlereHellelen.Welten.1982-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
ageLow (cR69XXV0c98OipYqsG): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cR69XXV0c98OipYqsG): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cR69XXV0c98OipYqsG): chronData_TSid: ‘MittlereHellelen.Welten.1982-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR69XXV0c98OipYqsG’
thickness (cR6m5walRGPFPtwjFb): chronData_TSid: ‘MittlereHellelen.Welten.1982-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR6m5walRGPFPtwjFb’
ageHi (cR6NanYjlkASbBq4Ig): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cR6NanYjlkASbBq4Ig): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cR6NanYjlkASbBq4Ig): chronData_TSid: ‘MittlereHellelen.Welten.1982-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cR6NanYjlkASbBq4Ig’
labID (cR9ECN8dZVIC0IJLY4): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cR9ECN8dZVIC0IJLY4): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cR9ECN8dZVIC0IJLY4): chronData_TSid: ‘MittlereHellelen.Welten.1982-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cR9ECN8dZVIC0IJLY4’
depth (cR9mPNIw3ZaVAJo1P2): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cR9mPNIw3ZaVAJo1P2): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cR9mPNIw3ZaVAJo1P2): chronData_TSid: ‘MittlereHellelen.Welten.1982-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cR9mPNIw3ZaVAJo1P2’
age_type (cRazIFgGqR0HvHEGGa): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRazIFgGqR0HvHEGGa): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRazIFgGqR0HvHEGGa): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRazIFgGqR0HvHEGGa): chronData_TSid: ‘MittlereHellelen.Welten.1982-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRazIFgGqR0HvHEGGa’
age (cRPvL7przJD2JUe3Op): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRPvL7przJD2JUe3Op): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRPvL7przJD2JUe3Op): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
age (cRPvL7przJD2JUe3Op): chronData_TSid: ‘MittlereHellelen.Welten.1982-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRPvL7przJD2JUe3Op’
ChronData values:
ageLow (cR69XXV0c98OipYqsG): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cR6NanYjlkASbBq4Ig): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cR9ECN8dZVIC0IJLY4): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cR9mPNIw3ZaVAJo1P2): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRazIFgGqR0HvHEGGa): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRPvL7przJD2JUe3Op): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:29 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub1_title: ‘The Modern and Late Quaternary vegetation of the Campbell-Dolomite Uplands, near Inuvik, N.W.T., Canada’ has been replaced by ‘The Modern and Late Quaternary Vegetation of the Campbell‐Dolomite Uplands, near Inuvik, N.W.T., Canada’
pub2_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘401-423’
pub1_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Wiley’
pub1_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Marsicek, Jeremiah”), list(name = “Shuman, Bryan N.”), list(name = “Bartlein, Patrick J.”), list(name = “Shafer, Sarah L.”), list(name = “Brewer, Simon”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘PIZB637U’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘7690’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Nature’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘92-96’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘401 423’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Reconciling divergent trends and millennial variations in Holocene temperatures’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘554’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2018’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (M2L1es9v20zP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
precipitation (R4HAqt50vNY): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
temperature (RKNgotlYkya): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘coldest month’ has been replaced by ‘winter+’
temperature (RKNgotlYkya): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by NULL
GDD5 (RP0oDlQjp6n): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warm season’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
GDD5 (RP0oDlQjp6n): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RXVE87BcyHp): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest month’ has been replaced by ‘summer+’
temperature (RXVE87BcyHp): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureComposite (RzyEckXGPZe): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest + coldest months’ has been replaced by ‘annual’
temperatureComposite (RzyEckXGPZe): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (R4HAqt50vNY): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRke9OLkLjym3FGDTK’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRLuM6nwRq9PkQ1jes’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRMBQjIx9khRa6Y8Mi’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cROgHY7Cbb3YbWuY4D’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRr1B8gOEZotpTCTAA’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRWd0sDSMS9fmWE8Lx’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRZtEuNZmbWfWGBHx3’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘MoorimWeissenstadterForst.Hahne.1992-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MoorimWeissenstadterForst.Hahne.1992-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MoorimWeissenstadterForst.Hahne.1992-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MoorimWeissenstadterForst.Hahne.1992-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MoorimWeissenstadterForst.Hahne.1992-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MoorimWeissenstadterForst.Hahne.1992-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘MoorimWeissenstadterForst.Hahne.1992-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
ageLow (cRke9OLkLjym3FGDTK): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cRke9OLkLjym3FGDTK): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRke9OLkLjym3FGDTK): chronData_TSid: ‘MoorimWeissenstadterForst.Hahne.1992-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cRke9OLkLjym3FGDTK’
ageHi (cRLuM6nwRq9PkQ1jes): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRLuM6nwRq9PkQ1jes): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRLuM6nwRq9PkQ1jes): chronData_TSid: ‘MoorimWeissenstadterForst.Hahne.1992-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRLuM6nwRq9PkQ1jes’
age (cRMBQjIx9khRa6Y8Mi): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRMBQjIx9khRa6Y8Mi): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRMBQjIx9khRa6Y8Mi): chronData_TSid: ‘MoorimWeissenstadterForst.Hahne.1992-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRMBQjIx9khRa6Y8Mi’
age_type (cROgHY7Cbb3YbWuY4D): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cROgHY7Cbb3YbWuY4D): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cROgHY7Cbb3YbWuY4D): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cROgHY7Cbb3YbWuY4D): chronData_TSid: ‘MoorimWeissenstadterForst.Hahne.1992-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cROgHY7Cbb3YbWuY4D’
labID (cRr1B8gOEZotpTCTAA): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRr1B8gOEZotpTCTAA): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRr1B8gOEZotpTCTAA): chronData_TSid: ‘MoorimWeissenstadterForst.Hahne.1992-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRr1B8gOEZotpTCTAA’
thickness (cRWd0sDSMS9fmWE8Lx): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRWd0sDSMS9fmWE8Lx): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRWd0sDSMS9fmWE8Lx): chronData_TSid: ‘MoorimWeissenstadterForst.Hahne.1992-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRWd0sDSMS9fmWE8Lx’
depth (cRZtEuNZmbWfWGBHx3): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRZtEuNZmbWfWGBHx3): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRZtEuNZmbWfWGBHx3): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
depth (cRZtEuNZmbWfWGBHx3): chronData_TSid: ‘MoorimWeissenstadterForst.Hahne.1992-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRZtEuNZmbWfWGBHx3’
ChronData values:
ageLow (cRke9OLkLjym3FGDTK): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRLuM6nwRq9PkQ1jes): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRMBQjIx9khRa6Y8Mi): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cROgHY7Cbb3YbWuY4D): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRr1B8gOEZotpTCTAA): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRWd0sDSMS9fmWE8Lx): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRZtEuNZmbWfWGBHx3): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:30 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Clegg, Benjamin F.; Clarke, Gina H.; Chipman, Melissa L.; Chou, Michael; Walker, Ian R.; Tinner, Willy; Hu, Feng Sheng’ has been replaced by ‘Clegg, Benjamin F.’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RHLePxbL9rI): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘northwest North American training set (Barley 2006)’ has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (RHLePxbL9rI): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RHLePxbL9rI): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘northwest North American training set (Barley 2006)’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RHLePxbL9rI): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RHLePxbL9rI): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:31 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2L28xoo2wwP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L28xoo2wwP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L28xoo2wwP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L28xoo2wwP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2L5k49n7abP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lthi33n58P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2LwijmfkaeP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L28xoo2wwP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L28xoo2wwP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L28xoo2wwP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L28xoo2wwP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
temperature (M2L5k49n7abP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘coldest month’ has been replaced by ‘winter+’
temperature (M2L5k49n7abP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2Lthi33n58P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2LwijmfkaeP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest month’ has been replaced by ‘summer+’
temperature (M2LwijmfkaeP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L28xoo2wwP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:31 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (GH73726cce): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘1 (summer)’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (GH73726cce): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘1 (summer)’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (GH73726cce): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:31 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_PC01_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6,7,8’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_PC01_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘6,7,8’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_PC01_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:31 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MSM05_5_712_2_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MSM05_5_712_2_mgca_pachyderma_SST_from_mgca_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MSM05_5_712_2_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MSM05_5_712_2_mgca_pachyderma_SST_from_mgca_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:32 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
salinity (PYT5K86BZ5A): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
salinity (PYT5K86BZ5A): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Sea_Ice_months (PYT5OK1PEYB): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Sea_Ice_conc (PYTAPHXAL2T): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTLX9PMLVS): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTLX9PMLVS): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
temperature (PYTS0ELQKO1): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer + winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTS0ELQKO1): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘summer + winter’
Paleo Column metadata:
salinity (PYT5K86BZ5A): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_months (PYT5OK1PEYB): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYTAPHXAL2T): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTLX9PMLVS): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTS0ELQKO1): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
IP25_flux (PYTU2ATKT76): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRrDU4mQZUdmQib9QJ’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘MSM05-712.Muller.2013-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:32 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (LPDa0c5bf8a): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPDa0c5bf8a): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:32 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (LPD95b2b1f9): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPD95b2b1f9): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:32 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R0TCCue9rMw): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R0TCCue9rMw): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
temperature (R7NCYvaRppQ): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RBI7CBVMMvy): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RBI7CBVMMvy): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘winter’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R0TCCue9rMw): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (R7NCYvaRppQ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RBI7CBVMMvy): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:32 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MV1014_09MC_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_MV1014_09MC_tex86_SST_from_tex86): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_MV1014_09MC_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MV1014_09MC_tex86_SST_from_tex86): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:33 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Marchitto, T. M.; Muscheler, R.; Ortiz, J. D.; Carriquiry, J. D.; van Geen, A.’ has been replaced by ‘Marchitto, T. M.’
pub1_title: ‘Dynamical response of the tropical Pacific Ocean to solar forcing during the Early Holocene’ has been replaced by ‘Dynamical Response of the Tropical Pacific Ocean to Solar Forcing During the Early Holocene’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1378-1381’
pub1_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub1_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)’
pub1_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
Paleo Column metadata:
age (T2L_MV99_PC14_age): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageDuplicate (T2L_MV99_PC14_age_median): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageDuplicate (T2L_MV99_PC14_age_median): paleoData_notes: ‘For Temp12k, the original age model was used - these data are the same as ageOriginal;’ has been replaced by ‘For Temp12k, the original age model was used - these data are the same as ageOriginal;’
ageMedianBacon (T2L_MV99_PC14_age_medianMedianBacon): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageOriginal (T2L_MV99_PC14_age_original): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth (T2L_MV99_PC14_depth): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
mgca_bulloides (T2L_MV99_PC14_mgca_bulloides): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_MV99_PC14_mgca_bulloides_SST_from_mgca_bulloides): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_MV99_PC14_mgca_bulloides_SST_from_mgca_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_MV99_PC14_mgca_bulloides_SST_from_mgca_bulloides): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘bulk sediment’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_MV99_PC14_mgca_bulloides_SST_from_mgca_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
PaleoData values:
temperature (T2L_MV99_PC14_mgca_bulloides_SST_from_mgca_bulloides): The paleoData_values have changed
Chron Column metadata:
age (RaktKrJsVp4): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
age_type (ROPkRTzuGv8): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
c14_1s_err (T2L_MV99_PC14_c14_1s_err): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
c14_date (T2L_MV99_PC14_c14_date): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r (T2L_MV99_PC14_delta_r): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_1s_error (T2L_MV99_PC14_delta_r_1s_error): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_1s_error_original (T2L_MV99_PC14_delta_r_1s_error_original): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_original (T2L_MV99_PC14_delta_r_original): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth_bottom (T2L_MV99_PC14_depth_bottom): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth_top (T2L_MV99_PC14_depth_top): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
labcode (T2L_MV99_PC14_labcode): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
mat_dated (T2L_MV99_PC14_mat_dated): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_1s_err (T2L_MV99_PC14_other_1s_err): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_date (T2L_MV99_PC14_other_date): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_type (T2L_MV99_PC14_other_type): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:33 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2L955k1lpfP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L955k1lpfP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L955k1lpfP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L955k1lpfP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2Lbxbdp2r2P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lhx2fpxbnP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lryhea56aP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L955k1lpfP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L955k1lpfP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L955k1lpfP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L955k1lpfP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
temperature (M2Lbxbdp2r2P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘coldest month’ has been replaced by ‘winter+’
temperature (M2Lbxbdp2r2P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2Lhx2fpxbnP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest month’ has been replaced by ‘summer+’
temperature (M2Lhx2fpxbnP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2Lryhea56aP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L955k1lpfP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:33 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTG8DTT9X6): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTG8DTT9X6): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTG8DTT9X6): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:33 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Atlantic; North Atlantic Ocean’ has been replaced by ‘Atlantic Ocean>North Atlantic Ocean’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R4IqlneHg0B): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R4IqlneHg0B): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘winter’
temperatureComposite (RO0fn3HkrCf): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RUSsCExepnT): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RUSsCExepnT): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
temperature (T2L_NA87_22_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R4IqlneHg0B): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RO0fn3HkrCf): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RUSsCExepnT): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_NA87_22_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:34 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R2iEguO3VtJ): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R2iEguO3VtJ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:34 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
OM (PYT6W4ZFN6N): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
OM (PYT6W4ZFN6N): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
OM (PYT6W4ZFN6N): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:34 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTJ3JMX39H): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTJ3JMX39H): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:34 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (M2Lk8innz60P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest month’ has been replaced by ‘summer+’
temperature (M2Lk8innz60P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2Lks0hut9wP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
precipitation (M2Lscfsosn8P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lscfsosn8P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lscfsosn8P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lscfsosn8P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
temperature (M2Ltt7xfunjP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘coldest month’ has been replaced by ‘winter+’
temperature (M2Ltt7xfunjP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2Lk8innz60P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lks0hut9wP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lscfsosn8P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lscfsosn8P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lscfsosn8P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lscfsosn8P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2Ltt7xfunjP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lscfsosn8P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:34 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
d18O (IC95THHU01A): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual calendar year (but 80% of precipitation from Nov to May)’ has been replaced by NULL
d18O (IC95THHU01A): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘annual calendar year (but 80% of precipitation from Nov to May)’
d18O (IC95THHU01B): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘thermal year (Aug-Jul) (but 80% of precipitation from Nov to May)’ has been replaced by NULL
d18O (IC95THHU01B): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘thermal year (Aug-Jul) (but 80% of precipitation from Nov to May)’
d18O (IC95THHU01C): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
d18O (IC95THHU02A): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual calendar year (but 80% of precipitation from Nov to May)’ has been replaced by NULL
d18O (IC95THHU02A): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual calendar year (but 80% of precipitation from Nov to May)’
d18O (IC95THHU02B): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘thermal year (Aug-Jul) (but 80% of precipitation from Nov to May)’ has been replaced by NULL
d18O (IC95THHU02B): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘thermal year (Aug-Jul) (but 80% of precipitation from Nov to May)’
d18O (IC95THHU02C): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
d18O (IC95THHU02C): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual’
d18O (IC95THHU02D): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
d18O (IC95THHU01A): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
d18O (IC95THHU01B): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
d18O (IC95THHU01C): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
d18O (IC95THHU02A): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
d18O (IC95THHU02B): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
d18O (IC95THHU02C): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
d18O (IC95THHU02D): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:34 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
d18O (GH26a3a772): paleoData_datum: ‘SMOW’ has been replaced by ‘VSMOW’
d18O (GH26a3a772): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘linear correlation to temperature’ has been replaced by ‘GlacierIce’
d18O (GH26a3a772): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
d18O (GH26a3a772): interpretation1_variable: ‘T’ has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O (GH26a3a772): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘Temperature’ has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O (GH26a3a772): interpretation1_variableGroupDirection: ‘negative’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Calibration metadata:
d18O (GH26a3a772): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘uncalibrated’
d18O (GH26a3a772): calibration_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘uncalibrated’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:35 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R7xfSla4XGC): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘July’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R7xfSla4XGC): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘July’
temperature (REx6xe24o55): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘July’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (REx6xe24o55): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘July’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R7xfSla4XGC): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (REx6xe24o55): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:35 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RmF8m0ywgsv): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RmF8m0ywgsv): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RmF8m0ywgsv): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:35 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_NIOP_C2_905_PC_tex86_SST_from_tex86): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_NIOP_C2_905_PC_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_NIOP_C2_905_PC_tex86_SST_from_tex86): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_NIOP_C2_905_PC_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:35 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTK055L6OA): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTK055L6OA): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTK055L6OA): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:35 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RmQKXILNmID): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RmQKXILNmID): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RmQKXILNmID): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
reliable (RVTfCORgDOg): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:36 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Palmer, Samantha; Walker, Ian; Heinrichs, Markus; Hebda, Richard; Scudder, Geoffrey’ has been replaced by ‘Palmer, Samantha’
pub1_publisher: ‘Springer Nature’ has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
pub1_title: ‘Postglacial midge community change and Holocene palaeotemperature reconstructions near treeline, southern British Columbia (Canada)’ has been replaced by ‘Postglacial midge community change and Holocene palaeotemperaturereconstructions near treeline, southern British Columbia (Canada)’
pub2_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB571a8fc4): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘51 lakes from British Columbia (Palmer et al. 2002)’ has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (WEB571a8fc4): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEB571a8fc4): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘51 lakes from British Columbia (Palmer et al. 2002)’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB571a8fc4): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB571a8fc4): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Version: 1.0.9
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:36 UTC
PaleoData table:
Column ‘WEB02ca8b4a’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB4eba1170’, with variable name ‘accumulation’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB53f9f520’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB887205e5’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Publication metadata:
pub2_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB0fee2851): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘isotope diffusion’
temperature (WEB0fee2851): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘GlacierIce’
temperature (WEB0fee2851): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘other ice’
temperature (WEB0fee2851): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘other ice’
temperature (WEB0fee2851): paleoData_proxyLumpsOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘isotope diffusion’
temperature (WEB0fee2851): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
temperature (WEB0fee2851): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Duplicate?’
uncertainty.temperature (WEB1a784327): paleoData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
temperature (WEB5e35a876): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘200 years low pass filtered’ has been replaced by ‘GlacierIce’
temperature (WEB5e35a876): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEB5e35a876): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘200 years low pass filtered’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB0fee2851): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
temperature (WEB0fee2851): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
temperature (WEB0fee2851): interpretation1_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual’
temperature (WEB0fee2851): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual’
temperature (WEB0fee2851): interpretation1_variable: NULL has been replaced by ‘T’
temperature (WEB0fee2851): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘air@surface’
temperature (WEB0fee2851): interpretation1_variableGroup: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temperature’
temperature (WEB0fee2851): interpretation1_variableGroupDirection: NULL has been replaced by ‘negative’
temperature (WEB0fee2851): interpretation1_variableGroupOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘T’
temperature (WEB5e35a876): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annua’ has been replaced by ‘annual’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:36 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
OM (PYT9XKF8IP7): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
OM (PYT9XKF8IP7): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Summer’
temperatureComposite (PYTRGDDL048): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureComposite (PYTRGDDL048): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
BSi (PYTY2LX1D7S): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
BSi (PYTY2LX1D7S): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
OM (PYT9XKF8IP7): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperatureComposite (PYTRGDDL048): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
BSi (PYTY2LX1D7S): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘bulk sediment’
BSi (PYTY2LX1D7S): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘biophysical’
BSi (PYTY2LX1D7S): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:36 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2L2su9xrb7P): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘chron gap is 3570 yrs, but at an age reversal. untenable minimum age’
precipitation (M2L2su9xrb7P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L2su9xrb7P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2L68iw0l2eP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lfwuhv0pjP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Ly9ivg9w7P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L2su9xrb7P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L2su9xrb7P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
precipitation (M2L2su9xrb7P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L2su9xrb7P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘amount@surface’
temperature (M2L68iw0l2eP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘coldest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2L68iw0l2eP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘coldest month’
temperature (M2Lfwuhv0pjP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2Ly9ivg9w7P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2Ly9ivg9w7P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘warmest month’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:36 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R72NWbIq18J): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RbYMRRiHb2j): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RfS6nLBgBZ2): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (Rq4inYBSGTM): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (Rq4inYBSGTM): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘BSAD’
precipitation (Rq4inYBSGTM): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘youngest age 4.1 ka; otherwise solid chronology’
precipitation (Rq4inYBSGTM): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (Rq4inYBSGTM): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (Rq4inYBSGTM): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (RSehX4Oy8JF): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (Rq4inYBSGTM): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (Rq4inYBSGTM): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (Rq4inYBSGTM): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (Rq4inYBSGTM): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (Rq4inYBSGTM): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR1wRPXKygDfmh9BB8’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR7EoWDIiOx8opxrqV’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR94ZUNZOSVlNUW9EU’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRPfLnnjlAEvwFDIWZ’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRTJ1FFcuhFrKuKGIN’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRVMfHbgrjVw2lQKor’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRxeJIP16XD1Gr4yuk’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘NussbaumerSeen.Rsch.1995-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘NussbaumerSeen.Rsch.1995-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘NussbaumerSeen.Rsch.1995-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘NussbaumerSeen.Rsch.1995-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘NussbaumerSeen.Rsch.1995-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘NussbaumerSeen.Rsch.1995-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘NussbaumerSeen.Rsch.1995-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
thickness (cR1wRPXKygDfmh9BB8): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cR1wRPXKygDfmh9BB8): chronData_TSid: ‘NussbaumerSeen.Rsch.1995-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR1wRPXKygDfmh9BB8’
age_type (cR7EoWDIiOx8opxrqV): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cR7EoWDIiOx8opxrqV): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cR7EoWDIiOx8opxrqV): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cR7EoWDIiOx8opxrqV): chronData_TSid: ‘NussbaumerSeen.Rsch.1995-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR7EoWDIiOx8opxrqV’
age (cR94ZUNZOSVlNUW9EU): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cR94ZUNZOSVlNUW9EU): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cR94ZUNZOSVlNUW9EU): chronData_TSid: ‘NussbaumerSeen.Rsch.1995-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cR94ZUNZOSVlNUW9EU’
depth (cRPfLnnjlAEvwFDIWZ): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRPfLnnjlAEvwFDIWZ): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRPfLnnjlAEvwFDIWZ): chronData_TSid: ‘NussbaumerSeen.Rsch.1995-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRPfLnnjlAEvwFDIWZ’
labID (cRTJ1FFcuhFrKuKGIN): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRTJ1FFcuhFrKuKGIN): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRTJ1FFcuhFrKuKGIN): chronData_TSid: ‘NussbaumerSeen.Rsch.1995-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRTJ1FFcuhFrKuKGIN’
ageHi (cRVMfHbgrjVw2lQKor): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRVMfHbgrjVw2lQKor): chronData_TSid: ‘NussbaumerSeen.Rsch.1995-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRVMfHbgrjVw2lQKor’
ageLow (cRxeJIP16XD1Gr4yuk): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cRxeJIP16XD1Gr4yuk): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRxeJIP16XD1Gr4yuk): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
ageLow (cRxeJIP16XD1Gr4yuk): chronData_TSid: ‘NussbaumerSeen.Rsch.1995-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRxeJIP16XD1Gr4yuk’
ChronData values:
thickness (cR1wRPXKygDfmh9BB8): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cR7EoWDIiOx8opxrqV): The chronData_values have changed
age (cR94ZUNZOSVlNUW9EU): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRPfLnnjlAEvwFDIWZ): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRTJ1FFcuhFrKuKGIN): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRVMfHbgrjVw2lQKor): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRxeJIP16XD1Gr4yuk): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:37 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L1hwhpc1zP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L32ho1gq6P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Ljbhw17vuP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Ljbhw17vuP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Ljbhw17vuP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Ljbhw17vuP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2LvnfrppdsP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Ljbhw17vuP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Ljbhw17vuP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Ljbhw17vuP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Ljbhw17vuP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Ljbhw17vuP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:37 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_OCE326_GGC26_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_OCE326_GGC26_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_OCE326_GGC26_d18o_pachyderma_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_OCE326_GGC26_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:37 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_OCE326_GGC30_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_OCE326_GGC30_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:37 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_ODP_165_999A_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_ODP_165_999A_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_ODP_165_999A_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_ODP_165_999A_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:38 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Barron, John A.; Heusser, Linda; Herbert, Timothy; Lyle, Mitch’ has been replaced by ‘Barron, John A.’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘n/a-n/a’
pub1_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub1_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘American Geophysical Union (AGU)’
pub1_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
Paleo Column metadata:
age (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_age): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageDuplicate (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_age_median): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageDuplicate (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_age_median): paleoData_notes: ‘For Temp12k, the original age model was used - these data are the same as ageOriginal;’ has been replaced by ‘For Temp12k, the original age model was used - these data are the same as ageOriginal;’
ageMedianBacon (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_age_medianMedianBacon): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
ageOriginal (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_age_original): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_depth): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
Uk37 (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_uk37): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
temperature (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘UK37’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
PaleoData values:
temperature (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_uk37_SST_from_uk37): The paleoData_values have changed
Chron Column metadata:
age (RbJGJEoXkof): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
age_type (RcLkIAWFumM): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
c14_1s_err (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_c14_1s_err): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
c14_date (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_c14_date): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_delta_r): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_1s_error (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_delta_r_1s_error): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_1s_error_original (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_delta_r_1s_error_original): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
delta_r_original (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_delta_r_original): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth_bottom (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_depth_bottom): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
depth_top (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_depth_top): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
labcode (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_labcode): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
mat_dated (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_mat_dated): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_1s_err (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_other_1s_err): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_date (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_other_date): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
other_type (T2L_ODP_167_1019C_other_type): chronData_missingValue: ‘NaN’ has been replaced by ‘nan’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:38 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_ODP_175_1078C_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_ODP_175_1078C_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:38 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_ODP_175_1084B_mgca_bulloides_SST_from_mgca_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_ODP_175_1084B_mgca_bulloides_SST_from_mgca_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:38 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_ODP_178_1098B_tex86_SST_from_tex86): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_ODP_178_1098B_tex86_SST_from_tex86): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:38 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_ODP162_984_d18o_pachyderma_d_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma_d): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_ODP162_984_mgca_pachyderma_d_SST_from_mgca_pachyderma_d): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_ODP162_984_d18o_pachyderma_d_SST_from_d18o_pachyderma_d): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_ODP162_984_mgca_pachyderma_d_SST_from_mgca_pachyderma_d): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:39 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (LPD9c79485dxxxx): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
SST_from_Uk37 (LPDb217bdbexxxx_SST_from_Uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPD9c79485dxxxx): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
SST_from_Uk37 (LPDb217bdbexxxx_SST_from_Uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:39 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (LPD493f1394xxxx): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureCold (WEB10d6048c): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureCold (WEB10d6048c): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Winter’
temperatureWarm (WEB1934a0c2): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureWarm (WEB1934a0c2): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPD493f1394xxxx): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureCold (WEB10d6048c): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperatureWarm (WEB1934a0c2): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:39 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
nonReliabletemperature (RRxknsp35Cn): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
nonReliabletemperature (RRxknsp35Cn): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘7’
temperature (RWhiKajgudD): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RWhiKajgudD): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
nonReliabletemperature (RRxknsp35Cn): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (RWhiKajgudD): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:39 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperatureComposite (R4Kh3OLslvX): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RipfIRSIDIN): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RipfIRSIDIN): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘BSAD’
precipitation (RipfIRSIDIN): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘gap of 3.6 ka; otherwise solid age model’
precipitation (RipfIRSIDIN): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RipfIRSIDIN): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RipfIRSIDIN): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (RnejfefEp45): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (ROtgXZAO8P8): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RqV6tIlk0xt): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RipfIRSIDIN): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RipfIRSIDIN): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RipfIRSIDIN): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RipfIRSIDIN): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RipfIRSIDIN): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRAzYHsvTlRQ8WWcrD’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRdBpohu31906JHLZk’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRE7I0jRKzOezl1hv5’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRLj42GWAUUDZ1MN29’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRPcrDfSyPNk28ckSh’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRrm1rsKvzbHFluRda’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRvaNxaL6sk7FYgX3h’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘OltushLake.EPD-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘OltushLake.EPD-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘OltushLake.EPD-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘OltushLake.EPD-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘OltushLake.EPD-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘OltushLake.EPD-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘OltushLake.EPD-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
ageLow (cRAzYHsvTlRQ8WWcrD): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cRAzYHsvTlRQ8WWcrD): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRAzYHsvTlRQ8WWcrD): chronData_TSid: ‘OltushLake.EPD-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cRAzYHsvTlRQ8WWcrD’
thickness (cRdBpohu31906JHLZk): chronData_TSid: ‘OltushLake.EPD-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRdBpohu31906JHLZk’
age (cRE7I0jRKzOezl1hv5): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRE7I0jRKzOezl1hv5): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRE7I0jRKzOezl1hv5): chronData_TSid: ‘OltushLake.EPD-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRE7I0jRKzOezl1hv5’
age_type (cRLj42GWAUUDZ1MN29): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRLj42GWAUUDZ1MN29): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRLj42GWAUUDZ1MN29): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRLj42GWAUUDZ1MN29): chronData_TSid: ‘OltushLake.EPD-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRLj42GWAUUDZ1MN29’
ageHi (cRPcrDfSyPNk28ckSh): chronData_TSid: ‘OltushLake.EPD-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRPcrDfSyPNk28ckSh’
labID (cRrm1rsKvzbHFluRda): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRrm1rsKvzbHFluRda): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRrm1rsKvzbHFluRda): chronData_TSid: ‘OltushLake.EPD-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRrm1rsKvzbHFluRda’
depth (cRvaNxaL6sk7FYgX3h): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRvaNxaL6sk7FYgX3h): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRvaNxaL6sk7FYgX3h): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
depth (cRvaNxaL6sk7FYgX3h): chronData_TSid: ‘OltushLake.EPD-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRvaNxaL6sk7FYgX3h’
ChronData values:
ageLow (cRAzYHsvTlRQ8WWcrD): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRE7I0jRKzOezl1hv5): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRLj42GWAUUDZ1MN29): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRrm1rsKvzbHFluRda): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRvaNxaL6sk7FYgX3h): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:40 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Ersek, Vasile; Clark, Peter U.; Mix, Alan C.; Cheng, Hai; Lawrence Edwards, R.’ has been replaced by ‘Ersek, Vasile’
Paleo Column metadata:
d13C (GHb0707701): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘“An increase in precipitation may cause lower speleothem d13C directly through its effects on cave hydrology and indirectly through its influence on surface biomass”’ has been replaced by ‘calcite’
d13C (GHb0707701): paleoData_QCnotes: ‘The hydrologic system at OCNM responds rapidly to these seasonal changes in precipitation. Observations at the cave show that after summer desiccation, dripwater is initiated within a month of the onset of the winter rainy season, and ends in the early summer after runoff of snowmelt.’ has been replaced by ‘in SISAL; The hydrologic system at OCNM responds rapidly to these seasonal changes in precipitation. Observations at the cave show that after summer desiccation, dripwater is initiated within a month of the onset of the winter rainy season, and ends in the early summer after runoff of snowmelt.’
d13C (GHb0707701): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
d13C (GHb0707701): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘“An increase in precipitation may cause lower Speleothem d13C directly through its effects on cave hydrology and indirectly through its influence on surface biomass”’
d18O (GHe7662255): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘“hydrologic system at OCNM responds rapidly to these seasonal changes in precipitation. Observations at the cave show that after summer desiccation, dripwater is initiated within a month of the onset of the winter rainy season, and ends in the early summer after runoff of snowmelt.” (Ersek et al., 2012)’ has been replaced by ‘calcite’
d18O (GHe7662255): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
d18O (GHe7662255): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘“hydrologic system at OCNM responds rapidly to these seasonal changes in precipitation. Observations at the cave show that after summer desiccation, dripwater is initiated within a month of the onset of the winter rainy season, and ends in the early summer after runoff of snowmelt.” (Ersek et al., 2012)’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
d13C (GHb0707701): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
d13C (GHb0707701): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winterOnly’ has been replaced by ‘winter’
d18O (GHe7662255): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
d18O (GHe7662255): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winterOnly’ has been replaced by ‘winter’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:40 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (R6NmELfFCE4): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (R6NmELfFCE4): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (R6NmELfFCE4): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (R6NmELfFCE4): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperatureComposite (R9nRxnnlMq9): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (Ri0KbJXweb6): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RwmTAedA9qh): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RWuU6CCP1hM): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (R6NmELfFCE4): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (R6NmELfFCE4): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (R6NmELfFCE4): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RJqCHr3jYTn): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RJqCHr3jYTn): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR54OeeFKFOLSLEU1t’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cResxREk3fV0TUNmMp’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRkyVmcdZG4AKWBb8i’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cROjQ6DdMuRen3aPcW’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRpXHe5yvdVnp5sTZs’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRSgcN6ZcWlETJCEYw’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRVaYoRcm3cF8Ek8r0’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Ostrowite.Milecka.2002-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Ostrowite.Milecka.2002-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Ostrowite.Milecka.2002-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Ostrowite.Milecka.2002-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Ostrowite.Milecka.2002-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Ostrowite.Milecka.2002-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Ostrowite.Milecka.2002-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
ageLow (cR54OeeFKFOLSLEU1t): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cR54OeeFKFOLSLEU1t): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cR54OeeFKFOLSLEU1t): chronData_TSid: ‘Ostrowite.Milecka.2002-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR54OeeFKFOLSLEU1t’
age (cResxREk3fV0TUNmMp): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cResxREk3fV0TUNmMp): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cResxREk3fV0TUNmMp): chronData_TSid: ‘Ostrowite.Milecka.2002-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cResxREk3fV0TUNmMp’
ageHi (cRkyVmcdZG4AKWBb8i): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRkyVmcdZG4AKWBb8i): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRkyVmcdZG4AKWBb8i): chronData_TSid: ‘Ostrowite.Milecka.2002-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRkyVmcdZG4AKWBb8i’
age_type (cROjQ6DdMuRen3aPcW): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cROjQ6DdMuRen3aPcW): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cROjQ6DdMuRen3aPcW): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cROjQ6DdMuRen3aPcW): chronData_TSid: ‘Ostrowite.Milecka.2002-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cROjQ6DdMuRen3aPcW’
depth (cRpXHe5yvdVnp5sTZs): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRpXHe5yvdVnp5sTZs): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRpXHe5yvdVnp5sTZs): chronData_TSid: ‘Ostrowite.Milecka.2002-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRpXHe5yvdVnp5sTZs’
thickness (cRSgcN6ZcWlETJCEYw): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRSgcN6ZcWlETJCEYw): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRSgcN6ZcWlETJCEYw): chronData_TSid: ‘Ostrowite.Milecka.2002-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRSgcN6ZcWlETJCEYw’
labID (cRVaYoRcm3cF8Ek8r0): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRVaYoRcm3cF8Ek8r0): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
labID (cRVaYoRcm3cF8Ek8r0): chronData_TSid: ‘Ostrowite.Milecka.2002-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRVaYoRcm3cF8Ek8r0’
ChronData values:
ageLow (cR54OeeFKFOLSLEU1t): The chronData_values have changed
age (cResxREk3fV0TUNmMp): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRkyVmcdZG4AKWBb8i): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cROjQ6DdMuRen3aPcW): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRpXHe5yvdVnp5sTZs): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRSgcN6ZcWlETJCEYw): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRVaYoRcm3cF8Ek8r0): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:40 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
C (PYTACIZODUK): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
C (PYTACIZODUK): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
temperature (PYTH91MXU0Z): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
temperature (PYTMVGBLPHG_SST_from_d18O): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTH91MXU0Z): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7 8 9’ has been replaced by ‘JAS’
temperature (PYTH91MXU0Z): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘JAS’
temperature (PYTMVGBLPHG_SST_from_d18O): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:40 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_P178_15P_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_P178_15P_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_P178_15P_tex86_SST_from_tex86): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_P178_15P_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_P178_15P_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_P178_15P_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_P178_15P_tex86_SST_from_tex86): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_P178_15P_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:41 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘de Vernal, Anne; Hillaire-Marcel, Claude; Darby, Dennis A.’ has been replaced by ‘de Vernal, Anne’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
Sea_Ice_conc (PYT10OCNY5I): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT40VBXBG5): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT40VBXBG5): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Sea_Ice_months (PYTQHN7NGKA): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureComposite (PYTTTRD8PMK): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer + winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureComposite (PYTTTRD8PMK): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘summer + winter’
salinity (PYTX9QI4K5F): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
salinity (PYTX9QI4K5F): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
Sea_Ice_conc (PYT10OCNY5I): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYT40VBXBG5): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (PYT40VBXBG5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_months (PYTQHN7NGKA): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
Sea_Ice_months (PYTQHN7NGKA): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (PYTTTRD8PMK): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperatureComposite (PYTTTRD8PMK): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
salinity (PYTX9QI4K5F): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
PaleoData values:
temperatureComposite (PYTTTRD8PMK): The paleoData_values have changed
age (PYTX1NPPBOE): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:41 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (RA8aUcdAq89): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RA8aUcdAq89): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RA8aUcdAq89): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RA8aUcdAq89): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (RdglYaaJ04H): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RutuPuENjcK): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RYWJxrYXOJA): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RzpuGYfIHLy): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RA8aUcdAq89): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RA8aUcdAq89): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RA8aUcdAq89): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RA8aUcdAq89): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RA8aUcdAq89): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRc3ptKgfSd3UzO9Ei’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRcOfVMzqTrUr9tWTT’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cREcrkQKViTbOyUPYS’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRpJCyKdZy3YkTSsYw’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRRtUd87HCCCIUUfJL’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRY6iIlO25qg2bi19B’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRyO571Hi3LT4XRNcd’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘PannelBridge.Waller.1993-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘PannelBridge.Waller.1993-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘PannelBridge.Waller.1993-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘PannelBridge.Waller.1993-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘PannelBridge.Waller.1993-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘PannelBridge.Waller.1993-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘PannelBridge.Waller.1993-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
ageLow (cRc3ptKgfSd3UzO9Ei): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cRc3ptKgfSd3UzO9Ei): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRc3ptKgfSd3UzO9Ei): chronData_TSid: ‘PannelBridge.Waller.1993-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cRc3ptKgfSd3UzO9Ei’
ageHi (cRcOfVMzqTrUr9tWTT): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRcOfVMzqTrUr9tWTT): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRcOfVMzqTrUr9tWTT): chronData_TSid: ‘PannelBridge.Waller.1993-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRcOfVMzqTrUr9tWTT’
depth (cREcrkQKViTbOyUPYS): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cREcrkQKViTbOyUPYS): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cREcrkQKViTbOyUPYS): chronData_TSid: ‘PannelBridge.Waller.1993-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cREcrkQKViTbOyUPYS’
age_type (cRpJCyKdZy3YkTSsYw): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRpJCyKdZy3YkTSsYw): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRpJCyKdZy3YkTSsYw): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRpJCyKdZy3YkTSsYw): chronData_TSid: ‘PannelBridge.Waller.1993-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRpJCyKdZy3YkTSsYw’
labID (cRRtUd87HCCCIUUfJL): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRRtUd87HCCCIUUfJL): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRRtUd87HCCCIUUfJL): chronData_TSid: ‘PannelBridge.Waller.1993-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRRtUd87HCCCIUUfJL’
age (cRY6iIlO25qg2bi19B): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRY6iIlO25qg2bi19B): chronData_TSid: ‘PannelBridge.Waller.1993-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRY6iIlO25qg2bi19B’
thickness (cRyO571Hi3LT4XRNcd): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRyO571Hi3LT4XRNcd): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRyO571Hi3LT4XRNcd): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
thickness (cRyO571Hi3LT4XRNcd): chronData_TSid: ‘PannelBridge.Waller.1993-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRyO571Hi3LT4XRNcd’
ChronData values:
ageLow (cRc3ptKgfSd3UzO9Ei): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRcOfVMzqTrUr9tWTT): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cREcrkQKViTbOyUPYS): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRpJCyKdZy3YkTSsYw): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRRtUd87HCCCIUUfJL): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRY6iIlO25qg2bi19B): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRyO571Hi3LT4XRNcd): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:41 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_title: ‘Origin of a park-forest vegetation mosaic in the Wind River Range, Wyoming’ has been replaced by ‘ORIGIN OF A PARK–FOREST VEGETATION MOSAIC IN THE WIND RIVER RANGE, WYOMING’
pub2_pages: ‘1320-1338’ has been replaced by ‘1320 1338’
pub2_publisher: ‘Springer Nature’ has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
pub2_year: ‘1998’ has been replaced by ‘2018’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘C25HIFWT’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L63wmizbwP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L63wmizbwP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2L8gmvex23P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L8gmvex23P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Ld1pgjspxP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Ld1pgjspxP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Ld1pgjspxP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2Lubfra1b3P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lubfra1b3P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Ld1pgjspxP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Ld1pgjspxP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
temperature (GH47c8e274): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
precipitation (GH49590f39): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
precipitation (GH49590f39): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (GH49590f39): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (GH49590f39): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘amount@surface’
precipitation (GH49590f39): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (GH5b01e158): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
precipitation (GH5b01e158): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘winter’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (GH47c8e274): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (GH49590f39): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
precipitation (GH49590f39): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (GH49590f39): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (GH49590f39): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘fails age control, gap >3000 years (largest gap is 3900 yrs)); youngest age = 5.1 ka’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (GH49590f39): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘MAT’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:42 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_PC_1_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_PC_1_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:42 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_PC6_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_PC6_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:42 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperatureComposite (RFnBSJqZOIU): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest + coldest months’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureComposite (RFnBSJqZOIU): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘warmest + coldest months’
temperature (RSbDCtMJ6sw): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘2’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RSbDCtMJ6sw): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘2’
temperature (RVutdRMw858): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Tann’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RVutdRMw858): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Tann’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperatureComposite (RFnBSJqZOIU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RSbDCtMJ6sw): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (Rsk8UYlBGjw): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (RVutdRMw858): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:42 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (ROuKCaB3W1T): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (ROuKCaB3W1T): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (ROuKCaB3W1T): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:42 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RRY0jogRrD7): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RRY0jogRrD7): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:43 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
d18O (PYTSIOJ5D6Y): paleoData_datum: ‘SMOW’ has been replaced by ‘VSMOW’
d18O (PYTSIOJ5D6Y): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘no calibration was published. Record impacted by melt and elevation change’ has been replaced by ‘GlacierIce’
d18O (PYTSIOJ5D6Y): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
d18O (PYTSIOJ5D6Y): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘no calibration was published. Record impacted by melt and elevation change’
d18O (PYTV8L8FSTC): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘d18O’
d18O (PYTV8L8FSTC): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘GlacierIce’
d18O (PYTV8L8FSTC): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘isotope’
d18O (PYTV8L8FSTC): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘isotope’
d18O (PYTV8L8FSTC): paleoData_proxyLumpsOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘d18O’
d18O (PYTV8L8FSTC): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
d18O (PYTV8L8FSTC): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘defer to non-averaged version’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
d18O (PYTSIOJ5D6Y): interpretation1_variable: ‘T’ has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O (PYTSIOJ5D6Y): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘air@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
d18O (PYTSIOJ5D6Y): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘Temperature’ has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O (PYTSIOJ5D6Y): interpretation1_variableGroupDirection: ‘negative’ has been replaced by NULL
d18O (PYTV8L8FSTC): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
d18O (PYTV8L8FSTC): interpretation1_variable: ‘T’ has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O (PYTV8L8FSTC): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘air@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precip@surface’
d18O (PYTV8L8FSTC): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘Temperature’ has been replaced by ‘Piso’
d18O (PYTV8L8FSTC): interpretation1_variableGroupDirection: ‘negative’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Calibration metadata:
d18O (PYTSIOJ5D6Y): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘uncalibrated’
d18O (PYTSIOJ5D6Y): calibration_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘uncalibrated’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:43 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2L5ja1jp17P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L5ja1jp17P): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘cannot validate elevation’
precipitation (M2L5ja1jp17P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L5ja1jp17P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L5ja1jp17P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2L7mtaz9ziP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L9mmr6iaoP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lmx8lcp55P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L5ja1jp17P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L5ja1jp17P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L5ja1jp17P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L5ja1jp17P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L5ja1jp17P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:43 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2Le3bson7zP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Llhu7ub80P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lyi1ajruwP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lzryvyul2P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lzryvyul2P): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘cannot validate elevation’
precipitation (M2Lzryvyul2P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lzryvyul2P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lzryvyul2P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lzryvyul2P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lzryvyul2P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lzryvyul2P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lzryvyul2P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lzryvyul2P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:43 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R47g8nheBej): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R47g8nheBej): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:43 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Brown, K J; Hebda, R J’ has been replaced by ‘Brown, K J’
pub1_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub1_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘353-372’
pub1_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Canadian Science Publishing’
pub1_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Marsicek, Jeremiah”), list(name = “Shuman, Bryan N.”), list(name = “Bartlein, Patrick J.”), list(name = “Shafer, Sarah L.”), list(name = “Brewer, Simon”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘CMTRS52M’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘7690’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Nature’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘92-96’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘353 372’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Reconciling divergent trends and millennial variations in Holocene temperatures’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘554’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2018’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (M2L2g5c3hl4P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘coldest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2L2g5c3hl4P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘coldest month’
temperature (M2Leha3eu5bP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
precipitation (M2Lomwars9dP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lomwars9dP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
precipitation (M2Lomwars9dP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lomwars9dP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘amount@surface’
temperature (M2Lqezod5l2P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2Lqezod5l2P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘warmest month’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L2g5c3hl4P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L2g5c3hl4P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2Leha3eu5bP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Leha3eu5bP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lomwars9dP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lomwars9dP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
temperature (M2Lqezod5l2P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lqezod5l2P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:44 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperatureComposite (PYTE6TL93XT): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer + winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureComposite (PYTE6TL93XT): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘summer + winter’
salinity (PYTU3GAW25K): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
salinity (PYTU3GAW25K): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Sea_Ice_months (PYTVUFKHFWU): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTWQAQ2RWC): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTWQAQ2RWC): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYTYUAZKP1K): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperatureComposite (PYTE6TL93XT): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
salinity (PYTU3GAW25K): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_months (PYTVUFKHFWU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTWQAQ2RWC): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sea_Ice_conc (PYTYUAZKP1K): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:44 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_PL07_39PC_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_PL07_39PC_d18o_ruber_pink_SST_from_d18o_ruber_pink): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_PL07_39PC_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_PL07_39PC_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_PL07_39PC_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_PL07_39PC_d18o_ruber_pink_SST_from_d18o_ruber_pink): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_PL07_39PC_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_PL07_39PC_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:44 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
d18O (WEB2fbd7e47): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
d18O (WEB2fbd7e47): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:44 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RwUGHZyJRVj): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest quarter yr’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RwUGHZyJRVj): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘warmest quarter yr’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RwUGHZyJRVj): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:44 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L0c69vb39P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L2pv1afjnP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L40cfg182P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L40cfg182P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L40cfg182P): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘fails age control, gap >3000 years (largest gap is 4080 yrs); 7 dates in Holocene; cannot validate the elevation’
precipitation (M2L40cfg182P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L40cfg182P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lckxe1xiaP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L40cfg182P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L40cfg182P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L40cfg182P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L40cfg182P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L40cfg182P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:45 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L0qv5k07fP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L55sfpyavP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lnoi13syzP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lye4yngywP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Lye4yngywP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Lye4yngywP): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘cannot validate elevation’
precipitation (M2Lye4yngywP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lye4yngywP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lye4yngywP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Lye4yngywP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lye4yngywP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Lye4yngywP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Lye4yngywP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:45 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L3g8r4sstP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L4z2m7vmbP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L4z2m7vmbP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L4z2m7vmbP): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘cannot validate elevation’
precipitation (M2L4z2m7vmbP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L4z2m7vmbP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lhfe9p1b1P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Ljvt13d76P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L4z2m7vmbP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L4z2m7vmbP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L4z2m7vmbP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L4z2m7vmbP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L4z2m7vmbP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:45 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_title: ‘Holocene and Late Pleistocene climate in the sub-Mediterranean continental environment: A speleothem record from Poleva Cave (Southern Carpathians, Romania)’ has been replaced by ‘Holocene and Late Pleistocene climate in the sub-Mediterranean continental environment: A Speleothem record from Poleva Cave (Southern Carpathians, Romania)’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
d18O (WEB21765f70): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
d18O (WEB21765f70): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:45 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_citation: NULL has been replaced by ‘Shafer, D.S. 1989. The timing of late Quaternary monsoon precipitation maxima in the southwest United States. Doctoral dissertation. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA.’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Marsicek, Jeremiah”), list(name = “Shuman, Bryan N.”), list(name = “Bartlein, Patrick J.”), list(name = “Shafer, Sarah L.”), list(name = “Brewer, Simon”))’
pub2_citation: NULL has been replaced by ‘Shafer, D.S. 1989. The timing of late Quaternary monsoon precipitation maxima in the southwest United States. Doctoral dissertation. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA.’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘ICS8SBSB’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘7690’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Nature’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘92-96’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Reconciling divergent trends and millennial variations in Holocene temperatures’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘554’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2018’
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2Lejdigk7uP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lejdigk7uP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lf5zj1b7vP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Liaj596e6P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lipgt0z5oP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lejdigk7uP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lejdigk7uP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (R0O32DzTRx6): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (R0O32DzTRx6): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRFliZMVj17pcdwDa9’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRfSPz5OAN5zfQ0E2i’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRkt3o33eYOWfpE1eR’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRl3qOn4xiU7QfLnFx’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRNCV44OZjbr6lBl7T’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRTidDAHeq4mLIq7gh’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRxN9h99ZwaThTFOmA’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘PusciznaRekowianska.Obidowicz.1993-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘PusciznaRekowianska.Obidowicz.1993-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘PusciznaRekowianska.Obidowicz.1993-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘PusciznaRekowianska.Obidowicz.1993-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘PusciznaRekowianska.Obidowicz.1993-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘PusciznaRekowianska.Obidowicz.1993-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘PusciznaRekowianska.Obidowicz.1993-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
labID (cRFliZMVj17pcdwDa9): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRFliZMVj17pcdwDa9): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRFliZMVj17pcdwDa9): chronData_TSid: ‘PusciznaRekowianska.Obidowicz.1993-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cRFliZMVj17pcdwDa9’
thickness (cRfSPz5OAN5zfQ0E2i): chronData_TSid: ‘PusciznaRekowianska.Obidowicz.1993-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRfSPz5OAN5zfQ0E2i’
ageLow (cRkt3o33eYOWfpE1eR): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cRkt3o33eYOWfpE1eR): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRkt3o33eYOWfpE1eR): chronData_TSid: ‘PusciznaRekowianska.Obidowicz.1993-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRkt3o33eYOWfpE1eR’
age_type (cRl3qOn4xiU7QfLnFx): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRl3qOn4xiU7QfLnFx): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRl3qOn4xiU7QfLnFx): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRl3qOn4xiU7QfLnFx): chronData_TSid: ‘PusciznaRekowianska.Obidowicz.1993-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRl3qOn4xiU7QfLnFx’
depth (cRNCV44OZjbr6lBl7T): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRNCV44OZjbr6lBl7T): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRNCV44OZjbr6lBl7T): chronData_TSid: ‘PusciznaRekowianska.Obidowicz.1993-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRNCV44OZjbr6lBl7T’
ageHi (cRTidDAHeq4mLIq7gh): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRTidDAHeq4mLIq7gh): chronData_TSid: ‘PusciznaRekowianska.Obidowicz.1993-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRTidDAHeq4mLIq7gh’
age (cRxN9h99ZwaThTFOmA): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRxN9h99ZwaThTFOmA): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRxN9h99ZwaThTFOmA): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
age (cRxN9h99ZwaThTFOmA): chronData_TSid: ‘PusciznaRekowianska.Obidowicz.1993-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRxN9h99ZwaThTFOmA’
ChronData values:
labID (cRFliZMVj17pcdwDa9): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRkt3o33eYOWfpE1eR): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRl3qOn4xiU7QfLnFx): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRNCV44OZjbr6lBl7T): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRTidDAHeq4mLIq7gh): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRxN9h99ZwaThTFOmA): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:48 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (LPDbfac52bb): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6,7,8’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (LPDbfac52bb): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘6,7,8’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPDbfac52bb): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.9
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:48 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Kaplan, Michael R.; Wolfe, Alexander P.; Miller, Gifford H.’ has been replaced by ‘Frechette, B.; de Vernal, A.’
pub1_doi: ‘10.1006/qres.2002.2352’ has been replaced by ‘10.5194/cp-5-347-2009’
pub1_issue: ‘2’ has been replaced by ‘5’
pub1_journal: ‘Quaternary Research’ has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub1_pages: ‘149 159’ has been replaced by ‘347-359’
pub1_title: ‘Holocene environmental variability in southern Greenland inferred from lake sediments’ has been replaced by ‘Relationship between Holocene climate variations over southern Greenland and eastern Baffin Island and synoptic circulation patter’
pub1_volume: ‘58’ has been replaced by ‘347’
pub1_year: ‘2002’ has been replaced by ‘2009’
pub2_doi: ‘10.5194/cp-10-1605-2014’ has been replaced by ‘10.1006/qres.2002.2352’
Geographic metadata:
geo_latitude: ‘61’ has been replaced by ‘61.0114’
geo_longitude: ‘-47.75’ has been replaced by ‘-47.7536’
Paleo Column metadata:
SunFracMax (PYT1ABX272B): paleoData_notes: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by NULL
SunFracMax (PYT1ABX272B): paleoData_proxy: ‘hybrid’ has been replaced by NULL
SunFracMax (PYT1ABX272B): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘pollen and BSi’ has been replaced by NULL
SunFracMax (PYT1ABX272B): paleoData_proxyGeneral: ‘hybrid’ has been replaced by NULL
SunFracMax (PYT1ABX272B): paleoData_proxyLumps: ‘other ice’ has been replaced by NULL
SunFracMax (PYT1ABX272B): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘SHA’ has been replaced by ‘SHA, AAC’
SunFracMax (PYT1ABX272B): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
uncertainty.temperature (PYT2GZRWCSF): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
uncertainty.temperature (PYT2GZRWCSF): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
uncertainty.temperature (PYT5H6FC5I1): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
uncertainty.temperature (PYT5H6FC5I1): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
hobdob (PYTAHWV6ITC): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
hobdob (PYTAHWV6ITC): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Don’t know what this variable is’
SunFracMin (PYTAXR2HG7Y): paleoData_notes: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by NULL
SunFracMin (PYTAXR2HG7Y): paleoData_proxy: ‘hybrid’ has been replaced by NULL
SunFracMin (PYTAXR2HG7Y): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘pollen and BSi’ has been replaced by NULL
SunFracMin (PYTAXR2HG7Y): paleoData_proxyGeneral: ‘hybrid’ has been replaced by NULL
SunFracMin (PYTAXR2HG7Y): paleoData_proxyLumps: ‘other ice’ has been replaced by NULL
SunFracMin (PYTAXR2HG7Y): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘SHA’ has been replaced by ‘SHA, AAC’
SunFracMin (PYTAXR2HG7Y): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTIYA2IC5S): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘TB’ has been replaced by ‘TB, AAC’
temperature (PYTIYA2IC5S): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘percent’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘BSi’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘bulk sediment’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): paleoData_proxyGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘biophysical’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘biophysical’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): paleoData_proxyLumpsOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘BSi’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘There are pollen-inferred summer temps from this same lake, could opt to not include this (more reflective of productivity).’
SunFrac (PYTODR7SQPH): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘percent’
SunFrac (PYTODR7SQPH): paleoData_notes: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by NULL
SunFrac (PYTODR7SQPH): paleoData_proxy: ‘hybrid’ has been replaced by ‘pollen’
SunFrac (PYTODR7SQPH): paleoData_proxyDetail: ‘pollen and BSi’ has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
SunFrac (PYTODR7SQPH): paleoData_proxyGeneral: ‘hybrid’ has been replaced by ‘pollen’
SunFrac (PYTODR7SQPH): paleoData_proxyLumps: ‘other ice’ has been replaced by ‘pollen’
SunFrac (PYTODR7SQPH): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
SunFracMax (PYT1ABX272B): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6 7 8 9’ has been replaced by ‘growing season/JJAS’
SunFracMax (PYT1ABX272B): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘summer’
uncertainty.temperature (PYT2GZRWCSF): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by ‘July’
uncertainty.temperature (PYT2GZRWCSF): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘summer’
uncertainty.temperature (PYT5H6FC5I1): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by ‘July’
uncertainty.temperature (PYT5H6FC5I1): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘summer’
SunFracMin (PYTAXR2HG7Y): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6 7 8 9’ has been replaced by ‘growing season/JJAS’
SunFracMin (PYTAXR2HG7Y): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘summer’
temperature (PYTIYA2IC5S): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by ‘July’
temperature (PYTIYA2IC5S): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
temperature (PYTIYA2IC5S): interpretation1_basis: NULL has been replaced by ‘“Continental climate was reconstructed using the Modern Analogue Technique (MAT) and a modern database of 828 sites from lakes of the Boreal, Subarctic and Arctic biomes of North America (north of 50°N) and Greenland (Whitmore et al., 2005; Frechette et al., 2008a). The surface air temperature (SAT), sunshine (S) and precipitation (P) were calculated from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) gridded clima- tology using 1961–1990 climatological averages (New et al., 2002) and interpolated to the 828 pollen sites via lapse-rate collected bilinear interpolation.”’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): interpretation1_scope: NULL has been replaced by ‘climate’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): interpretation1_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘summer’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘summer’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): interpretation1_variable: NULL has been replaced by ‘T’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘air@surface’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): interpretation1_variableGroup: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temperature’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): interpretation1_variableGroupDirection: NULL has been replaced by ‘negative’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): interpretation1_variableGroupOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘T’
BSi (PYTLLE83RM2): interpretation1_basis: NULL has been replaced by ‘“In several previous studies, both BSiO2 (Colman et al., 1995; Edlund and Stoermer, 2000) and LOI (Levesque et al., 1993; Willemse and To ̈rnqvist, 1999) have been interpreted as direct proxies of paleoclimatic variability. Such inferences assume a strong linkage between lake production and air temperature, which is supported by long-term monitoring studies (Schindler et al., 1990). The results from Qipisarqo Lake are entirely compatible with these notions, given the striking similarity between the lake’s BSiO2 record and the borehole paleothermometry reconstruction from Dye3 (Dahl-Jensen et al., 1998), 500 km to the north.”’
SunFrac (PYTODR7SQPH): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
SunFrac (PYTODR7SQPH): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6 7 8 9’ has been replaced by ‘growing season/JJAS’
SunFrac (PYTODR7SQPH): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘summer’
SunFrac (PYTODR7SQPH): interpretation1_basis: NULL has been replaced by ‘“Continental climate was reconstructed using the Modern Analogue Technique (MAT) and a modern database of 828 sites from lakes of the Boreal, Subarctic and Arctic biomes of North America (north of 50°N) and Greenland (Whitmore et al., 2005; Frechette et al., 2008a). The surface air temperature (SAT), sunshine (S) and precipitation (P) were calculated from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) gridded clima- tology using 1961–1990 climatological averages (New et al., 2002) and interpolated to the 828 pollen sites via lapse-rate collected bilinear interpolation.”’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
temperature (PYTIYA2IC5S): calibration_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘July’
SunFrac (PYTODR7SQPH): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘MAT’
SunFrac (PYTODR7SQPH): calibration_seasonality: NULL has been replaced by ‘JJAS’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:48 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Wooller, Matthew J.; Kurek, Joshua; Gaglioti, Benjamin V.; Cwynar, Les C.; Bigelow, Nancy; Reuther, Joshua D.; Gelvin-Reymiller, Carol; Smol, John P.’ has been replaced by ‘Wooller, Matthew J.’
pub1_title: ‘An ,200 year paleolimnological perspective for emerging archaeological findings at Quartz Lake, Alaska’ has been replaced by ‘An ~11,200 year paleolimnological perspective for emerging archaeological findings at Quartz Lake, Alaska’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Sundqvist, H. S.”), list(name = “Kaufman, D. S.”), list(name = “McKay, N. P.”), list(name = “Balascio, N. L.”), list(name = “Briner, J. P.”), list(name = “Cwynar, L. C.”), list(name = “Sejrup, H. P.”), list(name = “Seppä, H.”), list(name = “Subetto, D. A.”), list(name = “Andrews, J. T.”), list(name = “Axford, Y.”), list(name = “Bakke, J.”), list(name = “Birks, H. J. B.”), list(name = “Brooks, S. J.”), list(name = “de Vernal, A.”), list(name = “Jennings, A. E.”), list(name = “Ljungqvist, F. C.”), list(name = “Rühland, K. M.”), list(name = “Saenger, C.”), list(name = “Smol, J. P.”), list(name = “Viau, A. E.”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘3BF2H63I’
pub2_firstAuthor: NULL has been replaced by ‘Wooller’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1605-1631’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘83 99’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Copernicus GmbH’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘10’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Paleo Column metadata:
error (PYT024T3TGP): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘AAC’
temperature (PYT66RBVNK6): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT66RBVNK6): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT66RBVNK6): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:48 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2LdjjxzkgtP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lfut6kmdqP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lha822fsjP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Ln2clq8z2P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Ln2clq8z2P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Ln2clq8z2P): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘youngest age = 3.8; otherwise 5 ages evenlly spaced with one macrofossil’
precipitation (M2Ln2clq8z2P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Ln2clq8z2P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Ln2clq8z2P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Ln2clq8z2P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Ln2clq8z2P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:48 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (M2L6vkg2f70P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L6vkg2f70P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L6vkg2f70P): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘cannot validate elevation’
precipitation (M2L6vkg2f70P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L6vkg2f70P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lbp57wnhkP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lk5f6jbluP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lq7umd2r5P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L6vkg2f70P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L6vkg2f70P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L6vkg2f70P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L6vkg2f70P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L6vkg2f70P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:49 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTD73YMWR3): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTD73YMWR3): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.3
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:49 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (RcOOhcbUlkp): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RcOOhcbUlkp): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RcOOhcbUlkp): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RcOOhcbUlkp): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RdbNEBCu3Ry): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RDtU4R1ifAD): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RjbcVRxqZO8): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RjCNrwgxKC6): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RcOOhcbUlkp): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual’
precipitation (RcOOhcbUlkp): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RcOOhcbUlkp): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RcOOhcbUlkp): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR9gZFQbODUQjBeIXz’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRbdxhOgwHhRhmyiHu’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRcMQIZEptB8V7UNUg’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRmgceM7riHF8oEuYE’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRpEXrObKLM7ZLhxVX’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRPUJMbhj44ZwDlzWr’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRri0f91zsnaQI7Ycw’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘RaigastvereLake.Pirrus.1987-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘RaigastvereLake.Pirrus.1987-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘RaigastvereLake.Pirrus.1987-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘RaigastvereLake.Pirrus.1987-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘RaigastvereLake.Pirrus.1987-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘RaigastvereLake.Pirrus.1987-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘RaigastvereLake.Pirrus.1987-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
age (cR9gZFQbODUQjBeIXz): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cR9gZFQbODUQjBeIXz): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cR9gZFQbODUQjBeIXz): chronData_TSid: ‘RaigastvereLake.Pirrus.1987-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR9gZFQbODUQjBeIXz’
age_type (cRbdxhOgwHhRhmyiHu): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRbdxhOgwHhRhmyiHu): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRbdxhOgwHhRhmyiHu): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRbdxhOgwHhRhmyiHu): chronData_TSid: ‘RaigastvereLake.Pirrus.1987-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRbdxhOgwHhRhmyiHu’
labID (cRcMQIZEptB8V7UNUg): chronData_TSid: ‘RaigastvereLake.Pirrus.1987-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRcMQIZEptB8V7UNUg’
ageLow (cRmgceM7riHF8oEuYE): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRmgceM7riHF8oEuYE): chronData_TSid: ‘RaigastvereLake.Pirrus.1987-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRmgceM7riHF8oEuYE’
ageHi (cRpEXrObKLM7ZLhxVX): chronData_TSid: ‘RaigastvereLake.Pirrus.1987-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRpEXrObKLM7ZLhxVX’
thickness (cRPUJMbhj44ZwDlzWr): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRPUJMbhj44ZwDlzWr): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRPUJMbhj44ZwDlzWr): chronData_TSid: ‘RaigastvereLake.Pirrus.1987-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRPUJMbhj44ZwDlzWr’
depth (cRri0f91zsnaQI7Ycw): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRri0f91zsnaQI7Ycw): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRri0f91zsnaQI7Ycw): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
depth (cRri0f91zsnaQI7Ycw): chronData_TSid: ‘RaigastvereLake.Pirrus.1987-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRri0f91zsnaQI7Ycw’
ChronData values:
age (cR9gZFQbODUQjBeIXz): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRbdxhOgwHhRhmyiHu): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRmgceM7riHF8oEuYE): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRPUJMbhj44ZwDlzWr): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRri0f91zsnaQI7Ycw): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:49 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Clegg, B. F.; Kelly, R.; Clarke, G. H.; Walker, I. R.; Hu, F. S.’ has been replaced by ‘Clegg, B. F.’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Sundqvist, H. S.”), list(name = “Kaufman, D. S.”), list(name = “McKay, N. P.”), list(name = “Balascio, N. L.”), list(name = “Briner, J. P.”), list(name = “Cwynar, L. C.”), list(name = “Sejrup, H. P.”), list(name = “Seppä, H.”), list(name = “Subetto, D. A.”), list(name = “Andrews, J. T.”), list(name = “Axford, Y.”), list(name = “Bakke, J.”), list(name = “Birks, H. J. B.”), list(name = “Brooks, S. J.”), list(name = “de Vernal, A.”), list(name = “Jennings, A. E.”), list(name = “Ljungqvist, F. C.”), list(name = “Rühland, K. M.”), list(name = “Saenger, C.”), list(name = “Smol, J. P.”), list(name = “Viau, A. E.”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘JB8422JH’
pub2_firstAuthor: NULL has been replaced by ‘Clegg’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1605-1631’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘19299 19304’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Copernicus GmbH’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘10’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTZOBOLJRG): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTZOBOLJRG): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTZOBOLJRG): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:49 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Brubaker, Linda B.; Garfinkel, Harriet L.; Edwards, Mary E.’ has been replaced by ‘Brubaker, Linda B.’
pub1_title: ‘A Late Wisconsin and Holocene vegetation history from the central Brooks Range: Implications for Alaskan palaeoecology’ has been replaced by ‘A Late Wisconsin and Holocene Vegetation History from the Central Brooks Range: Implications for Alaskan Palaeoecology’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT909ZJ7SN): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Panom (PYTCYF0YQTU): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘anom’
Panom (PYTCYF0YQTU): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
Panom (PYTCYF0YQTU): paleoData_variableName: ‘precipitation’ has been replaced by ‘Panom’
Panom (PYTCYF0YQTU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_6_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTW8HHSCX2): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RXEc3JaUSUk): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RXEc3JaUSUk): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:49 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_RAPiD_12_1K_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_RAPiD_12_1K_mgca_bulloides_SST_from_mgca_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_RAPiD_12_1K_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_RAPiD_12_1K_mgca_bulloides_SST_from_mgca_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:50 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub2_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub1_citation: NULL has been replaced by ‘Fall, P.L. 1988. Vegetation dynamics in the southern Rocky Mountains: late Pleistocene and Holocene timberline fluctuations. Doctoral dissertation. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA.’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Marsicek, Jeremiah”), list(name = “Shuman, Bryan N.”), list(name = “Bartlein, Patrick J.”), list(name = “Shafer, Sarah L.”), list(name = “Brewer, Simon”))’
pub2_citation: NULL has been replaced by ‘Fall, P.L. 1988. Vegetation dynamics in the southern Rocky Mountains: late Pleistocene and Holocene timberline fluctuations. Doctoral dissertation. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA.’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘6Z48EPP3’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘7690’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Nature’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘92-96’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Reconciling divergent trends and millennial variations in Holocene temperatures’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘554’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2018’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L6aaquiz9P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Li3rwsbjdP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2LnhwqahwwP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lnx2n0qghP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lnx2n0qghP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lnx2n0qghP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lnx2n0qghP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
temperature (PYTM75R3NFI): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTM75R3NFI): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTM75R3NFI): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:50 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Poore, R. Z.; Dowsett, H. J.; Verardo, S.; Quinn, T. M.’ has been replaced by ‘Poore, R. Z.’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEBd5f320fe): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEBd5f320fe): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winterOnly’ has been replaced by ‘winter’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEBd5f320fe): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:50 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_RC24_08GC_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_RC24_08GC_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_RC24_08GC_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_RC24_08GC_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:51 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_RC27_23_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_RC27_23_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:51 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_RC27_28_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_RC27_28_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:51 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_title: ‘Absolute pollen diagram of Redrock Lake, Boulder County, Colorado’ has been replaced by ‘Absolute Pollen Diagram of Redrock Lake, Boulder County, Colorado’
pub2_pages: ‘531-553’ has been replaced by ‘531 553’
pub2_publisher: ‘Springer Nature’ has been replaced by ‘Springer Science and Business Media LLC’
pub2_year: ‘1972’ has been replaced by ‘2018’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘B2JJPQ59’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L4xdcrrehP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lj3ejix02P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Lodn9z6zeP): paleoData_QCnotes: ‘Pecipitaton reconstruction generated with, and using methods described in Marsicek 2018. Reconstruction published as part of the wNAm database.’ has been replaced by NULL
precipitation (M2Lodn9z6zeP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Lodn9z6zeP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lv9vzhhk5P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Lodn9z6zeP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Lodn9z6zeP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RtarLUdkblD): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RtarLUdkblD): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cREjaGo2P7fzEfU7wn’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRG2B3lRVaoNCdX3Gu’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRHRyukpmvH6YS3cIv’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRnQXJPRkcKH0WILa3’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRoLt88R4miCjyTafd’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRpJkyvK9VPIberQCp’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRxgGJo0UJTVgOhkc6’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘SaladaPequena.EPD-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SaladaPequena.EPD-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SaladaPequena.EPD-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SaladaPequena.EPD-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SaladaPequena.EPD-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SaladaPequena.EPD-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SaladaPequena.EPD-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
age (cREjaGo2P7fzEfU7wn): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cREjaGo2P7fzEfU7wn): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cREjaGo2P7fzEfU7wn): chronData_TSid: ‘SaladaPequena.EPD-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cREjaGo2P7fzEfU7wn’
thickness (cRG2B3lRVaoNCdX3Gu): chronData_TSid: ‘SaladaPequena.EPD-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRG2B3lRVaoNCdX3Gu’
age_type (cRHRyukpmvH6YS3cIv): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRHRyukpmvH6YS3cIv): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRHRyukpmvH6YS3cIv): chronData_TSid: ‘SaladaPequena.EPD-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRHRyukpmvH6YS3cIv’
ageLow (cRnQXJPRkcKH0WILa3): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRnQXJPRkcKH0WILa3): chronData_TSid: ‘SaladaPequena.EPD-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRnQXJPRkcKH0WILa3’
labID (cRoLt88R4miCjyTafd): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRoLt88R4miCjyTafd): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRoLt88R4miCjyTafd): chronData_TSid: ‘SaladaPequena.EPD-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRoLt88R4miCjyTafd’
depth (cRpJkyvK9VPIberQCp): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRpJkyvK9VPIberQCp): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRpJkyvK9VPIberQCp): chronData_TSid: ‘SaladaPequena.EPD-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRpJkyvK9VPIberQCp’
ageHi (cRxgGJo0UJTVgOhkc6): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRxgGJo0UJTVgOhkc6): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRxgGJo0UJTVgOhkc6): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
ageHi (cRxgGJo0UJTVgOhkc6): chronData_TSid: ‘SaladaPequena.EPD-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRxgGJo0UJTVgOhkc6’
ChronData values:
age (cREjaGo2P7fzEfU7wn): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRHRyukpmvH6YS3cIv): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRnQXJPRkcKH0WILa3): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRoLt88R4miCjyTafd): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRpJkyvK9VPIberQCp): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRxgGJo0UJTVgOhkc6): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:54 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RhcdDYg86PD): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RhcdDYg86PD): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
nonReliabletemperature (RUYuyL1qVPp): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
nonReliabletemperature (RUYuyL1qVPp): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RhcdDYg86PD): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
nonReliabletemperature (RUYuyL1qVPp): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.1.1
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:55 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
GDD5 (R2QVPuOjNDo): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warm season’ has been replaced by NULL
GDD5 (R2QVPuOjNDo): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer’ has been replaced by ‘warm season’
temperatureComposite (RJ7e97qSKPK): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest + coldest months’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureComposite (RJ7e97qSKPK): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘warmest + coldest months’
temperature (Rjf3He8jPwh): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (Rjf3He8jPwh): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘warmest month’
precipitation (RRFBGKe4a2Q): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RrSSENwU17n): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘coldest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RrSSENwU17n): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘coldest month’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperatureComposite (RJ7e97qSKPK): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (Rjf3He8jPwh): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RRFBGKe4a2Q): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RRFBGKe4a2Q): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘<4000yr Sample Resolution)’
precipitation (RRFBGKe4a2Q): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (RrSSENwU17n): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR1X1Yi96Zs4eUb2Xu’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR4cLoXAGOZH943uLK’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR5yH6AA0mMlj4tfPR’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRNqqmk52LBzsI9qlN’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRt5NDK2yK7rcS5DOC’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRVm5y8MFPtEpu1ZF7’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRYxRmCWKO0i5FDXoD’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘SchwarzseeReschenscheideck.Welten.1982-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SchwarzseeReschenscheideck.Welten.1982-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SchwarzseeReschenscheideck.Welten.1982-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SchwarzseeReschenscheideck.Welten.1982-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SchwarzseeReschenscheideck.Welten.1982-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SchwarzseeReschenscheideck.Welten.1982-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SchwarzseeReschenscheideck.Welten.1982-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
ageLow (cR1X1Yi96Zs4eUb2Xu): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cR1X1Yi96Zs4eUb2Xu): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cR1X1Yi96Zs4eUb2Xu): chronData_TSid: ‘SchwarzseeReschenscheideck.Welten.1982-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR1X1Yi96Zs4eUb2Xu’
labID (cR4cLoXAGOZH943uLK): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cR4cLoXAGOZH943uLK): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cR4cLoXAGOZH943uLK): chronData_TSid: ‘SchwarzseeReschenscheideck.Welten.1982-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR4cLoXAGOZH943uLK’
ageHi (cR5yH6AA0mMlj4tfPR): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cR5yH6AA0mMlj4tfPR): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cR5yH6AA0mMlj4tfPR): chronData_TSid: ‘SchwarzseeReschenscheideck.Welten.1982-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cR5yH6AA0mMlj4tfPR’
thickness (cRNqqmk52LBzsI9qlN): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRNqqmk52LBzsI9qlN): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRNqqmk52LBzsI9qlN): chronData_TSid: ‘SchwarzseeReschenscheideck.Welten.1982-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRNqqmk52LBzsI9qlN’
age (cRt5NDK2yK7rcS5DOC): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRt5NDK2yK7rcS5DOC): chronData_TSid: ‘SchwarzseeReschenscheideck.Welten.1982-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRt5NDK2yK7rcS5DOC’
depth (cRVm5y8MFPtEpu1ZF7): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRVm5y8MFPtEpu1ZF7): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRVm5y8MFPtEpu1ZF7): chronData_TSid: ‘SchwarzseeReschenscheideck.Welten.1982-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRVm5y8MFPtEpu1ZF7’
age_type (cRYxRmCWKO0i5FDXoD): chronData_TSid: ‘SchwarzseeReschenscheideck.Welten.1982-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRYxRmCWKO0i5FDXoD’
ChronData values:
ageLow (cR1X1Yi96Zs4eUb2Xu): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cR4cLoXAGOZH943uLK): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cR5yH6AA0mMlj4tfPR): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRNqqmk52LBzsI9qlN): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRt5NDK2yK7rcS5DOC): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRVm5y8MFPtEpu1ZF7): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:55 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Clegg, B. F.; Kelly, R.; Clarke, G. H.; Walker, I. R.; Hu, F. S.’ has been replaced by ‘Clegg, B. F.’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R70zKk7ZGum): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R70zKk7ZGum): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R70zKk7ZGum): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:55 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Europe>Eastern Europe>Russian Federation’ has been replaced by ‘North America>Greenland’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R2xzsjjS5NO): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer and early autumn’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R2xzsjjS5NO): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘summer and early autumn’
temperature (RlJqSsmhI8R): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer and early autumn’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RlJqSsmhI8R): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘summer and early autumn’
temperature (Rv85dcUllsQ): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer + early autumn’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (Rv85dcUllsQ): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer + early autumn’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R2xzsjjS5NO): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (RlJqSsmhI8R): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (Rv85dcUllsQ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:55 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
OM (PYTXQZAZD6M): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
OM (PYTXQZAZD6M): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
OM (PYTXQZAZD6M): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:55 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB81ce5808): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEBe35a67a8): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEBe35a67a8): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘warmest month’
temperature (WEBfb9ada34): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘coldest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEBfb9ada34): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘coldest month’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB81ce5808): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBe35a67a8): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBfb9ada34): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:56 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPD575ea390): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (LPD6fdee25b): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (LPD6fdee25b): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (LPD6fdee25b): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
precipitation (LPD6fdee25b): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (LPD6fdee25b): paleoData_variableName: ‘MAP’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation’
precipitation (LPD6fdee25b): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (LPD6fdee25b): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (LPD6fdee25b): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (LPD6fdee25b): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (LPD6fdee25b): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘monsoon’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
precipitation (LPD6fdee25b): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (LPD6fdee25b): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘WA-PLS’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:56 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
meltLayers (WEB8d90dc28): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2’
meltLayerFrequency (WEBe15adc6e): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_1, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
meltLayerFrequency (WEBe15adc6e): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
meltLayerFrequency (WEBe15adc6e): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:56 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L2xbh2w6zP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L86od0qqfP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Ll0uq2vy4P): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2Ll0uq2vy4P): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Ll0uq2vy4P): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2Ll0uq2vy4P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2LtzimrmumP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2Ll0uq2vy4P): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Ll0uq2vy4P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2Ll0uq2vy4P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Ll0uq2vy4P): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2Ll0uq2vy4P): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:56 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT4HOSEYKO): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT4HOSEYKO): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
temperature (PYTN99W834C): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTN99W834C): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
temperature (PYTQBB7JT6P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTQBB7JT6P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘7’
temperature (PYTTYZNWOYL): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTTYZNWOYL): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT4HOSEYKO): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTN99W834C): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTQBB7JT6P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (PYTTYZNWOYL): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:56 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_SK237_GC04_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_SK237_GC04_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_SK237_GC04_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_SK237_GC04_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:57 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (RbpfVOmRAle): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RbpfVOmRAle): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RbpfVOmRAle): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RbpfVOmRAle): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RMVQTZ65X71): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RRP9WLlLopt): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RUtYCcZRwZB): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RYLGNrM0mIK): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RbpfVOmRAle): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RbpfVOmRAle): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RbpfVOmRAle): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (R9Amq0IJUkv): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (R9Amq0IJUkv): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:57 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (LPD5f9ad71d_SST_from_Mg0x2FCa): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (LPDadaae75f): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (LPDadaae75f): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPD5f9ad71d_SST_from_Mg0x2FCa): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (LPDadaae75f): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:57 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_SO136_GC11_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_SO136_GC11_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:58 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_SO189_039KL_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_SO189_039KL_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_SO189_039KL_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_SO189_039KL_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:58 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_SO189_119KL_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_SO189_119KL_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_SO189_119KL_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_SO189_119KL_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:58 UTC
PaleoData table:
Column ‘WEB0189ce8e’, with variable name ‘C32 dD’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB2a5e9621’, with variable name ‘C30 dD IV corrected (3°C)’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB4841260d’, with variable name ‘C30 dD std dev’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB48d56ff4’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBadb35c39’, with variable name ‘C30 dD std dev’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBd5e8c156’, with variable name ‘C30 dD IV corrected (7°C)’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBecd5f91f’, with variable name ‘C30 dD’, was added to the dataset
Publication metadata:
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Niedermeyer, Eva M.”), list(name = “Sessions, Alex L.”), list(name = “Feakins, Sarah J.”), list(name = “Mohtadi, Mahyar”))’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘9402-9406’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Hydroclimate of the western Indo-Pacific Warm Pool during the past 24,000 years’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘111’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Geographic metadata:
geo_location: NULL has been replaced by ‘Sumatra’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_SO189_144KL_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Chron Column metadata:
delta_r (T2L_SO189_144KL_delta_r): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
delta_r_1s_error (T2L_SO189_144KL_delta_r_1s_error): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
delta_r_1s_error_original (T2L_SO189_144KL_delta_r_1s_error_original): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
delta_r_original (T2L_SO189_144KL_delta_r_original): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labcode (T2L_SO189_144KL_labcode): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
mat_dated (T2L_SO189_144KL_mat_dated): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
other_1s_err (T2L_SO189_144KL_other_1s_err): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
other_date (T2L_SO189_144KL_other_date): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
other_type (T2L_SO189_144KL_other_type): chronData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:58 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Indian; Arabian Sea’ has been replaced by ‘Indian Ocean>Arabian Sea’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (Rh47NU9GjOt): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (Rm6U0TeZKat): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (Rm6U0TeZKat): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘winter’
temperature (Rq6GES99dEo): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (Rq6GES99dEo): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
temperature (RRDZgNq0gYv): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_SO42_74KL_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_SO42_74KL_tex86_SST_from_tex86): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_SO42_74KL_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (Rm6U0TeZKat): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (Rq6GES99dEo): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RRDZgNq0gYv): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_SO42_74KL_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_SO42_74KL_tex86_SST_from_tex86): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_SO42_74KL_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:59 UTC
PaleoData table:
Column ‘WEB30c12a88’, with variable name ‘Composite Depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBaf733834’, with variable name ‘Varve thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBedad37b8’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RfOqYf6ktxg): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:59 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_SO90_63KA_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_SO90_63KA_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:59 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R3mfDzogKdd): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R3mfDzogKdd): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R3mfDzogKdd): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:28:59 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RZPRigavTYR): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RZPRigavTYR): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:00 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Ohlwein, Christian; Wahl, Eugene R.’ has been replaced by ‘Ohlwein, Christian’
Paleo Column metadata:
Panom (LPD387da3e90): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
Panom (LPD387da3e90): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
Panom (LPD387da3e90): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
Panom (LPD387da3e90): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Used as comparison for primary GLM record’
temperature (LPDbf7cf949): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Panom (LPDbf7cf950c): paleoData_datum: ‘abs’ has been replaced by ‘anom’
Panom (LPDbf7cf950c): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘" GLM, has been introduced and examined in two reconstruction situations: 1) … and 2) to estimate full-Holocene July temperature and annual precipitation from pollen in wet meadow (fen) sediments in southern California, USA." (Ohlwein and Wahl, 2012)’
Panom (LPDbf7cf950c): paleoData_QCCertification: ‘CR’ has been replaced by ‘CR, CH’
Panom (LPDbf7cf950c): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Panom (LPDf970effe1): paleoData_QCnotes: ‘fails duration’ has been replaced by ‘Length <4000yrs’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
Panom (LPD387da3e90): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Panom (LPD387da3e90): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Panom (LPDbf7cf950c): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
Panom (LPDbf7cf950c): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
Panom (LPDbf7cf950c): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘p_anom@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
Panom (LPD387da3e90): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘MAT’
Panom (LPDbf7cf950c): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘GLM’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:00 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_title: ‘Late Pleistocene to Holocene composite speleothem 18O and 13C chronologies from South Island, New Zealand did a global Younger Dryas really exist?’ has been replaced by ‘Late Pleistocene to Holocene composite Speleothem 18O and 13C chronologies from South Island, New Zealand did a global Younger Dryas really exist?’
Paleo Column metadata:
d13C (GH20fadeae): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
d13C (GH20fadeae): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Composite record from multiple sites’
d13C (GH20fadeae): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
d180_corrc (GH7a27907e): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
d180_corrc (GH7a27907e): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:00 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_title: ‘Calibration of the speleothem delta function: An absolute temperature record for the Holocene in northern Norway’ has been replaced by ‘Calibration of the Speleothem delta function: An absolute temperature record for the Holocene in northern Norway’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTBSFC6CTW): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTBSFC6CTW): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTBSFC6CTW): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘is this raw isotope record available?’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:00 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
OM (PYTRVU3SGRP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
OM (PYTRVU3SGRP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
OM (PYTRVU3SGRP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:00 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTE4BGWG4T): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTE4BGWG4T): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
d18O (PYTHHASQEBI): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by NULL
d18O (PYTHHASQEBI): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘winter’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTE4BGWG4T): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
d18O (PYTHHASQEBI): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘VSMOW’
d18O (PYTHHASQEBI): paleoData_units: ‘permil v smow’ has been replaced by ‘permil’
d18O (PYTHHASQEBI): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:01 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
d18O (LPD74b7663d): paleoData_notes: ‘d18OcarbVPDB Delta 18O,calcium carbonate,,per mil VPDB,,speleothem,,,N “They showed that for Spannagel cave higher 18O values characterize a colder climate and vice versa.”’ has been replaced by ‘d18OcarbVPDB Delta 18O,calcium carbonate,,per mil VPDB,,Speleothem,,,N “They showed that for Spannagel cave higher 18O values characterize a colder climate and vice versa.”’
d18O (LPD74b7663d): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
d18O (LPD74b7663d): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:01 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB5c1c47dd): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB5c1c47dd): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘warmest month’
temperature (WEB7576b2ac): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEBfc26d017): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘coldest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEBfc26d017): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘coldest month’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB5c1c47dd): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEB7576b2ac): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBfc26d017): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:01 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_SSDP_102_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_SSDP_102_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:01 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R60yDfufGWZ): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Tann’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R60yDfufGWZ): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Tann’
temperatureComposite (RAftFZHtDFF): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest + coldest months’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureComposite (RAftFZHtDFF): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘warmest + coldest months’
temperature (RSkOVUdjmEp): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘2’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RSkOVUdjmEp): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘2’
temperature (RWzl4NCma8r): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R60yDfufGWZ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperatureComposite (RAftFZHtDFF): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RSkOVUdjmEp): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RWzl4NCma8r): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:01 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
BSi (PYTK1DNFLN5): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
BSi (PYTK1DNFLN5): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
BSi (PYTK1DNFLN5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:02 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Bringu̩, Manuel; Rochon, Andr̩’ has been replaced by ‘Bringue, Manuel’
pub2_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘W8U2PANE’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Quaternary Science Reviews’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘111-121’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘83 96’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Elsevier BV’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Dinocyst-based reconstructions of sea ice cover concentration during the Holocene in the Arctic Ocean, the northern North Atlantic Ocean and its adjacent seas’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘79’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2013’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB1da17ab5): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘8’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB1da17ab5): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘8’
temperature (WEB460ab94e): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘august’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB460ab94e): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘august’
temperature (WEBb68390ad): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘8’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEBb68390ad): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer’ has been replaced by ‘8’
IMON1953 (WEBd68d542b): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB1da17ab5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
IMON1953 (WEBd68d542b): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:02 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
nonReliabletemperature (R1XHWiCgTJM): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
nonReliabletemperature (R1XHWiCgTJM): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘7’
temperature (RdMYb0NYnMr): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RdMYb0NYnMr): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
nonReliabletemperature (R1XHWiCgTJM): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (RdMYb0NYnMr): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:03 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB78de109e): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘coldest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB78de109e): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘coldest month’
temperature (WEB9789c890): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEBc195beb6): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEBc195beb6): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘warmest month’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB78de109e): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEB9789c890): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBc195beb6): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:03 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Reinemann, Scott A.; Porinchu, David F.; Bloom, Amy M.; Mark, Bryan G.; Box, Jason E.’ has been replaced by ‘Reinemann, Scott A.’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (Ru90Iq5Epgy): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (Ru90Iq5Epgy): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (Ru90Iq5Epgy): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:03 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (ROXRKk6OjOr): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RRIojtgUFtZ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RudoCdOnY97): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RXkikgtwXoC): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RXkikgtwXoC): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RXkikgtwXoC): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RXkikgtwXoC): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RykWIZX4YJn): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RXkikgtwXoC): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RXkikgtwXoC): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RXkikgtwXoC): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RXkikgtwXoC): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RXkikgtwXoC): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR1QVcTPIxHtNeRBSo’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRlOz2lVjPH178RUxM’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRnqvXdbs4liog45fN’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRrXFwNxGFRmCZ9iyD’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRt7Xo4I8WezzdkVT7’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRTzreHlr6GPuVzGJ4’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRV8BHq3h48383oOfc’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Straldzhamire.Tonkov.2009-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Straldzhamire.Tonkov.2009-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Straldzhamire.Tonkov.2009-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Straldzhamire.Tonkov.2009-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Straldzhamire.Tonkov.2009-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Straldzhamire.Tonkov.2009-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Straldzhamire.Tonkov.2009-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
ageLow (cR1QVcTPIxHtNeRBSo): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cR1QVcTPIxHtNeRBSo): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cR1QVcTPIxHtNeRBSo): chronData_TSid: ‘Straldzhamire.Tonkov.2009-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR1QVcTPIxHtNeRBSo’
age_type (cRlOz2lVjPH178RUxM): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRlOz2lVjPH178RUxM): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRlOz2lVjPH178RUxM): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRlOz2lVjPH178RUxM): chronData_TSid: ‘Straldzhamire.Tonkov.2009-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRlOz2lVjPH178RUxM’
age (cRnqvXdbs4liog45fN): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRnqvXdbs4liog45fN): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRnqvXdbs4liog45fN): chronData_TSid: ‘Straldzhamire.Tonkov.2009-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRnqvXdbs4liog45fN’
thickness (cRrXFwNxGFRmCZ9iyD): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRrXFwNxGFRmCZ9iyD): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRrXFwNxGFRmCZ9iyD): chronData_TSid: ‘Straldzhamire.Tonkov.2009-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRrXFwNxGFRmCZ9iyD’
depth (cRt7Xo4I8WezzdkVT7): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRt7Xo4I8WezzdkVT7): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRt7Xo4I8WezzdkVT7): chronData_TSid: ‘Straldzhamire.Tonkov.2009-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRt7Xo4I8WezzdkVT7’
ageHi (cRTzreHlr6GPuVzGJ4): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRTzreHlr6GPuVzGJ4): chronData_TSid: ‘Straldzhamire.Tonkov.2009-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRTzreHlr6GPuVzGJ4’
labID (cRV8BHq3h48383oOfc): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRV8BHq3h48383oOfc): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
labID (cRV8BHq3h48383oOfc): chronData_TSid: ‘Straldzhamire.Tonkov.2009-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRV8BHq3h48383oOfc’
ChronData values:
ageLow (cR1QVcTPIxHtNeRBSo): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRlOz2lVjPH178RUxM): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRnqvXdbs4liog45fN): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRrXFwNxGFRmCZ9iyD): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRt7Xo4I8WezzdkVT7): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRTzreHlr6GPuVzGJ4): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRV8BHq3h48383oOfc): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:03 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_SU81_18_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_SU81_18_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_SU81_18_d18o_bulloides_SST_from_d18o_bulloides): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (T2L_SU81_18_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:03 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (Ra2Ym2ZQjLK): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RCVaHg4exGa): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RKnJTIhDMzv): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RnKIwwjevU5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RyxeCixPXtQ): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RyxeCixPXtQ): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RyxeCixPXtQ): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RyxeCixPXtQ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RyxeCixPXtQ): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RyxeCixPXtQ): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RyxeCixPXtQ): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RykyyR1fP8i): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RykyyR1fP8i): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR4YZ3OfBGcDBXR0MS’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRBK14nkK1sQJLASey’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRbKdCfBdp46QSIYnJ’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cReCvjOmuWZcFbo5Qy’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRM0qukR007x2zI6J6’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRtgFXRDMtEFHfYZ24’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRWMhhhT1dlynhbaCL’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘SwietokrzyskieLake.Makohonienko.1991-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SwietokrzyskieLake.Makohonienko.1991-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SwietokrzyskieLake.Makohonienko.1991-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SwietokrzyskieLake.Makohonienko.1991-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SwietokrzyskieLake.Makohonienko.1991-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SwietokrzyskieLake.Makohonienko.1991-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘SwietokrzyskieLake.Makohonienko.1991-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
thickness (cR4YZ3OfBGcDBXR0MS): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cR4YZ3OfBGcDBXR0MS): chronData_TSid: ‘SwietokrzyskieLake.Makohonienko.1991-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR4YZ3OfBGcDBXR0MS’
age (cRBK14nkK1sQJLASey): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRBK14nkK1sQJLASey): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRBK14nkK1sQJLASey): chronData_TSid: ‘SwietokrzyskieLake.Makohonienko.1991-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRBK14nkK1sQJLASey’
ageLow (cRbKdCfBdp46QSIYnJ): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cRbKdCfBdp46QSIYnJ): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRbKdCfBdp46QSIYnJ): chronData_TSid: ‘SwietokrzyskieLake.Makohonienko.1991-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRbKdCfBdp46QSIYnJ’
ageHi (cReCvjOmuWZcFbo5Qy): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cReCvjOmuWZcFbo5Qy): chronData_TSid: ‘SwietokrzyskieLake.Makohonienko.1991-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cReCvjOmuWZcFbo5Qy’
age_type (cRM0qukR007x2zI6J6): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRM0qukR007x2zI6J6): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRM0qukR007x2zI6J6): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRM0qukR007x2zI6J6): chronData_TSid: ‘SwietokrzyskieLake.Makohonienko.1991-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRM0qukR007x2zI6J6’
depth (cRtgFXRDMtEFHfYZ24): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRtgFXRDMtEFHfYZ24): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRtgFXRDMtEFHfYZ24): chronData_TSid: ‘SwietokrzyskieLake.Makohonienko.1991-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRtgFXRDMtEFHfYZ24’
labID (cRWMhhhT1dlynhbaCL): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRWMhhhT1dlynhbaCL): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
labID (cRWMhhhT1dlynhbaCL): chronData_TSid: ‘SwietokrzyskieLake.Makohonienko.1991-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRWMhhhT1dlynhbaCL’
ChronData values:
thickness (cR4YZ3OfBGcDBXR0MS): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRBK14nkK1sQJLASey): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRbKdCfBdp46QSIYnJ): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cReCvjOmuWZcFbo5Qy): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRM0qukR007x2zI6J6): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRtgFXRDMtEFHfYZ24): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRWMhhhT1dlynhbaCL): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.1.1
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:05 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RC2B0mY8ADP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘coldest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RC2B0mY8ADP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘coldest month’
GDD5 (Rg0sBYvoF3X): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warm season’ has been replaced by NULL
GDD5 (Rg0sBYvoF3X): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer’ has been replaced by ‘warm season’
precipitation (Rgt9TxEESnV): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
precipitation (Rgt9TxEESnV): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (Rgt9TxEESnV): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (Rgt9TxEESnV): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘precip@surface’ has been replaced by ‘amount@surface’
precipitation (Rgt9TxEESnV): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
temperatureComposite (RPFV4gD5Gp5): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest + coldest months’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureComposite (RPFV4gD5Gp5): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘warmest + coldest months’
temperature (RQiWIUs15zk): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RQiWIUs15zk): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘warmest month’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RC2B0mY8ADP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (Rg0sBYvoF3X): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (Rgt9TxEESnV): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (Rgt9TxEESnV): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘two gaps, both 3.1 ka’
precipitation (Rgt9TxEESnV): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RPFV4gD5Gp5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RQiWIUs15zk): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR6vBde9DMwv6Cat4k’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR8IVdlWtCTWAQXCiY’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRAVAqGXsdrAtun4K1’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRI6tL7Cfv1EdkmilO’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRIRpporL4nePibmhA’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRnL4bNlQtFtntFttC’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRS2klZfRP2t18ap6C’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Szymbark.Szczepanek.1989-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Szymbark.Szczepanek.1989-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Szymbark.Szczepanek.1989-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Szymbark.Szczepanek.1989-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Szymbark.Szczepanek.1989-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Szymbark.Szczepanek.1989-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Szymbark.Szczepanek.1989-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
labID (cR6vBde9DMwv6Cat4k): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cR6vBde9DMwv6Cat4k): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cR6vBde9DMwv6Cat4k): chronData_TSid: ‘Szymbark.Szczepanek.1989-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR6vBde9DMwv6Cat4k’
depth (cR8IVdlWtCTWAQXCiY): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cR8IVdlWtCTWAQXCiY): chronData_TSid: ‘Szymbark.Szczepanek.1989-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR8IVdlWtCTWAQXCiY’
thickness (cRAVAqGXsdrAtun4K1): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRAVAqGXsdrAtun4K1): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRAVAqGXsdrAtun4K1): chronData_TSid: ‘Szymbark.Szczepanek.1989-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRAVAqGXsdrAtun4K1’
age (cRI6tL7Cfv1EdkmilO): chronData_TSid: ‘Szymbark.Szczepanek.1989-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRI6tL7Cfv1EdkmilO’
ageHi (cRIRpporL4nePibmhA): chronData_TSid: ‘Szymbark.Szczepanek.1989-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRIRpporL4nePibmhA’
age_type (cRnL4bNlQtFtntFttC): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRnL4bNlQtFtntFttC): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRnL4bNlQtFtntFttC): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRnL4bNlQtFtntFttC): chronData_TSid: ‘Szymbark.Szczepanek.1989-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRnL4bNlQtFtntFttC’
ageLow (cRS2klZfRP2t18ap6C): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cRS2klZfRP2t18ap6C): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRS2klZfRP2t18ap6C): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
ageLow (cRS2klZfRP2t18ap6C): chronData_TSid: ‘Szymbark.Szczepanek.1989-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRS2klZfRP2t18ap6C’
ChronData values:
labID (cR6vBde9DMwv6Cat4k): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cR8IVdlWtCTWAQXCiY): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRAVAqGXsdrAtun4K1): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRnL4bNlQtFtntFttC): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRS2klZfRP2t18ap6C): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:05 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
d18O (Rzr1TEfhyeB): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
d18O (Rzr1TEfhyeB): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:06 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R1QDGHIH68w): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R1QDGHIH68w): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R1QDGHIH68w): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:06 UTC
PaleoData table:
Column ‘WEB3cfb9d5c’, with variable name ‘C28 d13C vs. VPDB’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB69fd2c6d’, with variable name ‘C28_dD’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBd1d7199f’, with variable name ‘dD_IVonly’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBfc31e088’, with variable name ‘dD_IVandbio’, was added to the dataset
Publication metadata:
pub2_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by NULL
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Africa>Eastern Africa>Lake Tanganyika’ has been replaced by ‘Africa>Eastern Africa>Tanzania’
geo_location: NULL has been replaced by ‘Eastern Africa’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB2f42be14): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB2f42be14): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
PaleoData values:
temperature (WEB2f42be14): The paleoData_values have changed
age (WEB30911b74): The paleoData_values have changed
TEX86 (WEBa66f2b99): The paleoData_values have changed
BIT (WEBc1d41361): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:06 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Anderson, Lesleigh; Abbott, Mark B.; Finney, Bruce P.’ has been replaced by ‘Anderson, Lesleigh’
pub1_title: ‘Holocene climate inferred from oxygen isotope ratios in lake sediments, central Brooks Range, Alaska’ has been replaced by ‘Holocene Climate Inferred from Oxygen Isotope Ratios in Lake Sediments, Central Brooks Range, Alaska’
Paleo Column metadata:
d18O (WEBb9f39481): paleoData_datum: ‘abs’ has been replaced by ‘VSMOW’
d18O (WEBb9f39481): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
d18O (WEBb9f39481): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6 7 8’ has been replaced by ‘JJA’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:06 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R3adlKbahdz): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RhQkERk0tQE): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RkAjgi0iAKl): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RohD6ikpsj3): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RohD6ikpsj3): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RohD6ikpsj3): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RohD6ikpsj3): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RPgvdkQ2iJm): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RohD6ikpsj3): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RohD6ikpsj3): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RohD6ikpsj3): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RohD6ikpsj3): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RohD6ikpsj3): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRAfFpDQE0i878yJ2l’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRAPYQOFDB4A9LYhWp’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRm6uTC1kxpWrTGXvp’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRNQ4vxva061DOoHhF’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRpd1I2VIdB0chdrok’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRxQmiBD10ze6JDYYM’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRzWpMANrT3MJmt5F6’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Tarnowiec.Harmata.1987-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Tarnowiec.Harmata.1987-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Tarnowiec.Harmata.1987-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Tarnowiec.Harmata.1987-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Tarnowiec.Harmata.1987-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Tarnowiec.Harmata.1987-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Tarnowiec.Harmata.1987-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
labID (cRAfFpDQE0i878yJ2l): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRAfFpDQE0i878yJ2l): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRAfFpDQE0i878yJ2l): chronData_TSid: ‘Tarnowiec.Harmata.1987-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cRAfFpDQE0i878yJ2l’
age (cRAPYQOFDB4A9LYhWp): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRAPYQOFDB4A9LYhWp): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRAPYQOFDB4A9LYhWp): chronData_TSid: ‘Tarnowiec.Harmata.1987-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRAPYQOFDB4A9LYhWp’
depth (cRm6uTC1kxpWrTGXvp): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRm6uTC1kxpWrTGXvp): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRm6uTC1kxpWrTGXvp): chronData_TSid: ‘Tarnowiec.Harmata.1987-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRm6uTC1kxpWrTGXvp’
thickness (cRNQ4vxva061DOoHhF): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRNQ4vxva061DOoHhF): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRNQ4vxva061DOoHhF): chronData_TSid: ‘Tarnowiec.Harmata.1987-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRNQ4vxva061DOoHhF’
age_type (cRpd1I2VIdB0chdrok): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRpd1I2VIdB0chdrok): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRpd1I2VIdB0chdrok): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRpd1I2VIdB0chdrok): chronData_TSid: ‘Tarnowiec.Harmata.1987-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRpd1I2VIdB0chdrok’
ageLow (cRxQmiBD10ze6JDYYM): chronData_TSid: ‘Tarnowiec.Harmata.1987-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRxQmiBD10ze6JDYYM’
ageHi (cRzWpMANrT3MJmt5F6): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRzWpMANrT3MJmt5F6): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRzWpMANrT3MJmt5F6): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
ageHi (cRzWpMANrT3MJmt5F6): chronData_TSid: ‘Tarnowiec.Harmata.1987-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRzWpMANrT3MJmt5F6’
ChronData values:
labID (cRAfFpDQE0i878yJ2l): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRAPYQOFDB4A9LYhWp): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRm6uTC1kxpWrTGXvp): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRNQ4vxva061DOoHhF): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRpd1I2VIdB0chdrok): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRzWpMANrT3MJmt5F6): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:06 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
nonReliabletemperature (RCKF2f3kvmx): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
nonReliabletemperature (RCKF2f3kvmx): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘7’
temperature (RGDTw0z1ByL): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RGDTw0z1ByL): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
nonReliabletemperature (RCKF2f3kvmx): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (RGDTw0z1ByL): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:07 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RFipONYZrE4): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RFipONYZrE4): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RFipONYZrE4): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:07 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RZHD2qbGw9D): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RZHD2qbGw9D): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
nonReliableTemperature (WEBc1f8ca4c): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
nonReliableTemperature (WEBc1f8ca4c): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RZHD2qbGw9D): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
nonReliableTemperature (WEBc1f8ca4c): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:07 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (R00MppLNlF5): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (R00MppLNlF5): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R00MppLNlF5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:07 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTHS3BFBJ9): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTHS3BFBJ9): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTHS3BFBJ9): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:07 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (PYTH60MRPG5): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (PYTH60MRPG5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
d18O (PYTSJ2DVJCG): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTUVY5YO9W): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (PYTH60MRPG5): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTUVY5YO9W): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTUVY5YO9W): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:08 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperatureComposite (RGoGCWU3ZCt): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘1,7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperatureComposite (RGoGCWU3ZCt): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,7’
temperature (RiB0APxe8nT): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RiB0APxe8nT): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘7’
temperature (RiFf6Q0GKhT): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘1’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RiFf6Q0GKhT): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘1’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperatureComposite (RGoGCWU3ZCt): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RiB0APxe8nT): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RiFf6Q0GKhT): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:08 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB1a9dec29): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB1a9dec29): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB1a9dec29): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:08 UTC
Base metadata:
createdBy: NULL has been replaced by ‘lipd.net’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB0b81d9ad): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘8’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB0b81d9ad): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘8’
temperature (WEB655ed0a8): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘2’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (WEB655ed0a8): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘2’
temperature (WEBc643c8dc): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB0b81d9ad): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEB655ed0a8): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEBc643c8dc): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.9
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:08 UTC
PaleoData table:
Column ‘WEB2c0a5cfc’, with variable name ‘ageMin’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB4b288cbe’, with variable name ‘N/C’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB59339a97’, with variable name ‘BSi_regime’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB5a310398’, with variable name ‘BSi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB6b0bf0a3’, with variable name ‘TOC’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB93c7111b’, with variable name ‘ageMax’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBa2774a3c’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBb8028d35’, with variable name ‘d15N’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBc7455778’, with variable name ‘TN’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBe2c3dd18’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBe48f6bdd’, with variable name ‘d13C’, was added to the dataset
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Barron, John A.; Bukry, David; Heusser, Linda E.; Addison, Jason A.; Alexander, Clark R.’ has been replaced by ‘Barron, John A.’
pub1_page: ‘96-108’ has been replaced by ‘109-119’
pub1_title: ’High-resolution climate of the past _7300 years of coastal northernmost California: Results from diatoms, silicoflagellates, and pollen’ has been replaced by ‘High-resolution climate of the past ∼7300 years of coastal northernmost California: Results from diatoms, silicoflagellates, and pollen’
pub2_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Addison, Jason A.”), list(name = “Barron, John”), list(name = “Finney, Bruce”), list(name = “Kusler, Jennifer”), list(name = “Bukry, David”), list(name = “Heusser, Linda E.”), list(name = “Alexander, Clark R.”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘S4IFMCS6’
pub2_doi: NULL has been replaced by ‘10.1016/j.quaint.2017.02.021’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Quaternary International’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘96-108’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘109 119’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Elsevier BV’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘A Holocene record of ocean productivity and upwelling from the northern California continental slope’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘469’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2018’
Paleo Column metadata:
Calibrated (WEB173a177b): paleoData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
Calibrated (WEB1edd6bbb): paleoData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
upwelling (WEB47918ab8): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘not a clear indicator of upwilling’
upwelling (WEB47918ab8): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Quercus (WEB49245d00): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘wet/dry’
Quercus (WEB49245d00): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Dc_stapedia_aspinosa (WEB5e293c85): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CR’
Dc_stapedia_aspinosa (WEB5e293c85): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘not a clear indicator of upwilling’
Calibrated (WEB5f263302): paleoData_units: NULL has been replaced by ‘unitless’
upwelling (WEB773c247c): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘not a clear indicator of upwilling’
upwelling (WEB773c247c): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Sequoia (WEBa93dede4): paleoData_notes: ‘Sequoia, upwelling/coastal fog’ has been replaced by ‘Sequoia, upwelling/coastal fog “seasonal upwelling conditions along the California margin are commonly associated with thick fog banks (Bakun et al., 1974; Leipper, 1994), it follows that Sequoia sp. pollen can also be inferred to be a marker of coastal upwelling.” (Addison et al. 2018)’
Sequoia (WEBa93dede4): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
upwelling (WEBd49b515b): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘not a clear indicator of upwilling’
upwelling (WEBd49b515b): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Picea (WEBe7dad2eb): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Alnus (WEBeb8b7a07): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
upwelling (WEBfd6711c4): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘not a clear indicator of upwilling’
upwelling (WEBfd6711c4): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
upwelling (WEB47918ab8): interpretation1_variable: ‘upwelling’ has been replaced by NULL
upwelling (WEB47918ab8): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘upwelling@surface’ has been replaced by ‘@surface’
upwelling (WEB47918ab8): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘upwelling’ has been replaced by NULL
Quercus (WEB49245d00): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by ‘6,7,8’
Quercus (WEB49245d00): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer+’
Dc_stapedia_aspinosa (WEB5e293c85): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Dc_stapedia_aspinosa (WEB5e293c85): interpretation1_variable: ‘upwelling’ has been replaced by NULL
Dc_stapedia_aspinosa (WEB5e293c85): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘upwelling’ has been replaced by NULL
upwelling (WEB773c247c): interpretation1_variable: ‘upwelling’ has been replaced by NULL
upwelling (WEB773c247c): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘upwelling@surface’ has been replaced by ‘@surface’
upwelling (WEB773c247c): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘upwelling’ has been replaced by NULL
Sequoia (WEBa93dede4): interpretation1_variable: ‘P-E’ has been replaced by ‘upwelling’
Sequoia (WEBa93dede4): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘P-E’ has been replaced by ‘upwelling’
upwelling (WEBd49b515b): interpretation1_variable: ‘upwelling’ has been replaced by NULL
upwelling (WEBd49b515b): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘upwelling@surface’ has been replaced by ‘@surface’
upwelling (WEBd49b515b): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘upwelling’ has been replaced by NULL
Alnus (WEBeb8b7a07): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
Alnus (WEBeb8b7a07): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
upwelling (WEBfd6711c4): interpretation1_variable: ‘upwelling’ has been replaced by NULL
upwelling (WEBfd6711c4): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘upwelling@surface’ has been replaced by ‘@surface’
upwelling (WEBfd6711c4): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘upwelling’ has been replaced by NULL
PaleoData values:
depthRange (WEB7439db68): The paleoData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:09 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RNOeIkUQCVD): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RNOeIkUQCVD): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RNOeIkUQCVD): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:09 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT581AWKCZ): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6,7,8’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT581AWKCZ): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘6,7,8’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT581AWKCZ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:09 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RTOk5mcjdOx): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RTOk5mcjdOx): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RTOk5mcjdOx): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:09 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (M2Lppfxxw0rP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2Ls7w55knhP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘coldest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2Ls7w55knhP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘winter+’ has been replaced by ‘coldest month’
precipitation (M2Ls9yofx6wP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2Ls9yofx6wP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
precipitation (M2Ls9yofx6wP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2Ls9yofx6wP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘amount@surface’
temperature (M2Lvr18g4z8P): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘warmest month’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (M2Lvr18g4z8P): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summer+’ has been replaced by ‘warmest month’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2Lppfxxw0rP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Ls7w55knhP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Ls9yofx6wP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2Ls9yofx6wP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2Ls9yofx6wP): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘non-significant reconstruction as determined by JM’
temperature (M2Lvr18g4z8P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:09 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (M2L4j68oy6fP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (M2L4um5ai6xP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (M2L4um5ai6xP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (M2L4um5ai6xP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (M2L4um5ai6xP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2L85fol0e4P): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (M2Lf3zm167mP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (M2L4um5ai6xP): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (M2L4um5ai6xP): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (M2L4um5ai6xP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (M2L4um5ai6xP): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘@surface’ has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (M2L4um5ai6xP): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:10 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_TR163_22_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_TR163_22_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_TR163_22_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7’
temperature (T2L_TR163_22_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_TR163_22_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_TR163_22_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_TR163_22_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:10 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_TR163_31_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_TR163_31_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:10 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTYAXHRPNM): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTYAXHRPNM): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:10 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYTCTWLUCL5): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTCTWLUCL5): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘7’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTCTWLUCL5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:10 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT7NHBFOF7): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘6,7,8’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT7NHBFOF7): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘6,7,8’
temperature (PYTYWY7YERN): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘((( 6 7 2008 ))) null /// 6 7 8’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTYWY7YERN): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘((( 6 7 2008 ))) null /// 6 7 8’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT7NHBFOF7): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTYWY7YERN): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:11 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Irvine, Fonya; Cwynar, Les C.; Vermaire, Jesse C.; Rees, Andrew B. H.’ has been replaced by ‘Irvine, Fonya’
pub1_title: ‘Midge-inferred temperature reconstructions and vegetation change over the last ,000 years from Trout Lake, northern Yukon Territory, eastern Beringia’ has been replaced by ‘Midge-inferred temperature reconstructions and vegetation change over the last ~15,000 years from Trout Lake, northern Yukon Territory, eastern Beringia’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Sundqvist, H. S.”), list(name = “Kaufman, D. S.”), list(name = “McKay, N. P.”), list(name = “Balascio, N. L.”), list(name = “Briner, J. P.”), list(name = “Cwynar, L. C.”), list(name = “Sejrup, H. P.”), list(name = “Seppä, H.”), list(name = “Subetto, D. A.”), list(name = “Andrews, J. T.”), list(name = “Axford, Y.”), list(name = “Bakke, J.”), list(name = “Birks, H. J. B.”), list(name = “Brooks, S. J.”), list(name = “de Vernal, A.”), list(name = “Jennings, A. E.”), list(name = “Ljungqvist, F. C.”), list(name = “Rühland, K. M.”), list(name = “Saenger, C.”), list(name = “Smol, J. P.”), list(name = “Viau, A. E.”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘PJKGQ4R7’
pub2_firstAuthor: NULL has been replaced by ‘Irvine’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1605-1631’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘133 146’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Copernicus GmbH’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘10’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (PYT2264KMU9): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT2264KMU9): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘7’
temperature (PYT79QPULU7): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYT79QPULU7): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘7’
temperature (PYTD948WIQW): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (PYTD948WIQW): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTD948WIQW): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:11 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTEQOAQT1K): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (PYTJINRZ45D): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (PYTJINRZ45D): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (PYTJINRZ45D): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (PYTJINRZ45D): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTWINY5YP7): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTXW9IIYVO): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (PYTJINRZ45D): interpretation1_direction: NULL has been replaced by ‘positive’
precipitation (PYTJINRZ45D): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RKGGOWvka94): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RKGGOWvka94): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR7ntladtH0wj9HDA0’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRa57nDQyRuo5lDC1i’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRfDy3r31nVjUMJOAd’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRg7IepGOtzvfSUikm’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRSID8G57emHpexhRj’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRVod0nYysqtb9MR0f’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRYYXkjJvCLyGNMewA’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Uitbergen.Verbruggen.1979-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Uitbergen.Verbruggen.1979-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Uitbergen.Verbruggen.1979-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Uitbergen.Verbruggen.1979-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Uitbergen.Verbruggen.1979-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Uitbergen.Verbruggen.1979-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Uitbergen.Verbruggen.1979-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
labID (cR7ntladtH0wj9HDA0): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cR7ntladtH0wj9HDA0): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cR7ntladtH0wj9HDA0): chronData_TSid: ‘Uitbergen.Verbruggen.1979-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR7ntladtH0wj9HDA0’
thickness (cRa57nDQyRuo5lDC1i): chronData_TSid: ‘Uitbergen.Verbruggen.1979-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRa57nDQyRuo5lDC1i’
ageHi (cRfDy3r31nVjUMJOAd): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRfDy3r31nVjUMJOAd): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRfDy3r31nVjUMJOAd): chronData_TSid: ‘Uitbergen.Verbruggen.1979-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRfDy3r31nVjUMJOAd’
depth (cRg7IepGOtzvfSUikm): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRg7IepGOtzvfSUikm): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRg7IepGOtzvfSUikm): chronData_TSid: ‘Uitbergen.Verbruggen.1979-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRg7IepGOtzvfSUikm’
ageLow (cRSID8G57emHpexhRj): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRSID8G57emHpexhRj): chronData_TSid: ‘Uitbergen.Verbruggen.1979-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRSID8G57emHpexhRj’
age_type (cRVod0nYysqtb9MR0f): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRVod0nYysqtb9MR0f): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRVod0nYysqtb9MR0f): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRVod0nYysqtb9MR0f): chronData_TSid: ‘Uitbergen.Verbruggen.1979-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRVod0nYysqtb9MR0f’
age (cRYYXkjJvCLyGNMewA): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRYYXkjJvCLyGNMewA): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRYYXkjJvCLyGNMewA): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
age (cRYYXkjJvCLyGNMewA): chronData_TSid: ‘Uitbergen.Verbruggen.1979-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRYYXkjJvCLyGNMewA’
ChronData values:
labID (cR7ntladtH0wj9HDA0): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRfDy3r31nVjUMJOAd): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRg7IepGOtzvfSUikm): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRSID8G57emHpexhRj): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRVod0nYysqtb9MR0f): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRYYXkjJvCLyGNMewA): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:12 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Bunbury, Joan; Gajewski, Konrad’ has been replaced by ‘Bunbury, Joan’
pub1_issue: ‘4-Mar’ has been replaced by ‘3-4’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Sundqvist, H. S.”), list(name = “Kaufman, D. S.”), list(name = “McKay, N. P.”), list(name = “Balascio, N. L.”), list(name = “Briner, J. P.”), list(name = “Cwynar, L. C.”), list(name = “Sejrup, H. P.”), list(name = “Seppä, H.”), list(name = “Subetto, D. A.”), list(name = “Andrews, J. T.”), list(name = “Axford, Y.”), list(name = “Bakke, J.”), list(name = “Birks, H. J. B.”), list(name = “Brooks, S. J.”), list(name = “de Vernal, A.”), list(name = “Jennings, A. E.”), list(name = “Ljungqvist, F. C.”), list(name = “Rühland, K. M.”), list(name = “Saenger, C.”), list(name = “Smol, J. P.”), list(name = “Viau, A. E.”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘FQPVAPCU’
pub2_firstAuthor: NULL has been replaced by ‘Bunbury’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1605-1631’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘354 369’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Copernicus GmbH’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘10’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (PYT1E469BV6): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (PYT1E469BV6): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTXRLAM6GY): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (Rt5fI7YTsIK): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (Rt5fI7YTsIK): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR6cT4T8neJjQkbIl3’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRDVLRQljMepiZvaiK’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRGFP3R30Uzgh25TGU’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRrFQ1vVNJEygWmDPZ’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRSXxODhsRgdd1BK6K’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRwExt2QGi2kMgiJTn’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRyMD9jqlgwNKSswGJ’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘VestreOykjamyrtorn.EPD-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘VestreOykjamyrtorn.EPD-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘VestreOykjamyrtorn.EPD-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘VestreOykjamyrtorn.EPD-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘VestreOykjamyrtorn.EPD-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘VestreOykjamyrtorn.EPD-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘VestreOykjamyrtorn.EPD-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
age (cR6cT4T8neJjQkbIl3): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cR6cT4T8neJjQkbIl3): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cR6cT4T8neJjQkbIl3): chronData_TSid: ‘VestreOykjamyrtorn.EPD-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR6cT4T8neJjQkbIl3’
depth (cRDVLRQljMepiZvaiK): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRDVLRQljMepiZvaiK): chronData_TSid: ‘VestreOykjamyrtorn.EPD-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRDVLRQljMepiZvaiK’
ageLow (cRGFP3R30Uzgh25TGU): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cRGFP3R30Uzgh25TGU): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRGFP3R30Uzgh25TGU): chronData_TSid: ‘VestreOykjamyrtorn.EPD-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRGFP3R30Uzgh25TGU’
age_type (cRrFQ1vVNJEygWmDPZ): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRrFQ1vVNJEygWmDPZ): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRrFQ1vVNJEygWmDPZ): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRrFQ1vVNJEygWmDPZ): chronData_TSid: ‘VestreOykjamyrtorn.EPD-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRrFQ1vVNJEygWmDPZ’
thickness (cRSXxODhsRgdd1BK6K): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRSXxODhsRgdd1BK6K): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRSXxODhsRgdd1BK6K): chronData_TSid: ‘VestreOykjamyrtorn.EPD-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRSXxODhsRgdd1BK6K’
labID (cRwExt2QGi2kMgiJTn): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRwExt2QGi2kMgiJTn): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRwExt2QGi2kMgiJTn): chronData_TSid: ‘VestreOykjamyrtorn.EPD-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRwExt2QGi2kMgiJTn’
ageHi (cRyMD9jqlgwNKSswGJ): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cRyMD9jqlgwNKSswGJ): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cRyMD9jqlgwNKSswGJ): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
ageHi (cRyMD9jqlgwNKSswGJ): chronData_TSid: ‘VestreOykjamyrtorn.EPD-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRyMD9jqlgwNKSswGJ’
ChronData values:
age (cR6cT4T8neJjQkbIl3): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRDVLRQljMepiZvaiK): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRGFP3R30Uzgh25TGU): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRrFQ1vVNJEygWmDPZ): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRSXxODhsRgdd1BK6K): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRwExt2QGi2kMgiJTn): The chronData_values have changed
ageHi (cRyMD9jqlgwNKSswGJ): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:14 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RVvqTnCQTPj): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RVvqTnCQTPj): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RVvqTnCQTPj): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:14 UTC
Geographic metadata:
geo_gcmdLocation: ‘Africa>Eastern Africa>Lake Victoria’ has been replaced by ‘Africa>Eastern Africa>Tanzania’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEB127ac992): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
caaxis2 (WEBa568377b): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual’
caaxis2 (WEBa568377b): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P-E’
caaxis2 (WEBa568377b): interpretation1_variableDetail: ‘P-E’ has been replaced by ‘lakeLevel@surface’
caaxis2 (WEBa568377b): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P-E’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB127ac992): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
caaxis2 (WEBa568377b): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘“A diatom-inferred moisturebalance also suggests a high lake level between 11 and 8 ka for LakeVictori”’
caaxis2 (WEBa568377b): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:14 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
OM (PYTHQFCVRSQ): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
OM (PYTHQFCVRSQ): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:14 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_VM12_107_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_VM12_107_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_VM12_107_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_VM12_107_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:14 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_VM21_30_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_VM21_30_d18o_sacculifer_SST_from_d18o_sacculifer): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_VM21_30_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘12 1 2 3 4 5’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_VM21_30_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘12 1 2 3 4 5’
temperature (T2L_VM21_30_mgca_sacculifer_SST_from_mgca_sacculifer): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_VM21_30_uk37_SST_from_uk37): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_VM21_30_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_VM21_30_d18o_sacculifer_SST_from_d18o_sacculifer): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_VM21_30_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_VM21_30_mgca_sacculifer_SST_from_mgca_sacculifer): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_VM21_30_uk37_SST_from_uk37): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:15 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (T2L_VM28_122_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (T2L_VM28_122_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_VM28_122_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_VM28_122_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:15 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (GHe913d7ac): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (GHe913d7ac): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:15 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RtnsIQv2Pp1): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RtnsIQv2Pp1): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
nonReliableTemperature (WEB952f9fc6): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
nonReliableTemperature (WEB952f9fc6): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RtnsIQv2Pp1): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
nonReliableTemperature (WEB952f9fc6): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:15 UTC
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (RIUbIUm4xse): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RIUbIUm4xse): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘7’
temperature (RnWFgx2EeJy): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘7’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RnWFgx2EeJy): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘7’
temperature (RuRSFTJPObx): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by NULL
temperature (RuRSFTJPObx): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘summerOnly’ has been replaced by ‘Summer’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RIUbIUm4xse): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (RnWFgx2EeJy): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (RuRSFTJPObx): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:15 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYT5NNRROEV): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (PYT6GVRSFN5): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (PYT6GVRSFN5): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (PYT6GVRSFN5): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYT8K9SZXFO): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (PYTCDW3ELK3): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RT1Bytelilf): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (WEB47072267): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (PYT6GVRSFN5): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RpBQVlaFsD6): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RpBQVlaFsD6): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR2wtr7GbrgaudlguU’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR5t9XtQTu5ZSZT6dl’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR6H7CKC2JjNZTQrYC’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRKgFN0nPNlWOsGFiC’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRlzUjGVT5kjCPgC7v’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRrYhsnZYm8gUAFDtI’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRsNCvtfBNL3BMYEEb’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WachseldornUntermoos.Oeschger.1980-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘WachseldornUntermoos.Oeschger.1980-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘WachseldornUntermoos.Oeschger.1980-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘WachseldornUntermoos.Oeschger.1980-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘WachseldornUntermoos.Oeschger.1980-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘WachseldornUntermoos.Oeschger.1980-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘WachseldornUntermoos.Oeschger.1980-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
labID (cR2wtr7GbrgaudlguU): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cR2wtr7GbrgaudlguU): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cR2wtr7GbrgaudlguU): chronData_TSid: ‘WachseldornUntermoos.Oeschger.1980-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR2wtr7GbrgaudlguU’
thickness (cR5t9XtQTu5ZSZT6dl): chronData_TSid: ‘WachseldornUntermoos.Oeschger.1980-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR5t9XtQTu5ZSZT6dl’
ageLow (cR6H7CKC2JjNZTQrYC): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cR6H7CKC2JjNZTQrYC): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cR6H7CKC2JjNZTQrYC): chronData_TSid: ‘WachseldornUntermoos.Oeschger.1980-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cR6H7CKC2JjNZTQrYC’
depth (cRKgFN0nPNlWOsGFiC): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRKgFN0nPNlWOsGFiC): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRKgFN0nPNlWOsGFiC): chronData_TSid: ‘WachseldornUntermoos.Oeschger.1980-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRKgFN0nPNlWOsGFiC’
ageHi (cRlzUjGVT5kjCPgC7v): chronData_TSid: ‘WachseldornUntermoos.Oeschger.1980-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRlzUjGVT5kjCPgC7v’
age_type (cRrYhsnZYm8gUAFDtI): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cRrYhsnZYm8gUAFDtI): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cRrYhsnZYm8gUAFDtI): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cRrYhsnZYm8gUAFDtI): chronData_TSid: ‘WachseldornUntermoos.Oeschger.1980-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRrYhsnZYm8gUAFDtI’
age (cRsNCvtfBNL3BMYEEb): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRsNCvtfBNL3BMYEEb): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRsNCvtfBNL3BMYEEb): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
age (cRsNCvtfBNL3BMYEEb): chronData_TSid: ‘WachseldornUntermoos.Oeschger.1980-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRsNCvtfBNL3BMYEEb’
ChronData values:
labID (cR2wtr7GbrgaudlguU): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cR6H7CKC2JjNZTQrYC): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRKgFN0nPNlWOsGFiC): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cRrYhsnZYm8gUAFDtI): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRsNCvtfBNL3BMYEEb): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.7
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:16 UTC
PaleoData table:
Column ‘WEB14686435’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBaa6ac386’, with variable name ‘accumulation’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBf671aef0’, with variable name ‘acc’, was added to the dataset
Publication metadata:
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Fudge, T. J.”), list(name = “Markle, Bradley R.”), list(name = “Cuffey, Kurt M.”), list(name = “Buizert, Christo”), list(name = “Taylor, Kendrick C.”), list(name = “Steig, Eric J.”), list(name = “Waddington, Edwin D.”), list(name = “Conway, Howard”), list(name = “Koutnik, Michelle”))’
pub2_doi: NULL has been replaced by ‘10.1002/2016GL068356’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘8’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Geophysical Research Letters’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘3795-3803’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘American Geophysical Union (AGU)’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Variable relationship between accumulation and temperature in West Antarctica for the past 31,000 years’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘43’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2016’
Geographic metadata:
geo_location: NULL has been replaced by ‘Antarctica’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
temperature (WEBf4040255): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by NULL
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEBf4040255): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:16 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB7f2f016d): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
accumulation (WEB83314316): paleoData_proxy: ‘accumulation’ has been replaced by ‘ice accumulation’
accumulation (WEB83314316): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘Accumulation’
accumulation (WEB83314316): paleoData_proxyGeneral: ‘other ice’ has been replaced by ‘Ice Accumulation’
accumulation (WEB83314316): paleoData_proxyLumps: ‘accumulation’ has been replaced by ‘ice accumulation’
accumulation (WEB83314316): paleoData_QCnotes: ‘Added proxyGeneral’ has been replaced by ‘Added proxyGeneral; superseded by WAISDivide.Cuffey.2016’
accumulation (WEB83314316): paleoData_variableNameOriginal: ‘accumulationRate’ has been replaced by ‘Accumulation’
accumulation (WEB83314316): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
accumulation (WEB83314316): paleoData_proxyOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Ice Accumulation’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
accumulation (WEB83314316): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,138’
accumulation (WEB83314316): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
accumulation (WEB83314316): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
accumulation (WEB83314316): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Version: 1.0.3
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:16 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Levy, Laura B.; Kaufman, Darrell S.; Werner, Al’ has been replaced by ‘Levy, Laura B.’
pub1_title: ‘Holocene glacier fluctuations, Waskey Lake, northeastern Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska’ has been replaced by ‘Holocene glacier fluctuations, Waskey Lake, northeastern Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Sundqvist, H. S.”), list(name = “Kaufman, D. S.”), list(name = “McKay, N. P.”), list(name = “Balascio, N. L.”), list(name = “Briner, J. P.”), list(name = “Cwynar, L. C.”), list(name = “Sejrup, H. P.”), list(name = “Seppä, H.”), list(name = “Subetto, D. A.”), list(name = “Andrews, J. T.”), list(name = “Axford, Y.”), list(name = “Bakke, J.”), list(name = “Birks, H. J. B.”), list(name = “Brooks, S. J.”), list(name = “de Vernal, A.”), list(name = “Jennings, A. E.”), list(name = “Ljungqvist, F. C.”), list(name = “Rühland, K. M.”), list(name = “Saenger, C.”), list(name = “Smol, J. P.”), list(name = “Viau, A. E.”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘UW29F9CE’
pub2_firstAuthor: NULL has been replaced by ‘Levy’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Climate of the Past’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘1605-1631’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘185 193’
pub2_pubDataUrl: NULL has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Copernicus GmbH’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘10’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2014’
Paleo Column metadata:
OM (PYT4TLJ4Q7Z): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
bulk density (PYT5C722B8Z): paleoData_proxy: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
bulk density (PYT5C722B8Z): paleoData_proxyLumps: NULL has been replaced by ‘BulkSed’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:17 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (R7LeQoyUglX): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RGWemwytx8C): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (Rndk20JUlYM): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (Rty5zp1fztI): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (Ruw3dJ9QqiU): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (Ruw3dJ9QqiU): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (Ruw3dJ9QqiU): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (Ruw3dJ9QqiU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (Ruw3dJ9QqiU): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (Ruw3dJ9QqiU): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (Ruw3dJ9QqiU): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RkFka3nS2xG): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RkFka3nS2xG): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR8Xpkw7wP2YEy425L’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRb92uRCijzmQ6WMl6’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRBoNgZM5mrpnW4GLg’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRCWxUQeplFHjjcvm1’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRmEcFWlc6WN3ftpkf’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRoZbyvaSmnf2aPxpF’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRZXVyI31az7pBgRW0’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WilderSeebeimRuhestein.EPD-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘WilderSeebeimRuhestein.EPD-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘WilderSeebeimRuhestein.EPD-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘WilderSeebeimRuhestein.EPD-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘WilderSeebeimRuhestein.EPD-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘WilderSeebeimRuhestein.EPD-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘WilderSeebeimRuhestein.EPD-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
ageLow (cR8Xpkw7wP2YEy425L): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageLow (cR8Xpkw7wP2YEy425L): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cR8Xpkw7wP2YEy425L): chronData_TSid: ‘WilderSeebeimRuhestein.EPD-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR8Xpkw7wP2YEy425L’
depth (cRb92uRCijzmQ6WMl6): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRb92uRCijzmQ6WMl6): chronData_TSid: ‘WilderSeebeimRuhestein.EPD-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cRb92uRCijzmQ6WMl6’
age (cRBoNgZM5mrpnW4GLg): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRBoNgZM5mrpnW4GLg): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRBoNgZM5mrpnW4GLg): chronData_TSid: ‘WilderSeebeimRuhestein.EPD-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRBoNgZM5mrpnW4GLg’
labID (cRCWxUQeplFHjjcvm1): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRCWxUQeplFHjjcvm1): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRCWxUQeplFHjjcvm1): chronData_TSid: ‘WilderSeebeimRuhestein.EPD-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRCWxUQeplFHjjcvm1’
ageHi (cRmEcFWlc6WN3ftpkf): chronData_TSid: ‘WilderSeebeimRuhestein.EPD-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRmEcFWlc6WN3ftpkf’
thickness (cRoZbyvaSmnf2aPxpF): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRoZbyvaSmnf2aPxpF): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRoZbyvaSmnf2aPxpF): chronData_TSid: ‘WilderSeebeimRuhestein.EPD-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRoZbyvaSmnf2aPxpF’
age_type (cRZXVyI31az7pBgRW0): chronData_TSid: ‘WilderSeebeimRuhestein.EPD-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRZXVyI31az7pBgRW0’
ChronData values:
ageLow (cR8Xpkw7wP2YEy425L): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRb92uRCijzmQ6WMl6): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRBoNgZM5mrpnW4GLg): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRCWxUQeplFHjjcvm1): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRoZbyvaSmnf2aPxpF): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:18 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (T2L_WIND28K_d18o_ruber_SST_from_d18o_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (T2L_WIND28K_mgca_ruber_SST_from_mgca_ruber): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:19 UTC
Publication metadata:
pub1_author: ‘Chase, Marianne; Bleskie, Christina; Walker, Ian R.; Gavin, Daniel G.; Hu, Feng Sheng’ has been replaced by ‘Chase, Marianne’
pub1_issue: ‘2-Jan’ has been replaced by ‘1-2’
pub1_title: ‘Midge-inferred Holocene summer temperatures in southeastern British Columbia, Canada’ has been replaced by ‘Midge-inferred Holocene summer temperatures in Southeastern British Columbia, Canada’
pub2_pubDataUrl: ‘Manually Entered’ has been replaced by ‘doi.org’
pub2_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘list(list(name = “Gavin, Daniel G.”), list(name = “Brubaker, Linda B.”), list(name = “Greenwald, D. Noah”))’
pub2_citeKey: NULL has been replaced by ‘C4SM8I34’
pub2_issue: NULL has been replaced by ‘4’
pub2_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Ecological Monographs’
pub2_page: NULL has been replaced by ‘471-489’
pub2_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘244 259’
pub2_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Wiley’
pub2_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Postglacial climate and fire-mediated vegetation change on the western Olympic Peninsula, Washington (USA)’
pub2_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘article-journal’
pub2_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘83’
pub2_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2013’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEBf35d2722): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘wNAm-0_15_0, Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.6
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:19 UTC
PaleoData table:
Column ‘WEB08716a79’, with variable name ‘PCA1’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEB11efba07’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘WEBd3eaa693’, with variable name ‘PCA2’, was added to the dataset
Base metadata:
notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Additional data added by CH on 11/17/21 (3rd paleoData table)’
Publication metadata:
pub3_abstract: NULL has been replaced by ‘AbstractPollen spectra from cores of organic spring deposits from the Transvaal provide evidence for the climatic evolution of the province during the last 35,000 yr B.P. or more. The past climatic phases are derived from palynological reconstructions of past vegetation types by comparison of fossil pollen data with modern surface pollen spectra from various localities. Evidence is provided for an early moist, cool phase with relatively mesic bushveld and expanded montane forest in the central Transvaal, followed by a drier period with drier bushveld which probably lasted until approximately 25,000 yr B.P. During the next phase, which at the latest ended about 11,000 yr B.P., the temperatures were probably 5°–6°C cooler than at present. At that time bushveld vegetation in the central Transvaal was replaced by open grassland with macchia elements. Climatic amelioration came and semiarid savanna returned to the plains, at first gradually and then developing into a warm Kalahari thornveld-type vegetation. After 6000 yr B.P. it apparently became slightly wetter and a more broad-leafed bushveld developed. About 4000 yr B.P. it again became cooler and slightly wetter and the bushveld vegetation on the central and northern plains was comparable to present open upland types. After 2000 yr B.P. conditions gradually became warner until about 1000 yr B.P., when the modern climate of the central Transvaal bushveld originated.’
pub3_author: NULL has been replaced by ‘Scott, Louis’
pub4_journal: NULL has been replaced by ‘Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology’
pub4_pages: NULL has been replaced by ‘198-206’
pub4_publisher: NULL has been replaced by ‘Elsevier BV’
pub4_title: NULL has been replaced by ‘Reconciliation of vegetation and climatic interpretations of pollen profiles and other regional records from the last 60 thousand years in the Savanna Biome of Southern Africa’
pub4_type: NULL has been replaced by ‘journal-article’
pub4_volume: NULL has been replaced by ‘257’
pub4_year: NULL has been replaced by ‘2008’
Geographic metadata:
geo_location: NULL has been replaced by ‘South Africa’
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RLWjHSdRtHs): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (Rp2JYWaTx52): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RtpMcgORKEU): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RY88atNNOGA): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_6_0’
Version: 1.1.2
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:19 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperatureComposite (ReWrRAaxLgp): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
GDD5 (RJey8clW6sN): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RL9fsjHX6Mw): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RoNp0y5n6f1): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (RSx1aYuW4Rc): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (RSx1aYuW4Rc): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (RSx1aYuW4Rc): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (RSx1aYuW4Rc): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (RSx1aYuW4Rc): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (RSx1aYuW4Rc): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (RSx1aYuW4Rc): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (RSx1aYuW4Rc): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (RSx1aYuW4Rc): calibration_method: ‘MAT’ has been replaced by ‘JM18_MAT’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cR1V5S211ZIqOQvKGp’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cR3Y9hU1Ukgn5megqQ’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRA7QLB2hvYWqpGUhW’, with variable name ‘depth’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRfFgULGYDi1SobnDC’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRfKRjlq9NK0EnK6KY’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRKDRPokItyzUQOF2P’, with variable name ‘labID’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘cRmft2nvCA8ca3a4kj’, with variable name ‘age’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Woryty.EPD-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘depth’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Woryty.EPD-chron-NA2’, with variable name ‘thickness’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Woryty.EPD-chron-NA3’, with variable name ‘labID’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Woryty.EPD-chron-NA4’, with variable name ‘age’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Woryty.EPD-chron-NA5’, with variable name ‘ageHi’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Woryty.EPD-chron-NA6’, with variable name ‘ageLow’, was removed from the dataset
Column ‘Woryty.EPD-chron-NA7’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Chron Column metadata:
ageHi (cR1V5S211ZIqOQvKGp): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
ageHi (cR1V5S211ZIqOQvKGp): chronData_variableName: ‘depth’ has been replaced by ‘ageHi’
ageHi (cR1V5S211ZIqOQvKGp): chronData_TSid: ‘Woryty.EPD-chron-NA1’ has been replaced by ‘cR1V5S211ZIqOQvKGp’
age_type (cR3Y9hU1Ukgn5megqQ): chronData_units: ‘cm’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
age_type (cR3Y9hU1Ukgn5megqQ): chronData_variableName: ‘thickness’ has been replaced by ‘age_type’
age_type (cR3Y9hU1Ukgn5megqQ): chronData_variableNameOriginal: NULL has been replaced by ‘type’
age_type (cR3Y9hU1Ukgn5megqQ): chronData_TSid: ‘Woryty.EPD-chron-NA2’ has been replaced by ‘cR3Y9hU1Ukgn5megqQ’
depth (cRA7QLB2hvYWqpGUhW): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
depth (cRA7QLB2hvYWqpGUhW): chronData_variableName: ‘labID’ has been replaced by ‘depth’
depth (cRA7QLB2hvYWqpGUhW): chronData_TSid: ‘Woryty.EPD-chron-NA3’ has been replaced by ‘cRA7QLB2hvYWqpGUhW’
thickness (cRfFgULGYDi1SobnDC): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘cm’
thickness (cRfFgULGYDi1SobnDC): chronData_variableName: ‘age’ has been replaced by ‘thickness’
thickness (cRfFgULGYDi1SobnDC): chronData_TSid: ‘Woryty.EPD-chron-NA4’ has been replaced by ‘cRfFgULGYDi1SobnDC’
ageLow (cRfKRjlq9NK0EnK6KY): chronData_variableName: ‘ageHi’ has been replaced by ‘ageLow’
ageLow (cRfKRjlq9NK0EnK6KY): chronData_TSid: ‘Woryty.EPD-chron-NA5’ has been replaced by ‘cRfKRjlq9NK0EnK6KY’
labID (cRKDRPokItyzUQOF2P): chronData_units: ‘yr BP’ has been replaced by ‘unitless’
labID (cRKDRPokItyzUQOF2P): chronData_variableName: ‘ageLow’ has been replaced by ‘labID’
labID (cRKDRPokItyzUQOF2P): chronData_TSid: ‘Woryty.EPD-chron-NA6’ has been replaced by ‘cRKDRPokItyzUQOF2P’
age (cRmft2nvCA8ca3a4kj): chronData_units: ‘unitless’ has been replaced by ‘yr BP’
age (cRmft2nvCA8ca3a4kj): chronData_variableName: ‘age_type’ has been replaced by ‘age’
age (cRmft2nvCA8ca3a4kj): chronData_variableNameOriginal: ‘type’ has been replaced by NULL
age (cRmft2nvCA8ca3a4kj): chronData_TSid: ‘Woryty.EPD-chron-NA7’ has been replaced by ‘cRmft2nvCA8ca3a4kj’
ChronData values:
ageHi (cR1V5S211ZIqOQvKGp): The chronData_values have changed
age_type (cR3Y9hU1Ukgn5megqQ): The chronData_values have changed
depth (cRA7QLB2hvYWqpGUhW): The chronData_values have changed
thickness (cRfFgULGYDi1SobnDC): The chronData_values have changed
ageLow (cRfKRjlq9NK0EnK6KY): The chronData_values have changed
labID (cRKDRPokItyzUQOF2P): The chronData_values have changed
age (cRmft2nvCA8ca3a4kj): The chronData_values have changed
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:19 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (RF0gr6pQtHK): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.4
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:19 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (LPDf97892fc): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.0.8
lastVersion: 1.0.1
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:20 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
precipitation (LPD016736e6): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (LPD016736e6): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (LPD016736e6): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
precipitation (LPD016736e6): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘“The age model is based on four radiocarbon dates (Kito and Takimoto, 1999), which were converted to calendar years before present (cal BP) using Calib 3.0 (Stuiver and Reimer, 1993), as well as on the two prominent tephra layers of known age (Katsui et al., 1975; Hayakawa and Koyama, 1998) found in the upper part of the peat section.” ( Leipe et al, 2013)’
precipitation (LPD016736e6): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/season’
precipitation (LPD016736e6): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (LPD016736e6): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Precipitation, Apr-Sep’
precipitation (LPD1df53edc): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (LPD1df53edc): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
precipitation (LPD1df53edc): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (LPD1df53edc): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Precipitation, Oct-Mar, max’
precipitation (LPD20c83aad): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (LPD20c83aad): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
precipitation (LPD20c83aad): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (LPD20c83aad): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Precipitation, Oct-Mar, min’
WMT (LPD274a3399): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
temperature (LPD27f34021): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (LPD50ad7cf7): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (LPD50ad7cf7): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
precipitation (LPD50ad7cf7): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
precipitation (LPD50ad7cf7): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Precipitation, annual mean max’
precipitation (LPD55404d27): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (LPD55404d27): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (LPD55404d27): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
precipitation (LPD55404d27): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘“The age model is based on four radiocarbon dates (Kito and Takimoto, 1999), which were converted to calendar years before present (cal BP) using Calib 3.0 (Stuiver and Reimer, 1993), as well as on the two prominent tephra layers of known age (Katsui et al., 1975; Hayakawa and Koyama, 1998) found in the upper part of the peat section.” ( Leipe et al, 2013)’
precipitation (LPD55404d27): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/season’
precipitation (LPD55404d27): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (LPD55404d27): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Precipitation, Oct-Mar’
WMTmin (LPD5c7dbad2): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
precipitation (LPD72217804): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (LPD72217804): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (LPD72217804): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
precipitation (LPD72217804): paleoData_QCnotes: NULL has been replaced by ‘“The age model is based on four radiocarbon dates (Kito and Takimoto, 1999), which were converted to calendar years before present (cal BP) using Calib 3.0 (Stuiver and Reimer, 1993), as well as on the two prominent tephra layers of known age (Katsui et al., 1975; Hayakawa and Koyama, 1998) found in the upper part of the peat section.” ( Leipe et al, 2013)’
precipitation (LPD72217804): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (LPD72217804): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
precipitation (LPD72217804): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Precipitation, annual mean’
precipitation (LPD735df7eb): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (LPD735df7eb): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
precipitation (LPD735df7eb): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (LPD735df7eb): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Precipitation, Apr-Sep, max’
CMT (LPD7e71c684): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
precipitation (LPD8777d218): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (LPD8777d218): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
precipitation (LPD8777d218): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (LPD8777d218): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Precipitation, annual mean min’
CMTmax (LPD9d98e500): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
precipitation (LPD9f23e117): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (LPD9f23e117): paleoData_QCCertification: NULL has been replaced by ‘CH’
precipitation (LPD9f23e117): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (LPD9f23e117): paleoData_notes: NULL has been replaced by ‘Precipitation, Apr-Sep, min’
MATmax (LPDb18c1a76): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
MATmin (LPDcfb4b1ec): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
CMTmin (LPDfcf2b497): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
WMTmax (LPDffbd62c9): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (LPD016736e6): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘Summer’ has been replaced by ‘4,5,6,7,8,9’
precipitation (LPD016736e6): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘summer+’
precipitation (LPD016736e6): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (LPD016736e6): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
precipitation (LPD016736e6): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (LPD1df53edc): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘Pmax’
precipitation (LPD1df53edc): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘Pmax’
precipitation (LPD20c83aad): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘Pmin’
precipitation (LPD20c83aad): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘Pmin’
precipitation (LPD50ad7cf7): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘Pmax’
precipitation (LPD50ad7cf7): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘Pmax’
precipitation (LPD55404d27): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘winter’ has been replaced by ‘10,11,12,1,2,3’
precipitation (LPD55404d27): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘winter+’
precipitation (LPD55404d27): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (LPD55404d27): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
precipitation (LPD55404d27): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (LPD72217804): interpretation1_seasonality: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12’
precipitation (LPD72217804): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: ‘annual’ has been replaced by ‘Annual’
precipitation (LPD72217804): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (LPD72217804): interpretation1_variableDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘precipitation@surface’
precipitation (LPD72217804): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’
precipitation (LPD735df7eb): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘Pmax’
precipitation (LPD735df7eb): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘Pmax’
precipitation (LPD8777d218): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘Pmin’
precipitation (LPD8777d218): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘Pmin’
precipitation (LPD9f23e117): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘Pmin’
precipitation (LPD9f23e117): interpretation1_variableGroup: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘Pmin’
Paleo Calibration metadata:
precipitation (LPD016736e6): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘MAT’
precipitation (LPD1df53edc): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘MAT’
precipitation (LPD20c83aad): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘MAT’
precipitation (LPD50ad7cf7): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘MAT’
precipitation (LPD55404d27): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘MAT’
precipitation (LPD72217804): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘MAT’
precipitation (LPD735df7eb): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘MAT’
precipitation (LPD8777d218): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘MAT’
precipitation (LPD9f23e117): calibration_method: NULL has been replaced by ‘MAT’
Version: 1.0.5
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:20 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (WEB911b3b41): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temp2 (WEB9a94ffe8): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_4_0’
ChronData table:
Column ‘cRCfP4htKL3nt4TkOU’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was added to the dataset
Column ‘Yanou.Foster.2016-chron-NA1’, with variable name ‘age_type’, was removed from the dataset
Version: 1.0.1
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:20 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
temperature (PYTZVO3IV03): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Version: 1.1.3
lastVersion: 1.0.0
curator: nicholas
timestamp: 2022-05-18 21:29:20 UTC
Paleo Column metadata:
GDD5 (R2Bo9Q24qnz): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
precipitation (Rgrci96AHcP): paleoData_datum: NULL has been replaced by ‘abs’
precipitation (Rgrci96AHcP): paleoData_proxyDetail: NULL has been replaced by ‘assemblage’
precipitation (Rgrci96AHcP): paleoData_units: ‘mm’ has been replaced by ‘mm/a’
precipitation (Rgrci96AHcP): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperatureComposite (RnT1vXlxV0s): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (Rqj999VObpj): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
temperature (RZG6XCZFVZ9): paleoData_mostRecentCompilations: NULL has been replaced by ‘Temp12k-1_0_2, HoloceneAbruptChange-0_10_0’
Paleo Interpretation metadata:
precipitation (Rgrci96AHcP): interpretation1_seasonalityGeneral: NULL has been replaced by ‘annual’
precipitation (Rgrci96AHcP): interpretation1_variable: ‘M’ has been replaced by ‘P’